Theoretical assessments of materials for the radio frequency absorptive coatings V.M. Lelevkin1 and K.A. Moldosanov2 Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek 720000, Kyrgyz Republic ABSTRACT Theoretical assessments and physical mechanisms of absorptive materials for screening coatings are presented. These coatings can be applied on walls and/or blinds to protect rooms against the electromagnetic radiation (EM), to screen the computer radiation, as well as to absorb EM radiation of the mobile telephony. Here, the absorber means a material in which the EM wave is faded, and its energy is dissipated and converted into heat. Dissipation of the EM energy can be provided by means of increased intensity of electron scattering in metallic nanoparticles. In this approach, the following physical phenomena are used: (i) increase of the energy distance ΔE between the electron energy levels when a size of the metallic particle is decreased; (ii) transparence of the metallic particle with regard to the EM radiation, when the energy quantum hν of the radiation becomes less than ΔE; (iii) dissipation of the EM wave energy in the metallic particle due to increased probability of the electron scattering; (iv) gradual attenuation of the EM wave in a layer of a great number of metallic particles at the expense of conversion of the EM energy into heat. Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, absorptive coating, nanoparticle, attenuation, absorption, Fermi energy Nowadays, the radio frequency absorptive coatings became actual in connection with development of the mobile telephony, computer science, and necessity to defend information against non-sanctioned control and protect rooms and computers from overhearing. This paper concerns these problems and propounds the nanoparticlebased approach. Evolution of the electron spectrum of the metallic particle with decreasing its size When a size of the metallic particle is decreased, a number of metal atoms N in it is decreased too. Correspondingly, a number of electron energy states in the electron spectrum is decreased, and the energy distance ΔE ~ EF/N between the electron states is increased (here, EF is the Fermi energy of the metal of the particle; typical value of EF ~ 10 eV). Let the decreasing in size particle is in the field of the EM wave with the energy quantum of hν . When the number N of atoms is decreased down to the value N0 at which the energy distance between the electron energy levels exceeds the energy quantum: ΔE > hν, then the quantum of radiation can not excite the Fermi electron and transfer it to the next, higher energy level near to the Fermi energy. That means that the metallic particle becomes transparent for the incident radiation, and the EM wave goes through the particle without attenuation. In other words, the conductivity 1 2 E-mail: E-mail: 1-176 electrons stop screening of the external EM field and do not oscillate in the field, i.e., the reflected wave is absent. Let us estimate the size of the metallic particle being in the field with the wavelength of 1 cm (hν = 1.2ּ10–4 eV). We would like to estimate the number N0 of atoms in the particle which it should consist of in order to become transparent with respect to the 1 cm radiation. From the relationship between ΔE and number N, we find that N0 ~ EF/ΔE ~ 10 eV/1.2ּ10–4 eV ≈ 105 atoms. Now let us imagine the particle as a cube. Then the maximum size of its edge is N01/3 ≈ 105/3 ≈ 46 atoms. To estimate the edge’s size, let us assume for definiteness that the size of atoms in the particle is 4 Å. Then the edge’s size is about 46ּ4 Å = 184 Å, and the estimated “diameter” of the particle (i.e., a length of the body diagonal of the cube) is 184 Åּ31/2 ≈ 320 Å = 32 nm. Thus, in order the radiation with the wavelength of 1 cm pass through the particles with no attenuation, their estimated diameter should not exceed 32 nm. Then, creating in such nanoparticles a mechanism of dissipation of the EM wave energy, and preparing a layer-matrix of a great number of non-agglomerated nanoparticles of sizes less than 32 nm, it is possible to provide a gradual attenuation (absorption) of the radiation in such the layer-matrix. Now, let the metallic nanoparticle is radiated with the EM wave of the frequency typical for mobile communucation, for example, 800 MHz. For this radiation, the energy quantum hν = 3.3ּ10–6 eV, the number of atoms N0 ≈ 3ּ106, the edge’s size of the cube: 144 atoms, or 576 Å, and the estimated “diameter” of the particle is 576 Åּ31/2 ≈ 1000 Å = 100 nm. Thus, in order the nanoparticles let pass the 800 MHz wave without attenuation, their estimated diameter should not exceed 100 nm. Dissipation of the EM energy in the nanoparticle with the electron energy states density (EESD) peak at its Fermi energy Let we have transparent nanoparticles. Now, if we cause in them an insignificant dissipation of the EM energy, then, making a layer-matrix of these nanoparticles, we could provide: first, passing of the EM wave inside the layer-matrix; and second, a gradual attenuation of the EM wave. And at sufficient thickness of the layer-matrix, the wave would entirely fade. Attenuation of the wave in nanoparticles through dissipation of the wave energy can be provided at the expense of electron scattering. For that, let us artificially create some number of energy states close by the Fermi energy EF of the metal of nanoparticle. These energy states should have the value of the energy distance ΔE' less than that in the transparent metallic nanoparticles, i.e., for these states ΔE' < hν. Under these conditions, the energy dissipation would be provided at the expense of scattering of electrons of the artificial energy states located close by EF. This physical mechanism could be realized if we introduce the impurity atoms into the nanoparticle, with the following requirements to energy states of impurity atoms: (a) they should get into the vicinity of the Fermi energy of the metal of nanoparticles; and (b) they should be arranged more often than those of the metal of nanoparticles. It turned out that suitable pairs of metals for nanoparticles and impurity atoms exist. 1-177 For example, aluminium can be chosen as the metal for nanoparticles, and the 3dmetals, vanadium, chromium, and manganese, can be chosen as the suitable impurity atoms. In systems with 3d-metal ions dissolved in Al, the electrons of the d-bands of V, Cr, and Mn get close by the Fermi energy of Al, which causes an increased probability of scattering of electrons which have been excited by the wave to the states near to EF . Data of the Table 1 show that the electron energy states density (EESD) peaks in intermetallic compounds of Al and V, Cr, or Mn are closer by the Fermi energy of Al than those in other compounds of Al and 3d-metals. As a distance between the electron energy states within the d-band, ΔEd , is less than that in s- and p-bands, ΔEs,p , of the metal of nanoparticle (Al), then in nanoparticles of the intermetallide a situation may take place, when ΔEs,p > hν, but ΔEd < hν. In this case, the EM wave would excite the Fermi electrons into the d-band, and they would be scattered by electrons of the d-band and by lattice ions. Intensity of scattering would be rised, as the number of empty electron states in vicinity of the Fermi energy of the proper intermetallic compound is large. In this way, the EM wave energy would be converted into heat, and the EM wave would fade. To absorb apprecially the incident radiation, one should use a great number of considered here almost transparent nanoparticles by putting them into paint, varnish or other matrix (plastic, cloth, rubber, ceramics, etc.). Table 1. Parameters of the EESD peaks created by impurity 3d-atoms in Al [1] Impurity atoms Reference Parameters V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Ed – EF — — – 0.72 – 0.93 – 1.53 – 2.42 – 4.52 [2] — — 1.44 1.54 1.64 1.22 1.12 Ed – EF 0.17 – 0.25 – 0.60 – 1.03 – 1.84 – 3.43 – 6.57 [3] 3.26 2.56 2.06 1.64 1.26 0.80 0.30 Ed – EF 0.13 – 0.40 – 0.60 – 0.82 – 1.20 – 1.82 – 3.40 [4] 2.90 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.20 0.92 0.64 Ed – EF 0.0 – 0.3 – 0.6 – 0.8 – 1.1 – 1.8 – 3.1 [5] 6.8 5.8 4.6 4.0 3.0 1.2 1.4 Ed – EF — — – 0.48 – 0.82 — — — [6] — — 2.72 1.52 — — — Notes: (Ed – EF) is a position of the EESD peak’s center relatively to EF, eV; is a width of the EESD peak at half of its maximum, eV. Another example. As the metal for nanoparticles, there could be chosen copper, and as the metal providing the EESD peak at the Fermi energy of the copper, – nickel. Nickel has the d-band at its Fermi energy. Being dissolved in the Cu lattice, Ni ions provide the d-band at the Fermi energy of the Cu-Ni alloy [7]. At last, let us consider a special case of so called system with heavy fermions. There are the compounds of simple metals and the rare-earth elements, which at low temperatures possess anomalously high values of the specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, specific resistance (~ 10–4 Ohmּcm), and effective electron mass as large as 102-103 free electron masses. Such systems have very high, narrow and partly filled 1-178 the EESD peak of f-electrons (f-band) at the Fermi energy, which just causes the anomalous properties of these compounds. When using nanoparticles of the heavy fermions systems, the EM wave would be attenuating fast due to high intensity of electron scattering. Hence, a thickness of the absorptive layer would be small. In large crystals of the heavy fermions systems, at room temperatures (T ≈ 300 K), a very narrow EESD peak of the f-band is “washed away” by phonons (kT ≈ 2.6ּ10–2 eV) and disappeared, i.e., the f-electrons would be “shaked out” into the s-p-d-states above EF. But the narrow EESD peak of the f-band can be kept if the compound with heavy fermions is prepared as sufficiently small particle, with a size providing a distance between the f-band and the nearest unfilled energy state of the s-p-d-band (above the f-peak) more than the energy of 2.6ּ10–2 eV. In this case, phonons could not excite the electrons of the f-band to the states of the s-p-d-band above it, and the f-peak would be kept. But the quantum of the radio frequency EM radiation could excite the electron of the f-band and transfer it from its initial state near to EF to the state above it within the f-band. There, the excited electron would be subjected to intensive scattering and, having no time to emit the secondary radio frequency quantum, would be shaked off to the state near to the EF. Let us now briefly evaluate what should be the number of atoms N0 in the particle of the heavy fermions compound in order the electron energy states be separated from each other by the energy exceeding the thermal smearing kT ≈ 2.6ּ10–2 eV. Again as before, N0 ≤ EF/kT ~ 10 eV/2.6ּ10–2 eV ≈ 385 atoms. Then the edge of the estimated cube should consist of 3851/3 ≈ 7 atoms, and the estimated “diameter” of the particle is 7ּ31/2 ≈ 12 atoms. Let again for definiteness, the size of atoms is 4 Å. Then the estimated “diameter” of the nanoparticle is 12ּ4 Å = 48 Å ≈ 5 nm. Conclusion Correctness of the approach considered here is confirmed by results of the paper [8]. 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