Direction-changes and asymmetries of flow through the heart Philip J Kilner, Guang-Zhong Yang, A John Wilkes, Raad H Mohiaddin, David N Firmin, Magdi H Yacoub. Corresponding Email Addresses Philip Kilner: Guang-Zhong Yang:, Supplementary information Movie files: Movie 1 Flow in the right atrium (corresponds to figure 1a-b). Movie 2 Flow in the left atrium (corresponds to figure 1c-d). Movie 3 Flow in the left ventricle (corresponds to figure 1e-f). Movie 4 Flow in rocked asymmetric and symmetric open cavity models. Movie 5 Flow in asymmetric and symmetric models after cessation of rocking. Contents of supplementary text below: Table 1: Subjects studied Table 2: Planes studied by velocity mapping Alignment of planes in table 2 Magnetic resonance velocity mapping Consistency of large scale flow topology between subjects Table 1: Subjects studied No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 m/f m m f m f m m m f m m m m f m m m m f f m m age 34 (Figure 1 illustrates studies in this subject) 46 32 34 29 31 35 36 26 34 49 56 51 26 31 39 37 38 42 32 35 26 Table 2: Planes studied by velocity mapping 1 Coronal, 5 contiguous slices, all four chambers 2 Sagittal, 5 contiguous slices, right atrium 3 Sagittal, single slice, mid right atrium 4 Transaxial, mid right atrium 5 Oblique coronal, right atrium-ventricle 6 Coronal, single slice, mid left atrium 7 Oblique sagittal, aortic arch plane 8 Left ventricle – vertical long axis 9 Left ventricle – horizontal long axis 10 Left ventricle – oblique long-axis 11 Left ventricle – short axis, below mitral valve Subject Nos. (n=2) 1,2 (n=1) 1 (n=6) 1,2,3,5,16,22 (n=2) 1,9 (n=3) 1,2,7 (n=4) 1,2,10,20 (n=10) 1,3,4,7,16,17,18,19,20,21 (n=8) 3,4,6,8,11,12,13,14 (n=9) 2,3,4,6,8,11,12,13,14 (n=7) 1,2,3,6,9,10,15 (n=9) 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,13 Alignment of planes in table 2 Planes 1 and 2 refer to acquisition of 5 contiguous slices, in coronal and sagittal orientations, respectively, each slice being 10mm thick, to record velocities in voxels distributed though the volume of a slab 5cm in total thickness. Plane 3 was sagittal, aligned from transaxial pilot images to pass through the right atrial cavity and its inlets from superior and inferior caval veins (as in figure 1a-b). Plane 4 was transaxial, passing through right atrium, tricuspid valve and mitral valve. Plane 5 was oblique coronal, aligned from transaxial pilots to pass through the right atrium, tricuspid valve and right ventricle. Plane 6 was coronal, aligned from transaxial pilots to pass through the left atrial cavity and its inlets from the superior pulmonary veins. Flow from inferior pulmonary veins reached this plane from inlets slightly posterior to it (as in figure 1c-d). Plane 7 was an oblique sagittal plane aligned by location of 3 points in the lumen of the aortic arch - one placed at the top, one anteriorly and one posteriorly, the last two points being at right pulmonary artery level. The plane cut through the left atrial cavity, throughplane components of velocity showing directions of flow in upper and lower parts of the cavity. Plane 8 was aligned, from transaxial pilot images, with the long-axis of the left ventricle, passing through mitral valve and ventricular apex. Plane 9 was aligned, orthogonal to plane 8, with the long-axis of the left ventricle, passing through mitral valve and ventricular apex. Plane 10 was aligned, from coronal pilot images, with the long-axis of the left ventricle. The plane passed through the mitral valve, ventricular apex and aortic valve (as in figure 1e-f). Plane 11 was aligned, orthogonal to long-axis images, to transect the left ventricle in its short axis one third of the distance from mitral valve to apex. Magnetic resonance velocity mapping Phase difference velocity mapping was performed using a 0.5 Tesla Picker magnet with modified gradient coils and a surface receiver coil and previously validated phase velocity mapping software 2,3. A 1.5 Tesla Picker Edge MRI system with commercially available phase velocity mapping software was used for studies of planes 1 and 6 in subject 2, and planes 10 and 11 in subject 9. In each plane, components of velocity in x, y and z directions were mapped using reference and velocity encoded gradient echo sequences with echo times of 14ms in the 0.5T magnet, or 4.4ms in the 1.5T magnet. Slice thickness was 8-10mm, field of view 40cm, with 2 averages of 128 phase encoding steps. On the 0.5T system, reference and x, y and z velocity data were acquired in successive heart beats, interleaved over a period of 15-20 minutes for all 3 velocity components in a single plane, depending on heart rate. The 1.5 Tesla system allowed sequential acquisition of reference and velocity data within 20ms of each other in each heart beat12. This allowed velocity map acquisitions (x and y, or z components) in 3-4 minutes per plane. Velocity maps were generated by subtraction of reference from velocity encoded phase images. Each directional velocity map consisted of sixteen or more cine frames gated from the R-wave of the ECG, distributed through systole and most of diastole, successive frames being at 40-60ms intervals, depending on heart rate. Large-scale intra-cavity flow features were visualised as vector maps4 or instantaneous streamline maps5 for visualisation of in-plane components of velocity, and as grey-scale maps of velocity for visualisation of through-plane components of velocity2,4. (reference numbers apply to references at the end of the paper) Consistency of large scale flow topology between subjects Right atrium The dominant flow feature was clockwise rotation of blood, as viewed from the subject’s right side, with a stream from the inferior caval vein arching up, anteriorly and down the front of the chamber. This large-scale movement was identified in all six subjects studied in plane 3 (observing in-plane components of velocity). Through-plane velocity maps in both subjects studied in plane 4 confirmed upward flow in the posterior half of the right atrium, and downward flow in the anterior half of the cavity. Left atrium The dominant flow feature was asymmetric filling of the cavity, with velocities directed predominantly to the right in the upper half of the cavity and predominantly to the left in the lower half of the cavity. Apart from local variations between subjects, this was broadly consistent between subjects, identifiable in all four subjects studied in plane 6 (observing in-plane components of velocity), and all ten subjects studied in plane 7 (observing through-plane components of velocity). Left ventricle The dominant secondary flow feature was transient, asymmetric recirculation of flow under the free edge of the anterior mitral leaflet, transiently redirecting part of the inflowing blood towards the outflow tract. This was a consistent finding, identifiable in all 25 studies (planes 9, 10 and 11) of the left ventricle in a total of 13 subjects. Transient recirculation was also observed beneath the region of the posterior mitral valve leaflet (see supplementary figure 11, below) in 8 out of 9 of the studies in plane 9, in 7 out of 9 of the studies in plane 10, and in all 9 studies in plane 11, observing through-plane components of velocity. Observation of components of velocity directed through the short axis plane (plane 11) suggests that secondary flow during left ventricular filling may have the character of an asymmetric annular vortex, its lateral and posterior development limited by papillary muscles and postero-lateral free wall, so that recirculation dominates in the sector towards the outflow tract. Right ventricle The dominant secondary flow feature was redirection or recirculation of inflow from the superior part of the tricuspid valve towards the pulmonary outflow tract. This was identifiable in all 3 in plane 5, and in 5 of the 9 short-axis cuts located through the left ventricle (plane 11) which also passed through inflow and outflow regions of the right ventricle. Studies in planes 4 and 11 showed evidence, variable between subjects, of transient recirculation of inflowing blood distal to the anterior, inferior and posterior borders of the tricuspid valve.