Liquids Under Negative Pressure, NATO Science Series (Eds.: A R. Imre, H. J. Maris and P. R. Williams), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, pp. 47-58 INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF A POLARIZABLE WATER MODEL IN A WIDE RANGE OF PRESSURES AROUND THE TEMPERATURE OF MAXIMUM DENSITY P. JEDLOVSZKY Department of Colloid Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/a, Hungary R. VALLAURI INFM e Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trento 14 via Sommarive, I-38050 Povo (Trento), Italy 1. Introduction The understanding of the molecular level origin of the anomalous thermodynamic behaviour of liquid and supercooled water has been the subject of scientific research for more than a century [1-4]. Such investigations led to the ‘iceberg’ model of Némethy and Scheraga [5-7], which assumes the existence of tetrahedrally ordered clusters (‘icebergs’) in a disordered, normal liquid-like medium. Research in this field has been largely accelerated by the spreading of fast computers, which enabled scientists to study this problem also by computer simulation methods. Early simulation studies have contradicted the iceberg theory, showing that water molecules are forming gel-like space-filling percolating hydrogen bond network in the liquid phase [8-12]. It has been known from scattering experiments [13-17] that the first coordination shell of the water molecules contains considerably more neighbours than what can be expected by assuming tetrahedral co-ordination (i.e., 4.4 instead of 4). Therefore, as an alternative explanation, it has been assumed that some of the water molecules are located in the cavities of the tetrahedral network built up by the other molecules. Such interstitial neighbours have been identified in 1993 by Kusalik and Svishchev [18] in SPC/E [19] water, and their existence has subsequently been demonstrated by computer simulations with various water models several times [20-22]. Ab initio calculations have shown that interstitial-like neighbours are already present in low-lying minimum conformations of water clusters built up by 6-8 molecules [23,24]. The presence of the interstitial neighbours implies, as shown by Kusalik and Svishchev [18], that there are two different preferred O ….O separations of contacting water pairs. Thus, the preferred distance of the interstitial neighbours, located in specific nontetrahedral directions around the central molecule, is about 3.5Å, considerably larger than the distance of 2.7Å preferred by the tetrahedrally aligned hydrogen bonded neighbours. In 1999 it has been shown by Jagla that even the simplest system in which there are two competing equilibrium nearest neighbour separations (i.e., a system of spherical particles interacting through a potential consisting of a hard sphere repulsion and a linear repulsive shoulder) exhibits most of the anomalous properties of water [25]. Recently we have demonstrated [22] that upon warming an increased fraction of water molecules leaves the tetrahedral network and becomes interstitial. Since interstitial molecules are located in the cavities of the tetrahedral hydrogen bonded network, a more compact structure can be realised this way, which can, up to a certain point, compensate the effect of the increasing thermal motion. The appearance of the density maximum is resulted from the balance of these two opposite effects [22]. A lot of effort has also been expended in the past decades to the understanding of the thermodynamic background of the anomalous properties of water, as well. It became clear that the important features of the phase diagram of water, which can explain the anomalous behaviour, are located in extreme conditions, i.e., at negative pressures and at deeply supercooled states that are extremely difficult to access by experimental methods. This fact again enhances the importance of the computer simulation methods in such investigations. A possible phase diagram has been proposed by the ‘Stability Limit Conjecture’ of Speedy and Angell [26-29]. It assumes that the liquid spinodal line, which is originated at the critical point and goes through lower pressure points with decreasing temperature, changes slope at a certain point in the negative pressure regime and goes to higher pressures upon further decrease of the temperature. Thus, it becomes re-entrant, i.e., enters back to positive pressures in the deeply supercooled region. An alternative phase diagram, containing a monotonous liquid spinodal line has been suggested by Stanley and co-workers [30-33]. In this phase diagram a first order phase transition is assumed between two liquid phases of water in the supercooled region. The transition line ends at a second critical point. The two distinct supercooled liquid phases have been identified with the experimentally known low density amorphous ice (LDA) [34] and high density amorphous ice (HDA) [35]. Thermodynamically stable liquid water represents the supercritical state of this phase co-existence. The temperature of maximum density (TMD) line of water is known to be closely related to the liquid spinodal. It has been shown by thermodynamic arguments that the TMD and spinodal lines can basically have two different arrangements in a thermodynamically consistent phase diagram. In the first type of phase diagram the TMD line is monotonous in the p-T plane, and terminates at an intersection with the spinodal line [36]. At the intersection the spinodal line changes slope and becomes reentrant at low temperatures [27,37]. In the second case the TMD line changes slope at a certain pressure, and further decrease of the pressure leads to decreasing TMD. In this type of phase diagram the TMD line never intersects the spinodal [37], which is monotonous in the entire phase diagram. Experimental evidences show that that if the TMD line indeed changed slope at a certain pressure, this must happen below –200 bar [38]. The first type of phase diagram supports the Stability Limit Conjecture, whereas the second one is consistent with the assumption of the liquid-liquid critical point as well as with the singularity free explanation of the water anomalies. All these findings show the importance of the investigation of the properties of water under extreme conditions, in particular under negative pressures and at deeply supercooled states. Due to the experimental difficulties in accessing such states the computer simulation studies are of great importance. Several computer simulation studies have targeted the properties of water at negative pressures [30-33,37,39]. However, these studies have described water by simple, pairwise additive potential models, which often proved to be inaccurate in reproducing anomalous properties of water. Thus, for instance, at atmospheric pressure the TMD of water is overestimated by about 50K by the ST2 [40] model [30,37]. On the other hand, the TIP4P [41] and SPC/E [19] models result in the atmospheric TMD values of 255K [42] and of 235K-245K [43,44], respectively. Moreover, the TIP3P [41] and SPC [45] models are shown not to have TMD at atmospheric pressure between 223K and 373K [42]. A possible way of improving the accuracy of the potential models is the explicit inclusion of the polarizability of the molecules. In this way the effect of the local electric field on the molecules can be taken into account, and the molecules can be adopted to the changes of this field during the simulation. We have recently shown that a representative of these polarizable water models, the Brodholt-Sampoli-Vallauri (BSV) potential [46] is indeed able to reproduce the TMD of water within the accuracy of 5K not only at atmospheric pressure [47] but also in the entire range of its existence in thermodynamically stable liquid water [48]. Several other experimentally measured properties of water have also been reproduced well by the BSV model in a wide range of pressures around the TMD [22,47-49]. Therefore, we have extended our investigations on the properties of BSV water also to the range of negative pressures. In a recent paper we have demonstrated that the TMD line of BSV water changes slope at –32 bar, and thus the phase diagram of this model supports the assumption of a liquidliquid critical point or a singularity free explanation of the water anomalies, and contradicts the Stability Limit Conjecture [50]. In the present study the pressure and temperature dependence of the thermodynamic properties of BSV water is investigated in the vicinity of the TMD in a broad range of pressures covering both negative and positive pressure states. 2. Calculation Details Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of liquid water have been performed on the (N,p,T) ensemble with 256 water molecules at four pressures, i.e., at –100 bar, 1 bar, 100 bar and 200 bar, and at six temperatures, i.e., 268K, 273K, 278K, 283K, 288K and 293K. The interaction of the molecules has been described by the polarizable BSV potential [46]. The calculation of the total energy of the system has been described in detail elsewhere [49]. The BSV model describes the polarisation of the molecules by induced point dipoles. The determination of the dipole induced on the ith molecule i requires also the dipoles induced on the other molecules. Therefore, the entire set of induced dipole moments can only be calculated by an iterative procedure, which slows down the simulation considerably, and sets a practical limit of extending the range of thermodynamic states investigated as well as of improving the precision of the results. In the MC simulations every 256 particle displacement steps have been followed by a volume change attempt. In a particle displacement step a randomly chosen molecule has been translated randomly by no more than 0.1Å and rotated around a randomly selected space fixed axis by no more than 10 o. In a volume change step the volume of the simulation box has been attempted to change isotropically by no more than 200Å3. The ratio of the accepted and tried moves have resulted in about 1:2 and 1:10 for particle displacement and volume change steps, respectively. As the attempted changes represent rather small perturbations of the charge distribution of the system, the iteration of the induced point dipoles, performed in every attempted move, has converged rapidly, usually after one iteration step. Runs have started from configurations resulted in previous simulations under slightly different thermodynamic conditions. Starting configurations have been equilibrated by 3-5 million MC steps. Thermodynamic properties have been averaged over 40000 equilibrium configurations, separated by 256 particle displacement steps and one volume change step each. The total computing time required by the production phase of each simulation was 6 weeks in a single R10000 SGI processor. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. DENSITY AND DERIVATIVES The temperature dependence of the density of BSV water is shown and compared with experimental data in Figure 1 along the four isobars simulated. The data regarded as ‘experimental’ are resulted from the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51]. The pressure dependence of the density along five simulated isotherms are presented in Figure 2. In order to emphasise the comparison of the change of the density with the thermodynamic conditions the densities are shown in reduced units in these figures, i.e., *=/0 is plotted where 0 is the density corresponding to the TMD at atmospheric pressure. As is seen from Fig. 1, the simulated *(T) data can be well fitted by a third order polynomial at each pressure. The simulated *(T) curves reproduce well the experimental TMD values, however, they change much faster with the temperature than the experimental data. Since the thermal expansion coefficient is related to the derivative of (T) as 1 1 * * , (1) T p T p the above finding indicates that the magnitude of the thermal expansion coefficient of the BSV model is considerably, about an order of magnitude larger than that of real water. This failure, the origin of which is not fully understood yet, seems to be a common problem of the polarizable water models [47,49,52-55], and, although in a smaller extent, affects nonpolarizable models, as well [42,56]. Due to the large difference of the simulated and experimental values, the *(p) isotherms of the BSV model are shifted to lower * values relative to the experimental curves at all temperatures apart from the TMD. Hence, for clarity, the comparison of the experimental and simulated *(p) curve is only given at 278K in Fig. 2. As is seen, at this temperature the BSV model can reproduce quite well the experimental *(p) function. Apart from the shift discussed above, the experimental curves are reproduced with the same quality at the other isotherms, as well. The simulated *(p) data can be fitted well by linear functions at all the isotherms studied. The steepness of these lines is related to the isothermal compressibility of the model through the relation 1 1 * , p T * p T (2) The fact that the model describes well the steepness of the *(p) curves implies that it is able to reproduce the isothermal compressibility well. The isothermal compressibility can also be calculated in each simulation directly, from the fluctuation of the volume of the system V as V2 2 V k BT V , (3) Figure 2. Pressure dependence of the density of BSV water along five isotherms, as resulted from our simulations (circles). The full lines connecting the points are just guides to the eye. The straight lines fitted to the simulation results are also shown (dotted lines). The inset compares the results obtained at 278K with results of the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51], regarded as experimental data (dashed line). The inset also shows the standard deviation of the simulated values as error bars. The density values are shown in reduced units, i.e., normalised by the 0 value corresponding to the TMD at 1 bar. Figure 1. Temperature dependence of the density of BSV water along four isobars, as resulted from our simulations (circles). The full lines connecting the points are just guides to the eye. Standard deviations are shown as error bars. The third order polynomials fitted to the simulation results (dotted lines) and experimental curves (dashed lines) are also shown. Results of the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51] are regarded as experimental data. The density values are shown in reduced units, i.e., normalised by the 0 value corresponding to the TMD at 1 bar. Figure 3. Pressure dependence of the isothermal compressibility of BSV water at 278K, as obtained from the derivation of the linear fit of the simulated *(p) data (see eq. 2) (dotted line), and directly from the simulations using the volume fluctuation formula (eq. 3) (circles). The full line connecting the points is just a guide to the eye. Results of the Saul-Wagner equation-ofstate [51] are shown for comparison as experimental data (dashed line). The isothermal compressibility values are shown in reduced units, i.e., normalised by the 0 value corresponding to the TMD at 1 bar. Figure 4. Temperature dependence of the isothermal compressibility of BSV water at 100 bar, as obtained from the derivation of the linear fit of the simulated *(p) data (see eq. 2) (dotted line), and directly from the simulations using the volume fluctuation formula (eq. 3) (circles). The full line connecting the points is just a guide to the eye. Results of the Saul-Wagner equation-ofstate [51] are shown for comparison as experimental data (dashed line). where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and <...> denotes ensemble averaging. However, the direct calculation of is usually rather inaccurate, as it needs not only the volume of the system but also its fluctuation to be equilibrated, which requires extremely long simulation. However, in the present study the length of the simulations performed have been limited by the large computing cost of the calculation of the induced point dipoles. The pressure dependence of the isothermal compressibility of the BSV model is shown in Figure 3 as calculated both from the linear fit of the *(p) data and from the volume fluctuation of the system along the T=278K isotherm. The simulation results are also compared with experimental data. As is seen, the direct calculation of * indeed leads to rather inaccurate results, as the *(p) data obtained in this way are scattered with a large fluctuation around both the experimental line and the curve obtained from the fit of the simulated *(p) data. Nevertheless, it reproduces the experimental line in a qualitative way, indicating that the isothermal compressibility of the system is increasing when decreasing the pressure of the system and go to the negative pressure regime. On the other hand, the *(p) function obtained from the fit of the *(p) data agrees very well with the experimental curve. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the comparison of the (T) functions, shown in Figure 4 along the p=100 bar line. In order to demonstrate that the BSV model can well reproduce not only the temperature and pressure dependence of but also its absolute values at different thermodynamic states, we have plotted the absolute values of rather then using reduced units here. As is seen, the results obtained from the fit of the *(p) function are indeed in an excellent agreement with the experimental data, whereas the direct calculation of leads again to rather inaccurate results. The general shape of the experimental (T) function is, however, reproduced in both ways, as the (T) curve of the BSV model is found to go through a minimum at 288K by both methods. This is a remarkable result, since the fact that the isothermal compressibility of water exhibits a minimum as a function of the temperature is one of its important anomalies. This anomaly is clearly reproduced by the BSV model. 3.2. ENTHALPY AND HEAT CAPACITY The temperature dependence of the enthalpy H of BSV water is shown and compared with the experimental data in Figure 5 along the four isobars investigated. As is seen, the obtained H*(T) data can well be fitted by straight lines at each pressure studied. The results are in a fairly good agreement with the experimental data. The temperature dependence of the enthalpy along a given isobar is related to the constant pressure heat capacity of the system cp as H * H . cp (4) H 0 T T p p Thus, the heat capacity of BSV water can be calculated from the steepness of the lines fitted to the obtained H*(T) data. The constant pressure heat capacity can also be calculated directly in a simulation, from the fluctuation of the enthalpy of the system: Figure 5. Temperature dependence of the enthalpy of BSV water along four isobars, as resulted from our simulations (circles). The full lines connecting the points are just guides to the eye. Standard deviations are shown as error bars. The straight lines fitted to the simulation results (dotted lines) and results of the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51], regarded as experimental data (dashed lines) are also shown. The enthalpy values are shown in reduced units, i.e., normalised by the H0 value corresponding to the TMD at 1 bar. cp H2 2 H Nk BT . However, similarly to the isothermal compressibility, the calculation of the heat capacity with this fluctuation formula is also supposed to be rather inaccurate, although the enthalpy of the system changes more rapidly than the volume in a simulation, and hence the fluctuation of the enthalpy can be equilibrated considerably faster than that of the volume. The pressure dependence of the heat capacity along the T=283K isotherm is shown in Figure 6, whereas the temperature dependence of cp along two isobars is plotted in Figure 7. The heat capacity values obtained in both ways are shown and compared with experimental data in these figures. As is seen, the linear fit of the H*(T) data indeed results in cp values that are in a better agreement with the experimental data than those resulted from the enthalpy fluctuation. However, the latter method is now far more accurate than in the case of the isothermal compressibility. Thus, the values obtained from the fluctuation formula deviate by 70-80% from the experimental data, whereas here this deviation is only about 20-30%. As is seen from Fig. 6, the two methods predict rather different cp values at –100 bar. Considering the fact that the cp function is rather close to constant at positive pressures, and this trend is more or less reproduced by the results obtained in both ways at the p>0 region, we can consider the prediction obtained by using the fluctuation formula as the more reliable one. Figure 6. Pressure dependence of the constant pressure heat capacity of BSV water at 283K, as obtained from the derivation of the linear fit of the simulated H*(T) data (see eq. 4) (dotted line), and directly from the simulations using the enthalpy fluctuation formula (eq. 5) (circles). The full line connecting the points is just a guide to the eye. Results of the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51] are shown for comparison as experimental data (dashed line). Figure 7. Temperature dependence of the constant pressure heat capacity of BSV water at 1 bar and 100 bar, as obtained from the derivation of the linear fit of the simulated H*(T) data (see eq. 4) (dotted lines), and directly from the simulations using the enthalpy fluctuation formula (eq. 5) (circles). The full lines connecting the points are just guides to the eye. Results of the Saul-Wagner equation-of-state [51] are shown for comparison as experimental data (dashed line). (5) Since the simulated H*(T) data have been fitted by straight lines, the cp(T) functions obtained from eq. 4 are constants. Hence, the temperature dependence of the heat capacity of the BSV model can only be analysed on the basis of the cp data calculated directly in the simulations, using eq. 5. As is seen, the obtained cp(T) curves go through a minimum at both pressures, reproducing another of the anomalies of water. Even the pressure dependence of the temperature corresponding to the minimum heat capacity is reproduced qualitatively by the model, as at higher pressures this minimum appears at higher temperature values. 4. Conclusions In this paper the temperature and pressure dependence of the thermodynamic properties of the polarizable BSV water model have been analysed in detail in a broad pressure range, covering both negative and positive pressures, in the vicinity of the temperature of maximum density. It is found that, apart from the steepness of the change of the density with temperature (i.e., the thermal expansion coefficient), the BSV model reproduces very well the temperature and pressure dependence of the thermodynamic properties of water. Thus, apart from the density anomaly two more anomalous properties are found to be reproduced by the model, namely the fact that both the constant pressure heat capacity and the isothermal compressibility goes through a minimum as a function of the temperature at a given pressure. The present calculations predict that the isothermal compressibility of water increases whereas the constant pressure heat capacity decreases when decreasing the pressure of the system and go to the region of negative pressures. The present results have also demonstrated that thermodynamic response functions can be calculated with a much higher accuracy by fitting the temperature or pressure dependence of the corresponding thermodynamic function (i.e., pressure or density) than from the fluctuation formulae, and hence such curve fitting procedure should be used for this purpose whenever possible. Acknowledgement P. J. is a Magyary Zoltán fellow of the Foundation for Hungarian Research and Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Hungary, which is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. Röntgen, W. C. (1892) Ueber die Constitution des flüssigen Wassers, Ann. Phys. 45, 91-97. 2. Bernal, J. D. and Fowler, R. H. (1933) A Theory of Water and Ionic Solution, with Particular Reference to Hydrogen and Hydroxyl Ions, J. Chem. Phys. 1, 515-548. 3. Eisenberg, D. and Kauzmann, W. (1969) The Structure and Properties of Water, Oxford University Press, New York, and references therein 4. F. Franks (ed.) (1972) Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Plenum, New York, and references therein. 5. Némethy, G. and Scheraga, H. A. (1962) Structure of Water and Hydrophobic Bonding in Proteins. I. A Model for the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Water, J. Chem. Phys. 36, 3382-3400. 6. Némethy, G. and Scheraga, H. A. (1962) Structure of Water and Hydrophobic Bonding in Proteins. II. 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