Linear Outline

This page gives an example of a linear outline for an essay.
The question on which it is based is:
Describe the basic parts of essays and outline how they should be
Paragraph: Definition of essay
Paragraph: The general structure for essays that can be adapted to individual
3 part structure: introduction, main body, conclusio
Main Body
Paragraph on Introductions
Function of introductions:
introduces topic of the essay
clarifies terms that need definition
gives outline of essay structure
Paragraph on Main Body
The structure of the main body
It is divided into paragraphs, each paragraph develops one idea
the connections between paragraphs depend on the topic;
paragraphs can present arguments in favour and arguments
against something,
paragraphs can outline similarities and differences or cause and
Paragraph on Main Body (2)
Each paragraph develops the topic;
Each paragraph has a topic sentence, then it develops the topic by
adding evidence, examples or applications
Paragraph on Conclusions
The functions of conclusions:
they summarise findings
they put the findings into a broader context, look at implications
Paragraph: the basic structure of essays can be learnt; what is difficult for
students is to adapt it successfully to different topics