REVERSE POLISH NOTATION One common technique in syntax analysis is the conversion of arithmetic assignment statements into a ‘Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). It not only provides a syntax check on the expression but also generates an alternative form of the statement more suited to code generation. Arithmetic statements can be expressed in a form similar to the following statement in BASIC: X = A * (B + C) / D If this were to be carried out in a one-address code or pocket calculator then the series of operation would be: LOAD ADD MULTIPLY DIVIDE STORE B C A D X The standard notation is called ‘infix’ notation with the operators placed between the operands e.g. (B+C). In RPN the above expression would be expressed as: XABC+*D/= The operators are always given after the operand, hence the expression ‘postfix’ notation. Expressions in postfix notation can be evaluated according to the following rules: 1. Scan the expression left to right 2. Apply each operator in turn to the two operands that precede it 3. The result of each operation is to be regarded as a single operand The evaluation of X A B C + * D / = will thus be: add B to C multiply the result by A divide that result by D store the result in X A special symbol ~ is used to show negative numbers (called the unary minus). –A-B would be shown as A~BConvert the following to postfix: 1. (A+B)*(C-D) 4. A*B+C^D 2/ X*Y*Z-W 5. 2*(3*X+1)^3 3. W/X+2*Y 6. Y=(X*B)/(W-Z) 7. P=Q*(S-T^U) 8. A=(-X+C^E)*Y 9. X=(-W+A*(5*Y-Z^3))/2 convert the following to infix: 1. uv/wxy+*-z2. x3^y3z+^* 3. abc*de*+ac*fe*-/=