June 17, 2003 MINATOM EXPORT CONTROL BEHAVIOR: ECONOMIC FACTORS & MOTIVATIONS Michael T. Maloney & Oana Diaconu John E. Walker Department of Economics Clemson University Second Report to: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sub-Contract B529375 COSTS ANALYSES AND METHODOLOGY RELATED TO NUCLEAR ELECTRIC GENERATION 1. Introduction The purpose of this research is to model the economics of the commercial nuclear activities of Minatom. In our first report, we outlined the various commercial nuclear export activities of Minatom with some commentary about the economics. In our discussions with LLNL and with DOE, it was decided that we should focus on nuclear generation activities. This report gives a summary of our analysis on two points concerning nuclear electric generation: capital cost estimation and infrastructure factors affecting levelized cost estimates. As we noted in our last report, Minatom’s revenues from nuclear construction projects abroad amounted to $424 million in 2001, about 17 percent of Minatom’s export income. They were the third biggest source of export revenues after uranium products and services (49.7%) and exports of nuclear fuel assemblies (18.7%).1 The forecast for 2002 was $900 million. However, most of the “Atomstroyexport” nuclear construction abroad (Iran, India and China) is “still accomplished through the credits given by the RF Government (the repayment of which from the customers is either delayed or bounded by particular additional conditions).”2 The state budget funding for these activities was $140 millions in 2001 and another $250 million was budgeted for 2002.3 Minatom has commissioned power plants, research reactors and other nuclear objectives in Bulgaria, former Eastern Germany, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and China.4 It started a nuclear reactor in Cuba, at Jurangua, in 1983, but the project was stopped in 1992 due to lack of funds and finally cancelled in 2001.The 1 International Business Relations Corporation, Department of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Foreign Trade Policy and Authorized foreign trade entities of the Ministry of Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, Annual Analytical Survey, Issue #1, Moscow 2003, pages 7 and 17-21. 2 Ibid., p. 87. Emphasis added. 3 See Maloney & Diaconu, “Is Nuclear Power Viable in Russia,” Electricity Journal, JanuaryFebruary, 2003, pp. 80-87, and “Commercial Initiatives in the Russian Nuclear Sector & the Nuclear Nonproliferation Interests of the United States,” The Nonproliferation Review, Summer 2003. 4 Several former Soviet Union republics have Soviet design nuclear reactors: Armenia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Armenia and Kazakhstan. They do not show up as being constructed by Russia, however. Contact Information: Mailing: 223 Sirrine Hall, Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634-1309; phone: 864.656.3430; email: maloney@clemson.edu; web: <www.clemson.edu/~maloney> Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 facility was more than 50percentage complete.5 It began the construction of 4 VVER 440 nuclear reactors at Zarnowiec in Poland but the construction was stopped in 1990. It has conducted feasibility studies and design development for a nuclear desalination and power plant in Lybia and for a nuclear power plant in North Korea, but none of the projects have been carried on. Currently it has nuclear reactor business going on in Slovakia, China, Iran, India and Ukraine and has plans to expand its business in Kazakhstan, Syria, Burma, Vietnam, Egypt and eventually Turkey. We see two major questions in the nuclear construction business initiatives of Minatom: 1) Is it possible that Minatom is making money on nuclear power plant construction given the price that it is charging for this work? 2) Are countries investing in nuclear power making economically efficient decisions? In this report we offer analysis of two points that contribute to our understanding of these questions. Here we review and compare the capital cost estimates of nuclear power that have been reported from many different sources. We also analyze country-specific infrastructure that contributes to the efficiency of nuclear power. The basic conclusions reached in this report are the following: A) There is a great deal of variance in the forecast capital cost of nuclear power plants. This is true not just for Russian construction but also for costs of other reactors such as the Canadian and French models. Nonetheless, it is clear that Russian units are typically forecast to have lower costs than the rest of the competition, suggesting that Russia is consistently low-bidding. This difference is somewhere between 15 and 25 percent, which is approximately consistent with the notion that Minatom does not price design costs into its bids and accounts only minimally for contingencies and interest during construction. B) Cost estimates such as those reported in a Finish study favorably comparing nuclear power to other generation are based on assumptions that have to be considered unattainable for many, and maybe even most countries. Electricity cost per kWh is inversely proportional to load factor. The historical, worldwide average load factor for nuclear power plants is around 70 percent. Based on the observed operation of their electricity systems, none of the countries that are considering introduction of nuclear technology (in particular, Iran, Egypt, and Turkey) can hope to do better than this average load factor for nuclear power plants. This makes nuclear power very likely to be an uneconomic source of generation. Dalia Acosta, “Cuba Cancels Nuclear Plant Construction,” Tierramerica, archivo, <www.tierramerica.net/2001/0211/acent.shtml> and Jonathan Benjamin Alvarado, “Nonissue: Cuba's Mothballed Nuclear Power Plant,” July 1998, Center for International Policy, Washington D.C. 5 2 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 2. Capital Costs of Nuclear Power Generation A nuclear power generator incurs three types of costs: capital costs (construction costs including research development), operating costs (fuel and operation and maintenance), and decommissioning costs. The storage and/or processing of the spent fuel can be included in either decommissioning or fuel costs. Nuclear capital generation has high capital costs and low generation costs. Expressed as $/kWh capital costs represent about two thirds of nuclear energy costs while fuel and other operating expenses are about one third.6 For coal fired and gas generation, on contrast, fuel accounts for more than one half of the generation costs and capital cost accounts for about one third. Thus, the competitiveness of nuclear power generation relative to fossil fuel generation rests decidedly on how high nuclear construction costs are relative to the prices of fossil fuels. The capital costs of nuclear generation units are comprised of land acquisition and site preparation, equipment and installation, interest cost during the construction and nuclear decommissioning plant costs. Contingencies for cost overruns are also included. A typical breakdown of estimated nuclear power capital cost for a pressurized water reactor is shown in Table 1. Obviously the choice of the discount rate and the construction time will affect the total capital cost of the plant through the interest during construction component. The typical construction cost for a nuclear unit is 5-9 years. Longer construction times caused by regulatory delays have often been blamed for the escalation of construction costs of nuclear power plants in the past two decades, and are largely responsible for the demise of nuclear power in the United States. Table 1. Break Down of Construction Costs for Nuclear Generator Item Percent of Cost Civil engineering and building 21% Design and consultancy cost 15% Nuclear steam supply system 13% Turbine generator 12% Other electrical plant 9% Other mechanical plant 8% Contingencies Total Excluding Interest Interest during construction 22% 100% 28% Source: Thomas (1988), p. 40. 6 S.D. Thomas, The realities of nuclear power, Cambridge University Press, 1988, p. 39. Estimates from Diaconu & Maloney (2002) find the ratio of capital costs to total for nuclear power in Russia to be 78 percent and 67 percent in the United States. The U.S. estimate is based on the construction costs of pre1970 nuclear power plants, inflated to 2002 dollars. 3 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 The estimates are also sensitive to the discount rate used. In the international practice 10 percent is considered a reasonable rate although for some developing countries a higher rate might be appropriate.7 For the purpose of the comparison presented in this study, we will use 10 percent across the board. At a 10 percent discount rate, interest cost during construction represents 25-30 percent of the total construction cost of a nuclear unit.8 Although not included in the table above, the decommissioning costs are typically included in capital cost estimates. Decommissioning cost amounts to 2 percent of the cost. Some studies apply a lower discount rate for decommissioning and waste management reflecting a long run rate of return expected to be earned on the funds set aside for these purposes. For most of the data coming from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) study (see below), the decommissioning and waste management have been discounted at the interest rate. Particular to nuclear power plant construction, cost structure is a high level of constant costs, independent of plant size or life of the plant, for the project implementation. Activities, such as site approval, information and public relations, training the operation and maintenance personnel, licensing and activities of the supplier such as safety analysis, documentation and project management, can represent as much as 30 percent of the total capital cost of a one unit nuclear power plant of 1200MW according to some sources.9 However, this percentage seems exaggerated based on U.S. experience. Construction cost is related with the number of units to be built on a site. “The cost reduction is calculated to be 10 percent for a site with two units and 20 percent for a site having 4 units provided that the construction interval is less than 2 years.”10 A similar phenomenon exists for scale effects in the size of the unit. That is, there is roughly a 20 percent cost saving as plant size increases. This estimate is based on the scale factors observed in U.S. construction costs across all types of generators. 2.1. Data on Capital Cost of Nuclear Power Generation Much of the data on capital cost of nuclear power generation comes from the United States. Capital cost expenditures are available for existing plants on FERC Form 1 distributed by the U.S Department of Energy. We used these data extensively in our early research. Outside the United States, estimates of the capital costs are much harder to 7 The methodology of choosing the discount rate is ill-defined in policy discussions. We use a financial economics approach wherein the discount rate is based on the business risk of the venture. While it may be difficult to precisely determine the inherent business risk, 10 percent seems reasonable and 5 percent is highly questionable. In the calculation of capital cost, the interest rate determines the cost of funds during construction. In the calculation of levelized cost, the interest rate is the discounting factor for revenues throughout the life of the plant. 8 Bertel, Evelyne, and Geoffrey H.Stevens, Comparative Costs of Generating Electricity, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, France, at 11th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC), Banff, 1998. 9 Ferroni, Ferrucia, Hans-Jürgen Kirchhof, and Juan B. Heredia, Review of Cost Reduction Measures for Nuclear Electricity, Electrowatt Engineering Ltd, Switzerlant, PBNC, 1998. 10 Ferroni, et al., (1998). 4 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 come by and are much less detailed. With few exceptions we were unable to find unit level open source data on capital costs internationally. Data are available in a study done by the OECD on the cost of electricity across countries for all types of generation.11 Their data was obtained by circulating a questionnaire to OECD member countries and non-OECD participant countries through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The study is comprehensive and has been updated several times. The following quote summarized the scope of the study and the definition of some of the terms: The questionnaire asked for information on all types of base-load power plants expected to be commercially available for commissioning by 2005-2010, except hydropower plants (...) The technologies for which information could be provided included, primarily, state of the-of-the art power plants (category A) as their performance and costs, based upon ordered plant prices, quotation or detailed paper analysis are considered to be well established. Cost information was sought also on technologies under development that are expected to be commercially available by 2010 (category B plants)(…) Thirteen countries provided cost estimates for nuclear power plants including three reactor types: pressurized water reactors (PWR); boiling water reactors (BWR); and pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWR). The size of the nuclear units ranges from 455 MWe to 1460 MWe. Three countries, France, Japan and China, estimated nuclear fuel cycle costs corresponding to a closed cycle with reprocessing and recycling, while the other countries provided costs estimates corresponding to an open cycle with direct disposal of spent fuel.12 Table 2 summarizes the data found in the OECD study. The data provided in the study are rather generic. Although the size and the technology on which the estimate is based are specified, the name of the power plant or of the site is not. In part, this is due to the fact that some of the estimates assume a construction program of several reactors (e.g., France, 10 units; Korea, 6; and Russia, 5). Another reason for scarcity of plant data is that, in many countries, especially those that have started the process of liberalizing the power sector, capital cost information is considered commercially sensitive. The only specification about the source of the estimate is whether the estimate is based on the ordered plant (O), on a planned plant (P) for which a paper study exist, if the source is a quotation (Q), or on a feasibility study (FQ). For some countries, several characteristics of the plant (capacity and number of units on site) allow us to guess the name of the actual power plant on which the estimation was based but such identification is speculative. For the estimates for which the number of units on site were provided we assume that the economies of multi-unit siting were taken into account. Besides the OECD/IEA study, there are several studies on specific countries that provide some information on the domestic capital cost of nuclear generation. Unfortunately, again, for most of them plant level data is missing. We identified the units to the extent it was possible. Many of the studies actually base their estimates on OECD data. These studies are referenced in the notes of Table 3. 11 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Paris), Nuclear Energy Agency, International Energy Agency, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, Paris, 1998. 12 OECD/IEA (1998), p. 22. 5 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 We pulled together the data from all of these sources and transformed the estimates into 2002 U.S. dollars. Whenever we have multiple sources, we try to discuss the differences between estimates. However there are several reasons for cautions in comparing the country data. As the authors of the OECD/IEA (1998) remarked, transforming data into U.S. dollars using the existing exchange rate may seriously distort the estimates, especially the one referring to non-OECD, developing countries. 13 Exchange rates do not necessarily reflect purchasing power parity. That is, purely domestic construction (steel, concrete, labor, etc.) in one country may be identical to that in another country, but the exchange rates may be different. This means that a foreign investor seeking to build plants in the two countries would face different costs, but domestic investors in the separate countries would face identical costs.14 It is also true that exchange rates may be distorted by currency controls and fixed exchange rates that are not supportable in real transactions. A number of other factors besides the imperfect conversion in a common unit of currency may cause the estimates to vary both across, within countries and among projects such as:15 a) Differences in technology. As Thomas (1988) pointed out, for example, “in the UK the nuclear steam supply system for an AGR was estimated to cost nearly four times as much per kilowatt as that required for a PWR.”16 b) Differing cost components. Countries that have mass-production facilities and highly standardized reactors, like France, may be able to manufacture the reactor components cheaper. c) Differences in regulatory requirements. d) Economies of scale and multi-unit siting not accounted for in the data. Many of the estimates on the capital cost of nuclear power plants have proved to be underestimates. Caution should be exercised especially in judging the data based on planned or under construction plants. 13 OECD/IEA (1998). We do not think of this as a serious issue because the fact is that with nuclear power, there is almost always international investment. Moreover, the main point of this research is to investigate the economics of Russian nuclear export activities. Exchange rates and not purchasing power parity is the main driver. 15 See Thomas (1988), p. 39. 16 Ibid., p. 39. 14 6 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Table 2. Nuclear Power Plant Specifications in OECD/IEA Study Country Reactor Type / Fuel Cycle Option Units in Project Canada PHWR/OT Total Units at Site Net Capacity (MW) Net Thermal Eficiency (%) Cooling Tower Site Cost Estimation Source / Date 2 665 31.2 No New O/96 PHWR/OT 2 881 31.2 No New Q/96 Finland BWR/OT 1 1000 33.0 No New P/96 France PWR/CC 1 4 1460 33.0 Yes New Q/96 Japan ABWR/CC 1 4 1303 33.0 No New P/96 Korea PWR/OT 1 2 1000 35.1 No New O/95 Spain PWR/OT 1 1000 34.0 Yes New P/96 Turkey PWR/OT 1 1000 34.5 Yes New P/95 Brazil PWR/OT 1 1229 34.6 No Existing Q/95 China PWR/CC 2 592 29.6 No New P/96 PWR/CC 2 935 32.2 New FS/96 PHWR/OT 2 665 29.1 No New FS/96 India PHWR/OT 2 455 29.0 No Existing P&O/97 Romania PHWR/OT 1 5 707 31.0 No Existing P&O/95-97 Russia VVER/OT 1 5 604 33.3 No Existing Q/96 United States* PWR/OT 1 1300 32.0 Yes New P/96 Brazil* PWR/OT 1 1229 35.0 No New P/96 3 Notes: * Category B technologies: under development and projected to be available by 2010. Reactor types: PWR pressurized light water reactor; PHWR, pressurized heavy water reactor; VVER, Russian pressurized light water reactors; BWR, boiling water reactor; ABWR, advanced boiling water reactor. OT and CC referrers to the fuel cycle option chosen. OT is an open fuel cycle or “once through” and CC means “closed cycle”. “Units in project” column refers to the number of units included in the cost estimate. Source: OECD/IEA (1998), p. 46. 2.2. Comparisons of Capital Costs Estimates for Nuclear Generation Capital cost estimates from all available open sources are presented in Table 3.17 The cost estimates represent all expenditures and encumbrances at the start of commercial operation, including interest cost during construction. Where the source gave 17 Because the data includes only the most recent available estimates on nuclear generation capital costs there are some notable absence in the data. Germany, for example, had a quite successful nuclear program that was halted in the late 80’s (last reactor, NECKARWESTHEIM-2 came on line in 1989). Data on the cost of the latest nuclear German reactors is not available. 7 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 a construction only or so-called overnight cost, we added expected construction interest and decommissioning, usually using the OECD assumptions as discussed earlier. The numbers are in 2002 U.S. dollars. Overall the database contains 31 cost estimates from different sources on 15 countries.18 The most detailed data available is on China where we have 9 cost estimates from 3 sources. The capital costs vary between $1500/kW (an estimate for a Russian VVER in India, at Kudankulam) and $3768/kW (our estimate for a U.S. PWR) with an average at about $2500/kW. Net capacity varies between 455MW and 1460MW per unit. Most of our estimates are on pressurized light water reactors PWR (14), followed by pressurized heavy water reactors PHWR (9, mostly Canadian), Russian pressurized light water reactors VVER (5), one boiling water reactor BWR and one advanced boiling water reactor ABWR. BWRs are the most expensive reactors in our sample with an average cost $3176/kW, but there are only three estimates and the average is driven by the very expensive Japanese ABWR. The least expensive are the Russian VVER (average $1988/kW) constructed domestically or abroad (in China and India) although the estimates for domestic construction are significantly higher than the estimates for reactors abroad. The OECD estimate of the domestic Russia units is significantly higher than other estimates. The average for PWR units is $2656/kW. This falls to $2570/kW if the highest estimate (based on early U.S. experience) is thrown out. The average for PHWR, which are mostly Canadian construction, is $2457/kW. Countries with the lowest capital cost per kW (first quartile) are China, with an average capital cost of $2238/kWh and India with $2136/kW. However the averages are mostly drawn by the very low cost of the reactors built in both countries by Russia. In China, if we drop the estimates for the Russian reactors, the country average capital cost becomes $2383/kW. The country average for imported technologies (4 French reactors and 2 Canadians) is $2467/kW, very close to the sample average. In India, the average without the Russian built reactors is $2454, again close to the sample average. The most expensive reactors (last quartile) are in United States, Japan, Spain, UK and Finland. The numbers range between $2871/kW, the OECD estimate for a planned Finnish reactor, and $3768, our estimate extrapolated from the early United States experience. Right in the middle are the estimates for French and Korean reactors and for two Canadian built Chinese reactors. Brazil and Argentina estimates are also very close to average but the cost for Argentina is most likely grossly underestimated as the actual cost for the specific plant itself.19 For both Canadian and French reactors, reported costs for domestic reactors are similar to those of exported reactors. Canada, for example, has a capital cost of $2455/kW for its domestic reactors, and about $2400/kW for its exported reactors (to China and Romania). France’s estimates for domestic construction are $2523/kW while 18 There is one plant for which there are two separate cost estimates. The construction of Atucha 2 started in 1981 and has been halted several times since. It is uncertain when and whether the reactor will be finished. For a reactor with a construction period that stretched over more than 20 years the estimate we have is unrealistically low. The estimate was obtained by adding 35 percent for interest during construction and decommissioning to an overnight capital cost estimate of $1800/kW provided by EPOA (2000). 19 8 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 the reactors exported to China cost $2385/kW on average. The lower cost of the French technology in China could be due to the fact that China typically undertakes part of the reactor construction.20 For Russia, on the other hand, the domestic capital cost is at least $2266/kW while the exported reactors average $1665/kW. For the countries on which we have estimates from different sources, the estimates do not converge. China’s estimates vary between $1620/kW for the 1000 MW Russian VVER to $2747/kW for the 2 unit 665 MW PHWR.21 The discounts at which Russia seems to sell its reactors abroad only partially accounts for the low cost of the 2 VVER reactors. Russia will receive $2.4 billion for the two units. While Russia is supplying the technology and the reactor itself, China is responsible for construction and installation. Russia is financing the $1.3 billion loan at 4 percent. Based on our estimates, Russia may be enjoying a modest profit on its construction activities in China eroded, however, by the financial obligations of the contract.22 If China is able to supply such a significant share of the construction at such low cost, the question is why it does not do it for the rest of reactors it buys from abroad? It may be that the significantly higher capital costs of the Canadian and French reactors include a payment for the technology transfer while the Russian price does not. The estimates vary even more for India. The cost of the two 1000 MW VVER reactors that Russia is building at Kudankulam is as low as $1500/kW. This number is based on news reports that place the total cost of the project at $3 billion. It is probably appropriate to discount this estimate because we do not know what it comprises (e.g., construction interest may be excluded). The OECD country estimate for PWHR reactors is $2719/kW while another country estimate places the capital cost at $2189/kW.23 It is obvious that Russia is selling the VVER reactors at a significant discount, based both on the capital cost estimates for VVERs in Russia and based on the competitive supply prices of other nuclear units. Notable also is the difference between OECD and WNA estimates in Finland. OECD estimates that the capital cost of BWR technology in Finland is $2871/kW while a WNA country estimate of capital cost (including the initial fuel load!) is $1637/kW.24 The same study however states that the 1000MW reactor planned to be built in Finland in the next few years is going to cost between $1870/kW and $2670/kW.25 We have no 20 The financing cost of the reactor in developing countries should be higher, however than for the domestic reactors. Both France and Canada have a history of undertaking debatable financing arrangements with developing countries. For an interesting account of these issues see, for example, “The Candu Syndrome” by David H. Martin, Nuclear Awareness Project for the Campaign for Nuclear Phase Out, 1997, at <www.ccnr.org/turkey_syndrome.html>. 21 As estimated by CEPO(1998). 22 See Maloney & Diaconu (2002). 23 EPOI (1998) gives only the base cost. We obtained the total capital cost by assuming that interest during construction and decommissioning represent 25 percent of the base cost as they are in the IEA/OECD study. 24 Risto Tarjanne & Sauki Rissanen “Nuclear Power: Least Cost Option for Baseload Electricity in Finland”, The Uranium Institute Twenty Fifth Annual International Symposium 2000, <www.worldnuclear.org>, Table 1, p. 8. The paper states that the capital cost of a nuclear plant in Finland is 1749 Euros (2000) per kW. We have transformed it into 2000 U.S. dollars assuming as the authors do an exchange rate 1 Euro=$.90. Then we inflated the number to 2002 U.S. dollars. 25 The reactor is expected to cost between 1.75 and 2.5 billion euros in 2000 prices. Capacity of the reactor is not yet decided. It depends on the reactor that will be selected. "In March 2003 tenders were 9 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 explanation for the extremely low number in the study cited by WNA. It does include construction interest. Table 3. Capital Costs of Nuclear Power Generation Country & Plant Net Name Source Estimate Capacity Technology $ / kW Operational CHINA Daya Bay (1&2) CEPO (1998)1 944 Qinshan II IEA/OEC (1998)2 610 Qinshan III (1&2) CEPO (1998) 665 Qinshan III (1&2) 665 Qinshan III (1&2) IEA/OECD (1998) WNA contract value (1996)3 Lingao (1&2) CEPO (1998) 930 Lingao (1&2) Tianwan 1&2 Tianwan 1&2 IEA/OECD (1998) CEPO (1998)4 NTI(2001)5 930 1000 1000 French PWR Chinese PWR Canadian PHWR Canadian PHWR Canadian PHWR French PWR French PWR VVER VVER INDIA n/a Tarapur 3&4 Kudankulam 1&2 EPOI (1998)6 IEA/OECD (1998) M&D (2003)7 n/a 455 1000 IEA/OECD (1998) & EPOK (1999)8 FINLAND n/a n/a Loviisa/Olkiluoto 2285 1994 1872 2002 2747 2002 2402 2002 2496 2002 2182 2002, 2003 2691 1875 1640 2002, 2004 2004, 2005 2004, 2006 PHWR PHWR VVER 2189 2719 1500 n/a 2006, 2007 2007, 2008 1000 PWR 2501 2002 IEA/OECD (1998) WNA (2003)9 WNA (2003)10 1000 n/a 1000 BWR n/a n/a 2871 1637 2270 2005-2010 2005-2010 2007 RUSSIA n/a n/a IEA/OECD (1998) D&M (2003)11 604 1000 VVER VVER 2709 2266 n/a n/a UNITED STATES n/a n/a M&D (2003) IEA/OECD (1998) 1000 1300 PWR PWR 3768 2285 n/a n/a 665 KOREA Yonggwang 5&6 submitted by three vendors for four designs: Framatome ANP: European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) of 1500 MWe and the SWR-1000 (a BWR) of 1200 MWe, General Electric: European Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) of 1390 MWe, and Atomstroyexport: VVER-91/99 of 1060 MWe. (Westinghouse did not bid its AP-1000 PWR or its BWR-90+) The EPR is the new standard design for France, the two BWRs are both undergoing design certification in the United States, and two of the VVER91 units are being built in China" WNA, Nuclear Power in Finland, April 2003. 10 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 FRANCE n/a IEA/OECD (1998) 1460 PWR 2523 n/a CANADA n/a (2 units) Darlington (1&2) IEA/OECD (1998) IEA/OECD (1998) 665 881 PHWR PHWR 2638 2272 n/a 1990, 1992 JAPAN Shika-2 IEA/OECD (1998) 1303 ABWR 3481 2006 IEA/OECD (1998) and EPOB (2000)12 1229 PWR 2610 2001 745 PWR 2475 n/a BRAZIL Angra 2 ARGENTINA Atucha 2 EPOA (2000)13 SPAIN n/a IEA/OECD (1998) 1000 PWR 3272 n/a TURKEY n/a IEA/OECD (1998) 1000 PWR 2600 n/a ROMANIA Cernavoda 1 Cernavoda 2 IEA/OECD (1998) n/a 14 707 707 PHWR PHWR 2304 2348 1996 2007 GREAT BRITAIN Sizewell B Hinkley C KU (1995) 15 KU (1995) 1155 1175 PWR PWR 3097 3028 1995 n/a 11 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Notes: Where plant names could be reasonably inferred, they are listed. 1. William Chandler, Guo Yuan, Jeffrey Logan, Shi Yingyi, Zhou Dai "China's Electric Power Options. An Analysis of Economic and Environmental Costs,” [CEPO] Advanced International Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [PNNL], June 1998 See p. 43 for capital cost estimate on China's Power Plants. 2. International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) "Projected costs of generating electricity"), Paris 1998, p. 54-55. 3. WNA News Briefings, 20-26 November 1996, <www.world-nuclear.org> citing Reuters, November 15, 1996. 4. Range: 1730 to 2020. 5. Russia: General Nuclear Exports Developments, November 28, 2001, <www.nti.org>. 6. Shukla, P.R., Debyany Ghosh, William Chandler, Jeffrey Logan, "Electric power options in India," [EPOI] Pew Center on Global Climate Change, October 1999, p. 26. 7. Michael T. Maloney and Oana Diaconu , “Analysis of Privatization of Russia’s Nuclear Ministry on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Objectives of the United States”, Special Report, Strong Thurmond Institute, 2001, <www.clemson.edu/~maloney/papers/cudoereport.pdf>, citing news reports. 8. Jin-Gyu Oh, Jinwoo Kim, Jeffrey Logan, Sung Bong Yo, Willian Chandler, Dong-Seok Roh "Electric Power Options in Korea", Pew Center on Global Climate Change, October 1999, p. 37 and OECD (1998). EPOK uses the same estimate as OECD as the base construction cost. Consequently, I consider their overall capital cost estimate identical (10% discount rate). 9. Risto Tarjanne & Sauki Rissanen “Nuclear Power: Least Cost Option for Baseload Electricity in Finland”, The Uranium Institute Twenty Fifth Annual International Symposium 2000, <www.world-nuclear.org>, Table 1, p. 8. 10. Nuclear energy in Finland, April 2003, <www.world-nuclear.org>. Range: from 1870 to 2670. 11. Oana Diaconu and Michael T. Maloney “Is nuclear power viable in Russia?" The Electricity Journal, January/February 2003, p. 82. The estimate is based on OECD estimate scaled up to 1000MW, the size of the standard unit being built by Russia today using an average cost elasticity of -0.2. That is for each 10 percent increase in size, capital cost per MW goes down by 2 percent. 12. Roberto Schaeffer, Jeffrey Logan, Alexandre Salem Szklo, William Chandler, Joao Carlos de Souza Marques "Electric Power Options in Brazil", Pew Center on Global Climate Change, May 2000. The base capital cost in this study is $1600/kW (1997 $US), very close to IEA/OECD $1550/kW. We consider the overall estimates for capital cost identical. 13. Daniel Bouillle, Hilda Dubrovsky, William Chandler, Jeffrey Logan, Fernando Groisman "Electric Power options in Argentina", Pew Center on Global Climate Change, May 2000, p. 16. 14. This estimate was recorded in our database, but the source has been lost. 15. Anne Ku "Modeling Uncertainty in Electricity Capacity Planning", Unpublished Thesis, London Business School, February 1995, p. 203. She cites two studies for the source of her data OECD/NEA (1989), "Projected Costs of generating Electricity from Power Stations for Commissioning in the Period 1995-2000," for the estimate on Sizewell and OECD/NEA, IEA and UNIPEDE (1988) "Electricity Generation Costs: Assessment Made in 1987 for Stations to be Commissioned in 1995", Sorento Congress, May 5- June 3 for the estimate on Hinkley. 2.3. Implications of the Results We draw the following conclusions from the comparison of the cost estimates shown above. There is a great deal of variance in the forecast capital cost of nuclear power plants. This is true not just for international Russian construction but also for costs of other reactors such as the Canadian and French models. The French units have a mean of $2386/kW with a standard deviation of $270; the Canadian models have a mean of $2548/kW with a standard deviation of $178. Nonetheless, it is clear that Russian units are typically forecast to have lower costs than the rest of the competition. If we look only at the estimates for Russian units installed in foreign countries, the average is $1672/kW. This is probably biased downward because of the one observation for the Indian facilities based on simple news reporting. Even so, if we go with the highest of these estimates, $1875/kW cited by PNNL, the number is still 21 percent lower than the French cost and 26 percent lower than the Canadian. The suggestion is that Russia is consistently low-bidding. This difference is somewhere between 15 and 25 percent. Based on the cost breakdown presented in Table 1, this range is roughly consistent with the notion that Minatom does not price design costs into its bids and anticipates minimal contingencies. 12 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 3. Analysis of Load Factors at Nuclear Power Plants The analysis presented in the last section also speaks to the issue of levelized cost. Levelized cost is the calculation of the per kWh price that the power plant must receive throughout its life in order to pay back the construction and operating cost. Levelized cost is based on the capital cost of the machine as we have discussed in section 2 above. It also depends on the operating costs (e.g., maintenance, fuel, etc.), the forecast life, discount rate, and load factor.26 Table 4 shows a simple comparison of levelized cost estimates based on alternative assumptions. In the first case we use assumptions that seem to us to reflect the true state of operation of nuclear power plants. We call these the baseline assumptions. We use a life of 30 years because historically, most plants have required substantial capital improvements to continue operation past that point. We use a capital cost estimate that is around the cost reported for French units. We price fuel at the cost paid by U.S. utilities; the same is true for maintenance. Alternatively, we show the “best-case” assumptions used in the Finish study.27 The effect on cost is dramatic. A conservative estimate of the cost of nuclear generation is nearly three times higher than the cost estimated on best-case scenarios. Table 4. Levelized Cost Comparison for Nuclear Power Assumptions Factors: Baseline Best-Case Plant Life (years) 30 40 Discount Rate 0.1 0.05 Load Factor 0.8 0.9 Capital Cost ($/kW) 2400 1637 Fuel cost ($/MWh) 6.0 2.9 Maintenance Cost ($/MWh) 9.0 3.4 Implied Cost Levelized Capital Cost ($/MWh) Full Cost of Power ($/MWh) 36.3 51.3 12.1 18.4 It is possible that a best-case scenario is appropriate for Finland. We know that Finland has experienced favorable performance from its existing nuclear power plants and that the electrical system overall operates efficiently. However, it is romantic to make 26 Load factor is the amount of power produced by a generator divided by the engineering capacity of the unit. Usually load factors are stated for a year. The calculation, then, is the total kilowatt hours of power generated by the unit divided by the capacity of the unit in kilowatts times the number of hours in the year. 27 Risto Tarjanne & Sauki Rissanen “Nuclear Power: Least Cost Option for Baseload Electricity in Finland”, The Uranium Institute Twently Fifth Annual International Symposium 2000, <www.worldnuclear.org>, Table 1, p. 8. 13 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 similarly sanguine estimates for less developed countries.28 In this section we offer an analysis of one of the most important factors affecting levelized cost, load factor, and link it to the operating efficiency observed for the electric system as a whole. From this analysis we are able to make forecasts of the expected cost of nuclear power even for those countries that have not yet adopted nuclear generation technology. 3.1. Load Factor Effects In our earlier work, we assumed a baseline scenario for load factors in Russia of 79 percent. However, nuclear power plants worldwide have not historically enjoyed load factors this high, nor has Russia. Since levelized capital cost is inversely proportional to load factor, the relationship between the two is a significant factor in determining the true cost effectiveness of nuclear power. A 10 percent decrease in load factor, say, from 79 percent to 71 percent, increases capital cost by 10 percent. The worldwide historical experience in load factor is 69.4 percent for reactors currently operating and 68.3 percent for all commercial reactors.29 These numbers are capacity weighted averages by machine by year. The following two tables show the worldwide experience by year and by country. By year, load factors have been improving. Load factors were 50 to 60 percent in the early 1970s. They have increased to around 80 percent today. Even so, there is still a wide range of operating performance across countries. Even looking at the most recent experience, countries such as Finland, Belgium and Switzerland that operate in the high 80s and low 90s of load factor are offset by countries like India which is in the 50s. Many things can affect load factor for an electric generator. For nuclear plants, in particular, age is important. Because of the complexity of the machinery and controls, it is common for nuclear plants to operate at less than full power when they first come online. Indeed, on average it takes nuclear power plants 9 months from first powering the reactor until commercial operation, and 10 percent of the time it takes more than a year. Even in the first year of operation, the reactor is will not run at full power or be synchronized to the grid all the time. Age also works against reactors. On average, the older they get, the lower their load factors. We capture these many factors in the following statistical analysis. We use multiple regression to model the load factor at each plant as a function of the characteristics of that plant. Plant characteristics include the age of the plant and the length of the construction period. We use {0,1} dummy variables to take account of the period from the reactor startup and the first year of commercial operation, the first year of commercial operation, and the last year of commercial operation for reactors that have been shut down. In addition, we include dummy variables for each country and year pair. 28 As a side note on age, of the commercial nuclear power plants that operated for 5 or more years and were subsequently shut down, the average age is 20 years, not 30, and the maximum life is 35. Moreover, no nuclear power plant has yet enjoyed 40 years of service. 29 Data on design, construction, and operating characteristics of nuclear power plants worldwide is available from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) through its Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). 14 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Table 5. Load Factors for Nuclear Power Plants— World Wide Experience by Year Year All Reators Currently Operating 1970 0.53 0.53 1971 0.56 0.56 1972 0.54 0.52 1973 0.55 0.53 1974 0.54 0.51 1975 0.58 0.56 1976 0.60 0.58 1977 0.59 0.58 1978 0.61 0.62 1979 0.58 0.59 1980 0.57 0.57 1981 0.59 0.59 1982 0.59 0.59 1983 0.61 0.62 1984 0.62 0.63 1985 0.66 0.66 1986 0.65 0.66 1987 0.64 0.67 1988 0.65 0.66 1989 0.65 0.67 1990 0.66 0.69 1991 0.68 0.70 1992 0.68 0.70 1993 0.70 0.71 1994 0.70 0.71 1995 0.71 0.73 1996 0.72 0.73 1997 0.71 0.73 1998 0.74 0.75 1999 0.77 0.77 2000 0.78 0.78 2001 0.80 0.80 2002 0.85 0.85 15 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Table 6. Load Factors for Nuclear Power Plants—By Country Country All Reactors Currently Operating Since1996 Armenia 0.52 0.54 0.53 Argentina 0.74 0.74 0.81 Belgium 0.82 0.82 0.89 Bulgaria 0.53 0.53 0.53 Brazil 0.35 0.35 0.55 Canada 0.70 0.76 0.77 Switzerland 0.84 0.84 0.88 China 0.73 0.73 0.76 Czech Republic 0.79 0.79 0.84 Germany 0.73 0.76 0.86 Spain 0.77 0.78 0.88 Finland 0.86 0.86 0.93 France 0.65 0.67 0.72 United Kingdom 0.67 0.66 0.74 Hungary 0.83 0.83 0.87 India 0.45 0.45 0.56 Italy 0.37 Japan 0.72 0.72 0.80 South Korea 0.82 0.82 0.86 Kazakhstan 0.20 Lithuania 0.48 0.48 0.43 Mexico 0.69 0.69 0.75 Netherland 0.79 0.79 0.92 Pakistan 0.29 0.29 0.34 Romania 0.75 0.75 0.75 Russia 0.64 0.64 0.62 Sweeden 0.71 0.71 0.76 Slovenia 0.72 0.72 0.83 Slovak Republic 0.71 0.71 0.69 Taiwan 0.79 0.79 0.83 Ukraine 0.62 0.63 0.68 United States 0.67 0.68 0.82 South Africa 0.62 0.62 0.78 As noted above, we expect operation before the plant enters its commercial phase to be characterized by relatively low load factors. This same phenomenon is likely to be true in the first and last years of commercial operation because the plant does not operate for the whole year. Age, in and of itself, is likely to be negatively related to load factors at least after some point. We allow for a varying age effect by including a squared term. We also test to see if there is a size effect; that is, we check to see if big plants are generally more efficient than small ones. We include the length of the construction period on the hypothesis that plants delayed in construction are not likely to run as well as those 16 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 that are finished in a timely fashion.30 Finally, a dummy variable for plants that have been shut down gives a differential in operating efficiency between operating and closed facilities. Table 7. Regression of Load Factor on Plant Characteristics Independent Variables: Coefficient Age of the Power Plant -0.004 Length of Construction Period -0.009 Prior to Commercial Operation* -0.351 First Year of Commercial Operation* -0.200 Plant has been Shut Down* -0.070 Last Year of Operation* -0.255 F-stat Classification Variables for Country and Year 22.81 R-squared .491 No. of Observations 9331 t-stat -8.31 -9.86 -24.33 -21.22 -10.36 -10.91 d.f. (776, 9330) Notes: (*) denotes {0,1} dummy variable. Age in years from time of commercial operation. “Prior to Commercial Operation” is a dummy variable for years from reactor startup and time of commercial operation. The estimates shown in Table 7 conform to our expectations. Age, holding constant for the first and last years of commercial operation is everywhere negative. The quadratic term proved to be statistically insignificant; the estimated effect is everywhere negative. Operating efficiency declines at nearly one-half of a percent per year. Prior to commercial operation, plants operate at load factors 35 percent lower than after they begin commercial production. Also, load factors are 20 percent lower in the first year and 25 percent lower in the last year of commercial operation. Finally, shutdown plants were 7 percent less efficient in each year of the their commercial lives compared to plants that are still running. The effects associated with these variables hold constant general effects associated with nuclear power plant operation in each year in each country. In other words, we estimate a country and time specific factor of performance which essentially averages operating efficiency for each country for each year. We assume that the startup, shutdown, age, and construction experiences are common across countries and time. However, we imagine that on top of these, there are country-specific factors. We allow these to vary by time as well. In essence what we have is a yearly average of operating efficiencies across all of the nuclear power plants in service in each country. 3.2. Country Rankings Table 8 shows the estimated country effects derived from the regression analysis presented in Table 7. These estimated effects are load factors for the average reactor in each country over its commercial life under the assumption of best-case construction and 30 There are several reasons why this might be true. Regulatory delay could have resulted in mandated changes in design. Construction delays could have resulted from design flaws. Economic delays could lead to redesign difficulties. Our estimate is the average over all of these. 17 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 startup. They represent the relative operating efficiencies across countries. Table 8 shows the effects averaged over the years 1996 through 2002.31 Table 8. Average Load Factor Experience by Country Country Load Factor Country Armenia 0.53 Japan Argentina 0.81 Korea, South Belgium 0.90 Kazakhstan Bulgaria 0.54 Lithuania Brazil 0.69 Mexico Canada 0.77 Netherlands Switzerland 0.91 Pakistan China 0.72 Romania Czech Republic 0.84 Russia Germany 0.87 Sweden Spain 0.90 Slovenia Finland 0.95 Slovak Republic France 0.75 Taiwan United Kingdom 0.80 Ukraine Hungary 0.89 United States India 0.62 South Africa Load Factor 0.79 0.85 0.26 0.44 0.81 0.85 0.34 0.81 0.62 0.77 0.85 0.72 0.84 0.69 0.89 0.80 Notes: Load factor is based on regression analysis in Table 7, and averaged for years 1996 on. Estimates are the average experience in each country under the assumption of a 30 commercial life and best-case construction record. Again we see a wide range of operating efficiencies. For the most part, the relative rankings between countries change little from the raw data, though there are a few interesting differences. Brazil, which seemed pathetic in the raw data, looks a little better in these estimates. But, India and the eastern European countries including Russia still bring up the rear while Finland, Belgium, and Switzerland are at the top. An important question involving these operating efficiencies is, how much can be attributed to the design and operation of the plants themselves and how much is due to the overall electricity system of the country itself? This question is important in an analysis of the cost of nuclear power because design and operational inadequacies are potentially resolved if and when new plants are constructed, whereas inefficiencies systemic to the countrywide electricity system are much less likely to be remedied. We approach this question by examining the operating efficiency of the electricity system in each country. 31 Data for most countries goes only through 2001. 18 Maloney & Diaconu 3.3. LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Line Losses The best measure of the operating efficiency of a country’s electricity system available to us is line losses. Line losses represent electricity that is generated but lost in the movement of power from the generator to the ultimate consumer. It is energy that is dissipated in the transmission and distribution system. More electric power is lost when power moves across low voltage lines than it does at high voltage. For instance, in the United States, most of the large generation units and especially the nuclear power plants are tied into the electrical system or grid through 500,000 volt lines. This power moves throughout the system to substations where the voltage is reduced and reduced until it reaches households at 220 volts. Obviously, the farther power moves along higher voltage lines in its path from generator to home, the lower will be the line losses. Country by country data on electricity generation, consumption, and line losses from transmission and distribution were obtained from the World Bank.32 The data include generation by type of fuel as well as total generation. The data are annual from 1992 through 2000. The average line loss percentage is shown in Table 9 for the countries for which data are available. The line loss data seem reasonable in the large. Developed countries typically have lower line losses than underdeveloped ones. Even so, there are some outliers. One way of examining these data is to relate the line losses to other characteristics of the electrical system. We do this by estimating a regression of line losses on various characteristics of the electricity system. Specifically, we regress line losses on the percentage of exports, electricity consumption per capita, electricity consumption divided by the area of the country, and area itself. Exports are expected to be associated with lower line losses because exports are almost always accomplished over high voltage transmission lines. Also, it seems reasonable to believe that the transmission system will be of higher quality in countries that have more exports. Across our sample the average export percentage is 5 with a standard deviation of 10.33 Electricity consumption per capita and per square mile are likely associated with lower line losses simply because they are indicators of more intense electricity use. 32 The Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy reports international data from which line losses can be calculated. However, for more than half of the observations, the line loss percentage is exactly 7. EIA cautions on the accuracy of these data; we second. 33 Export percentage is kilowatt hours of electricity exports divided by generation plus imports. These data come from EIA-DOE. 19 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Table 9. Electricity Line Losses in Transmission and Distribution by Country Line Line Loss Loss Country Percent Country Percent Albania 48.7 Germany 4.0 Algeria 17.2 Ghana 0.8 Angola 21.8 Greece 7.5 Argentina 17.0 Guatemala 16.3 Armenia 32.2 Haiti 47.4 Australia 6.8 Honduras 23.9 Austria 6.3 Hong Kong, China 13.1 Azerbaijan 15.6 Hungary 12.9 Bahrain 4.7 Iceland 6.6 Bangladesh 17.7 India 20.7 Belarus 13.7 Indonesia 12.2 Belgium 5.0 Iran, Islamic Rep. 12.5 Benin 71.5 Ireland 8.7 Bolivia 21.1 Israel 4.2 Bosnia & Herzegovina 18.2 Italy 7.4 Brazil 16.7 Jamaica 10.4 Brunei 2.6 Japan 3.6 Bulgaria 14.0 Jordan 9.8 Cameroon 18.8 Kazakhstan 14.9 Canada 7.2 Kenya 18.4 Chile 9.0 Korea, Rep. 4.7 China 7.0 Kyrgyz Republic 24.4 Colombia 22.2 Latvia 29.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 4.2 Lebanon 15.1 Congo, Rep. 38.6 Lithuania 14.0 Costa Rica 7.6 Luxembourg 25.4 Croatia 18.3 Malaysia 8.4 Cuba 18.0 Malta 10.8 Cyprus 5.6 Mexico 14.1 Czech Republic 7.6 Moldova 25.0 Denmark 5.7 Morocco 4.3 Dominican Republic 27.1 Mozambique 29.9 Ecuador 22.9 Myanmar 34.2 Egypt, Arab Rep. 12.1 Nepal 21.4 El Salvador 13.9 Netherlands 4.3 Estonia 16.7 Netherlands Antilles 12.4 Ethiopia 10.0 New Zealand 11.3 Finland 4.0 Nicaragua 26.4 France 5.9 Nigeria 32.4 Gabon 10.3 Norway 7.3 Georgia 19.8 Oman 14.5 Country Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Senegal Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, China Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Yemen, Rep. Zambia Zimbabwe Line Loss Percent 24.4 21.2 1.8 16 15.5 11.8 9.9 6.6 11.3 10.2 8.5 13.6 4.4 7.2 5.4 7.6 9.2 18.2 25.5 7 5.9 26.3 5.2 12.3 18.5 8.7 9.1 10.3 16.6 11.2 13.6 9 8.3 6.7 17 8.9 21 19.1 22.1 2.8 11.6 Notes: Data from the World Bank. Means of annual observations, 1992 through 2001. The results of this regression are shown in Table 10. The equation explains 30 percent of the variation in line losses across time and places. All variable behave as expected. The coefficient on the percentage of exports can be interpreted to say that a 10 percentage point increase in exports decreases line losses by 1.2 percentage points, so the effect is not huge. The effect of electricity consumption per capita is statistically significant, but also quite modest in its impact. The coefficient says that a 10 percent increase in consumption per capita decreases line losses by .3 percent. Finally, electricity consumption per square mile is trivial. The main point of this regression is simply to 20 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 show that line losses are systematically related to the electricity system, which gives us some confidence about the quality of the data. Table 10. Regression of the Percentage Line Losses on Country-Wide Electricity System Characteristics Independent Variables: Coefficient t-stat Percentage of Exports -0.12 -5.19 Electricity Consumption Per Capita* -0.03 -11.31 Electricity Consumption Per Square Mile* -3.75E-3 -1.83 Intercept .41 27.93 R-squared .31 No. of Observations 1074 Notes: (*) denotes logs. Our main goal is to relate the quality of the electricity system to load factors for nuclear generators. The results of this analysis are presented in Table 11. Here we regress our estimated load factors on the line loss percentage. Several specifications are given. Table 11. Regressions of the Estimated Load Factors for Nuclear Generators on Country-Wide Line Losses Coefficient / (t-stat) Independent Variables: (a) (b) (c) Line Loss Percentage -1.69 (-11.49) Percentage of Exports R-squared No. of Observations -1.66 (-5.07) -0.18 (-1.83) Electricity Consumption Per Capita* Intercept -1.40 (-6.20) 0.03 (1.85) 0.90 (52.29) .33 275 0.66 (4.83) .34 273 0.90 (22.36) .46 32 Notes: (*) denotes logs. Specification (c) is country averages over the years for which line loss data are available. Specifications (a) and (b) are based on pooled time series and cross sectional observations. The number of observations differs because of data availability on electricity exports. The results shown in Table 11 demonstrate with a reasonable degree of precision that load factors at nuclear power plants are significantly related to the overall quality of the electricity system as measured by the percentage line losses. The estimated coefficient says that a 1 percentage point increase in line losses is associated with a 1.5 percentage point decrease in load factor. The estimated coefficient varies by a statistically insignificant amount based on specification. The specification based on the average of the annual observations for each country assures us that the statistical significance of the effect is not spuriously inflated by autocorrelation. Inclusion of the other variables in the regression does not affect the result, nor are they significant predictors of nuclear generator load factors. 21 Maloney & Diaconu 3.4. LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 Application of the Results Given our estimated relation between nuclear power plant operating efficiency and the overall efficiency of the electric system, it remains only to predict the values for countries of interest. Table 12 shows the actual and predicted values of load factor for all countries currently operating nuclear power plants and for three countries that are considering nuclear generation: Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. In comparing the predicted values for countries with nuclear power plants in operation, notice that there is some variation between the actual and predicted values. The model does not explain all variation (as shown by the R-squared statistic), but it is correct on average. It is interesting to note that two countries of interest, China and India, both have predicted values that are very similar to the actual ones. For India, the predicted and observed operating efficiencies are below par. The actual and predicted load factor for China is only slightly below the benchmark level. For the three countries that are considering nuclear power, our forecast of operation efficiencies are all also below par. By our estimates, both Egypt and Iran can both expect nuclear power to be around 11 percent more expensive than that based on even a conservative scenario. Turkey can expect nuclear power to be 20 percent more expensive. Table 12. Predicted Nuclear Power Plant Load Factors Based on Country-wide Line Losses Load Factor Line Loss Predicted Load Country Experience Percent Factor Argentina 0.85 0.17 0.61 Armenia 0.53 0.32 0.36 Belgium 0.87 0.05 0.81 Brazil 0.47 0.17 0.62 Bulgaria 0.53 0.14 0.66 Canada 0.74 0.07 0.78 0.77 0.07 China 0.78 Czech Republic 0.82 0.08 0.77 Finland 0.93 0.04 0.83 France 0.71 0.06 0.80 Germany 0.84 0.04 0.83 Hungary 0.89 0.13 0.68 0.53 0.21 India 0.55 22 Maloney & Diaconu Japan Kazakhstan Korea, South Lithuania Mexico Netherlands Pakistan Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Selected Countries Egypt Iran Turkey LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 0.77 0.35 0.84 0.42 0.79 0.85 0.37 0.79 0.61 0.74 0.80 0.72 0.86 0.75 0.90 0.81 0.67 0.80 0.83 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.14 0.14 0.04 0.24 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.08 0.07 0.84 0.65 0.82 0.66 0.66 0.82 0.49 0.71 0.73 0.78 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.78 0.80 0.81 0.67 0.76 0.78 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.69 0.69 0.62 Notes: Load factor experience is our measure of the operational performance on average in each country for nuclear power plants over thirty years of commercial life assuming a bestcase construction record. These numbers differ slightly from the earlier table because they are averaged over the years for which line loss data is available. 4. Summary & Conclusions This document reports our investigation of two aspects of the business environment in which Minatom operates. As we stated in the introduction, we see two major questions in the nuclear construction business initiatives of Minatom: (i) Is it possible that Minatom is making money on nuclear power plant construction given the price that it is charging for this work? (ii) Are countries investing in nuclear power making economically efficient decisions? To help answer these question, we have examined the various estimates of construction cost for nuclear power plants, and we have looked at country-specific factors affecting the operating efficiency of nuclear power plants. The basic conclusions reached in this report are the following: 1) There is a great deal of variance in the forecast capital cost of nuclear power plants. This is true not just for Russian construction but also for costs of other reactors such as the Canadian and French models. Nonetheless, it is clear that forecast cost of Russian units installed internationally is typically lower than the rest of the competition. This suggests that Russia is consistently low-bidding. The difference between the price Russia is charging and the price charged by competitors in the 23 Maloney & Diaconu LLNL Project: Sub-Contract B529375 international construction industry runs somewhere between 15 and 25 percent. This is roughly equivalent to the technology component in the cost structure plus minimal accounting for contingencies and interest charges during construction. 2) The capital cost of electricity per kWh is inversely proportional to load factor. Hence, a ten percent decrease in load factor translates approximately into a ten percent increase in the full price of electricity. The historical, worldwide average load factor for nuclear power plants is around 70 percent; this compares to assumed load factors of between 80 and 90 percent used in nuclear power plant cost projections. We think that this is an important factor in assessing the economic efficiency of new nuclear generation projects, such as those in Iran, India, China, and proposed projects in Egypt and Turkey. We search for factors that are systematically linked to load factors at nuclear power plants. The objective is to link the factors associated with the operating efficiency of the electricity system of a country to load factor so that we can more accurately predict the expected load factor for a proposed nuclear power plant. We find that countrywide nuclear power plant load factors are systematically linked to the line losses experienced within each country. Our estimates say that a 1 percentage point increase in line losses is associated with a 1.5 percentage point decrease in load factor. Based on this, we are able to forecast load factors for nuclear power plants even for countries that are not yet employing nuclear generation technology. For three such countries of interest, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey, we forecast nuclear power plant load factors much lower than the baseline assumptions. This very likely makes nuclear power an uneconomic source of generation for these countries. 24