Admissions Agreement


Lions N’ Lambs Kindergarten

Admission Agreement

Lions N’ Lambs Preschool/Kindergarten is open to children who will be 5 by September 1,

2015. We offer a well-rounded program to all children regardless of social, racial, cultural, religious, or economic background. Children with special needs will be admitted on an individual basis with due consideration to the program offered and needs of the child.

Registration Fee

A $65.00 non-refundable fee is due and payable at the time of registration of your child to ensure your child’s enrollment

Tuition Contract

Tuition is calculated on a school year basis (Aug. through May). Payment may be made annually or, for your convenience, in ten (10) monthly payments due by the 1st of each month. Tuition is $2,850.00 annually or 10 payments of $285.00. Tuition for the month of

May must be paid with cash or cashier’s check. Generally, tuition will remain the same for an entire school year, however, if an increase is needed, 30 days notice will be given.

Cash Payment Policy

All cash payments shall be given to the director, assistant director or the secretary/bookkeeper only, who will, write a receipt to the payee at the time of payment.


Late Tuition Fee: Tuition payments received after the tenth of the month will have a $5.00 late payment added. Tuition is considered late after the tenth no matter what day your child attends preschool. If the tenth falls on a weekend or school holiday, you have until the close of business on the next school day to pay your tuition, after that it becomes delinquent. You always have the option of dropping tuition payments off at the preschool office, whether or not your child attends school on that particular day. If you have a problem making a tuition payment by the 10 th of the month please contact the office personnel to make other arrangements. Children whose tuition has not been received by the 20 th of the month are subject to dismissal.

Non-Sufficient Funds Charge: A $15.00 fee will be charged for checks returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds. If the check is returned after being re-submitted to the bank for payment, payer must redeem the check by paying in cash for the amount of the check plus the NSF fee, as well as a late tuition fee of $5.00. Thereafter, only cash will be accepted.

Curriculum fee: A $180.00 curriculum fee which is due at the time of registration.

Picking up children late from school: There will be a $5.00 charge for picking up your child late from school. The first time a person is late the fee will be waived, however, after the first time, the charge will be assessed. A person is considered late after 12:10 P.M. (1:40 P.M. or

3:40 P.M. from Stay N’ Play).

Refunds: Because tuition is actually a yearly fee and staff members are contracted on that fee, and the yearly budget is dependent on full-tuition, we cannot refund any tuition for illness, vacations or school holidays (including Christmas, and fall & spring break). Refunds will be given for the following reasons:


Withdrawal of child from the school. Two weeks notice must be given to the director.

Refund of prepayment will be mailed to last known address within 10 days.


Termination of child from the program by the director (see Discipline Procedure in

Handbook). Refund for prepaid remainder of school year will be mailed to last known address within 10 days.

Withdrawals: If it becomes necessary to withdraw your child from the program for the remainder of the school year, a two (2) weeks notice of this intention is required. Failure to do so will result in a fine equivalent to one month’s tuition.

Dismissal of a child


A child may be asked to leave the school if the child’s needs or behaviors show a need for a specialized program beyond what the school can provide. If a child is having a hard time and is hurting himself/herself or others, we will first talk to them, to let them express themselves, then we will redirect them. If the behavior persists, we will use a short time-out to allow the child time to regain composure. He or she will not be humiliated or a spectacle made of them. Parents will be informed of behavioral issues by the teacher. If behavior still persists, there will be a meeting with the director, parent and teacher. After these steps, if behavioral issues cannot be resolved, the child will be dismissed from the school . In addition, after 2 months of non-payment a child may be dismissed.

(Parent/Guardian initial) _______


The school will be closed for the following holidays and Manteca Unified School District breaks:

Labor Day

Fall Break

Veteran’s Day


Christmas vacation

Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Lincoln’s Birthday

President’s Day

Spring Break

Easter Holidays

(Modifications could change calendar due to MUSD changes)

Tuition is a yearly fee. We do not deduct any tuition for holidays or teacher in-service days.


Pictures will periodically be taken of the children for bulletin boards, slide shows, the newspaper and the web page. (Parent/Guardian initial) _________

Parent Handbook

I have received, read and understand the “Parent Handbook”.

(Parent/Guardian initial) _________

Payment Schedule

Monthly Amount __________ (Parent/Guardian initial) ________

Yearly Amount __________ (Parent/Guardian initial) ________

I have received the Lions N’ Lambs Admission Agreement for the 2015/2016 school year

(online). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the agreement.

Date _______________ Parent’s Signature _________________________________

Date _______________ Director’s Signature _______________________________

The Department of Social Services has the authority to interview children or staff, and to inspect and audit child or childcare center records, without prior consent.
