Reference List - Nutritional Research and Educational Foundation

Nutritional Research and Educational Foundation
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The following is a list of articles available through the Nutritional Research and Educational
Foundation. For more information, please see our website at:
Reference List
(1) Ershoff BH, Levin E. An Orally-Active, Heat-Labile Factor in Pancreas Which Induces
Salivary Gland Hypertrophy in Rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1962;110:262-65.
Ref ID: 1
(2) Beard J. The Action of Trypsin upon the Living Cells of Jenson's Mouse-Tumor. Br Med
J. 1906;140-141.
Ref ID: 2
(3) Hald PT. Comparative Researches on the Tryptic Strength of Different Trypsin
Preparations and on their Acton on The Human Body. Lancet. 1907;1371-75.
Ref ID: 3
(4) Campbell JT. Trypsin Treatment of a Case of Malignant Disease. J Am Med Assoc.
Ref ID: 4
(5) Little WC. A Case of Malignant Tumor, with Treatment. J Am Med Assoc. 1908;1724.
Ref ID: 5
(6) Levin E. Production of Dried, Defatted Enzymatic Material. U S Patent Office. 1950;1-7.
Ref ID: 6
(7) Goeth RA. Pancreatic Treatment of Cancer, with Report of Cure. J Am Med Assoc.
Ref ID: 7
(8) Cutfield A. Trypsin Treatment in Malignant Disease. Br Med J. 1907;525.
Ref ID: 8
(9) Rice C. Treatment of Cancer of the Larnyx by Subcutaneous Injection of Pancreatic
Extract (Trypsin). Med Rep. 1906;70:812-16.
Ref ID: 9
(10) Beard J. The Scientific Criterion of a Malignant Tumor. Med Rec. 1907;71:24-25.
Ref ID: 10
(11) Wiggin FH. Case of Multiple Fibrosarcoma of the Tongue with Remarks on the Use of
Trypsin and Amylopsin in the Treatment of Malignant Disease. J Am Med Assoc.
Ref ID: 11
(12) Morse FL. Treatment of Cancer with Pancreatic Extract. Wkly Bull St Louis Med Soc.
Ref ID: 12
(13) Yoneda T, Takaoka Y, Boyce BF, Scott L, Mundy GR. Extracts of porcine pancreas
prevent progression of hypercalcemia and cachexia and prolong survival in nude mice
bearing a human squamous carcinoma. Cancer Res. 1994;54:2509-13.
Ref ID: 13
(14) Liebow C, Rothman SS. Enteropancreatic circulation of digestive enzymes. Science.
Ref ID: 14
(15) King LS. A Novel Method of Enhancing Antibody Production. Southw Med.
Ref ID: 15
(16) Ershoff BH, Bajwa GS. Submaxillary Gland Hypertrophy in Rats Fed Proteolytic
Enzymes. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1963;113:879-81.
Ref ID: 16
(17) Ershoff BH. Comparative Effects of a Purified and Stock Diet on (DBH 2,5-Di-TertButylhydroquinone) Toxicity in the Rat. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1963;112:362-65.
Ref ID: 17
(18) King LS. Prevention of virus-induced mammary tumors by an orally active pancreas
factor. Exp Med Surg. 1965;23:345-47.
Ref ID: 18
(19) Weinstein JW. Dr. Beard's Theory in the Crucible of Test. An Experimental Study of the
Trypsin Treatment in Cancer. N Y State J Med. 1908;400-402.
Ref ID: 19
(20) Friess H, Bohm J, Ebert M, Buchler M. Enzyme treatment after gastrointestinal surgery.
Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:48-53.
Ref ID: 20
(21) Malfertheiner P, Dominguez Munoz JE. Effect of exogenous pancreatic enzymes on
gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormone release and gastrointestinal motility. Digestion.
1993;54 Suppl 2:15-20.
Ref ID: 21
(22) Layer P, Groger G. Fate of pancreatic enzymes in the human intestinal lumen in health
and pancreatic insufficiency. Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:10-14.
Ref ID: 22
(23) McMahon MJ. Acute pancreatitis: when is enzyme treatment indicated? Digestion.
1993;54 Suppl 2:40-42.
Ref ID: 23
(24) Mossner J. Is there a place for pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of pain in chronic
pancreatitis? Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:35-39.
Ref ID: 24
(25) Lankisch PG. Enzyme treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in chronic
pancreatitis. Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:21-29.
Ref ID: 25
(26) Ihse I, Andersson R, Axelson J. Pancreatic pain: is there a medical alternative to
surgery? Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:30-34.
Ref ID: 26
(27) Birt DF, Julius AD, Dwork E, Hanna T, White LT, Pour PM. Comparison of the effects of
dietary beef tallow and corn oil on pancreatic carcinogenesis in the hamster model.
Carcinogenesis. 1990;11:745-48.
Ref ID: 27
(28) Taylor CB, Ho KJ. Studies on the Masai. Am J Clin Nutr. 1971;24:1291-93.
Ref ID: 28
(29) Jochimsen PR, Pearlman NW, Lawton RL. Pancreatic carcinoma as a sequel to
therapy of lymphoma. J Surg Oncol. 1976;8:461-64.
Ref ID: 29
(30) Newman CE, Ellis DJ. Pancreatitis during combination chemotherapy. Clin Oncol.
Ref ID: 30
(31) Gullo L. Indication for pancreatic enzyme treatment in non-pancreatic digestive
diseases. Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:43-47.
Ref ID: 31
(32) Adler G, Mundlos S, Kuhnelt P, Dreyer E. New methods for assessment of enzyme
activity: do they help to optimize enzyme treatment? Digestion. 1993;54 Suppl 2:3-9.
Ref ID: 32
(33) Spiegel RJ, Magrath IT. Tumor lysis pancreatitis. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1979;7:169-72.
Ref ID: 33
(34) Cohen LF, Balow JE, Magrath IT, Poplack DG, Ziegler JL. Acute tumor lysis syndrome.
A review of 37 patients with Burkitt's lymphoma. Am J Med. 1980;68:486-91.
Ref ID: 34
(35) Bell RH. Influence of the Endocrine Pancreas on Exocrine Pancreatic Carcinogenesis.
Int J Pancreatol. 1988;3:S218-S220.
Ref ID: 35
(36) Poston GJ, Yao CZ, Upp JR, Jr., Alexander RW, Townsend CM, Jr., Thompson JC.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits the growth of hamster pancreatic cancer but not
human pancreatic cancer in vivo. Pancreas. 1988;3:439-43.
Ref ID: 36
(37) Fabris C, Benini L, Basso D, Del Favero G, Vantini I, Piccoli A et al. Renal factors in
serum trypsinogen 1 metabolism and excretion in chronic pancreatic disease.
Pancreas. 1988;3:25-29.
Ref ID: 37
(38) Moles KW, Kerr JI, Armstrong E, Hayes JR, Buchanan KD. Serum concentrations of
trypsin-like immunoreactivity and pancreatic isoamylase in insulin dependent diabetic
patients. Pancreas. 1988;3:135-39.
Ref ID: 38
(39) Reddy S, Elliott RB. Ontogenic development of peptide hormones in the mammalian
fetal pancreas. Experientia. 1988;44:1-9.
Ref ID: 39
(40) Ahlgren JD. Chemotherapy for pancreatic carcinoma. Cancer. 1996;78:654-63.
Ref ID: 40
(41) Moore M. Activity of gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic carcinoma. A
review. Cancer. 1996;78:633-38.
Ref ID: 41
(42) Graham S. Toward a dietary prevention of cancer. Epidemiol Rev. 1983;5:38-50.
Ref ID: 42
(43) Mettlin C. Epidemiologic studies on vitamin A and cancer. Adv Nutr Res. 1984;6:47-65.
Ref ID: 43
(44) Graham S. Dietary factors in the prevention of cancer. Transplant Proc. 1984;16:392400.
Ref ID: 44
(45) No author. Changes in diet to be Urged in War on Cancer. St Louis. 1983;8A.
Ref ID: 45
(46) Duerksen S. Prevention is theme for cancer fight. The Daily Herald. 1984;16.
Ref ID: 46
(47) Slevin ML, Bell R, Cotterill AM, Lister TA. The "tumour overkill syndrome". A potentially
lethal complication of cancer chemotherapy. Postgrad Med J. 1981;57:727-29.
Ref ID: 47
(48) Weeks JC, Cook EF, O'Day SJ, Peterson LM, Wenger N, Reding D et al. Relationship
Between Cancer Patients' Predictions of Prognosis and Their Treatment Preferences. J
Am Med Assoc. 1998;279:1709-14.
Ref ID: 48
(49) Smith TJ, Swisher K. Telling the Truth About Terminal Cancer. J Am Med Assoc.
Ref ID: 49
(50) Wynder E. Reflections on diet, nutrition and cancer. Cancer Res. 1983;43:3024.
Ref ID: 50
(51) No author. Diet, nutrition, and cancer. Executive summary of the report of the
committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. Assembly of Life Sciences, National
Research Council. Cancer Res. 1983;43:3018-23.
Ref ID: 51
(52) Nielsen FH. Effect of Trace Minerals and Vitamins on Tumor Formation. Food Tech.
Ref ID: 52
(53) Wynder EL, Gori GB. Contribution of the environment to cancer incidence: an
epidemiologic exercise. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1977;58:825-32.
Ref ID: 53
(54) Weisburger JH, Horn C. Nutrition and cancer: mechanisms of genotoxic and epigenetic
carcinogens in nutritional carcinogenesis. Bull N Y Acad Med. 1982;58:296-312.
Ref ID: 54
(55) Enstrom JE. Assessing human epidemiologic data on diet as an etiologic factor in
cancer development. Bull N Y Acad Med. 1982;58:313-22.
Ref ID: 55
(56) Nauss KM, Newberne PM. Nutritional modulation of cancer. Cancer Detect Prev.
Ref ID: 56
(57) Newberne PM, Suphakarn V. Nutrition and cancer: a review, with emphasis on the role
of vitamins C and E and selenium. Nutr Cancer. 1983;5:107-19.
Ref ID: 57
(58) Byers T, Graham S. The epidemiology of diet and cancer. Adv Cancer Res. 1984;41:169.
Ref ID: 58
(59) Kummet T, Meyskens FL, Jr. Vitamin A: a potential inhibitor of human cancer. Semin
Oncol. 1983;10:281-89.
Ref ID: 59
(60) Bright See E. Vitamin C and cancer prevention. Semin Oncol. 1983;10:294-98.
Ref ID: 60
(61) Rose DP. Diet, Hormones, and Cancer. Food Tech. 1983;58-62.
Ref ID: 61
(62) Brown RR. The Role of Diet in Cancer Causation. Food Tech. 1983;49-56.
Ref ID: 62
(63) Wollard JJ. Nutritional Management of the Cancer Patient. Food Tech. 1983;69-72.
Ref ID: 63
(64) Helzlsouer KJ. Selenium and cancer prevention. Semin Oncol. 1983;10:305-10.
Ref ID: 64
(65) Rivlin RS, Shils ME, Sherlock P. Nutrition and cancer. Am J Med. 1983;75:843-54.
Ref ID: 65
(66) Watson RR. Vitamin E, A and C: cancer prevention agents? Ariz Med. 1984;41:671-73.
Ref ID: 66
(67) Peto R, Doll R, Buckley JD, Sporn MB. Can dietary beta-carotene materially reduce
human cancer rates? Nature. 1981;290:201-8.
Ref ID: 67
(68) Jansen JD. Nutrition and cancer. World Rev Nutr Diet. 1982;39:1-22.
Ref ID: 68
(69) Masek J. Nutrition, diet and cancer. Bibl Nutr Dieta. 1980;48-56.
Ref ID: 69
(70) Alderson MR. Nutrition and cancer: evidence from epidemiology. Proc Nutr Soc.
Ref ID: 70
(71) Willett WC, MacMahon B. Diet and cancer--an overview (second of two parts). N Engl J
Med. 1984;310:697-703.
Ref ID: 71
(72) van Eys J. Nutrition and neoplasia. Nutr Rev. 1982;40:353-59.
Ref ID: 72
(73) Wallner PE, Endersbe LA, Marlin RL. Nutritional Supplementation in Two High-Risk
Cancer Populations. Curr Therapeu Res. 1990;47:924-32.
Ref ID: 73
(74) Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, Vollmer WM, Svetkey LP, Sacks FM et al. A Clinical
Trial Of The Effects Of Dietary Patterns On Blood Pressure. N Engl J Med.
Ref ID: 74
(75) Miwa M, Kong ZL, Shinohara K, Watanabe M. Soybean trypsin inhibitor and betaamylase stimulate macrophages. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1990;173:296-301.
Ref ID: 75
(76) Messina M, Barnes S. The role of soy products in reducing risk of cancer. J Natl
Cancer Inst. 1991;83:541-46.
Ref ID: 76
(77) Moertel CG. A trial of Laetrile now [editorial]. N Engl J Med. 1978;298:218-19.
Ref ID: 77
(78) Moertel CG, Fleming TR, Rubin J, Kvols LK, Sarna G, Koch R et al. A clinical trial of
amygdalin (Laetrile) in the treatment of human cancer. N Engl J Med. 1982;306:201-6.
Ref ID: 78
(79) Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Stampfer MJ. Beverage Use and Risk for Kidney
Stones in Women. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:534-40.
Ref ID: 79
(80) Yun TK, Choi SY. A case-control study of ginseng intake and cancer. Int J Epidemiol.
Ref ID: 80
(81) Jones HB. Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem. Trans N Y Acad Sci.
Ref ID: 81
(82) Arbman G, Axelson O, Ericsson Begodzki AB, Fredriksson M, Nilsson E, Sjodahl R.
Cereal fiber, calcium, and colorectal cancer. Cancer. 1992;69:2042-48.
Ref ID: 82
(83) Cavallo F, Gerber M, Marubini E, Richardson S, Barbieri A, Costa A et al. Zinc and
copper in breast cancer. A joint study in northern Italy and southern France. Cancer.
Ref ID: 83
(84) Brown WA. Harnessing the Placebo Effect. Hosp Pract. 1998;107-16.
Ref ID: 84
(85) Feskens EJ, Bowles CH, Kromhout D. Glucose tolerance and mortality from ischemic
heart disease in an elderly population. Impact of repeated glucose measurements [see
comments]. Ann Epidemiol. 1993;3:336-42.
Ref ID: 85
(86) Davies DL, Fraser R. Do diuretics cause magnesium deficiency? Br J Clin Pharmacol.
Ref ID: 86
(87) Mizuki J, Tasaka K, Masumoto N, Kasahara K, Miyake A, Tanizawa O. Magnesium
sulfate inhibits oxytocin-induced calcium mobilization in human puerperal myometrial
cells: possible involvement of intracellular free magnesium concentration. Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 1993;169:134-39.
Ref ID: 87
(88) Dwyer JT. Diet and nutritional strategies for cancer risk reduction. Focus on the 21st
century. Cancer. 1993;72:1024-31.
Ref ID: 88
(89) Byers T. Dietary trends in the United States. Relevance to cancer prevention. Cancer.
Ref ID: 89
(90) Dave BJ, Trivedi AH, Adhvaryu SG. Role of areca nut consumption in the cause of oral
cancers. A cytogenetic assessment. Cancer. 1992;70:1017-23.
Ref ID: 90
(91) Willett WC, MacMahon B. Diet and cancer--an overview (First of Two Parts). N Engl J
Med. 1984;310:633-38.
Ref ID: 91
(92) Song MK, Heng MC, Rolandelli R, Ament ME, Heng MK. Possible link between zinc
intake and colon cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993;85:667-69.
Ref ID: 92
(93) Shechter M, Kaplinsky E, Rabinowitz B. The rationale of magnesium supplementation
in acute myocardial infarction. A review of the literature [see comments]. Arch Intern
Med. 1992;152:2189-96.
Ref ID: 93
(94) Block G. Micronutrients and cancer: time for action? [editorial; comment]. J Natl Cancer
Inst. 1993;85:846-48.
Ref ID: 94
(95) Sandler RS, Lyles CM, Peipins LA, McAuliffe CA, Woosley JT, Kupper LL. Diet and risk
of colorectal adenomas: macronutrients, cholesterol, and fiber [see comments]. J Natl
Cancer Inst. 1993;85:884-91.
Ref ID: 95
(96) Yang CS, Wang ZY. Tea and cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993;85:1038-49.
Ref ID: 96
(97) Kerr D, Sherwin RS, Pavalkis F, Fayad PB, Sikorski L, Rife F et al. Effect of caffeine on
the recognition of and responses to hypoglycemia in humans. Ann Intern Med.
Ref ID: 97
(98) Richardson S, Gerber M, Cenee S. The role of fat, animal protein and some vitamin
consumption in breast cancer: a case control study in southern France. Int J Cancer.
Ref ID: 98
(99) Tuyns AJ, Kaaks R, Haelterman M, Riboli E. Diet and gastric cancer. A case-control
study in Belgium. Int J Cancer. 1992;51:1-6.
Ref ID: 99
(100) Selby JV, Friedman GD. Epidemiologic evidence of an association between body iron
stores and risk of cancer. Int J Cancer. 1988;41:677-82.
Ref ID: 100
(101) Teo KK, Yusuf S. Role of magnesium in reducing mortality in acute myocardial
infarction. A review of the evidence. Drugs. 1993;46:347-59.
Ref ID: 101
(102) Busse E, Zimmer G, Schopohl B, Kornhuber B. Influence of alpha Lipoic Acid on
Intracellular Glutathione in vitro and in vivo. Arzneimittelforschung. 1992;42:829-31.
Ref ID: 102
(103) Galeano A, Berger MR, Keppler BK. Antitumor activity of some ruthenium derivatives in
human colon cancer cell lines in vitro. Arzneimittelforschung. 1992;42:821-24.
Ref ID: 103
(104) Anti M, Marra G, Armelao F, Bartoli GM, Ficarelli R, Percesepe A et al. Effect of
omega-3 fatty acids on rectal mucosal cell proliferation in subjects at risk for colon
cancer [see comments]. Gastroenterology. 1992;103:883-91.
Ref ID: 104
(105) Olden K, Breton P, Grzegorzewski K, Yasuda Y, Gause BL, Oredipe OA et al. The
potential importance of swainsonine in therapy for cancers and immunology.
Pharmacol Ther. 1991;50:285-90.
Ref ID: 105
(106) Cragg G, Suffness M. Metabolism of plant-derived anticancer agents. Pharmacol Ther.
Ref ID: 106
(107) Bogdanov I. Observations on the Therapeutic Effect of the Anti-Cancer Preperation
Isolated from Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB-51 Tested on 100 Oncologic Patients.
Laboratory Publication. 1982;1-126.
Ref ID: 107
(108) Golley FB. Two Cases of Cancer Treated by the Injection of Pancreatic Extract. Med
Rec. 1906;918-19.
Ref ID: 108
(109) Nuytten D, Van Hees J, Meulemans A, Carton H. Magnesium deficiency as a cause of
acute intractable seizures. J Neurol. 1991;238:262-64.
Ref ID: 109
(110) Oguni KN, Kanaya S, Nomura T, Yamamoto S. A Preliminary Study on the Protection
Against Cancer Risk by Green Tea Drinking. University Publication. 9999;1-11.
Ref ID: 110
(111) Stajano C. The Concentrated Coffee Enema in the Therapeutics of Shock. Uruguayan
Med Surg Special Arch. 1941;29:1-27.
Ref ID: 111
(112) Turturro A, Hart R. Dietary alteration in the rates of cancer and aging. Exp Gerontol.
Ref ID: 112
(113) Williams GM, Baker GT3. The potential relationships between aging and cancer. Exp
Gerontol. 1992;27:469-76.
Ref ID: 113
(114) Richie JP, Jr. The role of glutathione in aging and cancer. Exp Gerontol. 1992;27:61526.
Ref ID: 114
(115) Dwyer JT. Unproven nutritional remedies and cancer. Nutr Rev. 1992;50:106-9.
Ref ID: 115
(116) Kesteloot H, Lesaffre E, Joossens JV. Dairy fat, saturated animal fat, and cancer risk.
Prev Med. 1991;20:226-36.
Ref ID: 116
(117) Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, Rimm E, Colditz GA, Rosner BA et al. Dietary fat
intake and the risk of coronary heart disease in women. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:149199.
Ref ID: 117
(118) Cook IJ, Irvine EJ, Campbell D, Shannon S, Reddy SN, Collins SM. Effect of dietary
fiber on symptoms and rectosigmoid motility in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. A
controlled, crossover study [see comments]. Gastroenterology. 1990;98:66-72.
Ref ID: 118
(119) Altura BM, Altura BT. Magnesium in Cardiovascular Biology. Sci Am Science Medicine.
Ref ID: 119
(120) Molin M, Bergman B, Marklund SL, Schutz A, Skerfving S. Mercury, selenium, and
glutathione peroxidase before and after amalgam removal in man. Acta Odontol Scand.
Ref ID: 120
(121) Crowe SE, Perdue MH. Gastrointestinal Food Hypersensitivity: Basic Mechanisms of
Pathophysiology. Gastroenterology. 1992;103:1075-95.
Ref ID: 121
(122) Cleaves MA. Pancreatic Ferments in the Treatment of Cancer and Their Role in
Prophylaxis. Med Rec. 1906;918.
Ref ID: 122
(123) Ihse I, Permerth J. Enzyme therapy and pancreatic pain. Acta Chir Scand.
Ref ID: 123
(124) Kakar R, Wadhwa R, Sharma SP. Catalase and Peroxidase Activities in Response to
Ascorbic in ti and Acid Feeding in Aging Zaprionus Paravittiger (Diptera). Age Ageing.
Ref ID: 124
(125) Dyckner T. Relation of cardiovascular disease to potassium and magnesium
deficiencies. Am J Cardiol. 1990;65:44K-6K.
Ref ID: 125
(126) Iseri LT. Role of magnesium in cardiac tachyarrhythmias. Am J Cardiol. 1990;65:47K50K.
Ref ID: 126
(127) Rosenkranz HS, Klopman G. Novel structural concepts in elucidating the potential
genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of tetrandrine, a traditional herbal drug. Mutat Res.
Ref ID: 127
(128) Rodriguez RE, Misra M, Kasprzak KS. Effects of nickel on catalase activity in vitro and
in vivo. Toxicology. 1990;63:45-52.
Ref ID: 128
(129) Porsolt RD, Martin P, Lenegre A, Fromage S, Drieu K. Effects of an extract of Ginkgo
Biloba (EGB 761) on "learned helplessness" and other models of stress in rodents.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1990;36:963-71.
Ref ID: 129
(130) Fenzi GF, Giusti LF, Aghini Lombardi F, Bartalena L, Marcocci C, Santini F et al.
Neuropsychological assessment in schoolchildren from an area of moderate iodine
deficiency [see comments]. J Endocrinol Invest. 1990;13:427-31.
Ref ID: 130
(131) Gries A, Malle E, Wurm H, Kostner GM. Influence of dietary fish oils on plasma Lp(a)
levels [letter]. Thromb Res. 1990;58:667-68.
Ref ID: 131
(132) Reich R, Royce L, Martin GR. Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces the invasive and
metastatic activities of malignant tumor cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
Ref ID: 132
(133) Borgeson CE, Pardini L, Pardini RS, Reitz RC. Effects of dietary fish oil on human
mammary carcinoma and on lipid-metabolizing enzymes. Lipids. 1989;24:290-295.
Ref ID: 133
(134) Allegretti A, Lionetto R, Saccomanno S, Paganuzzi M, Onetto M, Martinoli C et al. LHRH analogue treatment in adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: a phase II study. Gruppo
Ligure per lo Studio del Pancreas. Oncology. 1993;50:77-80.
Ref ID: 134
(135) Blackstock AW, Cox AD, Tepper JE. Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer: Current
Limitations, Future Possibilities. Oncology. 1996;301-7.
Ref ID: 135
(136) Holmes AD, Pigott MG, Sawyer WA, Comstock L. Results of Supplementing the
Dietary of Substandard Workers with Cod Liver Oil and Milk. J Ind Hyg. 1932;14:20715.
Ref ID: 136
(137) Young DR, Schafer NS, Price R. Effect of Nutrient Supplements during Work on
Performance Capacity in Dogs. J Appl Physiol. 1960;15:1022-26.
Ref ID: 137
(138) Brown HG. Unorthodox methods of treatment for cancer. Front Radiat Ther Oncol.
Ref ID: 138
(139) Herbert V, Barrett S. The Truth About Nutrition. Book Chapter in "Vitamins and Health
Foods: The Great american Hustle". 1982;1-9.
Ref ID: 139
(140) Bruch H. The allure of food cults and nutrition quackery. J Am Diet Assoc.
Ref ID: 140
(141) Holland JC. Why patients seek unproven cancer remedies: a psychological
perspective. CA Cancer J Clin. 1982;32:10-14.
Ref ID: 141
(142) Shils ME, Hermann MG. Unproved dietary claims in the treatment of patients with
cancer. Bull N Y Acad Med. 1982;58:323-40.
Ref ID: 142
(143) Rynearson EH. Americans love hogwash. Nutr Rev. 1974;32:suppl-14.
Ref ID: 143
(144) No author. Zen macrobiotic diets. J Am Med Assoc. 1971;218:397.
Ref ID: 144
(145) Raper NR, Hill MM. Vegetarian diets. Nutr Rev. 1974;32:suppl-33.
Ref ID: 145
(146) Kamil A. How natural are those "natural" vitamins? Nutr Rev. 1974;32:suppl.
Ref ID: 146
(147) No author. Megavitamin and orthomolecular therapy in psychiatry. Nutr Rev.
Ref ID: 147
(148) Schultz T, Lindeman B. The Victimizing of Desperate Cancer Patients. Today's Health.
Ref ID: 148
(149) Isler C. The fatal choice: cancer quackery. RN. 1974;37:55-59.
Ref ID: 149
(150) Karnofsky DA. Cancer Quackery: It's Causes, Recognition and Prevention. Am J
Nursing. 1959;59:496-500.
Ref ID: 150
(151) Barrett S. The health quack: supersalesman of the seventies [editorial]. Arch Intern
Med. 1978;138:1065-66.
Ref ID: 151
(152) Henderson LM. Programs to combat nutritional quackery. J Am Diet Assoc.
Ref ID: 152
(153) Janssen WF. Cancer quackery--the past in the present. Semin Oncol. 1979;6:526-36.
Ref ID: 153
(154) Greenberg DM. The vitamin fraud in cancer quackery. West J Med. 1975;122:345-48.
Ref ID: 154
(155) Herbert V. The nutritionally and metabolically destructive "nutritional and metabolic
antineoplastic diet" of laetrile proponents. Am J Clin Nutr. 1979;32:96-98.
Ref ID: 155
(156) Herbert V. Laetrile: the cult of cyanide. Promoting poison for profit. Am J Clin Nutr.
Ref ID: 156
(157) Young JH. The persistence of medical quackery in America. Am Sci. 1972;60:318-26.
Ref ID: 157
(158) Yarbro JW. Laetrile 'case histories': a review and critique. Mo Med. 1979;76:195202,206.
Ref ID: 158
(159) No author. Unproven Methods of Cancer Management: Antineoplastons. CA Cancer J
Clin. 1983;33:57-59.
Ref ID: 159
(160) Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Advances in diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic
cancer. Gastroenterologist. 1995;3:301-10.
Ref ID: 160
(161) Cleare AJ, Heap E, Malhi GS, Wessely S, O'Keane V, Miell J. Low-dose
hydrocortisone in chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomised crossover trial. Lancet.
Ref ID: 161
(162) Duffey PH. Cancer quackery. Ariz Med. 1975;32:724-26.
Ref ID: 162
(163) Baum M. Quack cancer cures or scientific remedies? Clin Oncol. 1983;9:275-80.
Ref ID: 163
(164) Daugherty CK, Siegler M, Ratain MJ, Zimmer G. Learning from our patients: one
participant's impact on clinical trial research and informed consent. Ann Intern Med.
Ref ID: 164
(165) Regelson W. The 'grand conspiracy' against the cancer cure. J Am Med Assoc.
Ref ID: 165
(166) Subcommittee on Unorthodox Therapies ASoCO, Allen CV, Cohen RJ, Lerner IJ, Lewis
JP, Pinsky CM et al. Ineffective cancer therapy: a guide for the layperson. J Clin Oncol.
Ref ID: 166
(167) Howard Ruben J, Miller NJ. Unproven methods of cancer management. Part II: Current
trends and implications for patient care. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1984;11:67-73.
Ref ID: 167
(168) Miller NJ, Howard Ruben J. Unproven methods of cancer management part I:
background and historical perspectives. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1983;10:46-52.
Ref ID: 168
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