Radioactive Decay and Halflife


Physics 30

Unit Four: Nuclear Physics

Text: Merrill Physics: Principles and Problems

Radioactive Decay and Half-life

1) Radioactive Decay

 The changing of one element into another is called transmutation o Alpha and beta decay are two natural methods of transmutation

 Artificial transmutation is changing the number of protons of a nucleus artificially

 Alpha (ά) decay involves the emission of an alpha particle

 Beta (β) decay involves the emission of a beta particle

Alpha Decay

 A PARENT nucleus (which is unstable) decays into a smaller DAUGHTER nucleus o When this happens there is a decrease in atomic mass and atomic number)

 The nucleus of the parent loses an alpha particle

 Note: Atomic number and atomic mass are CONSERVED in this reaction

 In alpha decay, the mass number decreases by 4 while the atomic number decreases by 2

Beta Decay

 In beta decay, a neutron from the nucleus of the parent disappears and becomes a proton and an electron

 So an example appears as follows:

 Note: neutron in the nucleus disappears and an additional proton and electron appear – therefore the mass number is conserved o The electron is not a valence electron – it originates from the nucleus

Gamma Decay

 When the nucleus undergoes alpha or beta decay, it may contain too much left over energy

 This excess energy gets emitted in the form of gamma rays

 Gamma rays do not change the mass or atomic numbers

Radioactive Decay Series

 Sometimes the daughter nucleus that is formed from the decay of a radioactive parent nucleus is ALSO radioactive and will decay. This results in a decay series. o This decay series can involve alpha decay, beta decay, or both

 Decay series end when a stable isotope is created

 Radioactive isotopes are called radioisotopes

 Do determine what is happening during these decays, note the following: o If the mass number changes by 4, it is an alpha decay o If there in no change in mass number, it is a beta decay

 There are three common decay series o Uranium, Actinium, and Thorium decay series

2) Half-Life

Decay Constant

 All radioactive elements decay at different rates (each element decays differently)

 The activity of an element is directly proportional to the amount of radioactive material in contains

 We can express this mathematically:


Where: A = activity (in Bq)

 This can be re-expressed as:

N = number of radioactive nuclei

A = λ N

Where λ is the decay constant (this measures how fast a nuclei gives off radioactivity)


 Radioactivity of radioactive materials decreases with time

 A half-life is the amount of time taken for half of a given number of radioactive atoms of a radioactive element to decay

 The half-life period of an element tells us whether the decay is relatively slow or fast

 The half-life cannot be affected by temperature, chemical, or physical changes

Artificial radioactivity

 The Curies (Marie and Pierre) found that a non-radioactive element could be made radioactive by bombarding the nucleus with neutrons or deutrons (a nuclei of deuterium – 1 proton + 1 neutron)

 For example:

 Cobalt-60 produces beta and gamma rays o These gamma rays are used to treat cancer

Producing Radioisotopes of Iodine

 A Neutron Howitzer is an apparatus that supplies a neutron beam

 The source of the neutron beam is a capsule of Americium-241 & Beryllium-9

 Americium-241 undergoes alpha decay which causes the Beryllium-9 to produce neutrons

 These neutrons then interact with Iodine-127 to produce radioactive Iodine-128
