useful information for enrollment in italian universities

Registration of Foreign Students to
‘CORSI SINGOLI’ (single courses)
N.B.: The consular jurisdiction of the Embassy of Italy Washington, D.C. is as follows:
MARYLAND: Counties of Prince George's and Montgomery;
VIRGINIA: Counties of Arlington and Fairfax, and the city of Alexandria
All academic documents and/or degrees obtained outside of our consular jurisdiction must be certified
by the corresponding Italian consulate where the academic document/degree was obtained. To find out
which consulate you must contact please visit the following link:
All students seeking admission to an Italian university for enrollment in CORSI SINGOLI (one semester
or one year program) have to submit their paperwork to the corresponding consular office by the
deadline imposed by the Italian Ministry of Education.
All applications must be accompanied by the following documents:
Three application forms (see form at end of document), addressed to the Magnifico Rettore of
the University, properly filled out in Italian and signed in front of a consular agent;
Original certificate of attendance issued by the Registrar (or by the Assistant Registrar, Associate
Registrar, or Student Record Administrator) of an accredited college or university in the USA stating that
the applicant is enrolled with the institution as a "full-time bona fide student" pursuing either a Bachelor,
a Master, or a Ph.D. degree (specify how many years the applicant has completed - if in a Bachelor
Program, the student must qualify at least as a "Junior"), legalized by the Notary Public and accompanied
by the Apostille(*) of the Secretary of State where the academic institution is located;
Italian translation of school certificate of attendance;
2 passport-size photographs (one of which will be authenticated by the Consular Office);
2 photocopies of the passport (one of which will be authenticated by the Consular office);
The student will furnish the exact address, e-mail and contact name and information of the
Admissions office at the Italian university where the application will be submitted.
NB: Please DO NOT staple the translation to the documents and DO NOT detach the original
documents from the Apostille for any reason. Removing the staple from the Apostille will make the
document null and void.
Pre-applications are accepted conditionally; the actual enrollment takes place only when individual
candidates have passed the exam in the Italian language.
After the enrollment has been finalized, students must obtain an Acceptance Letter from the University
before they can ask for the student visa. VISAS must be obtained, prior to leaving the United States,
through the corresponding Consulate.
It is the Consulate's responsibility to forward the completed CORSI SINGOLI application to the
university, but it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the university to verify acceptance and inquire
about the Italian language test. Students concerned about receiving credits for their Italian studies should
contact their University department advisor prior to their departure.
IMPORTANT: Those students who intend to take Corsi Singoli while in Italy with IES, MUST apply
through the corresponding Consulate. Upon completion of the pre-enrollment procedure, they can
proceed with the visa application. It is not necessary to wait for the acceptance letter from the university,
as it is in all other cases.
Credits earned in "corsi singoli" may not be transferred towards an Italian H.Ed. qualification.
For further information please visit
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research:
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – Foreign Students:
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – Foreign Students: Application
Study in Italy: Italian Higher Education for International Students:
For further information, and to make an appointment, please contact:
Ms. Martina Rizzo
Student Office
Embassy of Italy
3000 Whitehaven St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20008-3612
United States of America
Tel.: (202) 612-4435
Fax: (202) 518-2142
1) All foreign students must pre-enroll through the corresponding Italian Consular Office by the
deadline that has been established by the “Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca”)
2) If the foreign student is already in Italy with a regular Student Visa and a “Permesso di Soggiorno”
and wants to enroll in a subsequent university course, he/she must ask the “Questura” for an
extension of the “Permesso di Soggiorno”; if the extension is granted, the student must send a
copy of the renewal to the corresponding Consulate, together with all the requested documentation
for pre-enrollment.
3) If the extension of the “Permesso di Soggiorno” is denied and the student cannot obtain a renewal,
he/she must return to the United States to pre-enroll through the Corresponding Consulate and
request a new Student Visa by the scheduled times.
4) In the case of a renewed “Permesso di Soggiorno” only, the student can have the photo and the
signature on the application form authenticated by the local Italian Authorities (“Tribunale”). All
others must have them authenticated at the corresponding Consulate at the time of pre-enrollment.
IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT detach the documents from the Apostille for any reason.
Removing the staple from the Apostille will make the document null and void.
The Italian Government and its agencies comply with the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 (approved
by the United States of America on October 15, 1981) that requires documents originated in other countries
to be accompanied by the Apostille of the Secretary of State to satisfy the requirement of authenticity. The
Apostille actually certifies that the signatures of Officials appearing on the original document are true and
legitimate. In this manner all documents issued in the United States, if accompanied by the Apostille of the
Secretary of State, are recognized as authentic in Italy.
ORIGINAL school/academic documents (i.e.: Final Report Card, High School Graduation Diploma, High
School Transcript, Bachelor of Art Diploma, Bachelor of Science Diploma, Master Diploma, Ph.D.
Diploma, Academic Transcripts) should bear the signature by hand (no ink or raised stamps accepted) of
the Registrar or any other School/University authority in charge of students records and the signature
authentication by a Notary Public.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:
Office of the Secretary of the District of Columbia
Office of Notary Commissions and Authentications
441 4th Street, NW, Room 810S
Washington, DC 20001
Tel.: (202) 727-3117
PUBLIC OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARYLAND: Once the original document has been authenticated by a Notary Public in the state of
Maryland, it must be submitted to the County Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County in which the notary
is commissioned. The Clerk’s office will certify that the person who acted as notary was in fact a notary on
the day the document was signed.
for Montgomery County:
Loretta E. Knight, County Clerk
Montgomery County Circuit Court
Judicial Center
50 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel. (240) 777-9460
for Prince George’s County:
Marilynn M. Bland, County Clerk
Prince George’s County Circuit Court
14735 Main St.
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-3051
Tel. (301) 952-3318 / 3330 / 3335
After this procedure, the document can be mailed (or taken personally) to the appropriate office of the
Secretary of State for the Apostille.
BY MAIL - along with the school document with notarized statement and clerk’s certification attached, the
student submits:
 a cover letter indicating the country of destination of the document;
 a stamped, self-addressed envelope and
 a check or money order in the amount of $5.00 per document made payable to Secretary of State.
The address is:
Certification Desk
Office of the Secretary of State
16 Francis Street,
Jeffrey Building, 1st Floor,
Annapolis MD 21401
WALK-IN SERVICE – 8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. (including some State holidays)
16 Francis Street,
Annapolis MD 21401
Telephone: (410) 974-5521
Payment of $5.00 per document by check, money order or exact amount in cash, and the name of the
country of destination is required at the time of certification.
Before you apply for an apostille, all original transcripts and diplomas must be notarized by any notary
public in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
After this step, you may go to Richmond to apply for an apostille. You must specify that the apostille is
for Italy. If you decide to do this by mail, you must include a brief letter explaining the reason for
requesting the apostille as well as a self-addressed stamped envelope along with the appropriate fee and all
other required documents.
You may obtain the apostille at the following address:
Ms. Betsy Anderson
Director of Authentications
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
1111 East Broad Street, 4th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Tel.: (804) 786-2441
(da compilare in stampatello / please type in block letters)
Al Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di
(indicare la precisa denominazione dell’Università)
Al Direttore di ………………………………………………….............................................................................................
(indicare la precisa denominazione dell’Istituzione Afam e la sede)
Il sottoscritto:
Cognome (max2):……………………………………………………………………………………………..
(per le donne coniugate indicare per primo il cognome da nubile)
Nome (max2):………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Nato il…………………………a………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. M / F
(cittadinanza attuale)
(via e numero civico)
(città e codice postale)
Titolo di studio conseguito presso una Universià / frequenza presso una Università
(cancellare la dicitura che non interessa)
“............................................................................................................................ .............................................”
Istituzione che ha rilasciato il titolo / presso la quale si frequenta
(cancellare la dicitura che non interessa)
“............................................................................................................................ .............................................”
Stato al cui ordinamento degli studi si riferisce il titolo o l’università frequenta(1) ........................................
Di essere iscritto per l’anno accademico _______________ a corsi singoli ..........................................................
-/A tal fine, allega :
fotocopia autenticata del titolo conseguito presso una Università/ certificato di frequenza (cancellare la dicitura che non
interessa) legalizzato dalla Rappresentanza italiana corrispondente per territorio, munito di legalizzazione consolare, di
“dichiarazione di valore in loco” a cura della stessa e corredato di traduzione ufficiale in lingua italiana;
due fotografie, di cui una autenticata;
1 fotocopia del passaporto
altri eventuali documenti (indicare quali) necessari ai fini dell’accoglimento della domanda
Il sottoscritto dichiara:
di essere a conoscenza che il permesso di soggiorno per studio non può essere modificato per fini di lavoro subordinato.
di essere in possesso della copertura economica richiesta;
di essere in possesso di copertura assicurativa per cure mediche e ricoveri ospedalieri secondo quanto previsto
dalla legge italiana o di impegnarsi a stipulare un contratto per tale copertura assicurativa al suo ingresso in
di assumere l’impegno di presentarsi alla Questura, entro 8 (otto) giorni dall’ingresso in Italia, per il rilascio dell’idoneo
“permesso di soggiorno per studio”, esibendo il visto d’ingresso per motivi di “STUDIO” rilasciato dalla
Rappresentanza italiana correspondinge al fine di iscriversi al corso sigolo presso l’Università/Istituzione Afam per
l’anno accademico ________ – ________;
di impegnarsi, se non ammesso, a rientrare nel Paese di residenza alla scadenza del premesso di soggiorno.
(Leggibile e per esteso)
(firma autenticata dalla Rappresentanza)
Nei casi in cui il titolo di studio sia stato rilasciato da Istituzione con ordinamento diverso da quello del Paese in cui
il candidato risieda (es. studente svizzero che studi in Istituzione ad ordinamento britannico in Svizzera) oppure nel quale il
candidato studi o abbia studiato (es. studente svizzero che studi in Kenia in una Istituzione di ordinamento britannico), il
titolo dovrà comunque essere munito di legalizzazione, di “dichiarazione di valore in loco” e di eventuale traduzione della
Rappresentanza italiana nel Paese al cui ordinamento appartiene la Istituzione che lo ha rilasciato (nei due esempi del
Consolato Generale d'Italia in Londra).
(2) Per la eventuale ulteriore documentazione da allegare ci si dovrà attenere a quanto richiesto dall’Università cui è rivolta
la presente domanda.