JORDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCEINCE & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY "Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds" Chem. (416) Read and retain this syllabus. It contains information essential to your success in this course. Attendance: Your attendance at all lectures is expected and essential to your success in this course. As a rule the student can't miss more than 10% of the lectures with reasonable excuses from the instructor, and another 10% with reasonable excuses accepted by the dean of science. If the student misses overall 20% of the lectures, then he or she can't enter the final exam and will fail the course with 35. Examination Policy: During this course, there will be a first worth 25.0 points and a second worth 25.0 points, homework and quizzes worth 10.0 points and a final examination worth 40.0 points. There is NO curve in this course: Problems: Doing the problems is absolutely essential to your success in this course. You will not succeed without doing the problems in a timely fashion. Do not fall behind. Course Outline Text Book: 1. Introduction to Spectroscopy by Pavia, Lampman and Kriz. 2. Spectroscopic identification of Organic Compounds by Silverstein, Bassler, Morrill. General objectives: 1. In Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds we will explore the important spectroscopic and analytical techniques used for structure elucidation. 2. By the end of semester, the students should be able to identify the structure of organic compounds by analyzing the data that will be given during the semester such as solubility tests, chemical tests for functional groups, elemental analysis, molecular formula determination, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chapter that will be covered 1. Organic Qualitative Analysis Classification of organic Compounds by Solubility Background, Determination of Solubility, General Solubility Rules, Solubility in Organic Solvents, Chemical Tests for Functional Groups. 2. Determination of Chemical Formulas Elemental Analysis, Empirical Formula Determination, Molecular Mass Determination, Index of Hydrogen Deficiency, Molecular Formula Determination. 3. Mass Spectrometry Theory, Instrumentation, Background Information, the Molecular Ion peak, the Nitrogen Rule, Isotope Ratio Data, Fragmentation Patterns for Organic Functional Groups (Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatic Compounds, Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters, Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Amides, Nitriles, Nitro Compounds, Halogenated Compounds. First Exam 4. Infrared Spectroscopy Background Information, Electromagnetic Radiation, Infrared Spectroscopy Basics, Instrumentation, General Approach to IR Spectrum Analysis, and Example Spectra for Various Functional Groups (alkane, alkene alkyne, alkyl halide, aromatic, alcohol, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, ester, acid chloride, acid anhydride, amine, and amide. 5. Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy Background Information, Basic of Ultraviolet Light Absorption, Terminology, Laws of Light Absorption, Measurement of the Spectrum, Solvents for UV/Vis Spectroscopy, UV/Vis Spectroscopy Generalization, Types of Electronic Transitions, Empirical Rules for Calculating Uv/Vis Absorptions. Second Exam 6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy NMR Basics and 1H Resonance, Nuclear Spin States, Chemical Shift, Instrumentation, Solvents for 1H NMR, Chemical Equivalence, Integration, Factors Influencing Chemical Shift, 1H Correlation Chart, Spin-Spin Splitting (n + 1 Rule). 13 C Resonance, Background, 13C Correlation Chart, 13C Correlation Chart for Carbonyl Compounds, Solvents for 13C NMR, ProtonCoupled 13C Spectra, Proton-Decoupled 13C Spectra, Off-Resonance Proton-Decoupled 13C Spectra, Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement, Problems with Integration of 13C Spectra, Heteronuclear Coupling in 13 C Spectra Calculating Chemical Shift Values: In 1H NMR Spectroscopy: Disubstituted Methylenes, Substituted Alkenes, Substituted Benzene Rings. In 13C NMR Spectroscopy: Inear and Branched Alkanes, Linear and Branched Alkenes, Substituted Benzene Rings. Spin-Spin Coupling, Basics of Coupling Constants, Coupling Patterns in NMR. Advanced NMR Techniques: Double Resonance, DEPT (Distortionless Enhancement by polarization Transfer) Experiment, Two-Dimensional NMR Techniques: COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy) Experiment, HETCOR (Hereronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy) Experiment. Final Exam Grading First Exam Second Exam Quizzes Final 25% 25% 10% 40%