1st 6 Weeks 2014 Pre-AP Chemistry Note: Material covered in class takes precedence over these lesson plans. Lesson plans are subject to modification based on the students' needs. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Aug 26 Objective: Pre-Assessment To demonstrate lab safety rules. Activities: Algebra 1 Skill Assessment Safety tour MSDS Aug 27 Objective: Pre-Assessment To demonstrate lab safety rules. Activities: Diagnostic Test Safety video Sept 1 LABOR DAY Sept 2 Objective: To take precise measurements. To express numbers and perform calculations using scientific notation. To use the rules for significant figures in calculations. Activities: Lectures and practice on metric conversions and dimensional analysis. Sept 3 Objective: To use the rules for significant figures in calculations. To perform metric conversions using conversion factors and dimensional analysis. To distinguish between accuracy and precision. Activities: Measurement Lab Sept 8 Objective: I can use the rules for significant figures in calculations. I can perform metric conversions using conversion factors and dimensional analysis. I can distinguish between accuracy and precision. Activities: Dimensional analysis practice Sept 9 Objective: I can use the rules for significant figures in calculations. I can perform metric conversions using conversion factors and dimensional analysis. I can calculate the density of an object. Activities: Dimensional analysis practice (cont) Sept 10 Objective: I can calculate the density of an object. I can calculate percent error. Activities: Density Lab Aug 25 Objective: Introduction Activities: Introduction Syllabus Classroom rules *Major Grade Assignments Thursday Friday Aug 28 Aug 29 Objective: To demonstrate lab safety rules. Assessment Activities: Safety Quiz Sept 4 Sept 5 Objective: I can use the rules for significant figures in calculations. I can perform metric conversions using conversion factors and dimensional analysis. I can calculate the density of an object. Activities: Measurement Lab (cont) Same as Wednesday Same as Wednesday Sept 11 Same as Wednesday Sept 12 Objective: Unit Review Activities: Test Review: Scientific Measurements Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sept 16 Objective: To differentiate between physical and chemical changes and properties. To identify extensive and intensive properties. To compare solids, liquids and gases in terms of compressibility, structure, shape and volume. To classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through investigation of their properties. Activities: Lecture/Practice on classification of matter Sept 17 Objective: To differentiate between physical and chemical changes and properties. To identify extensive and intensive properties. To compare solids, liquids and gases in terms of compressibility, structure, shape and volume. To classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through investigation of their properties. Activities: Physical and chemical changes Lab Sept 22 Objective: To understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory. To calculate the number of subatomic particles for neutral and charged atoms. Activities: Inquiry/Lecture on the Atomic Theory and atomic structure (cont) Sept 23 Objective: To perform calculations involving isotopes and atomic mass. Activities: Lecture and practice on calculation of average atomic mass. Sept 24 Objective: To perform calculations involving isotopes and atomic mass. To write electron configurations and orbital diagrams for atoms and ions. Activities: Isotope Lab Lecture/practice on electron configurations and orbital diagrams Sept 29 Objective: To write electron configurations and orbital diagrams for atoms and ions. Activities: Practice on electron configurations and orbital diagrams (cont) Sept 30 Objective: Unit Review Activities: Test Review: Matter and Atoms Oct 1 Objective: Assessment Activities: Unit Test: Matter and Atoms Sept 15 Objective: Assessment Activities: Unit Test: Scientific Measurements *Major Grade Assignments Thursday Friday Sept 18 Sept 19 Objective: To understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory. Activities: Inquiry/Lecture on the Atomic Theory and atomic structure Sept 25 Sept 26 Objective: To write electron configurations and orbital diagrams for atoms and ions. Activities: Lecture/practice on electron configurations and orbital diagrams (cont) Oct 2 End of Cycle 1 Oct 3 Fall Holiday Same as Wednesday Same as Wednesday Same as Wednesday