Tel +41 (0)33 228 14 00 Fax +41 (0)33 228 14 02 LABOR SPIEZ CH-3700 Spiez Laboratory for the determination of radionuclide concentration e-mail internet TEST REPORT Page 1/7 Test report No. : NUC-2006-030A Customer : United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Post Conflict Branch (PCoB), Dr. Mario Burger, Senior Expert/Project Coordinator Order : Determination of uranium isotopes and depleted uranium in soil samples from the Lebanon DU Assessment II, Khiam Summary : The dried and sieved soil samples were homogenized, ashed, milled and fused. The fusion was dissolved in nitric acid and diluted for ICP-MS analysis. The U-238 concentration and the uranium isotope composition were measured by plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Finnigan Element2). The percentage of depleted uranium was calculated with the isotope ratio U-235/U-238. Spiez, November 29, 2006 64400 / ROF Signed: Approved: Author: SPIEZ LABORATORY Department of Physics The Head SPIEZ LABORATORY Department of Physics Radioactivity SPIEZ LABORATORY Department of Physics Radioactivity Dr. P. Roder E. Schmid Dr. S. Röllin The contents of this test report refer only to the test samples. It may be published in full without consent, however partial publication requires permission from SPIEZ LABORATORY. STS 028 Test report: NUC-2006-030A Distribution to: Page 2/7 - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Dr. Mario Burger, Senior Expert/Project Coordinator Chemin des Anémones 15 CH-1219 Châtelaine (Geneva) - SPIEZ LABORATORY: RPE, BURG, SET, AST, ROF, SAHH, HO, BYF Reg. Test report: NUC-2006-030A 1. Page 3/7 ORDER MANAGEMENT Date of order: November 23, 2006 Order by: UNEP PCoB 2. ORDER NUMBER AND TEST PLAN SOP: L 028 005 00 Order number: NUC-2006-030 Test plan: NUC-2006-030 3. SAMPLING Samples taken by Mario Burger, Markus Astner Sampling plan: UNEP/Mario Burger 4. SAMPLES AND CODES SOP: L 028 006 00 Code Sample Visible check NUC-2006-030-00001 NUC-2006-030-00002 NUC-2006-030-00003 NUC-2006-030-00004 NUC-2006-030-00005 NUC-2006-030-00006 NUC-2006-030-00007 NUC-2006-030-00008 NUC-2006-030-00009 soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Test report: NUC-2006-030A 5. Page 4/7 SAMPLE PREPARATION SOP: L 028 067 00, L 028 068 01 The samples were dried and sieved. The sieved samples (about 250 g) were homogenised in soil sample bottles in a TURBULA mixer for 10 minutes. 50 g of the homogenised soil samples were then ashed in quartz crucibles at 520°C in high temperature furnaces for 16 hours (weight constancy). The furnace was heated gradually to 520°C within 4 hours to avoid sample burning. The ash was milled in a 250 ml Syalon (SiN4) ball-mill with Syalon balls (15 balls, diameter 20 mm) for two minutes at 600 rpm. 5 g of the milled soil ash was mixed with 7 g of fluxing agent (Lithium metaborate / Lithium tetraborate 80 % / 20 %). The mixture was transferred in a platinum/gold crucible and indium was added as internal standard. The mixture was fused in a high temperature furnace for 20 minutes at 1100° C. The fusion was dissolved in 4.5 M nitric acid. Silicates were precipitated with polyethylene glycol (PEG-2000). 1.4 ml was filtered through < 0.45 µm cellulose filters (Spartan 30/0.45 RC, Schleicher & Schüll) and diluted with 2% nitric acid for ICP-MS analysis. 6. DETERMINATION OF THE DRIED AND ASHED MATERIAL UNEP code NUC-2006-030-00001 NUC-2006-030-00002 NUC-2006-030-00003 NUC-2006-030-00004 NUC-2006-030-00005 NUC-2006-030-00006 NUC-2006-030-00007 NUC-2006-030-00008 NUC-2006-030-00009 Dried material at Ashed residue at 105°C related to 520°C related to fresh material dried material [%] [%] 81.2 84.2 87.4 81.5 92.4 89.2 83.4 81.9 78.6 92.1 93.7 90.4 90.1 94.5 92.9 93.7 94.1 96.9 Test report: NUC-2006-030A 7. Page 5/7 MEASUREMENT METHODS SOP: L 028 050 02, L 028 053 02 Method: ICP-MS All samples were measured with the double focusing sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, Finnigan Element2). The U-238 concentration was measured quantitatively with external calibration. The isotope composition was measured without any mass discrimination corrections. The isotope ratio of U-235/U-238 was corrected for mass discrimination by measuring a natural uranium solution after every 6 - 8 samples. The correction due to mass discrimination was < 1%. 8. DATE OF ANALYSIS Date: November 24 - November 29, 2006 Test executing staff: SAHH/AST/ROF 9. ARCHIVING SOP: L 028 010 00 Test report / raw data: 10 years Samples: 1 year 10. RESULTS Units in the tables: 1 mg 1 µg 1 ng 1 pg 1 fg = 10-3 g = 10-6 g = 10-9 g = 10-12 g = 10-15 g Test report: NUC-2006-030A Page 6/7 10.1. Uranium isotope composition in percent 238 Sample NUC-2006-030-00001 NUC-2006-030-00002 NUC-2006-030-00003 NUC-2006-030-00004 NUC-2006-030-00005 NUC-2006-030-00006 NUC-2006-030-00007 NUC-2006-030-00008 NUC-2006-030-00009 235 U 234 U 236 U U percentage percentage percentage percentage ±1s ±1s ±1s ±1s [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] [mass%] 0.009 99.289 0.0001 < 0.0003 0.0047 0.009 0.706 0.008 99.287 0.0001 < 0.0003 0.0047 0.008 0.708 0.008 99.287 0.0002 < 0.0003 0.0046 0.008 0.708 0.008 99.288 0.0001 < 0.0003 0.0044 0.008 0.708 0.009 99.288 0.0001 < 0.0003 0.0049 0.009 0.707 0.009 99.291 0.0004 < 0.0003 0.0049 0.009 0.704 0.007 99.285 0.0008 < 0.0003 0.0050 0.007 0.709 0.008 99.289 0.0002 < 0.0003 0.0050 0.008 0.706 0.008 99.286 0.0001 < 0.0003 0.0042 0.008 0.710 The performance of the ICP-MS was checked with natural and certified uranium standards. After every 6 -10 samples, a natural uranium standard was measured. The uncertainty corresponds to the combined procedure error. For concentrations lower than the detection limit the uncertainty corresponds to the detection limit calculated from three times the standard deviation of the background signal. 10.2. Uranium isotope concentrations related to dry weight 238 Sample [µg/g] NUC-2006-030-00001 NUC-2006-030-00002 NUC-2006-030-00003 NUC-2006-030-00004 NUC-2006-030-00005 NUC-2006-030-00006 NUC-2006-030-00007 NUC-2006-030-00008 NUC-2006-030-00009 27.2 21.0 3.5 20.8 14.2 35.1 42.5 52.4 19.2 235 U ±1s [µg/g] 1.2 0.9 0.2 0.9 0.6 1.5 1.8 2.2 0.8 [ng/g] 193 150 25 149 101 249 304 372 137 234 U ±1s [ng/g] 8.7 6.6 1.1 6.6 4.5 11 14 17 6 [pg/g] 1'284 1'003 164 921 696 1'724 2'124 2'624 814 236 U ±1s [pg/g] 97 82 14 79 52 131 161 205 65 [pg/g] < < < < < < < < < U ±1s [pg/g] 16 12 5 12 8 141 340 105 11 The performance of the ICP-MS was checked with U standard solutions. After every 6 - 10 samples, a uranium verification standard solution was measured to check the calibration for U-238. The U-234, U-235 and U-236 concentrations were calculated with the isotope ratios. The uncertainty corresponds to the combined procedure error. For concentrations lower than the detection limit the uncertainty corresponds to the detection limit calculated from three times the standard deviation of the background signal. Test report: NUC-2006-030A 10.3. Isotope ratio 235 Page 7/7 U/238U and percentage DU of the total uranium 235 Sample U / 238U at ratio NUC-2006-030-00001 NUC-2006-030-00002 NUC-2006-030-00003 NUC-2006-030-00004 NUC-2006-030-00005 NUC-2006-030-00006 NUC-2006-030-00007 NUC-2006-030-00008 NUC-2006-030-00009 0.00725 0.00727 0.00726 0.00726 0.00725 0.00722 0.00728 0.00724 0.00728 ± 1s at ratio 0.00005 0.00005 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00006 0.00003 0.00005 0.00003 DU of total U percentage [mass%] < DL < DL < DL < DL < DL < DL < DL < DL < DL ± 1s [mass%] - DL(DU) [mass%] 2.6 2.6 1.7 1.6 1.8 3.4 1.9 3.0 1.5 The performance of the ICP-MS was checked with natural and certified uranium standards. After every 6 -10 samples, a natural uranium standard was measured to correct for mass discrimination. The mass discrimination correction was < 1%. The uncertainty of the isotope ratio corresponds to the combined procedure error. The percentage of DU was calculated from the 235U/238U isotope ratio as follows: DU [%] 100 RU nat Rm 0.00725 Rm 100 RU nat RDU 0.00525 Isotope ratio 235U/238U of natural U ( = 0.00725) RU nat R DU Isotope ratio 235U/238U of depleted U ( = 0.002) Rm Measured isotope ratio 235U/238U of the sample The percentage of DU was calculated with the assumption of an isotope ratio 235U/238U = 0.002 for pure depleted uranium. This value was confirmed by analysing penetrators from the Balkans.The uncertainty corresponds to the combined procedure error. The detection limit (DL) of the percentage of DU of the total uranium was calculated from three times the uncertainty of the isotope ratio U-235/U-238.