OXFORD UNIVERSITY ALUMNI BRIDGE ASSOCIATION Rules 1. Name The club is called the Oxford University Alumni Bridge Association. 2. Objects The objects of the club are to promote the game of contract bridge as a sport and a recreational activity, and to organise conferences and other events for its members. 3. Membership Membership of the club is open to all alumni of the University of Oxford and to friends and relations of alumni. Any person who wishes to become a member of the club shall apply in writing to the Secretary. 4. Subscriptions The subscription payable for life membership of the club is £10.00 for individuals and £15.00 for married couples. Separate charges will be made for participation in club events organised by the committee. 5. Honorary officers The honorary officers of the club shall be the Chairman, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. All honorary officers must be members of the club. 6. Management 6.1 The club shall be managed by a committee of no fewer than three and no more than ten members. The Chairman, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall be ex officio members of the committee. All members of the committee must be members of the club. 6.2 The committee (including the honorary officers) shall be elected at the annual general meeting in each year. 6.3 The committee may appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy that occurs. The committee may also co-opt additional members of the committee, provided that: 6.3.1 the total number of members of the committee does not exceed the maximum set out in para.6.1; and 6.3.2 the elected members (including members appointed to fill any casual vacancies) always constitute a majority of the committee. 6.4 Subject to termination of office by resignation, removal or otherwise, all members of the committee shall retire at the next annual general meeting following their election, appointment or co-option. -1- 6.5 Retiring members of the committee may stand for re-election. 6.6 The committee may delegate to any one or more of its members the responsibility for the administration or management of any of the club’s activities, subject to report back to the committee. 6.7 The quorum for meetings of the committee shall be three members. 7. Annual general meetings 7.1 An annual general meeting of the club shall be held once in every calendar year. Unless the committee otherwise determines, the annual general meeting shall be held at a residential weekend in September. The annual general meeting shall transact the following business: 7.1.1 to receive the Chairman’s report on the club’s activities during the preceding year; 7.1.2 to receive and, if approved, to adopt a statement of the club’s accounts to the end of the preceding year; 7.1.3 to consider and, if approved, to ratify any alteration of or addition to the rules; 7.1.4 to appoint the honorary officers and other members of the committee; 7.1.5 to deal with any special matter which the committee wishes to bring before the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the committee. 7.2 Nominations for election as honorary officers and members of the committee shall be sent to the Secretary at least 28 days before the annual general meeting. Except in the case of retiring members of the committee who are seeking re-election, each candidate for election must be proposed by a member of the club and seconded by another member, and must submit written confirmation that he or she is willing to serve if elected. 7.3 The Secretary shall send a notice convening the annual general meeting to the members not less than 21 days before the meeting. The notice shall specify the matters to be dealt with at the meeting and shall include the nominations for election as honorary officers and other members of the committee. 8. Special general meetings 8.1 A special general meeting may be convened at any time by the committee and must be convened within 28 days from receipt of a requisition in writing signed by no fewer than 20 members specifying the object of the meeting. 8.2 A special general meeting may be convened: 8.2.1 to consider and, if approved, to ratify any alteration of or addition to the rules; 8.2.2 to deal with any special matter which the committee wishes to bring before the members; 8.2.3 to remove any member or members of the committee from office and to fill any vacancy or vacancies caused by the removal; or 8.2.4 to deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting wish to place before the club. 8.3 The Secretary shall send a notice convening a special general meeting to the members not less than 14 days before the meeting. The notice shall specify the matters to be dealt with at the meeting. -2- 9. Procedure at general meetings 9.1 The Chairman shall preside over general meetings. If the Chairman is not present at the start of the meeting, another member of the committee shall preside. 9.2 Each member attending a meeting shall be entitled to one vote, and resolutions (other than a resolution to dissolve the club) shall be passed by a simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 9.3 The quorum for general meetings of the club shall be ten members. 10. Finance 10.1 All moneys payable to the club shall be passed to the Treasurer who will deposit them in a bank account designated for the purposes of the club. No sum shall be drawn from the bank account except by a cheque signed by the Chairman or the Treasurer or the Secretary. Any sums not required for the club’s immediate use may be invested as the committee in its discretion sees fit. 10.2 The income and property of the club shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the club, and no part may be paid by way of bonus, dividend, or profit to any member, but nothing shall prevent the reimbursement of expenses properly incurred by any member on behalf of the club. 10.3 The Treasurer shall at the end of each calendar year prepare annual accounts which shall be checked by another member of the committee before distribution. 11. Honorary members 11.1 The committee may elect as an honorary member, without payment of any further subscription, any person who has in the opinion of the committee rendered services to the club. 11.2 The election will not take effect unless and until confirmed at the next annual general meeting after the date of the election. 12. Resignation A member wishing to withdraw from the club must give notice in writing to the Secretary. 13. Expulsion 13.1 The committee may expel any member who offends against the rules of the club or whose conduct, in the opinion of the committee, renders him or her unfit for membership of the club. 13.2 Before any member is expelled, the Secretary must give him or her seven days’ written notice and must inform him or her of the reason for the proposed expulsion. 13.3 No member may be expelled unless he or she has first been given an opportunity to appear before the committee and respond to the case for the proposed expulsion, and at least two-thirds of the committee then present vote in favour of the expulsion. -3- 14. Alteration of rules The committee may alter or add to these rules, but no alteration or addition shall take effect until it has been ratified at the next annual general meeting or at a special general meeting convened for the purpose. 15. Dissolution 15.1 A resolution to dissolve the club may be proposed only at a special general meeting and shall be effective only if carried by a majority of three quarters of those present and voting at the meeting. 15.2 On the dissolution of the club any property remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the club shall be transferred to the Oxford Society. -4-