4 Measuring Network Delay


4 Measuring Network Delay

4.1 Measurements

Measurements are the key aspect of Internet Tomography and play an important role for the estimation of internal characteristics of the network. They are the basis for the inference strategy to build its estimates. The observations represent the only data the Network

Tomography can adopt. That is why the choice of measurements becomes really important to obtain as precise estimation as possible. The inference techniques and measurements must jointly cooperate. If the inference strategy is able to provide detailed estimates of its analysis but adopts wrong measurements, the obtained results will be a failure. The measurements must follow the dynamics of the network parameters which should be computed. It is important to implement the measurements in a right way and to find a trade-off between the accuracy and complexity. The accuracy stands for the degree of correctness of measurements and the capacity to probe the network without large measurement errors. The complexity represents not only the computational burden of the algorithm of measurements, but also the quantity and the way to manage the machines cooperating to obtain the measurements. For example, the results of a chirurgic operation will be certainly better if a surgeon is supported by the medical personnel and operates with state-of-the-art equipment than if he works alone and uses simple instruments.

An active external measurement is the measurement of a generated traffic flow, which crosses the network from a source to a destination external hosts.

The focus of the present work is the link-level Network Tomography, that is the estimation of link-level parameters, such as delay distributions, having path-level measurements. The only available measurement is the one way delay to travel a path from its source to its destination. Let us define the measurement of one way delay along a path.

4.2 Synchronization of Host

The measurements are not easy to obtain. A synchronization of time between the source and destination hosts is required. There are many possible techniques to synchronize two or more machines. One of them is the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS considers a satellite environment as reference time for the synchronization of the source and the destination. The GPS system provides the highest synchronization accuracy [15].

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The advantage of this method is that the error caused by the propagation and the network jitter is significantly reduced. The synchronization accuracy depends on the precision with which the source and destination hosts are able to synchronize their internal clock to the

GPS signal. This method provides the accuracy of a few microseconds [15]. However,

GPS has also several drawbacks. In particular, the synchronization of several devices, each of which is equipped with a GPS receiver, can be expensive. Furthermore, the GPS antenna has to be located, depending on the card and antenna, within a specific distance from the receiver, limiting the positioning of monitoring devices.

Another synchronization system is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers[15,16]. In this system the synchronization is obtained through the time reference offered by public

NTP servers located across the Internet. This is the cheapest synchronization technique, but it does not provide as optimal results as GPS does. In the NTP the accuracy depends both on the characteristics of the paths followed by the NTP synchronization messages and on the distance between the NTP server and the source and destination that must be synchronized. The synchronization accuracy is of the about ten millisecond order [15].

GPS signal NTP server



One-way delay Destination synchronized synchronized

Figure 4.1: The GPS signal or NTP server synchronize the source and the destination. It is possible then to calculate the one way delay along a specific path of the network.

The techniques described above explain how the accuracy depends on the complexity of a measurement made. An accurate measurement obtained with a GPS synchronization provides optimal results, but its implementation it is not so simple.


4 Measuring Network Delay

Network Tomography is devised to analyze large scale network. The present work describes how Network Tomography can be applied to a small scale network, such as a

Local Area Network (LAN). In this contest it is not reasonable to use a GPS receiver or any other complex and expensive synchronization systems. Whenever they are available, the complexity of the synchronization to obtain the one way delay is higher than the complexity of the inference algorithm. It is necessary to find new measurement tools and understand how the loss of the accuracy can influence the estimate.

In the next section some of these methods, such as Ping, Traceroute and Patchar, will be described. It is important to balance the complexity and accuracy of a measurement to test its quality.

4.3 Ping

Ping is an abbreviation of the ‘Packet Internet Groper’[17]. The ping utility is essentially a system administrator’s tool able to see if a computer is operating and to realize if network connections are intact. Ping operates using the required Internet Control Message Protocol

(ICMP) Echo function, documented in RFC 792 that all hosts should implement. ICMP are special IP control messages, that are used to send network information between two hosts, and will be described in details in the next paragraph. When a machine receives an Echo

Request, it answers with an Echo Reply, placing the original Echo Request packet by the data field of the Echo Reply. In particular, a host sends an ICMP Echo Request to an IP address and then waits (or ‘listens’) for the return packet Echo Reply. If there is a right connection and the target computer is active, a good return packet will be received.

To ping a host, it is only necessary to enter a ping hostname, whereby hostname is either a machine name or just an IP address. Figure 4.2 shows a traces ping application in the

Router Lab of the Department of Distributed System of the University of Wuerzburg

(Germany) . In this example the host Latona is pinged by the host Ull. Ull sends one ICMP

Echo Request packet every second to Latona. When the ping program gets an Echo Reply back from Latona, it prints out the response, providing the following information. First, the

IP address of where it came from. Usually, the host name is pinged and its IP address is given in the response. Second, the number, and, third, the Time To Live (TTL) field.

Finally, it returns the Round Trip Time (RTT), which is the time expressed in milliseconds.

The sequence number starts at 0. The ICMP Echo Request number 0 represents the first packet sent to the pinged host. Ping places a unique sequence number on each packet it transmits, and reports, which sequence numbers it receives back.

If a skipped sequence number is received, it means, that some packet is lost or dropped, because it did not receive an Echo Reply back with the missing number of the sequence.

The reason for a missing number of the sequence is a loss of either Echo Request or Echo

Reply. In fact, it is possible that the Echo Request arrives to the destination, replaced by the


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PING Latona( byte

64 bytes from to to : icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.298 ms

64 bytes from to to : icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.352 ms

64 bytes from to to : icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.354 ms

64 bytes from to to : icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.353 ms

64 bytes from to to : icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=0.351 ms

Statistics Ping for

Packets : Transmitted = 5, Received= 5, Lost = 0 <0% lost>

Figure 4.2. The result of ping for the host Latona.

Echo Reply, which cannot arrive due to some reasons to the pinger host. If a loss rate of

Echo Request/Reply is one per cent of the total number of the sent Echo Request/Reply, the right state of the link network is obtained. Usually, the random event of a loss is very low inside a LAN and increases when the number of nodes in the network increases.

The Time To Live (TTL) allows to obtain some other information. When an IP packet is sent, the TTL field is set to an arbitrary number. The packet traverse the network and the

TTL field is decreased by one by each router it goes through. When the TTL value becomes 0, the packet is discarded by the router. Ping program uses the TTL to determine approximately how many router hops the packet has gone through.

Let us imagine the TTL is set to 255. In this situation it is 255 minus N hops, where N is the TTL of the returning Echo Replies. If the TTL field varies in successive pings, it could indicate that the successive reply packets are going via different routes. In a LAN, the TTL value can be set to 64 and usually the returned TTL does not vary in consecutive pings.

The Ping places a timestamp in each packet, which is echoed back and can easily be used to compute the round-trip time to get a packet to the remote host. The necessary time of a packet to reach its destination is called latency. An important index in a multi Echo

Request comes from the analysis of the variance, called jitter, of the RTT. A high jitter means, that the measurements are not reliable. In a LAN the jitter does not vary considerably. The measurements change, but always in a small band around the average

RTT. The latency can be considered negligible, because the network is of small size. The motif of a varying jitter can be represented specially from the queuing delay at routers. It depends on the traffic state of the LAN. When the ping terminates, it prints out a summary containing the minimum, the average and the maximum RTT, so the jitter can be easily computed. Besides, the number of packets transmitted, the number received, and the percentage of packet lost are printed out. Usually, a reliable jitter is in the order of ten per cent of the average TTL.


4 Measuring Network Delay

Ping is a tool simple to use and can be implemented by all the hosts. This is a significant advantage and is sometimes more important than precise measurement.

In the next section some other tools to obtain the RTT, such as Traceroute and Patchar, will be discussed in detail. They provide more accurate results, but require a more complex analysis in terms of acquisition and computation of the data.

Next Section gives brief explanation of how the ping can be applied and describes the structure of an ICMP packet.

4.4 ICMP

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a network-layer Internet protocol that provides message packets to report errors and other information regarding IP packet processing back to the source[18]. ICMP is documented in RFC 792.

ICMP messages are contained within standard IP datagrams. They provide a way for IP stacks to send simple messages containing information or errors. ICMP is important for IP networks to work correctly. In fact, the Internet Protocol is not supposed to be absolutely reliable. The goal of these control messages is to provide feedback about problems in the communication environment. There are still no guarantees that a datagram will be delivered or a control message will be returned. The ICMP messages typically report errors in the processing of datagrams as specified in RFC1122 ( http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1122.txt

). In this section the most important aspects will be explained to provide a better understanding of how the ping operates.

ICMPs generate several kinds of important messages, including Destination Unreachable,

Echo Request and Reply, Time Exceeded, Timestamp request and reply [20]. If an ICMP message cannot be delivered, no other one will be generated in order to prevent an endless flood of ICMP messages.

ICMP destination-unreachable message is sent by a router, it means that the router is unable to send the package to its final destination. The router then discards the original packet. There are different reasons why a destination might be not be reached. Some of these are, the source host could specifiy a nonexistent address or the router did not have a route to reach the destination. Destination-unreachable messages include network unreachable, where a failure has occurred in the routing or forwarding of a packet. Another kind of Destination-unreachable is Host-unreachable message, which indicates a delivery failure, such as a wrong subnet mask. Port-unreachable messages are those when the port is not available.

The Echo Request is an ICMP message which sends a packet of data to the host and

expects the data to be sent in return by an Echo Reply. The host must respond to an Echo


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Requests with an Echo Reply containing the exact data received in the request message.

The ICMP Time-exceeded message is sent by the router if the Time-to-Live field of the IP packet (expressed in hops or seconds) reaches zero. The basic format of ICMP messages is shown in Figure 4.3. The 8-bit type code identifies the types of message. The type values for the mentioned ICMP messages are the following:

Echo Reply : Type 0

Destination unreachable : Type 3

Echo Request : Type 8

Time exceeded : Type 11

Timestamp request : Type 13

Timestamp reply : Type 14

The code field focuses the kind of error message for the specific ICMP message. For example, in case of ICMP Destination-unreachable, the code for already mentioned causes of this message are:

- Net unreachable : code 0

Host unreachable : code 1

Port unreachable : code 2

The checksum field is the one’s complement checksum of the ICMP message.

8-bit code 16-bit checksum

Figure 4.3: Format of ICMP packet.

Figure 4.4 depicts the way the ping works and the specific ICMP messages if there is a right connection between the source and the destination node. It is the responsibility of the network layer (IP) protocol to ensure that the ICMP message is sent to the correct destination. This is achieved by setting the destination address of the IP packet. The source address is set to the address of the computer generating the ICMP Echo Request, and the IP protocol type is set to "ICMP" to indicate the packet as a control message. When the destination receives the ICMP Echo Request, it copies all the data in the new ICMP


4 Measuring Network Delay

Reply and sets the source address of the IP packet. When ICMP reply is received, it is possible to analyze the sequence number and the round trip time. The sender records the most recent time before transmission. When the destination receives the timestamp in the message, it is returned in the reply together with the additional timestamp before the transmission of the replier. The source with these two values can calculate the RTT expressed in milliseconds.

Figure 4.4: A source sends an ICMP Echo Request and listens to an ICMP


4.5 Traceroute

Traceroute is a network debugging utility that attempts to trace the path a packet takes through the network [21,22]. The Internet path between two locations has many routers, computers and other devices along it which help move the information of IP packets. The goal is to obtain the route of the packet sent. A possibility use some IP packet options like record route and its variants. Usually these are poorly specified and they are rarely implemented in a useful way. In addition, these options can be disabled for security reasons. These are some of the reasons to introduce Traceroute as a tool which does not depend on any of these facilities.

Traceroute is an IP utility which allows the user to determine the route packets are taking to a particular host. It can observe the path the packets travel, as they leave the sender, and head for their destination. Traceroute can notify how many routers the packets travel through and how long it takes them to travel between routers. It can also give the names of the routers and their network affiliation and geographic location, if the routers have DNS

(Domain System Service) entries.


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Traceroute takes also advantage of a feature of the Internet Protocol called TTL, or Time

To Live. Originally, this data field in an IP packet header was supposed to contain a value representing the actual amount of time a packet could be flying around the Internet before a router would simply discard it. This is used to reduce the possibility of birth of endlessly looping packets around the network. The TTL field is now interpreted to indicate the maximum number of routers a packet can transit. Every router that handles a packet subtracts one from the packet's TTL. If the TTL reaches zero, the packet will be discarded and an error message will be transmitted to the originator of the packet, ICMP (Internet

Control Message Protocol). Traceroute depends on the common router practice of sending an ICMP Time Exceed Message (TEM) back to the sender when this occurs. Traceroute causes routers along a packet's normal delivery path to generate these ICMP messages which identify the router.

Traceroute works as following. It sets the TTL field for the first packet to 1. The first router in the path receives the packet, decrements the TTL value by one, and if the resulting TTL value is zero, this router responds with an ICMP TEM indicating that the datagram has expired. Traceoute records the IP address and, if available, the DNS name of that router, then sends out another packet with a TTL value of two. This packet makes it through the first router, then expires at the next router in the path. This second router also sends an error message back to the originating host. This process continues, incrementing TTL by one, recording the IP address and name of each router until a packet finally reach the final destination, or until it decides that the host is unreachable. Since this datagram is trying to access an invalid port at the destination host, ICMP Port Unreachable Messages (PUM) are returned, indicating an unreachable port; this event signals the Traceroute program that it is finished. The purpose behind these sequences of packet sent with different TTL is to record the source of each ICMP Time Exceeded Message to provide a trace of the path the packet took to reach the destination host. Figure 4.5 shows how traceroute works to find the route of a path between source and a receiver.

Figure 4.5: a) A sequence of UDP with different TTL is sent, until the receiver is reached. Each TEM, give back the RTT, the IP address and ,if available, the

DNS name of that router. b) Knowing all the IP addresses, it is possible to define the path between the source and the receiver.


4 Measuring Network Delay

A practical application is depicted in the Figure 4.6. The numbered output lines give the

TTL value, the name and IP address of the host or the router and the round-trip time for the three datagrams that are sent. Figure 4.7 shows that the path obtained exists.

Traceroute to wi3x46.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 ( 0.248ms 0.254ms 0.254ms

2 ( 0.562ms 0.599ms 0.598ms

3 ( 0.96ms 0.98ms 1ms

4 wi34x46.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de ( 1.2ms 1.3ms 1.3ms

Figure 4.6: Reading from left to right, it is possible to recognize the TTL, the host along the path and the RTT of each router.

Figure 4.7: Traceroute applied from Ull to Hestia and its relative network path.

4.6 Pathchar

Pathchar is a tool devised to infer the characteristics of links along an Internet path

[23,24,25,26,27]. From the global vision of a path, the link-level parameters, such as the bandwidth, the latency or the queuing delays, can be estimated by means of Pathchar.

When a path is chosen, the characteristics of a link along it can be infered by measuring the round trip time (RTT) of packets sent from a single host.

The substantial difference between Pathchar and Traceroute is that Pathchar conducts a socalled packet train analysis. A packet train is a sequence of at least two packets sent along


Emanuele Orlando the path. Varying the characteristics of the packets of different trains, such as, for example, their size, it is possible to obtain the estimates of the link-level parameters. In this case the measurements of the RTT of the packet trains conduct the analysis along the path.

As well as Ping and Traceroute, Pathchar uses the TTL field in an IP packet. TTL is a field in the IP header which indicates how many hops should be allowed for this packet to make more before being discarded or returned. If a router receives a packet with null TTL, it means that this packet has expired. In this case the router drops this packet and sends an

ICMP unreachable message back to the sender. The source address of the ICMP packet indicates the router where the packet expired. RTT is computed by measuring, for each probe, the time until the error ICMP message is received. Pathchar operates by sending a series of probes with varying values of TTL and varying packet size. By conducting a statistical analysis of these measurements it is possible to infer the link-level parameters for each link along a path, as, for example, the bandwidth, the latency and the queuing delay distribution for the packet sent. Figure 4.8 shows how these measurements are conducted.


Figure 4.8: A source sends UDP packets along a path, waiting for the ICMP response. By varying IP TTL it is possible to control how far the packets can travel into the network and obtain the number of links traversed. Bandwidth and latency can be estimated by changing the size of packets. Repeating this multiple times gives queuing and loss information of packets.

In order to calculate RTT, it is important to observe how a packet travels along a path.

Figure 4.9 shows a typical example of calculating RTT between two different routers.

Setting RTT to n, let us focus the attention on the (n-1)-th and n-th nodes. When the packet reaches the (n-1)-th node, it waits for a queuing time q


to get in the outgoing link.

The transmit time is the time a packet spends on a link. It is a linear function, expressed in the Equation 4.1, which depends on the latency and the packet size .


4 Measuring Network Delay trasmit

 latency

 size bandwidth


At the node n the packet waits for another queuing time, q


. The router reads the null TTL value of the packet and generates the ICMP message. Even the ICMP packet spends a queuing time to be forwarded, q


, then returns to the node (n-1) with a transmit time (the

Equation 4.1). Finally, it waits in queue in the node (n-1), q



Figure 4.9. The components of RTT are the queuing delays q i

, the transmit times and the forwarding time.

The RTT from the (n-1)-th to the n-th node and back is: rtt

 q


( lat

 packet _ size

) bw

 q


 forward

 q


( lat

To simplify the Equation 4.2, three hypotheses are to be made: bw


 q



The size of the ICMP message is small enough to consider negligible bw

Usually the forwarding time of router is small enough to consider the forward time forward negligible

For a high number of measurements given a path, the probability of the event with negligible queuing delay q i

is not null.

Using these assumptions, the Equation 4.2 can be replaced by the following Equation 4.3.


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( lat

 packet _ size

) bw

 lat (4.3)

Pathchar measures RTT using the Equation 4.3. This computation is repeated until the shortest possible value is found. In fact, the shortest value represents the RTT with the highest likelihood obtained by using Equation 4.3 and its hypotheses.

Pathchar infers the latency and the bandwidth by measuring, for a range of packet size, the

RTT in the Equation 4.3. The RTT is plotted against the packet size and the shortest one is chosen. Figure 4.10 shows the scatter plot and the relative choices of RTT. Pathchar is used to estimate link parameters by subtracting the vertical intercepts of the adjacent link. The vertical intercept is the total latency, hence, subtracting n-th value from the (n-1)-th gives twice latency along link n and, dividing by two, the latency of link n is estimated.

Pathchar infers the bandwidth by subtracting the slopes of the adjacent links. Therefore, the difference between the slopes of nodes n and (n-1) gives the inverse of the bandwidth of that link. Reversing this value, the bandwidth of link n is estimated.

Pathchar is used to estimate the minimum RTT for a given packet size. An increment of the packet size causes an inevitable increment of the RTT. Given a packet size, only the minimum RTT observed is considered, assuming that any excess time a packet takes is caused by queuing delay. The distribution of queuing delay on the node n can be estimated by using Pathchar, because it is obtained by convolution of the queuing delays of previous links.

Link n Link n Link n-1 rtt shortest rtt shortest rtt psize

( link_n ) bw psize1

( link_n - 1 ) bw

Sh_rrt_ n

Packet size


Shortest rtt

Packet size

Increment of packet size a)

Packet size b) c)

Figure 4.10: a) A scatter plot of all measured rtt. b) Pathchar chooses shortest rtt from the global scatter plot c) Pathchar finds latency and bandwidth by subtracting the intercepts and the slopes of adjacent link .


4 Measuring Network Delay

Pathchar provides the latency estimation. The inferring of the bandwidth depends on the precision of the interpolation in obtaining the line in Figure 4.10b. It is impossible to obtain a perfect line, and there are inevitable errors in its slope. Usually, the difference of RTT between the largest packet and the smallest one is insignificant. The higher the bandwidth, the more difficult the estimation process. The quality of the estimation of bandwidth depends on the number of packets sent. When the number of probes is high, the packets, in fact, can travel along the path without incurring in any queuing delays.

Pathchar provides also the queuing delay probability distribution over a link. The key assumption is to consider a steady state of the network traffic.

4.7 Advantages

The biggest advantage of the three tools described above is the absence of synchronization between the source and the destination node. The Ping, for example replaces the timestamp of the Echo Request in the Echo Reply without using any other mechanism to connect the source and the destination hosts. They work autonomously providing the RTTs without giving a lot of effort.

A measurement was defined as a one way delay along a path in a link-level delay estimation. Ping, Traceroute and Pathchar compute the RTT, which is the time required to go and come back. The one way delay is obtained by dividing the RTT by two. This can be possible only under the hypothesis that the forward route of a packet is the same as the return route. This is an empirical approach, but is the simplest in use. It is also quite reliable under the hypothesis that the network in a steady state and local traffic during the measurement is the same. In this case, the average queuing delays at the routers are the same in both the directions. These assumptions can be easily applied in a LAN where a closed network can be completely managed. In this contest the jitter for the RTT could be small. An upper bound of this jitter is the ten percent of the total RTT computed.

In the next chapter there will be explained, why the one way measurement is not always necessary to apply a link-level delay algorithm described in the Section 3. It is possible to apply a link-level delay estimation using RTT and not to require any synchronization between the source and the destination hosts.


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