Journal "Atomic Energy"

Curriculum for BACHELORS in Applied Physics
at the School of Physics and Technology
(Curriculum contains general educational subjects which are given for the students of all the Departments
and specific subjects which are given for the students of the Department)
General educational subjects
Advanced Mathematics (23,5 credit hours)
1. Mathematical analysis (8,5 credit hours) Limits of function. Derivative and differential.
Taylor formula. Indefinite integral. Definite integral. Functions of many variables. Multiple
integrals. Series of functions. Differential geometry.
Books: The Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by Fichtenholtz G.M. V.1, 2
Mathematical Analysis by Zorich V. A. V. 1, 2
2. Differential equations (3 credit hours) (Mathematical analysis 2 year). Ordinary differential
equations. Linear differential equations, Euler equations, Bernoulli equations. Systems of
differential equations. Functionals. Elements of variation calculation.
Books: Differential Equations and Variation Calculations by Elsholtz A.L.
Course of Differential Equations and Variation Calculations by Romanko V.K.
3. Higher algebra (3,5 credit hours) Linear spaces. Matrixes. Determinants. Bilinear and
quadratic forms. Liner operators. Gilbert space.
Books: Lectures on Linear Algebra by Gelfand I. M.
Introduction to the Theory of Linear Spaces by Shilov G. B.
Linear Algebra by Ilyin V. A. Pozdnyak E. G.
4. Analytic geometry (2 credit hours) Vector algebra. Direct line and plane. Parabola, ellipsis,
hyperbola. Spaces of second order.
Books: Analytic Geometry by Modenov P. S.
Analytic Geometry by Postnikov M. M.
5. Methods of mathematical physics (5,5 credit hours) Theory of complex variable functions.
Analytical functions. Loran series. Analytical continuation. Equations with particular
derivatives. Polynomials and special functions.
Books: Methods of Theory of Complex Variable Functions by Lavrentyev M.A., Shabat
Equations of Mathematical Physics by Tikhonov A. N., Samarskiy A.A.
6. Mathematical statistics and probability theory (1 credit hour) Addition and multiplication
of probabilities. Poisson distribution. Incidental. Chi-square distribution. Statistical
General Physics (25,5 credit hours)
1. Mechanics (2,5 credit hours) Kinematics. Dynamics of material point. Noninertial forces.
Reactive, rotary and oscillatory motions.
2. Molecular physics (3 credit hours) Molecular-kinetical theory of ideal and real gases.
Elements of statistical and kinetical physics. Thermodynamics of ideal and real gases.
Elastic characteristics of solids.
3. Electricity and magnetism (4,5 credit hours) Electrical field in vacuum and dielectric.
Electric current. Theory of the conductivity. Thermoelectric phenomena. Magnetic field of
the continuous current. Electromagnetic induction. Magnetic field in matter.
4. Electromagnetic wave and optics (3 credit hours) Propagation, refraction and reflection of
the wave. Interference and diffraction. Molecular optics. Light dispersion. Wave in
anisotropic medium. Nonlinear optics.
5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics (3,5 credit hours) Structure of Atoms based on Bohr Theory
and Quantum Mechanics. Atomic Spectroscopy. Structure of Molecules. Quantum
Phenomena in Solids. Structure and Properties of Nuclei. Radioactivity. Properties of
elementary particles.
6. Physics Laboratory (9 credit hours) Experimental works on mechanics. Molecular physics.
Electricity and magnetism. Optics and atomic physics conducting in respective educational
Books: The General Course of Physics.V. 1-5. by Sivukhin D.V.
Basakutsa V.A. Laboratory Practice on Physics. V. 1, 2.
Theoretical physics (20,5 credit hours)
1. Theoretical Mechanics (3 credit hours) Equation of motion. Conservation laws. Collisions
of particles. Small vibrations.
Book: Theoretical Mechanics by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
2. Electrodynamics (5 credit hours) Theory of relativity. Maxwell equations. Optical
phenomena. Electrodynamics of continuous medium.
Books: The Classical Theory of Fields by Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M.
Electrodynamics of continuous medium by Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M.
3. Mechanics of continuous medium (1,5 credit hours) Ideal, viscid, conducting and
multicomponent liquids. Solids. Quantum liquids crystals.
Books: Fluid Mechanics by Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M.
Theory of Elasticity by Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M.
4. Thermodynamics and statistical physics (5 credit hours) Macroscopical thermodynamics.
Phase transitions. Gibbs, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einsten distribution. Ideal and nonideal
systems. Statistical operator. Fluctuation theory.
Books: Statistical Physics, Part 1 by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
Thermodynamics by Kubo R.
5. Physical kinetics (1 credit hour) Boltzmann equation. Two component gas. Fokker-Planck
equation. Vlasov equation.
Books: Physical kinetics by Lifshitz E.M., Pitaevskiy L.P.
Methods of Statistical Physics by Akhiezer A.I., Peletminskiy S.V.
6. Quantum mechanics (5 credit hours) Physical and mathematical foundations of quantum
mechanics. Perturbation theory. Quasiclassical approximation. Atoms and molecules.
Quantum scattering theory.
Books: Quantum Mechanics by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
Quantum Mechanics by Davydov A. S.
Engineering graphics(1 credit hour) The basic principles of draft fulfill and design according to
existing standards. Questions of projection drawing - building of basic projections, different crosssections, volumetric images of various bodies.
Book: Engineering Graphics by Godik E.I, Lysyanskiy V.M. and others
Electronics (5 credit hours) The foundations of semiconductor conductivity theory.
Semiconducting diodes, bipolar and field transistors; photon-coupled devices; integral microchips.
Negative feedback. Operational amplifiers and schemes of its switching on, schemes with positive
feedback, digital logical schemes, ADC, DAC. Microprocessors and microcontrollers, signal
processors. Structure of computers, coupling of physical measurement devices with computers and
microprocessor systems.
Books: Analogous and Digital Electronics by Osadchiy Yu. F., Gludkin O.P., Gurov A.I.
Electronics  the Practical Course by Johns M.H.
Electronic Devices by Bulychev A.L., Lyamin P.M., Tulinov E.S.
Computer Engineering and Programming (1,5 credit hours) Principles of procedure-oriented
programming by the example of PASCAL language. Introduction to the numerical methods and to
the modeling of physical phenomena.
Books: The Programming Language Pascal by N.Wirth.
An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods, Applications to Physical Systems
by H.Gould, J.Tobochnik.
Numerical Methods (0,5 credit hours) Methods for numerical integration and differentiation.
Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations. Numerical solution of partial differential
equations. Integral equations.
Books: Methods of Calculating by Berezin K.S., Zhitkov N.P.v. 1,2.
Numerical methods by Bahvalov N.S.
Numerical methods by Hemming R.V.
Specific subjects of the Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Advanced topics of quantum mechanics (2 credit hours) Elements of Group theory. Point groups
of symmetry and their irreducible representations. Applying of rotation group representation for the
solving of quantum-mechanical problems.
Book: Group Theory by Hammermesh M.
Tutorials on Electrodynamics(3 credit hours) Energy-momentum tensor. Virial theorem. Energymomentum tensor of macroscopic bodies. Partially polarized light. Free moving point charge field.
Angel distribution of fast moving particle radiation.
Books: The Classical Theory of Fields by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
Electrodynamics of continuous medium by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
Advanced topics of Mathematical physics (3 credit hours) Hermit polynomials. Lagger
polynomials. Saddle-point technique. Stationary phase technique. Airy functions. Integral
Books: Equations of Mathematical Physics by Tihonov A. N., Samarskiy A.A.
Asymptotical Methods in Theory of Non-Linear Oscillations by Bogolyubov, Mitropolsky
Mechanics of continuous media (quantum liquids) (2.5 credit hours) mechanics of perfect
liquids. Mechanics of superfluid Bose-liquid. Fermi-liquids. Vortices in quantum liquids. BoseFermi liquids.
Books: Fluid Mechanics by Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.
Dynamics of Classic and Quantum Fluids by Adamenko I.N.
Theory of Atomic Nucleus (2 credit hours) The main nuclei properties. The nuclear forces.
The modern nuclear models (including chaos)
Book: Nuclear Forces (manual) by Romanov V.А., Trubnikov S.V
Plasma physics (3 credit hours) The basic characteristics of plasma. Oscillations of isotropic
plasma. Interactions of charged particle beams with plasma. Electromagnetic waves in
magnetoactive plasma. Magnetohydrodynamic theory of plasma.
Books: Electrodynamics of Plasma by Akhiezer A.I., Akhiezer I.A., Polovin R.V. and others
The Foundations of Plasma Physics by edition Galiev A., Sudan R.M.
Quantum electrodynamics (4 credit hours) Quantum mechanics of photon. Relativistic quantum
mechanics of electron. Quantized electromagnetic and electron-positron fields. The basic equations
of Quantum electrodynamics. Electron-photon interaction. Delayed two charges interaction. Smatrix analysis. Radiative corrections of electromagnetic processes. Electrodynamics of particles
with zero spin.
Book: Quantum Electrodynamics by Akhiezer A.I., Berestetskii V.V.
Physics of elementary particles (3 credit hours) Isotopy invariance and strangeness. Parity
nonconservation in weak interactions. Quark model. Lepton-hadron interactions. Fundamental
interactions and their unification.
Books: Introduction to the Theory of Elementary Particles by Novogilov Yu.V.
Gauge Theories in Physics of Elementary Particles by Cheng T.D., Lee L-F.
Theory of scattering and nuclear reactions (3 credit hours) Time-independent theory of
scattering. S-matrix and transition probability. Analytic properties of S-matrix. Scattering of
particles with spin
Book: Theory of Scattering by Sitenko A.G.
Quantum Many-Body Theory (2,5 credit hours): Liuvil equation. Principle of correlation
reduction. Langeven equation. Markov process. Approximate methods of solving the basic kinetic
Specific subjects of the Department of Experimental Nuclear Physics
Propagation of Ionizing Radiation through the Media (2,5 credit hours) Coulomb scattering
of charged particles, dispersal of charged particles energy for ionization and emission, interaction
of photons with medium (photo-effect, Compton-effect, pairs creation, positronium, annihilation),
showers of particles, Cherenkov emission, transitive radiation.
Books: Quantum Electrodynamics by Berestetskii,Lifshits,Pitaevskii
Quantum Electrodynamics by Akhiezer,Berestetskii
Vavilov-Cherenkov emittion by Zrelov
Problems of Nuclear-Fuel Cycle (2,5 credit hours) Raw resources of atomic power industry,
mining and recycling of uranium ore, enriching of uranium fuel, processing of radioactive waste,
burial of nuclear wastes, problems of non-proliferation of fission elements (legislative and technical
Books: Nuclear Energetics by G.Kessler
Manual on Nuclear Energy Technology
Journal "Atomic Energy"
Nuclear Physics (5 credit hours) General properties of atomic nuclei, nuclear models, alphabeta-gamma decay, base mechanism of nuclear reactions.
Books: M. Preston Nuclear Physics
K. Muchin Experimental Nuclear Physics.
Cooperative Effects of Quantum Electrodynamics (2 credit hours) High energy particles
propagation through crystalline and amorphous medium as well as accompanying processes of
emission, scattering, etc.
Book: High-Energy Electrodynamics in matter (A.I. Akhiezer, N.F. Shul`ga, Gordon and
Breach, 1996).
Detectors of Ionizing Radiation (2 credit hours) Ionizing detectors, scintillation detectors,
Cherenkov detectors, detectors of transitive radiation, track detectors, second – emission detectors.
Books: Methods of Radiation Detecting by Ljapidievskij V.K
Semiconductor Detectors in Experimental Physics. Under edition of Akimova J.K.
Special Practices of Nuclear Measurements (4 credit hours) Methods of ionizing radiation
registration, methods of experimental data processing
Book: Manual on Special Practice of Nuclear Measurement
Special Practics of Nuclear Electronics (2 credit hours) Electronic methods of nuclear-physical
experiment. Preliminary amplifiers of signals from detectors of radiation; spectrometric amplifiers
and schemes of appropriate signal formation; schemes of amplitude and time selection; counters of
events; coding of time and amplitude information; main-modular programming systems in nuclear
Book: Manual on Nuclei Electronics
Nuclear reactors (2,5 credit hours) Processes of heavy nucleus fission, diffusion of neutrons,
neutron slowing, chain reaction, homogenous reactor with heat neutrons without reflector,
elementary theory of lattices, elementary theory of regulative rods, types of nuclear reactors,
physical and organizational reasons of Chornobyl disaster.
Books: Basis of Theory and Methods of Nuclear Energy Reactors Calculation by
Physics of Nuclear Reactors by Shirokov
Applied Nuclear Physics (2 credit hours): Activation analysis, X-fluorescent analysis,
nuclear chronology, application of ionizing radiation in medicine.
Books: R.H.Filby (ed.), Atomic and Nuclear Methods for Fuel and Energy Research.
Press, New York, 1982.
The Foundations of Nuclear Geophysics by Meyer V.A., Vaganov P.A.
Nuclear Electronics (2,5 credit hours) General functional scheme of measuring unit in nuclear
physics; coordinating schemes of detectors of emission with measuring device; analogous
processing of signals from detectors of emission; digital processing of events and schemes of
logical selection; measurements of time- and amplitude-dependant distributions; multi-parametrical
and correlative measurements; automation of nuclear-physical measurements; main-correlative
systems in nuclear physics.
Books: Measuring Electronics in Nuclear Physics by Shmidt
Nuclear Electronics by Tsytovich A.P.
Electronic Methods of Nuclear-Physical Experiment by Grigorov V.A., Kolubin
A.A., Loginov V.A.
Accelerators (1 credit hour) The fundamental principles in charged particle acceleration.
Physics and technical equipment for the part of accelerators.