Agarose-based Hydrogel as an electrografting cell Brigitte Mouanda*, Veronique Eyeffa, Serge Palacin CEA-Saclay, DSM-DRECAM-SPCSI, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France Supplementary Material SM1: XPS spectra of the survey and the core levels C1s and O1s of the electrografted PNP thin film on gold surface 20000 Au4f Au4d Au4p O1s N1s Counts/s 15000 10000 O1s C1s 5000 0 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Binding Energy/eV Fig. Sup. Mat. a1: XPS global spectrum of electrografted PNP on gold slides. The presence of the Au4f peak centred at 84 eV indicates that the thickness of the PNP grafted film is less than 5 nm. C1s -C=C- (Phenyl) Counts/s 2400 -C-N 1800 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 Binding energy/eV Fig. Sup. Mat. a2: XPS spectrum of the C1s binding energy region of electrografted PNP on gold slides. The peak centred at 284 eV is attributed to the carbon double bond of the aromatic nucleus. The deconvolution of this peak shows the carbon directly bonded to the nitrogen atom. 1 O1s Counts/s 3000 2500 538 536 534 532 530 528 Binding energy/eV Fig. Sup. Mat. a3: XPS spectrum of the O1s binding energy region of electrografted PNP on gold slides. The peak centred at 533 eV is characteristic of the NO2 group. SM2: Influence of the final potential The influence of the final potential was studied with the couple NBDT/Acrylic acid. The final potential applied to the gel varied from -0.8 V to -1.8 V. The electrochemical solution was prepared by mixing 3.5 ml (3.7 M) of AA with 54 mg (2.3 10-2 M) of NBDT in 10 ml of de-ionized water. The electrografting conditions were 10 voltammetric cycles from the equilibrium to the final potential at 10 mV s-1 scan rate. The IRRAS spectra of the grafted films represented in Fig. Sup. Mat. b show the influence of the final potential on the percentage of transmittance of the major acid band at 1727 cm-1. Thicker grafted films are obtained with more cathodic final potential -0.8V Transmittance / % 1.00 -1V -1.4V -1.2V 0.99 0.98 -C=O acid -1.6V -1.8V 0.97 1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 Wavenumber/cm-1 Fig. Sup. Mat. b: IRRAS spectra of electrografted PAA on gold slides. Influence of the final potential on the percentage of transmittance of the major acid band at 1727 cm-1. . 2 SM3: Influence of the acrylic acid concentration The influence of the concentration of acrylic acid was studied. The electrochemical solution was prepared as described above, only the acrylic acid concentration was changed between 3.7 M to 7.4 M. The electrografting conditions were 10 voltammetric cycles from the equilibrium to the final potential at -1.8 V with 10 mV s-1 scan rate. The IRRAS spectra of the grafted films represented in Fig. Sup. Mat. c show the influence of acrylic acid concentration on the percentage of transmittance of the major acid band at 1727 cm-1. Thicker grafted films are obtained when the concentration of the monomer increases in the electrochemical solution. 3.7M Transmittance/% 1.00 0.98 5.2M 0.96 0.94 -C=O acid 0.92 7.4M 0.90 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 Wavenumber/cm-1 Fig. Sup. Mat. c: IRRAS spectra of electrografted PAA on gold slides. Influence of the monomer concentration on the percentage of transmittance of the major acid band at 1727 cm-1. 3 SM4: Influence of the gel thickness All the conditions are identical to those applied in experiment SM2, only the gel thickness was modified in the range 0.8 to 2.2 cm. In Fig. Sup. Mat. d, the thickness of the gel seems to have a minor influence, as observed on the IRRAS spectra on similar samples. In fact, the synthesis of grafted film requires very small quantities of compounds (≤ 10-6 mole). As mentioned in the text the planarity and the pressure applied are the most important parameters and explain the weak variations observed in IRRAS spectra. 3.5 -1 % CO (acid) at 1727 cm (FTIR) 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 -1 Gel thickness/cm Fig. Sup. Mat. d: Influence of the gel thickness on the percentage of transmittance of the major acid band at 1727 cm-1. 4 SM5: Repetitiveness of the process All the conditions are identical to those applied in experiment SM2. For this test, the agarose gel was immersed only once in the electrolytic seeding solution and then used several times for hydrogel-cell electro-induced radical grafting. The IRRAS spectra of the PAA grafted films are collected on Fig. Sup. Mat. e. The results show that agarose gel can be used several times without refilling and without any significant decrease in the thickness of the resulting grafted films. 1.2 x = experiment 1 Transmittance /% 1 5,6% 1.1 2 5,1% 3 4,5% 1.0 4 2,5% 5 4,2% 0.9 6 -C=O acid 0.8 2000 3,9% 1500 1000 Wavenumber/cm-1 Fig. Sup. Mat. e: IRRAS spectra of electrografted PAA on gold slides synthesized one after the other with an agarose gel immersed only once in the electrolytic seeding solution. 5 SM6: Comparison HEMA/AA (same conditions) The HEMA was compared with AA in similar conditions. So, the electrochemical solution was prepared by mixing 3.5 ml (3.7 M) of AA or 8 ml (3.7 M) of HEMA with 70 mg (3 10 -2 M) of NBDT in 10 ml of de-ionized water. The electrografting conditions were 10 voltammetric cycles from the equilibrium to the final potential (-1.8 V) and at 10 mV s-1 scan rate. The IRRAS spectra of the grafted films represented in Fig. Sup. Mat. f are almost the same, which implies that film thicknesses are very close. 1.02 1.01 PAA Transmittance /% 5.7% 1.00 -C=O acid 0.99 NO2 0.98 0.97 4.8% PHEMA -C=O ester 0.96 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Wavenumber/cm-1 Fig. Sup. Mat. f: IRRAS spectra of electrografted PAA and PHEMA on gold slides in the same conditions. 6 SM7: Agarose gel synthesized according to the “monomer (HEMA)-inside” route IRRAS was used to check the behaviour of HEMA added to the starting agarose gel solution before the heating step. Following that preparation route, the monomer was present in the gel from its formation. Only the diazonium salt was added by diffusion just before using the hydrogel-cell. The IRRAS spectrum (Fig. Sup. Mat. g) of the gel synthesized in presence of the HEMA monomer shows that: The vinylic monomer resists to the temperature applied during the gel preparation, as shown by the presence of the vinylic groups C=C at 1636 cm-1. - The vinylic monomer is deeply embedded within the agarose gel, as shown by the shift of the CO stretching band from 1715 cm-1 (“H bond free C=O") to 1703 (“H bonded C=O"). H-bonds indeed develop when HEMA is surrounded by dextran molecules within the gel Actually, the IRRAS spectrum of the HEMA monomer in its liquid state already shows a low amount of H bonded C=O (see the shoulder on Fig. Sup. Mat. g, bottom part), that arises from direct H bonding between HEMA molecules, together with a major contribution at 1715 cm-1 from the H-bond free HEMA molecules. That latter part is absent in the gel. 1.1 HEMA monomer Transmittance / % 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 a/b = 0.37 a = -C=C b = -C=O (ester) a 0.6 b 0.5 a 0.4 Agarose gel + HEMA "inside" a/b = 0.31 0.3 4000 b 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Wavenumber/cm-1 Transmittance/% 1.0 HEMA "immobilized" in the gel 0.8 0.6 1715.6 cm-1 0.4 1703 cm-1 HEMA liquid state 1750 1700 1650 Wavenumber/cm-1 Fig. Sup. Mat. g: IRRAS spectra of HEMA monomer: spectrum of the agarose gel containing HEMA monomer compared with the spectrum of the liquid HEMA monomer. The bottom part shows a zoom of the C=O region for both spectra. 7 The IRRAS spectra in Figure (Sup. Mat. h) of the gel synthesized in presence of the HEMA monomer and the gel immersed in HEMA/NBDT/H2SO4 aqueous solution show that the HEMA concentration in the contact area increases by a factor 3 when the gel is prepared in presence of the monomer. 1.15 "HEMA-inside" route Transmittance (%) 1.10 1.05 -C=O ester 1.00 0.95 15% 0.90 "HEMA-free"route 0.85 5% 0.80 0.75 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Wavenumber/ cm-1 Fig. (Sup. Mat. h): IRRAS spectra of HEMA monomer: spectrum of the agarose gel containing HEMA monomer compared with the spectrum of the gel immersed in HEMA aqueous solution. 8