Supplementary material: Piezoelectric-actuated, piezoresistive-sensed circular micromembranes for label-free biosensing applications T. Alava1, F. Mathieu1, P. Rameil2, Y. Morel2, C. Soyer3, D. Remiens3 and L. Nicu1 1 CNRS ; LAAS ; 7, avenue du Colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France 2 DGA Maitrise MNRBC, DGA/DT/CEB, 5 rue Lavoisier, 91710 Vert le Petit, France 3 University of Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France Frequency scans on 5 different channels, each corresponding to one specific membrane, were possible due to a dedicated analogue electronics specifically designed and assembled1 for this application (Figure 1). Figure 1. (Color online) Zoom on micromembranes’ (0,0) resonance mode (440-µm radius, purple curve, D; 430-µm radius red curve, B; 420-µm radius, green curve, C; 400-µm radius, blue curve, A. The 137 kHz resonance peak appearing on the four curves is the (0,0) mode of the 360-µm radius reference membrane. 1 Table I summarize the measured resonant frequencies in air and liquid (as well as the corresponding quality factors) for the first three modes of vibration presenting a nodal circle, i.e. modes (0,i) with i=0,2. RM Mode f res _ air _ meas (m,n) (kHz) 360 µm (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) 400 µm (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) 420 µm (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) 430 µm (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) 440 µm (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) Qair f res _ liq _ meas Qliq (kHz) f res _ liq _ mod el f liquid (kHz) (model vs. meas.) 32,3 127,9 108,3 38,9 66,6 (±2,2) (± 9,5) (±0,7) (± 8,4) 524,5 142,6 213,3 92 (±2,8) (± 16,2) (±1,4) (± 2,6) 1133,5 74,6 526 (±2.6) (± 16,9) (±3,6) 109,8 96,6 32,2 47,3 (±1,1) (± 9,8) (±0,9) (± 20,9) 417 169 168,4 96,3 (±7) (± 26) (±4,5) (± 0,4) 884,2 188,5 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable (±20) (± 11,5) 105,1 95,3 30,2 76 24,7 (± 2,3) (± 7,1) (±0,7) (± 2) 392,7 150 156,4 97,6 (± 6.5) (± 19) (±3,1) (± 8,9) 826,9 122,6 280,6 Unavailable Unavailable (± 19,7) (± 23,1) 100,4 92 29,36 79,6 22,9 (± 2,1) (± 6,6) (±0,4) (± 20,4) 377,2 138 150,5 102,6 (± 3,7) (± 24) (± 2,9) (± 14,9) 794,2 118,7 376,4 (± 8,2) (± 22,4) (±47,5) 97,8 100,3 28,1 71 (± 1,1) (± 4,4) (±0,6) (± 10,7) 363,8 129 143,2 94,7 (± 1,8) (± 22) (± 2) (± 3,1) 761,9 168,6 Unavailable Unavailable (± 2,6) (± 35,6) 270 292 194 515,45 25,97 148,4 135,8 129,1 20% 9,7% 1,5% 23,7 13,3 Unavailable 24% 14,6% Unavailable 27,7% 16% 332,8 1% 22,1 26,7% 123,3 Unavailable 15,7% Unavailable 2 Table I. Measured (average values for three devices per type of micromembrane and corresponding precisions) and calculated resonant frequencies for all dimensions of circular micromembranes in case of modes (0,i) with i integer from 0 to 2. The corresponding measured quality factors are equally reported. We used the extended Lamb’s model2 to analytically determine the theoretical values (seventh column of Table I) of the membranes’ resonant frequencies in liquid. The model is based on the seminal works of H. Lamb who proposed in 1920 a theoretical model3 that allows estimating the shift of the resonant frequency from vacuum to water of a thin circular plate filling an aperture in a plane (and rigid) wall which is in contact on one side with an unlimited mass of water In this model, the kinetic energy TL of the liquid is calculated and given by: dw TL 0.21 L R dt 2 3 (1) where L is the liquid density, R is the membrane radius and w(t,r) is the normal displacement of the membrane at a distance r from the centre. Adding TL to the kinetic energy of the vibrating membrane and applying the energetic Rayleigh-Ritz method3 provide an additional factor for the calculation of the resonant frequency in liquid: fL f vac 1 (2), where , usually called added virtual mass incremental (AVMI) factor, is equal to: 3 0.67 L R M h (3), with M and h respectively the density and the thickness of the membrane. References 1 T. Alava, N. Berthet-Duroure, C. Ayela, E. Trevisiol, M. Pugniere, Y. Morel, P. Rameil, and L. Nicu, Sens. Act. Chem. B 138 (2), 532 (2009). 2 M. Amabili and M. K. Kwak, J. Fluids Struct. 10, 743 (1996). 3 H. Lamb, Proc. Royal Soc. London A 98, 205 (1920). 4