AUTHOR: ISSUE DATE: VERSION: CUST-DEV2 28/11/2011 1.00 European Commission Taxation and Customs Union DG SUBJECT: EU Customs Reference Architecture <DLV-10x> Framework Contract TAXUD/2010/CC/100 Specific contract 07 RfA 101 STATUS: SfA Page 1 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Reviewers and Acceptance Cycle Information REVIEWERS ROLES REVIEW CYCLE INFO. NAME Chef de file Carlos Gonzalez Ruiz DG TAXUD Reviewer (s) Laurent Forest SFR 27/10/11 COMMENT 14/11/11 SFA 28/11/11 Carlos González-Ruiz Theodoros Vassiliadis Guido De Jaegher Bartolomew Bzdela Katleen Vandormael QAC Reviewing Contractor (s) 687305535 Page 2 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................5 1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................5 1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................................5 1.3 Deviation From TEMPO ...................................................................................................5 1.4 Assumption and Constraints .............................................................................................5 1.5 Structure ............................................................................................................................5 1.6 Reference & Applicable Document ..................................................................................6 2 CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................7 3 APPROACH .............................................................................................................................8 4 THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE ...........................................................................11 4.1 Reference Architecture Framework ................................................................................11 4.1.1 Purpose ...............................................................................................................13 4.1.2 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................13 4.2 AS-IS Architecture ..........................................................................................................14 4.2.1 Individual AS-IS Reference Maps .....................................................................14 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................15 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................16 4.2.2 Consolidated AS-IS Reference Map ..................................................................16 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................17 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................17 4.3 MCC & eCustoms TO-BE Reference Map .....................................................................18 4.3.1 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................18 4.3.2 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................19 4.4 Target Architecture .........................................................................................................19 4.4.1 Global Architecture Building Block Overview ..................................................20 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................21 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................21 4.4.2 ABB Target Reference Map...............................................................................22 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................23 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................24 4.4.3 Business Initiative-ABB Impact Matrix .............................................................24 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................25 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................26 4.4.4 ABB-IT Systems Impact Matrix ........................................................................26 Purpose & Viewpoint .........................................................................................27 Steps Followed ...................................................................................................28 4.5 Glossary...........................................................................................................................28 5 ANNEX ..................................................................................................................................30 687305535 Page 3 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE LIST OF TABLES 6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................32 6.1 Acronyms and abbreviations ...........................................................................................32 6.2 Reference Documents .....................................................................................................33 6.3 Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................34 7 DOCUMENT HISTORY........................................................................................................35 List of Tables Table 4.1 : Individual AS-IS Viewpoint ..................................................................................... 16 Table 4.2 : Consolidated AS-IS Viewpoint ................................................................................ 17 Table 4.3 : MCC & eCustoms TO-BE Viewpoint ...................................................................... 19 Table 4.4 : Global ABB Target Viewpoint ................................................................................. 21 Table 4.5 : ABB Target Viewpoint ............................................................................................. 24 Table 4.6 : Business Initiative-ABB-IT System Impact Viewpoint ........................................... 26 Table 4.7 : Business Initiative-ABB-IT System Impact Viewpoint ........................................... 28 Table 6.1 : List of acronyms and abbreviations used in this document ...................................... 33 Table 6.2 : Reference Documents ............................................................................................... 34 Table 6.3 : Applicable Documents ............................................................................................. 34 Table 7.1 : Document History ..................................................................................................... 35 List of Figures Figure 1: Approach EU Customs Reference Architecture ............................................................ 8 Figure 2: NL Reference Map in the 2005 Benchmark study ..................................................... 12 Figure 3: EU Customs Reference Map ....................................................................................... 12 Figure 4: MCC Global BPM Project Overview .......................................................................... 13 Figure 5: Individual AS-IS Reference Map ................................................................................ 15 Figure 6: Consolidated AS-IS Reference Map (annex worksheet 14) ........................................ 17 Figure 7: MCC & eCustoms TO-BE View (Annex worksheet 18) ............................................ 18 Figure 8: Global ABB Overview (Annex worksheet 20) ........................................................... 20 Figure 9: ABB Target Reference Map (see Annex worksheet 21) ............................................. 23 Figure 10: Business Initiative-Architecture Building Blocks Impact Matrix (Annex worksheet 22) ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 11: Architecture Building Blocks-IT System Impact Matrix (Annex worksheet 23) ..... 27 687305535 Page 4 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE This document introduces an approach to conduct the reference architecture work stream of the IT Master Plan study, and presents the worksheets that are the result from building the EU Customs Reference Architecture. 1.2 SCOPE The scope of this document includes: The explanation of the approach and steps taken to conduct the reference architecture work stream within the iteration 2; A description of the worksheets which are included in the Reference Architecture and an explanation on how to use them. The reference architecture work stream is one of the two work streams of the IT master plan iteration 2 study. The overall approach and context is explained within the “Customs Projects Definition and detailed IT Master Plan” document [RD01] which is not in scope of the current document. The reference architecture created during the iteration 2 study focuses only on the Customs related areas and the exercise is based on a collaborative and time-framed mode. In the scope of the iteration 2, the reference architecture framework is a live document that need to adapt to times and understanding of stakeholders (being a communication instrument), the target is to agree on a framework that all parties understand, so it can be used to map applications and move forward. The EU Customs Reference Architecture Excel file containing the reference architecture and other related workbooks (see section 5 Annex) is submitted within the same deliverable along with this document. 1.3 DEVIATION FROM TEMPO There is no deviation. 1.4 ASSUMPTION AND CONSTRAINTS This document present the outcome of the reference architecture work done on behalf of the entire Architecture Group. 1.5 STRUCTURE This document is organised as follows: Part 1: Introduction and overview: 687305535 Page 5 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: an introduction of the document; Chapter 2: context and objectives of the reference architecture work stream; Chapter 3: an overview of the approach taken to conduct the work. Part 2: Reference Architecture: Chapter 4: detailed explanations of the reference architecture and the related outcomes. Part 3: Annexed documents and reference documents: 1.6 Chapter 5: annexes; Chapter 6: references; Chapter 7: document history. REFERENCE & APPLICABLE DOCUMENT Reference and applicable documents can be found in section 6.2 Reference Documents and section 6.3 Applicable Documents. 687305535 Page 6 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES 2 CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The IT Master Plan study is structured in 3 iterations. The first iteration was focused on the IT implementation of MCC requirements from a cost and planning aspect. The list of changes has been grouped into the list of MCC initiatives according to the related business areas and described further in detail. Six Member States have been visited by the end of the first iteration, and the study is built based on the input that has been gathered from the Member States and historical data. The followings topics are described within the iteration 1 study: What has to be done by the Member States and DG TAXUD in the context of the MCC; What would the IT implementation cost in financial and other resources; A roadmap setting out the priority and the time frame for each of the initiatives. During the Bucharest seminar where the result of the first iteration was presented, the MSs have expressed that there is a strong need to build a common reference architecture for the EU customs and to have more detailed information on what are the concrete changes the MSs need to implement. It is decided to initiate such activities in the scope of the iteration 2 by using the NL architecture framework [RD03] presented in 2005 benchmarking study [RD02] as the starting point and the outcome of the iteration 1 study. In the iteration 2, the activities are organised in 3 main work streams: IT master plan; Reference architecture work stream; Collaboration management work stream. The IT master plan has as the main objective to identify a list of business initiatives which can be started within the first implementation phase (i.e. within the next 5 to 7 years) and implementation planning to realise the IT projects. The business initiatives cover not only the MCC but also the eCustoms related business areas. The main objectives of the reference architecture work stream are: Provide a common framework and a common language to reach a common understanding of the customs business; Facilitate the impact analysis of the new initiatives; Identify commonalities for possible sharing and cost reductions; Support to IT projects definition. The approach taken in order to reach these objectives is described in the following section. 687305535 Page 7 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH 3 APPROACH The realisation of the first version of the EU Customs Reference Architecture (see Figure 1) has been made possible thanks to the active and close cooperation of several MS and DG TAXUD. All members of the Architecture Group have been granted access to the collaboration platform (i.e. PICS) and it has been actively used to have discussions amongst each other, submit input documents & comments and publish new versions of the documents as well. Figure 1: Approach EU Customs Reference Architecture The NL 2005 Benchmark Study [RD02] has been used as reference model to propose a framework to be used during the continuous development of this EU Customs Reference Architecture. This commonly used framework consists of following main parts: Business areas = a non-overlapping high-level group of business processes with characteristic skills, capabilities and requirements; Business processes = a defined set of business activities that represent the steps required to achieve a business objective; it includes the flow and use of information and resources; Functional areas = grouping of business functions representing a high-level capability that an organisation, person, or system possesses. It requires typically a combination of organisation, people, processes, and technology to achieve; 687305535 Page 8 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH Business functions = a unit of internal behaviour that groups behaviour according to, for example, required skills, knowledge, resources, etc., and is performed by a single role within the organisation; Data area = group of data related to a generic business domain as could be a business function or process (e.g. data maintained or used in particular processes). Comments made by the Architecture Group on the structure have been gathered and validated through collaboration and conference calls. In addition, the Architecture Group agreed on a common method on how to apply colouring of cells and how to map national & central systems on the reference architecture. This finally resulted in a commonly accepted framework, i.e. the Reference Architecture Framework (see §4.1 Reference Architecture Framework), which will be used to develop multiple reference maps each with its own viewpoint. At a first stage, input was received from the Architecture Group on the AS-IS situation where each member created a distinct reference map on which current national & central IT systems have been mapped on the business activities they support (see §4.2 AS-IS Architecture). A business activity is a (business) function being executed in the context of a process. These multiple reference maps are an important asset to identify impact on existing systems. This information is also valuable input for the Iteration 2 study to recognise the variety of system implementations in the different participating MSs. A consolidated view was created to depict the current level of harmonisation across the different business activities. At a later stage, additional AS-IS reference maps were received from other MSs. A business initiative is a list of activities related to changes to the IT systems which support customs business and have been consolidated into a functional group that can be estimated and implemented coherently, and planned in the IT Master Plan. DG TAXUD created a TO-BE reference map on which all business activities relevant within the scope of the MCC & eCustoms have been coloured. In addition, the different business initiatives have been mapped on those business activities being impacted by the respective business initiative (see §4.3 MCC & eCustoms TO-BE Reference Map). As a conclusion of the first Architecture Group review meeting on the 15th of September 2011, it has been decided that an intermediary step needs to be taken whereby an overview of the different architecture building blocks is constructed in order to support the definition of IT projects to realise the different business initiatives. An architecture building block (ABB) is an abstract component representing a business, IT or architectural capability at various levels of detail. It packages a set of functionalities with a defined boundary and it may interoperate with other architecture building blocks. 687305535 Page 9 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH Relevant architecture building blocks of the EU Customs ecosystem need to be identified and will be mapped onto a global overview. Following categorisation of ABBs has been used: Data services building block = a component that refers to the set of data related to a business concept and the corresponding data services to manage this data agnostic to any business process context; Functional building block = a component that refers to a set of services realising functions specific to a business process context; Orchestrated building block = a special kind of functional building block where the composition aspect of services is being addressed; In general, the scope of an orchestrated building block is larger (possibly spanning a process from end-toend) than a functional building block; Foundation building block = a component that refers to a set of infrastructure related services on which other building blocks depend. In close collaboration with the Architecture Group, architecture building blocks were proposed for both Core and Customer Relationship Management business areas. These were discussed during weekly collaborative discussions, conference call meetings and workshops. This finally resulted in an overview of the different architecture building blocks in the EU Customs ecosystem which was commonly accepted by the Architecture Group. This is essential to establish a common understanding of the Customs ecosystem. It also offers a frame to define a ‘Target Architecture’ in which a future architecture is defined in terms of the ABBs and their proposed solutions in alignment with the adopted strategy (e.g. SOA). Gap analysis can be performed and opportunities identified in order to determine the necessary transition paths to realise this target architecture by linking these architecture building blocks with existing IT systems (based on the AS-IS architectures) (see §4.4 Target Architecture). 687305535 Page 10 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE 4 THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE To guide the creation of architectural views used to create the context in which capabilities will be designed and developed, it is very useful to setup and agree on a reference architecture framework. Several viewpoints considered important for this reference architecture are defined in order to develop multiple views reflecting the different aspects of the EU Customs Reference Architecture. A viewpoint can be understood as the definition of a perspective from which a view is taken. The EU Customs Reference Architecture consists of the following main parts: 1. Reference Architecture Framework; 2. AS-IS Architectural views (each Member State and DG TAXUD); 3. TO-BE Business view (MCC and eCustoms); 4. Target Architectural view on Building Blocks; 5. Glossary. Important to keep in mind is that the results of this architectural workstream is a living piece of work meaning that it should continuously evolve in order to include new architectural insights, improvements and refinements. 4.1 REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK The NL 2005 Benchmark Study [RD02] (see Figure 2) has been used as the reference to define the reference architecture framework which consists of a reference map template as in Figure 3 (worksheet 3 of annex document) organised around processes, functions and data. 687305535 Page 11 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Figure 2: NL Reference Map in the 2005 Benchmark study Figure 3: EU Customs Reference Map The intersection between a process and a function is called a business activity meaning that there is an activity to be executed in the scope for that specific process by appealing to that specific business function. Intersections between processes and data indicate which kind of data is in some way (consulted by/manipulated by) required by each process. The structure of the reference map has also been aligned with the level 1 overview of the on-going MCC Global BPM project (see Figure 4). Business architecture and business strategy is structured along the BPM overview and MCC BPMs themselves. 687305535 Page 12 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE The IT architecture and IT strategy are structured along the framework and Reference Architecture. Figure 4: MCC Global BPM Project Overview 4.1.1 PURPOSE The reference map template is used as a common basis to develop multiple maps each depicting different aspects of the architecture, such as e.g. the Member State AS-IS business activities and supporting IT systems. 4.1.2 STEPS FOLLOWED In order to reach a common agreement on the architecture framework, these steps have been followed: 1. The reference map template is completed by placing processes on the horizontal axis, and business functions and data areas on the vertical axis: 687305535 Customs administration is divided into business areas and the main highlevel processes (or groups of processes) have been identified; Page 13 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE High-level groups of core business functions performed in all business processes have been identified; High-level groups of data areas used in all business processes have been identified. 2. The draft reference architecture framework is proposed to the participating Member States and DG TAXUD; 3. Comments have been collected, consolidated and reviewed during a conference call with the participating Member States and DG TAXUD; 4. Comments have been implemented and a stable version of the framework is proposed; 5. Agreement on the reference architecture framework is reached during the MS review meeting on September 15th 2011. 4.2 AS-IS ARCHITECTURE A first important aspect in the reference architecture is the AS-IS architecture (see Annex EU Customs Reference Architecture Workbook) where Member States and DG TAXUD have mapped their current application landscape. The AS-IS architecture consists of: Multiple individual AS-IS reference maps received from the participating Member States (NL, UK, FI, SE, PL, IT, IE, DK, EE) and DG TAXUD (worksheet 5 - 13 & 15 of annex document); A consolidated business activity reference map (worksheet 14 of annex document). 4.2.1 INDIVIDUAL AS-IS REFERENCE MAPS The content of the AS-IS reference map is focused on two main concepts: Relevant business activities (from the AS-IS point of view); IT systems that implement some business activities. With regard to the IT systems plotted on the map, there is a distinction to be made between national systems and central systems. It has been requested to each participating member state and DG TAXUD to develop their AS-IS architecture illustrated as in Figure 5 (worksheet 5- worksheet 13 of annex document) 687305535 Page 14 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Supporting Services Ta riff Ma Cla nag ss em ific en ati t & on En te Info rpri se Ma rma inte tion na nc e Bu sin es s Sta & T tis rad e tic s s nt em e tio n ag Ma n De bt Oth er Ins p ec tifi &R ec al t tio ns ec me n ge an a ica l In sp kM Ph ys Ris oC S /P Gu a Ma ren na tee ge me nt INF Au tho ri De satio cis n ion s / s Us e Op Ma erato na rs ge me nt ing ific Sp ec e ce ss Pro it rag ns Sto it Tra po rt Ex po rt Ex Im En try Business Functions Post-Clearance Controls ca tio n Risk & Fraud Au dit ing Customer Relationship Management Ap pe Core Processes Na tio n Inv al F ra es tig ud ati on Business Areas Business Processes International Communication External Communication Communication Functions ROS (Revenue Online Service) CCN/ CSI CCN/ CSI www. CCN/ CSI e-Biscus CCN/CSI Maintenance CCN/ CSI RIS RIS CCN/CSI EBTI CCN/CSI EU Level Communication CRMS e-Biscus CCN/CSI Maintenance AFIS CS/RD by email CCN/CS CS?MIS over Internat EOS edamis (EUROSTAT) National Communication TR (Transaction Review - Work Flow) AEP -eBiscus Clearance Declaration Management ECS NCTS AEP -eBiscus Clearance EOS EORI Notification Handling ICS EU Safety & Security Clearance Functions Risk Assessment ESKORT S&S from Nov 2011 EOS ESKORT S&S Functions Physical Inspections & Anti Fraud Control ICS ESKORT Fiscal ESKORT S&S NCTS ESKORT Fiscal ! CRISP ECS AEP -eBiscus Clearance AEP -eBiscus Clearance Duty Calculation ! AEP -eBiscus Clearance ! Customs Duties & Taxes Collection CRMS Risk Intelligence CRISP AEP - Customer Accounting Financial Management NCTS-GMS AEP - Customer Accounting NCTS-GMS Laboratory EBTI Manage Decisions & Authorisations and Customs Documents EOS eBiscus TARIC Manage Tariff and CN Information CRS eBiscus Tarrif Support Functions Maintain Trader Registration Data EORI eBiscus Reftab Maintain Reference & Specimen Data Central Services Trade Statistics Management & Reporting AEP -eBiscus Clearance Intrastat Extrastat Business Statistics Management & Reporting AEP -eBiscus Clearance EUBS EUBS Facilities & Services & Resources AEP -eBiscus Clearance ECS NCTS Customs Declarations Safety & Security Declarations Supporting Documents ICS Extrastst CRISP CRISP (Copies of Declatation IBI CRISP CRISP EUBS AEP -eBiscus Clearance ICS AEP -eBiscus Clearance ECS Notifications Guarantee Data AEP -eBiscus Clearance Data Areas Payment Data ESKORT S&S ESKORT Fiscal ESKORT S&S Risk Data ICS ESKORT S&S NCTS AEP -eBiscus Clearance ESKORT Fiscal CRS Tariff & CN Data CRISP ESKORT S&S ESKORT Fiscal eBiscus TARIC Extrastst eBiscus Tariff Intrastat EBTI eBicsus Reftab Reference & Specimen Data Central Services Business Statistics & Reports Decisions & Authorisations and Customs Documents ICS AEP -eBiscus Clearance CRS ECS EBTI NCTS Economic Operators CRS EORI CRISP EOS ESKORT S&S ESKORT Fiscal Figure 5: Individual AS-IS Reference Map PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This AS-IS architectural view serves multiple purposes: Identify commonalities and divergences across the MS for the same processes; Identify main areas of interest; Identify manual and automated business activities; Inventory of national and central applications used; Identify impacts due to business changes; Basis to decide on implementation strategies (level 0 level 3). The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.1). 687305535 Page 15 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Type Reference Map Content Business Activities, National IT Systems, Central IT Systems AS-IS Perspective Individual Member State, DG TAXUD Table 4.1 : Individual AS-IS Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED To create an AS-IS reference map, the following mapping procedure should be followed: 1. Decide for each business function (rows) if it is a required activity within each process (columns) from an AS-IS perspective: Yes colour this cell with the same colour as the business area; No leave the cell blank. 2. Decide for each data area (rows) if this kind of data is used within each process: Yes colour this cell with the same colour as the business area; No leave the cell blank. 3. Decide for each cell if there is an IT System supporting this business activity: Yes put the name of the IT system inside the box: - Is it a national IT system use box type National System ; use box type Central System . - Is it a central IT system 4.2.2 No leave the cell empty. CONSOLIDATED AS-IS REFERENCE MAP The consolidated reference map is depicted as a ‘heat map’ where different gradations are applied to each of the different colours used for the business areas in the reference map. These levels of gradation are: Blank cell business activity performed by none of the MSs; Lightest colour business activity performed by one and only one MS; Medium colour business activity performed by some (more than one) MSs; Darkest colour business activity performed by all MSs. The consolidated AS-IS reference map (see Figure 6 worksheet 14 of annex document) is constructed based on the individual AS-IS reference maps received from the Member States. 687305535 Page 16 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Figure 6: Consolidated AS-IS Reference Map (annex worksheet 14) PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This consolidated AS-IS architectural view serves the purpose to create an overview on the current level of harmonisation across the different business activities. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.2). Type Reference Map Content Business Activities Perspective AS-IS Consolidated Member State Table 4.2 : Consolidated AS-IS Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED The consolidated AS-IS reference map is adapted each time when a new individual ASIS reference map is received in the following way: 1. Check of the cell in the individual AS-IS reference map is coloured (explicit colouring) or has an IT system plotted on it (implicit colouring): Yes if necessary, increase the gradation of the colour in the corresponding cell of the consolidated reference map; No if necessary, decrease the gradation of the colour in the corresponding cell of the consolidated reference map. 2. Add to the content of the coloured cell in the consolidated reference map: The origin of the individual AS-IS reference map (e.g. NL, FI, UK, etc.); An indication if it was coloured (+) in the individual AS-IS reference map. 687305535 Page 17 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE 4.3 MCC & ECUSTOMS TO-BE REFERENCE MAP A second aspect of the reference architecture is to reflect how MCC & eCustoms initiatives influence processes, functions and data. The content of the MCC & eCustoms TO-BE reference map as illustrated in Figure 7 (see Annex worksheet 18) is focused on two main concepts: Relevant common business activities (from the TO-BE point of view); Business initiatives (business initiative number inside the box) that impact some business activities. Figure 7: MCC & eCustoms TO-BE View (Annex worksheet 18) 4.3.1 PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This MCC & eCustoms TO-BE reference map serves multiple purposes: Provide an understanding on common business activities; Identify business activities impacted by each of the business initiatives. Moreover, the MCC & eCustoms TO-BE reference map can help to identify impact on existing IT systems (MS and DG TAXUD) when combining the individual AS-IS reference maps. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.3). 687305535 Page 18 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Type Reference Map Content Business Activities, Business Initiatives Perspective TO-BE MCC and eCustoms Table 4.3 : MCC & eCustoms TO-BE Viewpoint 4.3.2 STEPS FOLLOWED To create a TO-BE reference map, the following mapping procedure should be followed: 1. Decide for each business function (rows) if it is a required activity within each process (columns) from a TO-BE perspective: Yes colour this cell with the same colour as the business area; No leave the cell blank. 2. Decide for each data area (rows) if this kind of data is used within each process: Yes colour this cell with the same colour as the business area; No leave the cell blank. 3. Decide for each coloured cell if it is impacted by a specific business initiative listed: 4.4 Yes put the business initiative number inside the box No leave the cell empty. ; TARGET ARCHITECTURE A third aspect of the reference architecture is a common Target Architecture where common architectural building blocks (ABB) have been identified and mapped on the reference architecture framework. The target architecture consists of: A graphical overview of the different architectural building blocks; An architectural building blocks target reference map; An impact matrix with business initiatives versus architectural building blocks; An impact matrix with architectural building blocks versus IT systems. 687305535 Page 19 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE 4.4.1 GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE BUILDING BLOCK OVERVIEW The content of this graphical overview as illustrated in Figure 8 (see also Annex worksheet 20) is focused on three main concepts: Common architecture building blocks; Distinct architecture building blocks categories; High-level consumer – provider relationships between building blocks. Legend: Data Service = Provides a direct interface to access and manage data independent of any specific business process context (i.e. business process agnostic). Specific Service = Provides an interface within a distinct business process context (i.e. business process aware) with a set of functionalities which are specific to a process and/or MS. Base Service=Provides an interface within a distinct business process context (i.e. business process aware) with a common set of functionalities across processes and/or MSs. This relationship between business agnostic data services and their corresponding business aware building blocks within the same business area. This relationship displays potential provider-consumer relationships between building blocks of different business areas. Figure 8: Global ABB Overview (Annex worksheet 20) The category of an architecture building block corresponds to the business area (part of the reference architecture framework) to which it belongs. This categorisation is depicted by the colour of each architecture building block. Exceptions to this rule are the foundation building blocks in grey because they are agnostic to any specific business area. A consumer is a building block (or service) that consumes some services provided by another building block (or service). A provider is a building block (or service) that offers services to be consumed by other building blocks (or services). 687305535 Page 20 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This graphical overview serves the purpose to establish a global, structured view on commonly identified ABBs. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in table below (see Table 4.4). Type Drawing Content Architectural Building Blocks, Consumer-provider relationships TO-BE Perspective MCC & eCustoms Member States & DG TAXUD Table 4.4 : Global ABB Target Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED As a conclusion of the review meeting on September 15th 2011, it has been decided with the Member States to start on the identification of building blocks in order to guide the definition of IT projects. These steps have been followed: 1. Define what a building block is; 2. Define architectural building blocks for each of the business areas part of the reference architecture. The method explained below has been followed: a. Identify the main data concept(s) for that specific business area ; b. For each data concept, we can define an ABB representing the set of data related to this data concept and its corresponding data services agnostic to any business process context; c. Identify the main functional contexts for that specific business area, often these are closely related to the business functions; d. For each functional context, we can define (multiple) ABBs by grouping together one or more capabilities that belong to this functional context; e. Identify the main process related contexts for that specific business area, often these are closely related to the process and workflow models; f. For each process related context, we can define an ABB to highlight the orchestration aspect; g. Add connectors between ABBs to denote the main consumer-provider relationships (not in too much detail to avoid cluttering the overview); 687305535 Page 21 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE h. Refine each ABB by adding a ‘Base’ and a ‘Specific’ section, hereby indicating that it could be necessary to extend an ABB with some specific national or process related parts. A base service provides an interface within a distinct business process context offering a common set of functionalities across processes and/or MSs. A specific service provides an interface within a distinct business process context offering a set of functionalities which can be specific to a process and/or MSs. Example: Business area = ‘Core Processes’ 2.a. Data concept = ‘Movement Data’ 2.b. ABB = ‘Movement Data Services’ 2.c. Functional context = ‘Declaration Management’ 2.d. ABB = ‘Accept Declaration Services’ 2.e. Process context = ‘Trilogy/Pentology’ 2.f. ABB = ‘Goods Movement Orchestration Services’ 2.g. Connector = ‘Verify Movement Document Services’ consumes ‘Verify Authorisation Status Services’. 3. Propositions were made by FI and SE on the Core Processes, and DG TAXUD proposed the building blocks related to the CRM business area; 4. Comments have been collected, consolidated and reviewed during multiple discussions on the collaboration platform, a workshop with the Member States on September 27th 2011 and a conference call with the Member States on October 13th 2011; 5. Comments have been implemented and a stable version of the architecture building blocks is proposed; 6. Agreement on the architecture building blocks among the Architecture Group was reached during the review meeting on October 21st 2011. 4.4.2 ABB TARGET REFERENCE MAP The content of this ABB target reference map as illustrated in Figure 9 (see Annex worksheet 21) is focused on plotting these architecture building blocks on top of the business activities they package. 687305535 Page 22 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Figure 9: ABB Target Reference Map (see Annex worksheet 21) PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This ABB Target reference map provides an architecture view on how the architecture building blocks relate to the different processes, functions and data areas. It helps to identify which building blocks are impacted by which business initiatives when combining the ABB Target reference map with the MCC & eCustoms TO-BE reference map. It helps to identify which building blocks are currently implemented by which existing IT systems when combining the ABB Target reference map with the individual AS-IS reference maps. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.5). 687305535 Page 23 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Type Reference Map Content Architectural Building Blocks TO-BE Perspective MCC & eCustoms Member States & DG TAXUD Table 4.5 : ABB Target Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED These steps have been followed: 1. Plot each of the data services building blocks onto the corresponding data areas of the reference map; 2. Plot each of the functional and process related building blocks onto the business activities that are supported by that specific building block. The building block kept the same colour used in the building block overview, and it corresponds to the colour of the business area in the reference architecture framework. 4.4.3 BUSINESS INITIATIVE-ABB IMPACT MATRIX The matrix as illustrated in Figure 10 (see Annex worksheet 22) is constituted by placing business initiatives on the horizontal axis and architecture building blocks on the vertical axis. The intersection between business initiative and ABB indicates one of the following: a business initiative will need to provide some service to this building block (dark colour), such as e.g. business initiative ‘Authorisations’ needs to provide the building block ‘Verify Authorisation Status Services’; a business initiative or building block will need to consume some service provided by another building block or business initiative, such as e.g. building block ‘Verify Movement Document Services’ will consume a service provided by the business initiative ‘Authorisations’ or business initiative ‘Authorisations’ will consume services provided by the building block ‘Reference Data Services’; a business initiative has no dependency at all to that building block (no colour). 687305535 Page 24 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Figure 10: Business Initiative-Architecture Building Blocks Impact Matrix (Annex worksheet 22) PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This matrix serves multiple purposes: Provides a means to structure high-level impact analysis; Provides a global overview of all building blocks that are impacted by a specific business initiative; Provides a global overview of all business initiatives that have an impact on a specific architecture building block. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.6). 687305535 Page 25 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Type Matrix Content Business Initiatives, Architectural Building Blocks TO-BE Perspective MCC & eCustoms Table 4.6 : Business Initiative-ABB-IT System Impact Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED These steps have been followed: 1. Constitute the matrix based on: the list of business initiatives; architecture building blocks; 2. Indicate for each initiative to which building blocks it needs to provide services by colouring the intersected cell in dark; 3. Indicate for each initiative which building blocks need to integrate services provided by the initiative by colouring the intersected cell in light; 4. Indicate for each initiative from which building blocks it will consume services by colouring the intersected cell in light; 5. Leave all other cells blank. 4.4.4 ABB-IT SYSTEMS IMPACT MATRIX The matrix as illustrated in Figure 11 (see Annex worksheet 23) is constituted by placing IT systems on the horizontal axis and architecture building blocks on the vertical axis. In the scope of the Iteration 2, a single matrix will be produced by including the central systems and generic placeholders for the national systems. The intersection between ABB and IT system indicates that the IT system implements some service of the architecture building block. If this is the case, this IT system could be considered a solution building block for that particular architecture building block. The intersection between ABB and IT system indicates one of the following: an IT system will need to implement some service from this building block (dark colour), such as e.g. IT system ‘EOS’ needs to implement the building block ‘Verify Authorisation Status Services’; an IT system or building block will need to consume some service provided by another building block or IT system, such as e.g. building block ‘Verify Movement Document Services’ will consume a service provided by the IT system ‘EOS’ or IT System ‘Import’ will consume services provided by the ‘Verify Authorisation Status Services’ building block; 687305535 Page 26 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE an IT system has no dependency at all to that building block (no colour). This kind of matrix can also be constructed by each individual Member State where each generic placeholder is substituted with the respective national IT systems. Figure 11: Architecture Building Blocks-IT System Impact Matrix (Annex worksheet 23) The matrix ‘Business Initiative-ABB Impact Matrix’ (see Figure 10) depicts the impact a business initiative can have on a building block while the matrix ‘ABB-IT Systems Impact Matrix’ (Figure 11) depicts what systems implement a building block. No direct link exists between both matrices because they depict different relationships, but an indirect link does exist because thanks to these matrices it is possible to identify all systems potentially impacted by one of the business initiatives. PURPOSE & VIEWPOINT This matrix serves multiple purposes: Provides a means to structure high-level impact analysis; Identifies solution building blocks for each architecture building block; Provides a global overview of all building blocks that are implemented by a specific IT System; 687305535 Page 27 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Provides a global overview of all IT Systems that implement a specific architecture building block. Help to identify concrete work packages needed to realise functional and data requirements. The corresponding viewpoint is defined in the table below (see Table 4.6). Type Matrix Content Architectural Building Blocks, IT Systems TO-BE (ABB), AS-IS (IT Systems) Perspective MCC & eCustoms Table 4.7 : Business Initiative-ABB-IT System Impact Viewpoint STEPS FOLLOWED These steps have been followed: 1. Constitute the matrix based on: architecture building blocks; existing systems at national (placeholders will be used) and DG TAXUD level. 2. Indicate for each IT System for which building blocks it implements some services by colouring the intersected cell in dark; 3. Indicate for each IT System from which building blocks it integrates some services by colouring the intersected cell in light; 4. Indicate for each building block to which IT Systems it offers some services to be consumed by colouring the intersected cell in light; 5. Leave all other cells blank. 4.5 GLOSSARY As part of the EU Customs Reference Architecture a glossary has been constructed explaining each of the terms used in this reference architecture. The glossary can be found in the annexed workbook and consists of the following parts: General glossary, describes terms that are not explicitly used in the reference map but that are relevant to this activity; Process glossary, describes each of the terms used in the business areas and processes; Function glossary, describes each of the terms used in the function areas and business functions; 687305535 Page 28 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE THE EU REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE Data glossary, describes each of the terms used in the data areas; Application glossary, describes the applications depicted as far as a description was received; Building block glossary, describes each of the building blocks identified. 687305535 Page 29 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE ANNEX 5 ANNEX The EU Customs Reference Architecture Workbook (Excel) is submitted as part of the same deliverable as this document. The EU Customs Reference Architecture Workbook contains following worksheets: 1. Reference Architecture Cover Sheet; 2. Reference Architecture Framework Cover Sheet; 3. Reference Map Template; 4. AS-IS Architecture Cover Sheet; 5. NL AS-IS Architecture; 6. UK AS-IS Architecture; 7. FI AS-IS Architecture; 8. SE AS-IS Architecture; 9. IT AS-IS Architecture; 10. PL AS-IS Architecture; 11. IE AS-IS Architecture; 12. DK AS-IS Architecture; 13. EE AS-IS Architecture; 14. Consolidated MS AS-IS; 15. DG TAXUD AS-IS Architecture; 16. MCC & eCustoms TO-BE Cover Sheet; 17. Initiatives Expanded; 18. MCC & eCustoms TO-BE View; 19. Target Architecture Cover Sheet; 20. Graphical ABB Overview; 21. ABB Target Reference Map; 22. Mapping Initiatives-ABBs; 23. Mapping ABBs-Systems; 24. FI ABB Target Architecture; 25. SE ABB Target Architecture; 687305535 Page 30 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE ANNEX 26. Glossary Cover Sheet; 27. General Glossary; 28. Process Glossary; 29. Function Glossary; 30. Data Glossary; 31. Application Glossary; 32. Building Blocks Glossary; 33. Parameters. 687305535 Page 31 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE REFERENCES 6 REFERENCES 6.1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYM ABB AEO BPM BPMN BTI CC CCN CD CN COPIS COTS CRM CRMS CS/MIS CS/RD CSI DDS DG TAXUD EBTI EC ECAS ECG ECICS ECIP ECS eCustoms EDI EDIFACT EMCS ENS EORI EOS eTIR EU EXS ICS INF ISPP 687305535 DESCRIPTION Architecture Building Block Authorised Economic Operator Business Process Management Business Process Model Notation Binding Tariff Information Centralised Clearance Common Communication Network Customs Declaration Combined Nomenclature anti-COunterfeit and anti-Piracy Information System Commercial Off The Shelf Customer Relationship Management Community Risk Management System Central System Management Information System Central System for Reference Data Common System Interface Data Dissemination System Customs and Taxation Union Directorate-General European Binding Tariff Information European Commission European Commission Authentication System Electronic Customs Group European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances EU Customs Information Portal Export Control System Electronic Customs Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport Excise Movement and Control System Entry Summary Declaration Economic Operator Registration and Identification Economic Operator System Electronic Transports Internationaux Routiers European Union Exit Summary Declaration Import Control System Standardised Exchange of Information Information System for Processing Procedures Page 32 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE REFERENCES IT MASP MCC MCCIP MRN MS NA NCTS OLAF PICS PN POC PoCS RAF REX RIF SAD SBB SEAP SEED SfA SC SfR SMS SOA SPEED TARIC TES VAT WCO XML Information Technology Multi Annual Strategic Plan Modernised Customs Code Modernised Customs Code Implementing Provisions Movement Reference Number Member State Notification of Arrival New Computerised Transit System European Anti-Fraud Office Programme Information and Collaboration Space Presentation Notification Proof Of Concept Proof of Community Status Reference Architecture Framework Registered Exporter Risk Information Form Single Administrative Document Solution Building Block Single Electronic Access Point System for Exchange of Excise Data Submit for Acceptance Service Contract Submit for Review Specimen Management System Service Oriented Architecture Single Point for Entry or Exit of Data TARif Intégré Communautaire Trans-European System Value Added Tax World Customs Organisation eXtensible Markup Language Table 6.1 : List of acronyms and abbreviations used in this document 6.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS REF. TITLE ORIGINATOR CUST-DEV2-SC07-RfA101-DLVRD01 10X- Customs Projects Definition and DG TAXUD detailed IT Master Plan-v0.20-SfR VERSION DATE v0.20 27/10/2011 Benchmarking Customs IT Architecture NL customs / 12/2005 RD03 NL Reference Architecture NL customs / 24/12/2005 RD02 687305535 Page 33 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE REFERENCES RD04 RD05 RD06 The Open Group Architecture Framework ArchiMate® Specification - Business Process Model and Notation RD07 PICS Access Guide The Open Group 9 2009 The Open Group 1.0 2009 OMG 2.0 03/01/2011 DG TAXUD 1 04/2011 1.0 29/07/2011 RD08 MCC BPM RD09 CUD2_SC07_Offer_for_RfE_Provision CUST-DEV2 of strategic and architecture studies_v1.0 RD10 TERMS OF REFERENCE DG TAXUD 1.0 RD11 Table 6.2 : Reference Documents 6.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS REF. TITLE PUBLISHING VERSION ORGANISATION AD01 IT Master Plan for MCC & eCustoms, Iteration 1 and proposed way forward DG TAXUD Ares(2011)797757 AD02 Reference Architecture for EU DG TAXUD Customs –first steps CUD2-SC04-RfA79-DLV-6 2-1-Final AD03 Update of MCC Global Estimation Study- DG TAXUD v1.00-EN-SfA DATE / 06/07/2011 / 26/07/2011 V1.00 01/08/2011 Table 6.3 : Applicable Documents 687305535 Page 34 of 35 IT MASTER PLAN ITERATION 2 REF: CUST-DEV2-SC07-RFA101 VERSION: 1.00 EU CUSTOMS REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE DOCUMENT HISTORY 7 DOCUMENT HISTORY ED. REV. DATE DESCRIPTION ACTION * PAGE S 0 01 05/10/11 Initial Draft I All 0 02 05/10/11 Internal review R All 0 10 24/10/11 Sent for Information - - 0 11 26/10/11 QA language review 0 20 27/10/11 Send for Review R All 1 00 28/11/11 Send for Acceptance R All (*) Action: I=Insert R=Replace Table 7.1 : Document History 687305535 Page 35 of 35