Essent Meas Elemental measurements in mineral processing THEORETICAL PART Mineral processing engineers as well as mining and environmental specialists should be familiar with essential properties of various elements of surrounding nature. It includes such properties as acidity or alkalinity of aqueous solutions, oxidationreduction property of solution, salt and solids concentration in water, density and other properties of solids. The goal of this exercise is to learn mention above properties. Density It is a property characterizing the concentration of matter measured as the mass per volume: =m/V (1) where - density (g/cm3, or kg/dm3, or Mg/m3, etc.) m- mass (g, or kg, or Mg, etc.) V - volume (cm3, or dm3, or m3 etc.) Since the volume depends on temperature, density also depends on temperature. Usually the density is given at 20oC. The densities of materials are well known and their numerical values can be found in handbooks and monographs. A good source of density of solid is the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Densities of selected substances are given in Table 1. Table l. Densities of common materials (g/cm3) at 20oC Asphalt 1.1-1.5 Magnetite 4.9-5.2 Sugar 1.59 Butter 0.86-0.87 Diamond 3.01-3.52 Pyrite 4.95-5.1 Dolomite 2.84 Mercury 13.59 Galena 7.3-7.6 Glass 2.4-2.8 Cork 0.22-0.26 Coal 1.2-1.8 Quartz 2.65 Gold 19.31 1 A precise determination of density of materials can be accomplished applying devices called picknometers, and the measurement should be performed according to specific standard procedures [European (ISO), Polish (PN), American (ASTM), German (DIN). etc.] standards. To measure density one can also use other apparatuses, for instance helium densimeters. A determination of the density of a material can be accomplished by determining the mass of the sample and its volume. To accomplish that a piece of material is weighted to determine its mass and next its volume is determined by measuring the volume of water displaced when the object is completely immersed in water. pH Immersion of any material in water changes the properties of resulting suspension or solution due to dissolution or sorption processes. The aqueous solution assumes certain acidity or alkalinity characterize by a so-called pH factor. pH is a negative logarithm of concentration of hydrogen ions in aqueous solutions: pH = -log (H+) (2) The term pH consists of letter p, which in mathematics stands for negative logarithm and letter H denoting concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). Concentration should be expressed in mol/dm3 or kmol/m3. pH of aqueous solutions slightly depends on temperature. Usually pH is expressed at room temperature. pH indicates acidity of alkalinity of the solution. When pH is lower than 7 the solution in acidic. When pH is greater than 7, the solution is alkaline. The values of pH can be from about –1 to about 15. In the vicinity of 7 the solution in neutral because the concentration of H+ ions (which determine acidity) and OH- ions (which determine alkalinity) is about equal. It results from a basic relationship between concentration of hydrogen (H+)ions and hydroxyl (OH-) ions in water: 2 [H+] . [OH-] = 10-14 or pH + pOH = 14 at pH=7 pH = pOH or [H+] = [OH-] (3) (at 21oC) The measurement of pH can be accomplished with special devices called pH-meters or using special indicating solution or paper bands (pH indicators). The pH of clean waters is between 5.6 –7. This value is a result of the presence of CO2 in water leading to formation carbonic acid. Natural water can be neutral or acidic due to presence of humid acids, or slightly alkaline due to the presence of alkaline ions such as Mg++ or Ca++ coming from surrounding materials, for instance CaCO3. Eh Another parameter, which can characterize the property of aqueous solution is the oxidation-reduction potential, also called Eh or redox potential. Eh indicates the ratio between concentration of a species able to undergo oxidation and another species able to undergo reduction reaction. Eh is defined as: 0 Eh = E h -(RT/nF) ln(red/oxy) where Eh - redox potential, in mV or V R - gas constant T - absolute temperature n - number of electrons taking part in the reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction F - Faraday constant ln - symbol of natural logarithm red – concentration of reduced species, kmol/m3 oxy- concentration of oxidation species, kmol/m3 3 (3) E0h – standard potential (when the red and oxy are the same), mV or V When the solution contains more than one redox substance, then the measured redox potential is called mixed redox potential. Potential Eh is measured in relation to a standard electrode, which is the standard hydrogen electrode also called standard normal electrode (SHE). In practice the potential is measured against a special electrode (for instance saturated calomel electrode or SCE), and then recalculated into Eh (SHE) using a simple formula. Eh is a much more complex parameter than pH and it depends on the pH of the solution. Highly oxidative solutions (for instance when the solution contains dissolved oxygen) provide positive values of Eh while highly reducing solutions (for instance 0 sulfide ions) negative. It strongly depends on the species forming the redox pair or E h . 0 Selected values of E h are given in Table 2. 0 Table 2. Standard potentials ( E h ) for selected materials in relation to standard hydrogen electrode Normal potential Electrode reaction Short notation E h0 (V) S2O82 + 2e = 2 SO 24 S2O82 / SO 24 2,050 ClO– + 2H+ + 2e = Cl– + H2O ClO–/Cl– 1,640 1,510 MnO4 MnO4 + 8H+ +5e = Mn2+ + 12H2O 2Cl– /Mn2+ Cl2 +2e = O2 + 4H+ + 4e = 2H2O Fe3+ + e = Fe2+ O2 + 2e + 2H+ = H2O2 (CN)2 + 2H+ + 2e = 2HCN Cl2/2Cl– O2/O2– Fe3+/Fe2+ O2/H2O2 (CN)2/HCN Fe(CN)36 + e = Fe(CN)64 Fe(CN)36 / Fe(CN)64 Cu2+ + e = Cu+ 2H+ + 2e = H2 Cu2+/Cu+ H+/H2 SO 24 + 2H+ + 2e = SO 32 + H2O SO 24 / SO 32 N2 + 4H+ + 4e = N2H4 (hydrazyne) S + 2e = S2– Zn2+ + 2e = Zn N2 /N2– S/S2– Zn2+/Zn 4 1,360 1,228 0,771 0,680 0,370 0,363 0,167 0,000 –0,103 –0,333 –0,510 –0,763 Conductivity Dissolution of soluble salts in water leads to creation of ions. The ions present in the solution transmit electrical current. Such solutions accelerate redox reactions for instance corrosion of metals. The ability of aqueous solutions to conduct electrical current can be determine by measuring conductivity. Table 3 shows electric conductivity of aqueous solution containing sodium chloride. Table 3. Conductivity of diluted NaCl solutions at 18oC Relative conductivity Concentration (weight %) -1 . cm-1] 0,00003 0,0000539 0,00015 0,000265 0,001 0,00165 0,005 0,0078 0,05 0,0642 Hydrophobicity Most inorganic materials is hydrophilic. It means that water easily wets the surface of these materials. Exception is sulfur, talc and graphite which are hydrophobic. Organic substances (for instance crude and fuel oils and their derivatives) are usually hydrophobic. The presence of hydrophobic substances in the environment usually indicates its pollution. The simplest way of measuring hydrophobicity of a material is determination its so-called contact angle. There are many ways of measuring contact angle. The most frequently used, and simplest, is the sessile drop method. The hydrophilic materials display and zero or small contact angles while highly hydrophobic up to 110o. 5 EXPERIMENTAL PART Exercise 1. Evaluation of density Take a coal lump about 2-3 cm in size. Determine its mass by weighing coal by means of an electronic balance. Next, determine the volume of the same piece of coal by measuring the volume of water displaced when the coal is immersed in water. Calculate density of the investigated coal. Make similar measurement for quartz and pyrite. Calculate the densities of the investigated materials and compare them with the literature values. Exercise 2. Determination of the density of suspension and determination of solids concentration in the suspension Weigh precisely certain amount of ground coal and make coal suspension in water using precisely pre-measured amount of water. For instance, mix together 1 part of coal and two parts of water by weight. Calculate the density of the created suspension paying attention to the final volume of the suspension. Check the calculated density of the suspension again density determined directly by means of balance and a graduated cylinder. Figure out how to accomplish that and discuss it with the instructor. Take three samples of the suspension and put them on watch glasses and determine the mass of the sample. Then, dry up the sample at 105o C in a oven and determine the mass. Give the final results as an average of three measurements. Compare the obtained solids densities. Save the dried coal for next experiments (exercise no. 3-5). Exercise 3. pH measurement Create a suspension of coal in water by suspending in a test tube 2 grams of coal and 25 cm3 of water. Make a similar suspension with oxidized coal. Stir the mixture well and measure the pH of suspension. Compare both measurements and interpret the observed differences taking into account the fact that coal and pyrite present in the coal undergo oxidation with the formation: carboxylic acids (coal) and 6 sulfuric acid (pyrite). Write down the chemical reactions between pyrite and coal as well as between pyrite and oxygen. What was the concentration of the hydrogen ions in the oxidized coal suspension? Exercise 4. Eh measurement Measure Eh of water, 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and an Eh standard. Measure also Eh of suspension of coal and suspension of oxidized coal after bringing the samples to the same pH. Compare the obtained values of Eh for both coals. Which suspension has more oxidizing power? Exercise 5. Conductivity measurement Measure the conductivity of coal and oxidized coal. Why the resulting conductivities are different? On the bases of the measured conductivity of NaCl solutions read from the calibration curves equivalent concentration of NaCl in both suspensions. Exercise 6. Hydrophobicity measurement Take a piece of coal. Polish it with sandpaper. Put a drop of water on the polished surface of coal, look carefully at the shape of the drop and draw the shape of the drop on a sheet of paper. Evaluate the contact angle. Next, remove the drop and smear a drop of fuel oil on the surface of the coal. Put a drop of water on the contaminated with fuel oil surface and determine the contact angle. Describe the measured results. 7