MS After School Intervention Unit: Simplifying Expressions Theme: Entertainment Day 2 Lesson Objective Students will write and evaluate algebraic expressions to represent unknown quantities. Common Core Standards: 6.NS.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers. 6.NS.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers. For example, express the calculation “Subtract y from 5” as 5y 6.NS.2b Identify parts of an expression, using mathematical terms (sum, term, product, factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression 2(8 7) as a product of two factors; (8 7) as both a single entity and a sum of two terms. 6.NS.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formula V s 3 and A 6s 2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s = 1/2. Materials Overhead projector or document camera Chart paper Tape Number Cubes Envelopes Moving with Math: Algebra (MH5) QuietShape algebra tiles “I Want a Souvenir Cup” resource sheet “Zookeeper for a Day Stations” resource sheets “Zookeeper for a Day Student Answer Sheet” resource sheets (one per student) “By the Roll of the Dice Expressions” resource sheets (cut out prior to lesson) “Activity Solutions” resource sheet “3 – 2 – 1 Reflection” resource sheet (one per student) “I Want a Souvenir Cup!” (15 minutes) Arrange students into groups of four. Read the following scenario to students: “You and your friends are going to the Ravens game. You have offered to purchase drinks for each of your friends. If you spend exactly $20, you receive a Ravens souvenir cup. What combinations of drink purchases could you buy to reach exactly $20?” Post the Beverage Menu through your document camera or overhead projector and allow time for students to work together as a group to come up with their different combinations. Ask students the following questions: How many drinks were you able to purchase? How did you arrive at your answer? What drink option will allow you to purchase the largest quantity with your $20? If you wanted to purchase n number of bottled waters, how would you write this as an expression? What does your variable represent? (Note: Answers will vary. A sample answers may be: 4 lemonades, 4 iced teas, and 4 sodas.) Representing Algebraic Expressions with Algebra Tiles (20 minutes) Complete the Introductory Activities on page 34 of Moving with Math: Algebra (MH5). Once completed, write two additional examples on the board and have students use the QuietShape algebra tiles to solve. Teacher Option: Create large algebra tiles using colored paper to display on the board. Inside-Outside Circle (15 minutes) During this strategy, students form two different circles: half of the group stands in a circle facing outward while the other half forms a circle around them facing inward. Students exchange information until the teacher signals the outer circle to move in one direction. The students now have a different partner with whom to exchange. Inside Circle: The teacher will display 3x – 4 on the document camera using algebra tiles. The inside circle will explain to their Outside Circle partner what expression those tiles represent and why. The outside circle will move in a clockwise direction one space. Outside Circle: The teacher will write the following expression on the board: 5 + 2x. The outside circle will explain what tiles you would use to represent this expression and why. “Zookeeper for a Day” (20 minutes) Students will work with a partner during this task. Each pair will receive an envelope with a specific zoo labeled on the outside. Inform them that their job for the day is to feed the animals, but they must first determine either the area or perimeter of the enclosed area. There is a consistent measurement among zoos, and the other information needed will be in their envelope. Give each student a “Zookeeper for a Day” Answer Sheet. Students will travel around the room and complete two tasks at each animal station: 1. Write the expression that models the area or perimeter using the information given from the poster. 2. Look inside your envelope to find the missing dimension and determine the area or perimeter of the enclosed area. Once students have completed their rotation, they will go back to their seats and answer the follow-up question at the bottom of their Answer Sheet. “By the Roll of the Dice” (15 minutes) Hand out an expression to each student. Have approximately five students come up to the front of the room with their expression. Roll a number cube. The number it lands on will represent the value of the variable. Have students stand in line from least to greatest after they have determined the value of their expression by substituting the value for the variable. Have the remaining seated students determine if their expressions are in order from least to greatest. Repeat activity with a new group of students coming up to the front of the room and rolling the number cube again. Closure: “3 – 2 – 1” Reflection (5 minutes) Students will list three things they liked about today’s lesson, two new things they learned, and one question they might have that will be answered tomorrow. I Want a Souvenir Cup! Spend exactly $20 and receive a Ravens souvenir cup! Beverages Lemonade Iced Tea Soda Bottled Water $2.50 $1.75 $.75 $1.50 Zookeeper for a Day Student Answer Sheet Zoo: _______________________ Monkey Station Giraffe Station Area Expression: Area Expression: Area: Area: Panda Station Zebra Station Perimeter Expression: Area Expression: Perimeter: Area: Bird Station Lion Station Perimeter Expression: Perimeter Expression: Perimeter: Perimeter: Follow-Up Questions 1. Describe how you determined the area and/or perimeter for each area of the zoo. 2. How might the value of your area and perimeter compare to that of another zoo? Monkey Station The monkeys are enclosed in a fenced rectangular area that has a length of 35 feet and a width of w. Giraffe Station The giraffes are in a square shaped area with a side length of s. Panda Station The panda bears are enclosed in a fenced rectangular area that has a width of 73 feet and a length of n. Zebra Station The zebras are enclosed in the following area below: 32 meters x meters Bird Station The tropical birds are enclosed in a fenced square area that has a side length of n. Lion Station The lions are enclosed in a fenced rectangular area as shown below: w meters 82 meters Salisbury Zoo w = 60 feet s = 32 yards n = 90 feet x = 28 meters n = 25 yards w = 50 meters Baltimore Zoo w = 50 feet s = 30 yards n = 80 feet x = 25 meters n = 23 yards w = 60 meters Virginia Zoo w = 55 feet s = 24 yards n = 62 feet x = 30 meters n = 20 yards w = 48 meters Smithsonian National Zoo w = 52 feet s = 34 yards n = 70 feet x = 22 meters n = 29 yards w = 56 meters Pittsburgh Zoo w = 58 feet s = 30 yards n = 88 feet x = 23 meters n = 27 yards w = 49 meters Bronx Zoo w = 70 feet s = 42 yards n = 100 feet x = 35 meters n = 29 yards w = 75 meters By the Roll of the Dice Expressions 14 – n 7n n + 11 2n + 5 60 n 3n – 2 23 – n n + 2n 20 – 3n 5n nn 13 + n 120 n 5n – 4 60 12 n Activity Solutions Zookeeper for a Day Monkey A 35w ft2 2100 1750 1925 1820 2030 2450 Salisbury Baltimore Virginia National Pittsburg Bronx Giraffe A s 2 yd2 1024 900 576 1156 900 1764 2n 5 1: 7 2: 9 3: 11 4:13 5: 15 6: 17 23 n 1: 22 2: 21 3: 20 4:19 5: 18 6: 17 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 120 60 40 30 24 20 1 A (32)( x) 2 or A 16x A n ft2 6570 5840 4526 5110 6424 7300 m2 448 400 480 352 368 560 625 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 60 30 20 15 12 10 529 400 841 729 841 n 11 1: 1 2: 6 3: 11 4:16 5: 21 6: 26 5n 4 3n 2 1: 1 2: 4 3: 7 4:10 5: 13 6: 16 n 2n n n Lion 2 yd2 1: 12 2: 13 3: 14 4:15 5: 16 6: 17 60 n 1: 1 2: 4 3: 9 4: 16 5: 25 6: 36 120 n Bird 7 14 21 28 35 42 1: 3 2: 6 3: 9 4:12 5: 15 6: 18 5 10 15 20 25 30 Zebra 7n 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 5n 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Panda By the Roll of the Dice 14 n 1: 13 2: 12 3: 11 4:10 5: 9 6: 8 A 73n 20 3n 1: 17 2: 14 3: 11 4: 8 5: 5 6: 2 13 n 1: 14 2: 15 3: 16 4:17 5: 18 6: 19 60 12 n 1: 72 2: 42 3: 32 4: 27 5: 24 6: 22 A 82w m2 4100 4920 3936 4592 4018 6150 3 – 2 – 1 Reflection 3 things I liked about today’s lesson: 2 new things I learned today: 1 question I still have: