Chapter 4 NUCLEAR REACTION MODELLING – CAPTURE REACTIONS E. Bĕták 4.1 INTRODUCTION The (n,) reactions can serve as the means of production of some radiopharmaceuticals either directly (89Sr, 103Pd, 153Sm and others) or via suitable generators and/or precursors (e.g. 125Xe serves as a generator for 125I). This reactor-based method of production is well established in some cases (89Sr and 125 I), but more often the necessary radionuclide is preferentially produced by other reactions (e.g., see Refs. [1, 2]). A primary aim is not only to create the desired radionuclide, but to produce sufficient amounts that are uncontaminated by other isotopes that arise from either the target impurities or competing reactions. Nuclear reactions evolve through several very different regions with increasing incident energy, beginning with the thermal and resonance regions before reaching the continuum. Whereas the thermal and especially the resonance regions are of vital importance to isotope production in reactors where the (n,) reactions take practically the whole strength, the continuum region is of much less interest because of the very low cross-sections arising from the main strength is being taken away by the open nucleon channels. Correspondingly, experimantal data in the continuum are rare, so that reliable predictions of the excitation functions based on model calculations are very important. 4.2 GAMMA EMISSION IN THE MEV REGION EMPIRE-II v. 2.19 [3] and TALYS [4, 5] represent suitable computer codes for the calculation of nuclear reactions, and they represent significant inprovements over previously employed codes such as PEQAG [6] and DEGAS [7], as well as older versions of EMPIRE-II (e.g. version 2.18 [8]). At excitation energies above 10 MeV, both EMPIRE and TALYS are based on the pre-equilibrium single-particle radiative mechanism, which has been elaborated in previous codes. However, whereas one can use simple exciton-model codes at nucleon energies exceeding 10 MeV and sufficiently far from the closed shells like the simple PEQAG code [6] or the spin-dependent successor DEGAS [7], sophisticated nuclear reaction codes can now be used with confidence to include an extensive number of approaches and cover rather wide energy ranges. Such complex coding systems are coupled to large libraries of parameters if estimates are required for reactions that are not just tailored to simple statistical pre-equilibrium calculations. Two codes of this type have been recently released, namely EMPIRE-II (version 2.18 in 2002 [8] and version 2.19 three years later [3]1 and TALYS in 2005 and at the end of 2006 [4, 5, 9]. They possess similar underlying physics at the pre-equilibrium stage (e.g., same single-nucleon radiative mechanism formula for the emission is used both in EMPIRE and in TALYS), and both of them use very extensive tables of the various recommended parameters. The single-particle radiative mechanism has proved to be very successful at incident energies below about 30 MeV [10, 11], and also gives a reliable description at energies as low as about 5 MeV [12, 13]. Therein, the emission is associated with a decrease of the exciton number 2 n ( = –2) or leaves this quantity unchanged (n = 0), and the emission rates can be expressed as follows: 2 GDR ( ) m n,n 2 (n, E, ) 2 3 2 c b(m, ) (m, E ) (n, E ) , (4.1) 1 The main differences between the two versions of EMPIRE-II may be characterized as the replacement of the data libraries by more recent versions, addition of further subroutines and elimination of some minor bugs. 2 Exciton number n is the sum of the excited particles p above and holes h below the Fermi level, n = p + h. 1 where E denotes the excitation energy of the nucleus (composite system), is the energy, GDR ( g ) is the photoabsorption cross section, are the exciton state densities, and the branching ratios are defined as follows: b(n 2, ) (2, ) g (n 2) (2, ) b(n, ) gn . gn (2, ) (4.2) However, with the inclusion of spin, the above expressions become much more complicated. Fortunately, the branching ratios factorize [14]: nJ mS b nJ y mn x mS m mJ , m 2 J y m x mS y mm 2 x mS (4.3) where y are the energy-dependent functions that are identical to Eq. (4.2) that becomes: y nn gn, y nn2 g 2 , (4.4) in the case of the equidistant-spacing scheme, and x arise from the spin couplings (for details, see Ref. [14]). The photo-absorption cross section GDR is usually defined in the form of the giant dipole resonance approximated by the corresponding Lorentzian (or double-humped Lorentzian in the case of deformed nuclei). Important differences for the pre-equilibrim stage of the reaction may be summarized as follows: i) the basic approach to the pre-equilibrium stage consists of the two components in TALYS (i.e. distinguishing between the neutrons and the protons), whereas a one-component formulation with a charge factor is used in EMPIRE; ii) one-particle radiation mechanism is used for the emission in EMPIRE, but TALYS includes the quasi-deuteron (two-particle)3, which may cause some differences at excitation energies above about 30 MeV (albeit very small); iii) although the level densities using the default option are the same in both codes (with parameters taken from RIPL [15, 16]), different semi-microscopic approaches are available for advanced users; iv) classical optical model is used to calculate the particle transmission coefficients Tl in EMPIRE with parameters from the libraries, and the local and global parametrization of Koning and Delaroche [17] is employed in TALYS (this difference influences the emission only via the competition with that of the particles). Previous pre-equilibrium calculations of the radiative capture reactions in the MeV region were undertaken by means of the PEQAG code [6]. Generalizations with spin PEGAS and DEGAS [7] as 3 The quasi-deuteron mechanism is also included in EMPIRE-II v. 2.19, but is considered for the photonuclear reactions only and not for the emission. 2 well as the EMPIRE code (v. 2.18 Mondovi) [8] demonstrated the level of sensitivity of the calculations to the details of the level density parameters (necessary for the evaluation of the state densities ()) and also to facets of GDR. Overall, calculations are reasonably reliable for reactions far from the closed shells and close enough to the line of beta stability, and somewhat questionable near closed and even doubly-closed shells, where one has to pay utmost care to the proper choice of level densities (e.g. see Ref. [12]). There is no straightforward solution for nuclei close to the drip lines, and the spread of calculations performed with different model assumptions and/or codes may suitably serve as a rough estimate as to how reliable or weak the prediction of cross sections and related quantities may be. 4.3 REACTIONS – GENERAL The need to produce isotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has stimulated calls for further measurements and evaluations of the (n,) reactions at energies below 20 MeV. Within the IAEA Coordinated Research Programme, some very desirable isotopes for therapeutic needs have been identified and studied [18, 19, 20]. With public access to two excellent codes being granted in 2005, one has the opportunity to predict the excitation curves with much improved reliability than ever before. Generally, there are not many data defining (n,) reactions in the continuum region [21]. Studies up to about 3 MeV exist for neutron reactions on 152Sm and 191Ir, and experimental data up to nearly 20 MeV are available for the 165Ho(n,γ) reaction for which the cross sections referring to the ground and isomeric states can be separated. We present data together with calculations of TALYS [4, 5] and two versions of EMPIRE-II (v. 2.18 [8] and v. 2.19 [3]) in a subsequent section of this report. Essentially, we kept the default parameters in EMPIRE, while allowing for full inclusion of pre-equilibrium emission and cascades. Details of the form of the Giant Dipole Resonance (which enters calculations of the emission via the detailed balance principle) and other parameters did not exhibit much influence on the resulting excitation functions calculated using EMPIRE-II v. 2.18 [18], and therefore we also applied this approach to version 2.19 and TALYS 4. 4.4 BASIC PARAMETERS OF THE CALCULATIONS One needs reliable data for at least twenty-one nuclei (three nuclei for each reaction considered, the composite system, plus two nuclei after the neutron and after the proton emissions). Assuming that the best available up-to-date information is contained in RIPL-2 [15, 16] and other IAEA NDS libraries [21], both EMPIRE and TALYS are able to access and use these available parameters. When the recommended values in RIPL-2 are not applicable, other data have to be sought and used. We have studied the influence of different level densities and the form of the Giant Dipole Resonance 5, and found that they are not essential for the reactions studied [18, 20] – these calculations were not undertaken within the critical region of doubly-magic nuclei, and other less certain input data can be suitably adopted in such studies. 4.5 CONCLUSIONS We have carried out calculations of the excitation curves of (n,) reactions on seven selected targets leading to medically-suitable therapeutic isotopes at energies above the resonance region up to 20 MeV. These calculations have shown the influence of different level densities on the calculated production cross sections (albeit rather small). 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