SCOPES 2009-2012: Joint Research Projects
International Co-operation
1 page, by GD
2.Research plan
Current state of research in the field
1-2 pages by GD : LHC, CMS detector, ECAL, muon system (there I take the general description of Zoltan of the muon system and the alignment system), LHC physics (short introduction)
Past performance of the applicants in the research field
ETH Zuerich
2 page by GD
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Science of
Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
1. L. Jenkovszky (Bogolyubov ITP, Nat. Ac. Sc. of Ukriane, Kiev, Thorist, Team leader)
2. Vladimir Aushev (Inst. Nucl. Phys., Kiev), experimentalist, 10 years of experience at
Vladislav Libov (T. Shevchenko Kiev University), experimentalist, 3 years of experience at ZEUS (DESY);
Denis Lontkovski, (T. Shevchenko Kiev University), experimentalist, 3 years of experience at ZEUS (DESY);
Inna Makarenko, (T. Shevchenko Kiev University), experimentalist, 3 years of experi ence at ZEUS (DESY).
Team members from 2 to 5 can participate both in the hardware or software work. Their expertise comes from their participation in the pC (and pW, pTu) scattering experiments at HE-
RA-B (e.g. A-dependence of the cross section) and from the present collaboration with ZEUS.
They have 3-4 years experience in working with ROOT and other (e.g. C++) platforms/codes.
They are able to work with the Time-of-Flight detectors as well as participate in shifts collecting and analyzing data.
Past performance of the Kiev team:
Production of the Charmonium States ?c1 and ?c2 in Proton Nucleus Interactions at \sqrt s = 41.6 GeV (Phys. Rev. D 79, 012001 (2009)):
A measurement of the ratio Rchic=(chic-->J/psi+gamma)/J/psi in pC, pTi, and pW interactions at 920 GeV/c (sqrt(s)=41.6 GeV) in the Feynman-x range -0.35<xFJ/psi<0.15 was performed. Both µ+µ- and e+e- J/psi decay
channels were observed with an overall statistics of about 15 000 chic events, which is by far the largest available sample in pA collisions. The result is Rchic=0.188±0.013st((+0.024)/(-0.022))sys averaged over the different materials, when no J/psi and chic polarizations are considered. The chic1 to chic2 production ratio R12=Rchic1/Rchic2 is measured to be
1.02±0.40, leading to a cross section ratio ((sigma(chi[sub c1]))/(sigma(chi[sub c2])))=0.57±0.23. The dependence of Rchic on the Feynman-x of the J/psi, xFJ/psi, and its transverse momentum, pTJ/psi, is studied, as well as its dependence on the atomic number, A, of the target. For the first time, an extensive study of possible biases on Rchic and R12 due to the dependence of acceptance on the polarization states of J/psi and chic is performed. By varying the polarization parameter, lambdaobs, of all produced J/psi's by two sigma around the value measured by HERA-B, and considering the maximum variation due to the possible chic1 and chic2 polarizations, it is shown that Rchic could change by a factor between 1.02 and
1.21 and R12 by a factor between 0.89 and 1.16.
Metal foil detectors and their applications
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators
Spectrometers Detectors
V.535, N.1-2, p.566
Our experience with Metal Foil Detectors for the radiation monitoring at different accelerators is presented.
Three- and four-jet final states in photoproduction at HERA
Nuclear Physics B V. 792, Issues 1-2,Pages 1-47.
Three- and four-jet final states have been measured in photoproduction at
HERA using the ZEUS detector with an integrated luminosity of 121 pb?1. The results are presented for jets with transverse energy and pseudorapidity
|?jet|<2.4, in the kinematic region given by the virtuality of the photon
Q2<1 GeV2 and the inelasticity 0.2y0.85 and in two mass regions defined as
25Mnj<50 GeV and Mnj50 GeV, where Mnj is the invariant mass of the n-jet system. The four-jet photoproduction cross section has been measured for the first time and represents the highest-order process studied at HERA.
Both the three- and four-jet cross sections have been compared with leading-logarithmic parton-shower Monte Carlo models, with and without multiparton interactions. The three-jet cross sections have been compared to an perturbative QCD calculation.
Search for events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum and a measurement of W production at HERA
Physics Letters B
Volume 672, Issue 2, 16 February 2009, Pages 106-115
A search for events with an isolated high-energy lepton and large missing transverse momentum has been performed with the ZEUS detector at HERA using a total integrated luminosity of 504 pb?1. The results agree well with
Standard Model predictions.
Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA
European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
Volume 55, Number 2 / Mai 2008
Diffractive photoproduction of dijets was measured with the ZEUS detector at the ep collider HERA using an integrated luminosity of 77.2 pb-1.
The measurements were made in the kinematic range Q2 < 1 GeV2, 0.20<y<0.85 and xIP<0.025, where Q2 is the photon virtuality, y is the inelasticity and xIP is the fraction of the proton momentum taken by the diffractive ex-
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change. The two jets with the highest transverse energy, ET jet, were required to satisfy ET jet>7.5 and 6.5 GeV, respectively. Differential cross sections were compared to perturbative QCD calculations using available parameterisations of diffractive parton distributions of the proton.
Measurement of D0, D+, Ds+ and D*+ Production in Fixed Target 920-GeV Proton-Nucleus Collisions.
The inclusive production cross sections of the charmed mesons D^0, D^+,
D_s^+ and D^{*+} have been measured in interactions of 920 GeV protons on
C, Ti, and W targets with the HERA-B detector at the HERA storage ring.
Differential cross sections as a function of transverse momentum and Feynman's x variable are given for the central rapidity region and for transverse momenta up to $\pT=3.5$ GeV/$c$. The atomic mass number dependence and the leading to non-leading particle production asymmetries are presented as well.
A Measurement of the Production Ratio in 920 GeV/c Proton-Nucleus Interactions.
European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
V. 49, Number 2 / January 2007
Polarization in 920-GeV Fixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions
Physics Letters B
Volume 638, Issue 1, 29 June 2006, Pages 13-21
A measurement of the polarization of baryons produced in pC and pW collisions at has been performed with the HERA-B spectrometer. The measurements cover the kinematic range of 0.6 GeV/c<p<1.2 GeV/c in transverse momentum and ?0.15<xF<0.01 in Feynman-x. The polarization results from the two different targets agree within the statistical error. In the combined data set, the largest deviation from zero, +0.054±0.029, is measured for xF?0.07. Zero polarization is expected at xF=0 in the absence of nuclear effects. The polarization results for agree with a parametrization of previous measurements which were performed at positive xF values, where polarization is negative. Results of polarization measurements are consistent with zero.
The cross section ratio has been measured with the HERA-B spectrometer in fixed-target proton–nucleus collisions at 920 GeV proton beam energy corresponding to a proton–nucleon c.m.s. energy of . The corresponding production cross section per nucleon at mid-rapidity (y=0) was determined.
Please mention the most important publications. Use the following style of reference:
R. Fiore, L.L. Jenkovszky and V.K. Magas: Connection between lepton- and and hadron-induced diffraction phenomena. Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 99A (2001) 131.
R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, M. Kotsky, F. Paccanoni, A. Papa and E. Predazzi: Ultra-
High Energy Neutrino-Nucleon interactions, arXiv hep-ph/0302251, Phys. Rev. D68
(2003) 093010.
3. R. Fiore, L.L. Jenkovszky, A.V. Kotikov, F. Pacccanoni, A Papa, E. Predazzi,
Analytic evolution of nuclear structure functions with power corrections at twist-4
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and predictions for ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon cross sections, arXiv hep-
ph/0412003, Dec. 1, 2004, Phys. Rev D.71 (2005) 033002.
4. R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, A. Kotikov, F. Paccanoni, A Papa, Asymptotic neutrino- nucleon cross section and saturation effects, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 053012.
L.P. Csernai, M.I. Gorenstein, L.L. Jenkovszky, I. Lovas, V.K. Magas, Can supercooling explain the HBT puzzle? Phys. Letters, B551 (2003)121-126.
Significance of the planned research for the scientific community
3 Heavy-ion collisions
The NA61 results on the scan program and the measurements ot the AGS and RHIC energies for for the first time will enable to check a variety of the statistical models of heavy-ion collisions.
Within the Project, the following open theoretical problems will be clarified:
What is the mechanism of the early stage equilibrium?
What is the structure of the transition line (cross-over, critical point, 1-t order phase transition,...) ?
How can be this structure established experimentally?
The energy dependence of hadron production in relativistic nuclei collisions show the three anomalies, called by M. Gazdzicki and M. Gorenstein kink, horn and step. Predicted as signals of the deconfinement phase transition, they were recently observed by the NA61 collaboration in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS.
II. High-energy neutrino physics
A simple analytic expression for the spin-averaged neutrino-nuecleon cross section, based on
QCD evolution for high-energies is obtained. The role of and the relevance of saturation and recombination effects is clarified. The obtained formula and numerical values of the parameters can be used in the NA61/SHINE experiment.
Detailed research plan
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