Chapter 10 Statistical Inferences About Two Populations LEARNING OBJECTIVES The general focus of Chapter 10 is on testing hypotheses and constructing confidence intervals about parameters from two populations, thereby enabling you to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two population means using the z statistic. Test hypotheses and establish confidence intervals about the difference in two population means using the t statistic. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two related populations when the differences are normally distributed. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two population proportions. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about two population variances. CHAPTER OUTLINE 10.1 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Means using the z Statistic: Population Variances Known Hypothesis Testing Confidence Intervals Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about the Difference in Two Population Means Using the z Test 10.2 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Means: Independent Samples and Population Variances Unknown Hypothesis Testing Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses and Construct Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Population Means Using the t Test Confidence Intervals 10.3 Statistical Inferences For Two Related Populations Hypothesis Testing Using the Computer to Make Statistical Inferences about Two Related Populations Confidence Intervals 10.4 Statistical Inferences About Two Population Proportions, p1 – p 2 Hypothesis Testing Confidence Intervals Using the Computer to Analyze the Difference in Two Proportions 10.5 Testing Hypotheses About Two Population Variances Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about Two Population Variances 177 178 Solutions Manual and Study Guide KEY WORDS dependent samples F distribution F value independent samples matched-pairs test related measures STUDY QUESTIONS 1. A researcher wants to estimate the difference in the means of two populations. A random sample of 40 items from the first population results in a sample mean of 433 with a population standard deviation of 112. A random sample of 50 items from the second population results in a sample mean of 467 with a population standard deviation of 120. From this information, a point estimate of the difference of population means can be computed as _______________. 2. Using the information from question 1, the researcher can compute a 95% confidence interval to estimate the difference in population means. The resulting confidence interval is _________________________. 3. A random sample of 32 items is taken from a population which has a population variance of 93. The resulting sample mean is 45.6. A random sample of 37 items is taken from a population which has a population variance of 88. The resulting sample mean is 49.4. Using this information, a 98% confidence interval can be computed to estimate the difference in means of these two populations. The resulting interval is _________________________. 4. A researcher desires to estimate the difference in means of two populations. To accomplish this, he/she takes a random sample of 85 items from the first population. The sample yields a mean of 168 with a variance of 783. A random sample of 70 items is taken from the second population yielding a mean of 161 with a population variance of 780. A 94% confidence interval is computed to estimate the difference in population means. The resulting confidence interval is _______________. 5. Is there a difference in the average number years of experience of assembly line employees between company A and company B? A researcher wants to conduct a statistical test to answer this question. He is likely to be conducting a _______________-tailed test. 6. The researcher who is conducting the test to determine if there is a difference in the average number of years of experience of assembly line workers between companies A and B is using an alpha of .10. The critical value of z for this problem is __________. 7. Suppose the researcher conducting an experiment to compare the ages of workers at two companies. The researcher randomly samples forty-five assembly-line workers from company A and discovers that the sample average is 7.1 years with a population standard deviation of 2.3. Fifty-two assembly-line workers from company B are randomly selected resulting in a sample average of 6.2 years and a population standard deviation of 2.7. The observed z value for this problem is _______________. 8. Using an alpha of .10 and the critical values determined in questions 6 and 7, the decision is to _______________ the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 9. 179 A researcher has a theory that the mean for population A is less than the mean for population B. To test this, she randomly samples thirty-eight items from population A and determines that the sample average is 38.4 with a population variance of 50.5. She randomly samples thirty-two items from population B and determines that the sample average is 44.3 with a population variance of 48.6. Alpha is .05. She is going to conduct a _______________-tailed test. 10. Using the information from question 9, the critical z value is _______________. 11. Using the information from question 9, the observed value of z is _______________. 12. Using the results determined in question 10 and 11, the decision is to _______________ the null hypothesis. 13. A researcher is interested in testing to determine if the mean of population one is greater than the mean of population two. He uses the following hypotheses to test this theory: Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 > 0 He randomly selects a sample of 8 items from population one resulting in a mean of 14.7 and a standard deviation of 3.4. He randomly selects a sample of 12 items from population two resulting in a mean of 11.5 and a standard deviation 2.9. He is using an alpha value of .10 to conduct this test. The degrees of freedom for this problem are _____________. It is assumed that these values are normally distributed in both populations. 14. The critical table t value used to conduct the hypothesis test in question 13 is _______________. 15. The t value calculated from the sample data is ______. 16. Based on the observed t value obtained in question 15 and the critical table t value in question 14, the researcher should _______________ the null hypothesis. 17. What is the difference in the means of two populations? A researcher wishes to determine this by taking random samples of size 14 from each population and computing a 90% confidence interval. The sample from the first population produces a mean of 780 with a standard deviation of 245. The sample from the second population produces a mean of 890 with a standard deviation of 256. The point estimate for the difference in the means of these two populations is _______________. Assume that the values are normally distributed in each population. 18. The table t value used to construct the confidence interval for the problem in question 17 is __________. 19. The confidence interval constructed for the problem in question 17 is __________. 20. The matched-pairs t test deals with _______________ samples. 21. A researcher wants to conduct a before/after study on 13 subjects to determine if a treatment results in higher scores. The hypotheses are: Ho: D = 0 Ha: D < 0 Scores are obtained on the subjects both before and after the treatment. After subtracting the after scores from the before scores, the resulting value of d is –2.85 with a Sd of 1.01. The degrees of freedom for this test are _______________. Assume that the data are normally distributed in the population. 180 Solutions Manual and Study Guide 22. The critical table t value for the problem in question 21 is _______________ if = .01. 23. The observed t value for the problem in question 21 is _______________. 24. For the problem in question 21 based on the critical table t value obtained in question 22 and the observed t value obtained in question 23, the decision should be to _______________ the null hypothesis. 25. A researcher is conducting a matched-pairs study. She gathers data on each pair in the study resulting in: Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Group 1 10 13 11 14 12 12 10 8 Group 2 12 14 15 14 11 15 16 10 Assuming that the data are normally distributed in the population, the computed value of d is _______________. 26. The value of Sd for the problem in question 25 is _______________. 27. The degrees of freedom for the problem in question 25 is _______________. 28. The observed value of t for the problem in question 25 is _______________. 29. A researcher desires to estimate the difference between two related populations. He gathers pairs of data from the populations. The data are below: Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 1 360 345 355 325 340 365 Group 2 280 290 300 270 300 310 It is assumed that the data are normally distributed in the population. Using this data, the value of d is _______________. 30. For the problem in 29, the value of Sd is __________. 31. The point estimate for the population difference for the problem in question 29 is _______________. 32. The researcher conducting the study for the problem in question 29 wants to use a 95% level of confidence. The table t value for this confidence interval is _______________. 33. The confidence interval computed for the problem in question 29 is _______________. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 181 34. A researcher is interested in estimating the difference in two populations proportions. A sample of 1000 from each population results in sample proportions of .61 and .64. The point estimate of the difference in the population proportions is _______________. 35. Using the data from question 34, the researcher computes a 90% confidence interval to estimate the difference in population proportions. The resulting confidence interval is _________________________. 36. A random sample of 400 items from a population shows that 110 of the sample items possess a given characteristic. A random sample of 550 items from a second population resulted in 154 of the sample items possessing the characteristic. Using this data, a 99% confidence interval is constructed to estimate the difference in population proportions which possess the given characteristic. The resulting confidence interval is _________________________. 37. A researcher desires to estimate the difference in proportions of two populations. To accomplish this, he/she samples 338 and 332 items respectively from each population. The resulting sample proportions are .71 and .68 respectively. Using this data, a 90% confidence interval can be computed to estimate the difference in population proportions. The resulting confidence interval is _________________________. 38. A statistician is being asked to test a new theory that the proportion of population A possessing a given characteristic is greater than the proportion of population B possessing the characteristic. A random sample of 625 from population A has been taken and it is determined that 463 possess the characteristic. A random sample of 704 taken from population B results in 428 possessing the characteristic. The alternative hypothesis for this problem is _______________. 39. The observed value of z for question 38 is _______________. 40. Suppose alpha is .10. The critical value of z for question 38 is _______________. 41. Based on the results of question 39 and 40, the decision for the problem in question 38 is to _______________ the null hypothesis. 42. In testing hypotheses about two population variances, use the _______________________ distribution. 43. Suppose we want to test the following hypothesis: H0: 12 = 22 and Ha: 12 > 22 A sample of 9 items from population one yielded a sample standard deviation of 8.6. A sample of 8 items from population two yielded a sample standard deviation of 6.9. If alpha is .05, the critical F value is ___________________________. 44. The observed F value for question 45 is _______________________. The resulting decision is _______________________. 182 Solutions Manual and Study Guide ANSWERS TO STUDY QUESTIONS 1. –34 23. –10.17 2. –82.07 < 1 – 2 < 14.07 24. Reject 3. –9.16 < 1 – 2 < 1.56 25. –2.125 4. –1.48 < 1 – 2 < 15.48 26. 2.232 5. Two 27. 7 6. + 1.645 28. –2.69 7. 1.77 29. 56.67 8. Reject 30. 12.91 9. One 31. 56.67 10. –1.645 32. 2.571 11. –3.50 33. 43.12 < D < 70.22 12. Reject 34. –.03 13. 18 35. –.066 < p1 – p2 < .006 14. 1.33 36. –.081 < p1 – p2 < .071 15. 2.26 37. –.0285 < p1 – p2 < .0885 16. Reject 38. pA – pB > 0 17. –110 39. 5.14 18. 1.706 40. 1.28 19. –271.56 < 1 – 2 < 51.56 41. Reject 20. Related 42. F 21. 12 43. 3.73 22. –2.681 44. 1.55, Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 183 SOLUTIONS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER 10 10.1 a) Ho: Ha: Sample 1 Sample 2 x 1 = 51.3 12 = 52 x 2 = 53.2 22 = 60 n1 = 32 n2 = 32 µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 < 0 For one-tail test, = .10 z = z.10 = –1.28 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 1 2 n1 2 2 (51.3 53.2) (0) = –1.02 52 60 32 32 n2 Since the observed z = –1.02 > zc = –1.645, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. b) Critical value method: zc = ( x 1 x 2 ) c ( 1 2 ) 12 n1 –1.645 = 22 n2 ( x1 x 2 ) c (0) 52 60 32 32 ( x 1 – x 2)c = –3.08 c) The area for z = –1.02 using Table A.5 is .3461. The p-value is .5000 – .3461 = .1539 184 10.3 Solutions Manual and Study Guide a) Sample 1 Sample 2 x 1 = 88.23 12 = 22.74 x 2 = 81.2 22 = 26.65 n1 = 30 n2 = 30 µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 0 Ho: Ha: For two-tail test, use /2 = .01 z.01 = + 2.33 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 12 n1 22 n2 (88.23 81.2) (0) = 5.48 22.74 26.65 30 30 Since the observed z = 5.48 > z.01 = 2.33, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. b) ( x1 x 2 ) z 12 n1 (88.23 – 81.2) + 2.33 22 n2 22.74 26.65 30 30 7.03 + 2.99 4.04 < < 10.02 This supports the decision made in a) to reject the null hypothesis because zero is not in the interval. 10.5 A n1 = 40 x 1 = 5.3 12 = 1.99 B n2 = 37 x 2 = 6.5 22 = 2.36 For a 95% C.I., z.025 = 1.96 ( x1 x 2 ) z 12 n1 (5.3 – 6.5) + 1.96 –1.2 ± .66 22 n2 1.99 2.36 40 37 –1.86 < < –.54 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 185 The results indicate that we are 95% confident that, on average, Plumber B does between 0.54 and 1.86 more jobs per day than Plumber A. Since zero does not lie in this interval, we are confident that there is a difference between Plumber A and Plumber B. 10.7 1994 2001 x 1 = 190 1 = 18.50 x 2 = 198 2 = 15.60 n1 = 51 n2 = 47 H0: 1 – 2 = 0 Ha: 1 – 2 < 0 For a one-tailed test, z = z.01 = –2.33 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 12 n1 = .01 22 (190 198) (0) (18.50) 2 (15.60) 2 51 47 n2 = –2.32 Since the observed z = –2.32 > z.01 = –2.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.9 Canon x 1 = 5.8 1 = 1.7 n1 = 36 Ho: Ha: Pioneer x 2 = 5.0 2 = 1.4 n2 = 45 µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 0 For two-tail test, /2 = .025 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 1 2 n1 2 2 n2 z.025 = ±1.96 (5.8 5.0) (0) 2 = 2.27 (1.7) (1.4) 36 45 Since the observed z = 2.27 > zc = 1.96, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 186 Solutions Manual and Study Guide 10.11 Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 < 0 = .01 df = 8 + 11 – 2 = 17 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 8 x 1 = 24.56 s12 = 12.4 n2 = 11 x 2 = 26.42 s22 = 15.8 For one-tail test, = .01 Critical t.01,19 = –2.567 t= ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 = (24.56 26.42) (0) = –1.05 12.4(7) 15.8(10) 1 1 8 11 2 8 11 Since the observed t = –1.05 > t.01,19 = –2.567, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.13 = .05 Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 > 0 df = n1 + n2 – 2 = 10 + 10 – 2 = 18 Sample 1 n1 = 10 x 1 = 45.38 s1 = 2.357 Sample 2 n2 = 10 x 2 = 40.49 s2 = 2.355 For one-tail test, = .05 Critical t.05,18 = 1.734 t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (45.38 40.49) (0) (2.357) 2 (9) (2.355) 2 (9) 1 1 10 10 2 10 10 = = 4.64 Since the observed t = 4.64 > t.05,18 = 1.734, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.15 Peoria n1 = 21 Evansville n2 = 26 x1 = 86,900 x 2 = 84,000 s1 = 2,300 s2 = 1,750 90% level of confidence, /2 = .05 187 df = 21 + 26 – 2 t .05,45 = 1.684 (used df = 40) s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 = n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (2300) 2 (20) (1750) 2 (25) 1 1 (86,900 – 84,000) + 1.684 = 21 26 2 21 26 2,900 + 994.62 1905.38 < 1 – 2 < 3894.62 10.17 Let Boston be group 1 1) Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 > 0 2) t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 3) = .01 4) For a one-tailed test and df = 8 + 9 – 2 = 15, t.01,15 = 2.602. If the observed value of t is greater than 2.602, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 5) Boston n1 = 8 x 1 = 47 s1 = 3 6) t = Dallas n2 = 9 x 2 = 44 s2 = 3 (47 44) (0) 7(3) 2 8(3) 2 15 = 2.06 1 1 8 9 7) Since t = 2.06 < t.01,15 = 2.602, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 8) There is no significant difference in rental rates between Boston and Dallas. 188 10.19 Solutions Manual and Study Guide Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 0 df = n1 + n2 – 2 = 11 + 11 – 2 = 20 Toronto n1 = 11 x 1 = $67,381.82 s1 = $2,067.28 Mexico City n2 = 11 x 2 = $63,481.82 s2 = $1,594.25 For a two-tail test, /2 = .005 Critical t.005,20 = ±2.845 t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 = (67,381.82 63,481.82) (0) (2,067.28) 2 (10) (1,594.25) 2 (10) 1 1 11 11 2 11 11 = 4.95 Since the observed t = 4.95 > t.005,20 = 2.845, the decision is to Reject the null hypothesis. 10.21 Ho: Ha: D=0 D>0 Sample 1 38 27 30 41 36 38 33 35 44 n=9 Sample 2 22 28 21 38 38 26 19 31 35 d =7.11 d 16 –1 9 3 –2 12 14 4 9 sd = 6.45 = .01 df = n – 1 = 9 – 1 = 8 For one-tail test and = .01, the critical t.01,8 = ±2.896 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations t = d D 7.11 0 = 3.31 sd 6.45 9 n Since the observed t = 3.31 > t.01,8 = 2.896, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.23 d = 40.56 sd = 26.58 n = 22 For a 98% Level of Confidence, /2 = .01, and df = n – 1 = 22 – 1 = 21 t.01,21 = 2.518 d t sd n 40.56 ± (2.518) 26.58 22 40.56 ± 14.27 26.29 < D < 54.83 10.25 City Atlanta Boston Des Moines Kansas City Louisville Portland Raleigh-Durham Reno Ridgewood San Francisco Tulsa d = 1302.82 = .01 d t Cost 20427 27255 22115 23256 21887 24255 19852 23624 25885 28999 20836 sd = 4938.22 /2 = .005 sd n Resale 25163 24625 12600 24588 19267 20150 22500 16667 26875 35333 16292 n = 11, df = 10 t.005,10= 3.169 = 1302.82 + 3.169 –3415.6 < D < 6021.2 d –4736 2630 9515 –1332 2620 4105 –2648 6957 –990 –6334 4544 4938.22 = 1302.82 + 4718.42 11 189 190 10.27 Solutions Manual and Study Guide Before 255 230 290 242 300 250 215 230 225 219 236 After 197 225 215 215 240 235 190 240 200 203 223 d = 28.09 n = 11 d 58 5 75 27 60 15 25 –10 25 16 13 sd=25.813 df = n – 1 = 11 – 1 = 10 For a 98% level of confidence and /2=.01, t.01,10 = 2.764 d t sd n 28.09 ± (2.764) 25.813 = 28.09 ± 21.51 11 6.58 < D < 49.60 10.29 d = 75 n = 21 sd=30 df = 21 – 1 = 20 For a 90% confidence level, /2=.05 and t.05,20 = 1.725 d t sd n 75 + 1.725 30 = 75 ± 11.29 21 63.71 < D < 86.29 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.31 a) Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 368 x1 = 175 n2 = 405 x2 = 182 pˆ 1 p x1 175 = .476 n1 368 pˆ 2 x2 182 = .449 n2 405 x1 x2 175 182 357 = .462 n1 n2 368 405 773 Ho: p1 – p2 = 0 Ha: p1 – p2 0 For two-tail, /2 = .025 and z.025 = ±1.96 z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.476 .449) (0) 1 1 (.462)(. 538) 368 405 = 0.75 Since the observed z = 0.75 < zc = 1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. b) Sample 1 p̂ 1 = .38 n1 = 649 p Ho: Ha: Sample 2 p̂ 2 = .25 n2 = 558 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 649(.38) 558(.25) = .32 n1 n2 649 558 p1 – p2 = 0 p1 – p2 > 0 For a one-tail test and = .10, z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n z.10 = 1.28 (.38 .25) (0) 1 1 (.32)(. 68) 649 558 = 4.83 Since the observed z = 4.83 > zc = 1.28, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 191 192 Solutions Manual and Study Guide 10.33 H0: pm – pw = 0 Ha: pm – pw < 0 nm = 374 nw = 481 p̂ = .59 m p̂ = .70 w For a one-tailed test and = .05, z.05 = –1.645 p z nm pˆ m nw pˆ w 374(.59) 481(.70) = .652 nm n w 374 481 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.59 .70) (0) = –3.35 1 1 (.652)(. 348) 374 481 Since the observed z = –3.35 < z.05 = –1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.35 Computer Firms p̂ 1 = .48 n1 = 56 p Ho: Ha: Banks p̂ 2 = .56 n2 = 89 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 56(.48) 89(.56) = .529 n1 n2 56 89 p1 – p2 = 0 p1 – p2 0 For two-tail test, /2 = .10 and zc = ±1.28 z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.48 .56) (0) 1 1 (.529)(. 471) 56 89 = –0.94 Since the observed z = –0.94 > zc = –1.28, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.37 193 H0: p1 – p2 = 0 Ha: p1 – p2 0 = .10 p̂ = .09 p̂ = .06 1 n1 = 780 2 n2 = 915 For a two-tailed test, /2 = .05 and z.05 = + 1.645 p Z n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 780(.09) 915(.06) = .0738 n1 n2 780 915 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.09 .06) (0) 1 1 (.0738)(. 9262) 780 915 = 2.35 Since the observed z = 2.35 > z.05 = 1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.39 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 < 22 = .01 dfnum = 12 – 1 = 11 n1 = 10 n2 = 12 s12 = 562 s22 = 1013 dfdenom = 10 – 1 = 9 Table F.01,10,9 = 5.26 F = s2 2 s1 2 1013 = 1.80 562 Since the observed F = 1.80 < F.01,10,9 = 5.26, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.41 City 1 1.18 1.15 1.14 1.07 1.14 1.13 1.09 1.13 1.13 1.03 n1 = 10 City 2 1.08 1.17 1.14 1.05 1.21 1.14 1.11 1.19 1.12 1.13 df1 = 9 s12 = .0018989 n2 = 10 df2 = 9 s22 = .0023378 194 Solutions Manual and Study Guide H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 = .10 /2 = .05 Upper tail critical F value = F.05,9,9 = 3.18 Lower tail critical F value = F.95,9,9 = 0.314 F = s1 2 s2 2 .0018989 = 0.81 .0023378 Since the observed F = 0.81 is greater than the lower tail critical value of 0.314 and less than the upper tail critical value of 3.18, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.43 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 > 22 = .05 dfnum = 12 – 1 = 11 n1 = 12 n2 = 15 s1 = 7.52 s2 = 6.08 dfdenom = 15 – 1 = 14 The critical table F value is F.05,10,14 = 5.26 F= s1 2 s2 2 (7.52) 2 = 1.53 (6.08) 2 Since the observed F = 1.53 < F.05,10,14 = 2.60, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.45 Ho: Ha: µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 0 For = .10 and a two-tailed test, /2 = .05 and z.05 = + 1.645 Sample 1 Sample 2 x1 = 138.4 1 = 6.71 x 2 = 142.5 2 = 8.92 n1 = 48 n2 = 39 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 1 2 n1 2 2 n2 (138.4 142.5) (0) (6.71) 2 (8.92) 48 39 = –2.38 Since the observed value of z = –2.38 is less than the critical value of z = –1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference in the means of the two populations. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.47 195 µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 > 0 Ho: Ha: Sample 1 x1 = 2.06 s12 = .176 n1 = 12 Sample 2 x 2 = 1.93 s22 = .143 n2 = 15 This is a one-tailed test with df = 12 + 15 – 2 = 25. The critical value is t.05,25 = 1.708. If the observed value is greater than 1.708, the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) t = s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (2.06 1.93) (0) = 0.85 (.176)(11) (.143)(14) 1 1 25 12 15 t = Since the observed value of t = 0.85 is less than the critical value of t = 1.708, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. The mean for population one is not significantly greater than the mean for population two. 10.49 = .01 Ho: D = 0 Ha: D < 0 n = 21 d = –1.16 df = 20 sd = 1.01 The critical t.01,20 = –2.528. If the observed t is less than –2.528, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. t = d D 1.16 0 = –5.26 sd 1.01 n 21 Since the observed value of t = –5.26 is less than the critical t value of –2.528, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. The population difference is less than zero. 196 Solutions Manual and Study Guide 10.51 Ho: Ha: = .05 p1 – p2 = 0 p1 – p2 0 /2 = .025 z.025 = + 1.96 If the observed value of z is greater than 1.96 or less than –1.96, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. Sample 1 x1 = 345 n1 = 783 x1 x2 345 421 = .4562 n1 n2 783 896 p pˆ 1 z Sample 2 x2 = 421 n2 = 896 x1 345 = .4406 n1 783 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n pˆ 2 x2 421 = .4699 n2 896 (.4406 .4699) (0) 1 1 (.4562)(. 5438) 783 896 = –1.20 Since the observed value of z = –1.20 is greater than –1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is no significant difference in the population proportions. 10.53 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 = .05 n1 = 8 n2 = 10 dfnum = 8 – 1 = 7 dfdenom = 10 – 1 = 9 The critical F values are: F.025,7,9 = 4.20 s12 = 46 S22 = 37 F.975,9,7 = .238 If the observed value of F is greater than 4.20 or less than .238, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. F = s1 2 s2 2 46 = 1.24 37 Since the observed F = 1.24 is less than F.025,7,9 =4.20 and greater than F.975,9,7 = .238, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is no significant difference in the variances of the two populations. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.55 Morning 43 51 37 24 47 44 50 55 46 Afternoon 41 49 44 32 46 42 47 51 49 d = –0.444 n=9 For a 90% Confidence Level: d t 197 d 2 2 –7 –8 1 2 3 4 –3 sd =4.447 df = 9 – 1 = 8 /2 = .05 and t.05,8 = 1.86 sd n –0.444 + (1.86) 4.447 = –0.444 ± 2.757 9 –3.201 < D < 2.313 10.57 Accounting n1 = 16 x 1 = 26,400 s1 = 1,200 Data Entry n2 = 14 x 2 = 25,800 s2 = 1,050 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 16 – 1 = 15 dfdenom = 14 – 1 = 13 The critical F values are: F.025,15,13 = 3.05 F.975,15,13 = 0.33 F = s1 2 s2 2 1,440,000 = 1.31 1,102,500 Since the observed F = 1.31 is less than F.025,15,13 = 3.05 and greater than F.975,15,13 = 0.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 198 10.59 Solutions Manual and Study Guide Men n1 = 60 Women n2 = 41 x 1 = 631 1 = 100 x 2 = 848 2 = 100 For a 95% Confidence Level, /2 = .025 and z.025 = 1.96 ( x1 x 2 ) z 12 n1 22 n2 1002 1002 = –217 ± 39.7 60 41 (631 – 848) + 1.96 –256.7 < µ1 – µ2 < –177.3 10.61 With Fertilizer Without Fertilizer x 1 = 38.4 1 = 9.8 x 2 = 23.1 2 = 7.4 n1 = 35 n2 = 35 µ1 – µ2 = 0 µ1 – µ2 > 0 Ho: Ha: For one-tail test, = .01 and z.01 = 2.33 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 1 2 n1 2 2 n2 (38.4 23.1) (0) (9.8) 2 (7.4) 35 35 = 7.37 Since the observed z = 7.37 > z.01 = 2.33, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.63 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 27 – 1 = 26 = .05 F = 2 s2 2 s1 = 22,000 s2 = 15,500 dfdenom = 29 – 1 = 28 The critical F values are: s1 n1 = 27 n2 = 29 F.025,24,28 = 2.17 F.975,28,24 = .46 22,000 2 = 2.01 15,500 2 Since the observed F = 2.01 < F.025,24,28 = 2.17 and > than F.975,28,24 = .46, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.65 = .01 Ho: µ1 – µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 – µ2 < 0 df = 23 + 19 – 2 = 40 Wisconsin Tennessee n1 = 23 x 1 = 69.652 s12 = 9.9644 n2 = 19 x 2 = 71.7368 s22 = 4.6491 For one-tail test, = .01 and the critical t.01,40 = –2.423 ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) t = s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (69.652 71.7368) (0) = –2.44 (9.9644)( 22) (4.6491)(18) 1 1 40 23 19 t = Since the observed t = –2.44 < t.01,40 = –2.423, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.67 = .05 Ho: P1 – P2 = 0 Ha: P1 – P2 0 Machine 1 x1 = 38 n1 = 191 pˆ 1 p Machine 2 x2 = 21 n2 = 202 x1 38 = .199 n1 191 pˆ 2 x2 21 = .104 n2 202 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 (.199)(191) (.104)(202) = .15 n1 n2 191 202 For two-tail, /2 = .025 and the critical z values are: z.025 = ±1.96 z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.199 .104) (0) 1 1 (.15)(. 85) 191 202 = 2.64 Since the observed z = 2.64 > zc = 1.96, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 199 200 10.69 Solutions Manual and Study Guide Aerospace n1 = 33 Automobile n2 = 35 x 1 = 12.4 1 = 2.9 x 2 = 4.6 2 = 1.8 For a 99% Confidence Level, /2 = .005 and z.005 = 2.575 ( x1 x 2 ) z 12 n1 22 n2 (2.9) 2 (1.8) 2 33 35 (12.4 – 4.6) + 2.575 = 7.8 ± 1.52 6.28 < µ1 – µ2 < 9.32 10.71 Before 12 7 10 16 8 After 8 3 8 9 5 d = 4.0 n=5 d 4 4 2 7 3 sd = 1.8708 df = 5 – 1 = 4 = .01 Ho: D = 0 Ha: D > 0 For one-tail test, = .01 and the critical t.01,4 = 3.747 t = d D 4.0 0 = 4.78 sd 1.8708 n 5 Since the observed t = 4.78 > t.01,4 = 3.747, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.73 201 A t test was used to test to determine if Hong Kong has significantly different rates than Bombay. Let group 1 be Hong Kong. Ho: Ha: µ1 – µ 2 = 0 µ1 – µ 2 > 0 n1 = 19 S1 = 12.9 n2 = 23 S2 = 13.9 x 1 = 130.4 x 2 = 128.4 = .01 t = 0.48 with a p-value of .634 which is not significant at of .05. There is not enough evidence in these data to declare that there is a difference in the average rental rates of the two cities. 10.75 The point estimates from the sample data indicate that in the northern city the market share is .3108 and in the southern city the market share is .2701. The point estimate for the difference in the two proportions of market share are .0407. Since the 99% confidence interval ranges from – .0394 to +.1207 and zero is in the interval, any hypothesis testing decision based on this interval would result in failure to reject the null hypothesis. Alpha is .01 with a two-tailed test. This is underscored by a calculated z value of 1.31 which has an associated p-value of .191 which, of course, is not significant for any of the usual values of . 202 Solutions Manual and Study Guide