Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program Call for Proposals Spring 2016 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The College of Humanities Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program provides support for scholarly research or creative activities. Full-time tenure track and tenured faculty may apply for funding to support ONE (but not both) of the following options: (1) FACULTY FELLOWSHIP: Three-Units of Reassigned Time (i.e., a one-course reduction in teaching load); OR (2) GRANT: Funding for a Student Assistant, OR for Research-Related Travel Involving a Specific Research Project or Creative Activity. You may apply for a grant (up to a maximum of $1500) either to hire a part-time student assistant, or to support researchrelated travel, which includes (but is not limited to) activities such as: a trip to do archival research; a visit to an off-campus site such as a specialized library, a museum or other repository housing a special collection, an arts or performance center, or a public or private organization in order to do research or to consult with scholars, artists, writers, et al.; travel to conduct field work. If the application requests travel support, an explanation of why and how the travel will contribute directly to a current project must be provided. Proposals seeking support in this category must include a budget of projected expenses. (The following are NOT eligible for funding in this category: travel to conferences or professional meetings to present papers, participate on panels, conduct readings, performances, etc.; books or supplies; equipment.) The number of three-unit course reassignments that will be awarded, and the amount of grant support for student assistants or research-related travel is pending. Faculty fellows and grant recipients will be recommended to the Dean by a faculty committee, chaired by the Associate Dean. No one receiving other university-funded research reassigned time for Spring 2016 may receive a College award of reassigned time. The Dean will be responsible for final selection and approval. (This program is contingent upon the annual budget and availability of funding for Spring 2016.) INSTRUCTIONS: The proposal narrative should not exceed three (3) double-spaced pages. Completed proposals are due in the Dean’s office NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., Wednesday September 30th. Proposals arriving after this date will not be considered. PROPOSALS MUST INCLUDE: Cover sheet (attached) with signatures; A maximum three-page, double-spaced narrative (including project description, methodology, anticipated outcomes, and how the research or proposed instructional development may be used in your classroom instruction or in presentations, performances, and/or publications resulting from the project); A list detailing previous grants (and products or outcomes of the grant activities), received during the past five years (including all on- and off-campus grants, as well as past college Faculty Fellowship awards); and (4) a maximum two-page vitae. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS: Support for scholarly research or creative projects must be used for new writing projects, works in progress, development of conference papers, manuscript preparation, or similar work that will contribute to the professional development of the faculty member. Specific criteria include: Meets all formal requirements (cover page, three-page narrative, two-page vitae, budget (if funding is for travel); Clarity of project definition, thoughtfulness, substance of the proposed project; Practicability and likelihood of concrete results in advancing the project toward completion. Finally, projects dealing with the learning centered university are encouraged. REPORTING & PRESENTING OF FELLOWSHIP OR GRANT ACTIVITY Recipients are required to: File a report by September 12, 2016 detailing research conducted, presentations and publications, potential or actual applications to classroom instruction, and other fellowship or grant-related activities. Recipients must acknowledge the College of Humanities support in any publications resulting from the research and may be asked to present their work at a colloquium each semester. ANNOUNCEMENT OF COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES FELLOWS AND GRANT RECIPIENTS: Fellowship and grant awardees will be announced in early October by the 19, 2015. Fellowship and grant awards are provisional, pending the availability of Spring 2016 funding. COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES FACULTY FELLOWS PROGRAM Spring 2016 Due Date: Your proposal must be reviewed and approved by your department chair and submitted to the Office of the Dean by Wednesday September 30th, 2015 Name__________________________________ Status: ____Full Professor ____Associate Professor ____Assistant Professor I am applying for (select only ONE of the following): ____ Three (3) Units of Reassigned Time OR ____ Funding (up to a maximum of $1500) to Hire a Student Assistant (explanation of how assistant’s time will be used must be included in your 3-page proposal) OR ____ Funding (up to a maximum of $1500) for Research-related Travel (a budget of projected expenses must be included in your 3-page proposal) Department: ______________________________________________________ Project Title: ______________________________________________________ Abstract/Project Summary (not to exceed 300 words): ___________________________________ Faculty Applicant Signature _______________________________ Chair’s Signature