CHAPTER V FREE ENERGY AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Chapter Outline (V-1) (V-2) (V-3) (V-4) (V-5) Page Introduction Gibbs and Helmholtz Free Energies Free Energy and Maximum Work Standard Free Energies of Formation The Properties of Gibbs Free Energy (G) 90 91 92 93 94 95 98 (V-5-1) Pressure dependence of the free energy (V-5-2) Temperature dependence of the free energy (Gibbs-Helmholtz equation) (V-6) (V-7) Equilibrium Constant and Gibbs Free Energy The Temperature Dependence of the Equilibrium Constant (V-1) Introduction 100 101 In CHAPTER IV it was shown that for any process, the entropy change in a system plus the entropy change in the thermal surroundings tell us whether that process can proceed spontaneously. Now we introduce a function of the system that by itself indicates the spontaneous direction of a reaction. This function, the free energy , lends itself to the treatment of the equilibrium state toward which the process moves. The interrelation of thermodynamic properties and the equilibrium state of chemical reaction is, for chemistry, the most important accomplishment of thermodynamics. (V-2) Gibbs and Helmholtz Free Energies System is in thermal equilibrium with surroundings at a temperature T. There is a change in the system accompanied by a transfer of energy dq between system and surroundings. From the Classius Inequality we have: 90 dq , i.e. Tds dq or T dq Tds 0 ds This inequality may be developed in two ways: (A) Under the conditions of constant volume we have no p-V work, i.e. in the absence of other forms of work: dE Tds 0 (V-1) (B) Under the conditions of constant pressure, in the absence of other forms of work other than p-V, we have : dH Tds 0 (V-2) The two inequalities above (i.e. dE Tds 0 and ) and are so important (they determine whether a process is going to occur or not) that we shall assign to them two new thermodynamic functions namely: (a) The Helmholtz free energy, A, given by: dA dE Tds (V-3) (b) The Gibbs free energy, G, given by: dG dH Tds Thus the two inequalities above (i.e. dE Tds 0 (V-4) and ) governing the conditions for a spontaneous process may be summarized as: d AT ,V 0 (from dE Tds 0 ) d G T , P 0 (from dH Tds 0 ) Note that d AT ,V 0 and d G T , P 0 refer to conditions at equilibrium. (V-3) Free Energy and Maximum Work Now let us see the significant of G for balanced processes in which the system might do work over and above that of expansion against its confining pressure. The defining equation, H E PV , is substituted in G H TS to give G E PV TS (V-5) 91 For an infinitesimal change in G one now has dG dE PdV VdP TdS SdT (V-6) For constant-temperature, constant-pressure processes, Eq. (V-6) reduces to dG dE PdV TdS (V-7) The first law expression dE dq dW can now be inserted to give dG dq dW PdV TdS (V-8) Here let us think of dW , the work done by the system. Some of this work of expansion, and this contribution is PdV . The remaining component, which we assume can be harnessed to do useful work, is dw . Thus the total work that can be done by the system can be described by dW PdV dw (V-9) Insertion of Eq. (V-8) in (V-7) dG dq PdV dw PdV TdS , then dG dq TdS dw (V-10) Multiplying Eq. (V-9) by (-1), gives dG dq TdS dw (V-11) For a balanced, reversible process dqrev dS , so at constant T and P and for reversible process, T dG T , P dw w W PV G GT , P (V-12) T, P Equation (V-11) indicates The decrease in Gibbs free energy for a process occurring in a balanced, reversible way is equal to the work (over and above any P-V work) that can be obtained. In a reversible process, there is no wasted derive, and the workobtained in the maximum work. The decrease in Gibbs free energy for a reaction is the maximum work that could be obtained if the reaction were carried out at constant temperature and pressure. 92 The negative value of G indicates that the reaction proceeds spontaneously with significant deriving force. On the other hand the decrease in the Helmholtz free energy A is given as dAT ,V dW (V-13) AT ,V W So the difference between the two Equations (V-12) and (V-13) can be given as follows G T , P AT ,V W PV W G T , P AT ,V PV (V-14) Accordingly the Helmholtz free energy is called also the Work Function. (V-4) Standard Free Energies of Formation The difference in the free energies of the reactants and the products of a chemical reaction gives the free energy change of this reaction G o nG of products mG of (V-15) reac tan ts The subscript (o) indicates that All free energies were measured under the standard conditions (1 atm and 25 oC). The standard free energy change of a reaction indicates the direction in which the reaction can proceed. It is therefore helpful to have a tabulation of the free energies of chemical compounds. Then the free energy change of any reaction we want to consider can easily be calculated. By using the fundamental equation G H TS the following equation is written G of H of TS of 93 (V-16) Example (V-1) Given the following information, calculate the standard Gibbs free energy of formation of H2O (g) at 398.15 K. Substance H 2O( g ) H 2( g ) O2( g ) H of (kJmol 1 ) -241.818 S of (JK -1mol 1 ) 188.825 0 130.684 0 205.138 Solution The standard Gibbs energy of formation is the standard reaction Gibbs energy for the following reaction. H 2( g ) 1/ 2O2( g ) H 2O( g ) G of ( H 2 O( g ) ) H of ( H 2 O( g ) ) TS of ( H 2 O( g ) ) G of ( H 2 O( g ) ) 241 .818 298 .15 0.188825 0.130684 0.5 0.205138 G of ( H 2 O( g ) ) 228 .572 kJmol 1 (V-5) The Properties of Gibbs Free Energy (G) By using the fundamental Equations H E PV and G H TS , the following equation is written G E PV TS and for an infinitesimal change in G one now has dG dE PdV VdP TdS SdT . Since the combination of the first and the second laws of thermodynamics gives dE TdS PdV 0 , the following equation can be written dG SdT VdP (V-17) If, G f (T , P) then, G G dG dT dP T P P T Comparing between Eq. (V-14) and Eq. (V-15) shows that 94 (V-18) G S T P (V-19) G V P T (V-20) Because of the importance of the free energy, Eqs. (V-19) and (V-20) contains two of the most important pecies of information in thermodynamics. (ii) Since the entropy of any substances is positive, the minus sign in Eq. (V-16) shows that increase in temperature decreases the free energy if the pressure is constant. The rate of decrease is greater for gases which have large entropies than for liquids or solids which have small entropies. (iii) The fact that V is always positive means through Eq. (V-20) that increase in pressure increases the free energy at constant temperature. The larger the volume of the system the greater is the increase in free energy for a given increase in pressure. The comparatively large volume of a gas implies that the free energy of a gas increases much more rapidly with pressure than would that of liquid or solids. (V-5-1) Pressure dependence of the free energy By variables separation and integration of Eq. (V-20) at constant temperature, P2 GP2 GP1 V dP (A) (V-21) P1 For solids and liquid, at moderate pressures the volume is approximately constant independent of pressure, and can be taken out of the integral: GP2 GP1 V P2 P1 95 (V-22) (B) For a gas, we use the equation of state to write V as a function of P. For an ideal gas, and approximately for any gas, we can substitute the ideal gas equation ( V nRT )in Eq. (V-21): P P2 dP P1 P GP2 GP1 nRT GP2 GP1 nRT ln (C) (V-23) P2 P1 If the free energy of any pure materials is expressed by integrating Eq. (V-21) from the standard pressure, 1 atm, to any other pressure P, then GP G o V P 1 (liquids and solids) (V-24) GP G o nRT ln P (gases) (V-25) Importance The quantity GP2 n G P1 n G RT ln G is called the molar Gibbs free energy (chemical potential), so n RT ln P2 P1 P2 P o G G RT ln P 96 Example (V-2) An ideal gas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally (25 oC) from a pressure of 1 atm to a pressure of 0.1 atm. (a) What is the change in the molar Gibbs free energy? (b) What would be the change in the molar Gibbs free energy if the process occurred irreversibly? Solution (a) G RT ln P2 , then P1 0.1 G 8.314 Jmol 1K 1 298 K ln 1 1 G 5.705 kJmol (b) G 5.705 kJmol 1 Example (V-3) Assuming that O2 is an ideal gas, what will be the molar Gibbs free energy of formation at100 atm? Solution o G G RT ln P G 0 (8.314 Jmol 1K 1 ) 298 .15K ln 100 G 11.42 kJmol 1 (D) To calculate the effect of pressure on the free energy of a chemical reaction, we just apply Eqs. (V-22) and (V-23) to each product and reactant. If all products and reactants are solids or liquid, the following equation is written GP2 GP1 V P2 P1 V where V products (V-26) V reac tan ts If at least one gaseous product or reactant is involved, the volume of solids or liquids is ignored as compared to that of the gases, the following equation is written GP2 GP1 n( g ) RT ln where n( g ) ng products ng reac tan ts 97 P2 P1 (V-27) (V-5-2) Temperature dependence of the free energy (GibbsHelmholtz equation) The dependence of the free energy on temperature is expressed in several different ways for convenience of different problems. Rewriting Eq. (V-19) G S T P (V-28) From the definition G H TS , we obtain S GH and Eq. (V-28) T becomes GH G T T P (V-29) a form which is sometimes useful. It is important to know how the function G depends on temperature. By T the ordinary rule of differentiation, we obtain 1 G G G / T 2 T P T T P T (V-30) Using Eq. (V-28), Eq. (V-30) becomes S G G / T 2 T T T P G / T TS G T P T2 Introducing equation H TS G to Eq. (V-31) gives H G / T 2 T T P (V-31) (V-32) This equation is the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, which we used frequently. Multiplying both sides of Eq. (V-32) by T 2 and recalling that 1 d , we obtain T2 T G / T H 1 T P dT (P=constant) (V-33) For a Chemical reaction, we just apply Eq. (V-33) to each products and reactants. 98 G T2 T2 G T2 T2 GT1 T1 GT1 T1 T2 1 H d T T 1 (V-34) 1 1 H T2 T 1 Any of Eqs. (V-29), (V-31), (V-32) and (V-34) are simply different versions of the fundamental equation, Eq. (V-28). We will refer to them as the first, second, third and fourth form of the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. Example (V-3) The standard enthalpy of the reaction N 2 3H 2 2 NH 3 is -92.2 kJ mol-1 and the standard Gibbs function is -31.0 kJ mol-1, both at 298 K. Estimate the Gibbs function at (a) 500 K and (b) 1000K. Is the reaction spontaneous at room temperature? Is the formation of ammonia favoured or disfavoured by a rise in temperature? Solution o G T2 G 298 1 1 H T2 298 T2 T 1 G500 31.0 kJmol -1 1 1 92.2 kJmol -1 500 298.15 500 298 G500 10.4 kJmol -1 G1000 31.0 kJmol -1 1 1 92.2 kJmol -1 1000 298.15 1000 298 G1000 113.2 kJmol -1 Fig. (V-1) Comments 140 120 G=S With increasing temperature the free energy -1 100 kJ mol Increases, indicating that the process is not -1 80 S= -205.5 kJ mol favoured with increasing temperature. G (kJ mol-1) Explain the results in Fig. (V-1). 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 T (K) Col 2 Col 1 vs Col 2 Plot 2 Regr 99 (V-6) Equilibrium Constant and Gibbs Free Energy We shall now derive an important relation between G o , and K P , the equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressure. For the general reaction aA bB cC dD , G cGC dG D aG A bG B (V-35) By inserting Eq. (V-25) for each component, Eq. (V-32) becomes G cGCo cRT ln PC dGDo dRT ln P aGAo aRT ln PA bGBo bRT ln PB On rearrangements, we have G G o RT ln PCc PDd (V-36) PAa PBb G o cGCo dG Do aG Ao bG Bo where Since the equilibrium constant ( K P ) of the upper general reaction using the partial pressure can be given KP PCc PDd (V-37) PAa PBb Introducing the result in Eq. (V-37) to Eq. (V-36) G G o RT ln K P (V-38) At equilibrium G 0 , then G o RT ln K P 0 (V-39) G RT ln K P o The derivation of Eq. (V-39) is a thermodynamic proof the existence of an equilibrium constant. Since G o is a function of temperature alone, it can not depend on the partial pressure in Eq. (V-37). As known K P at certain temperature is constant. Eq. (V-39) not only proves the existence of an equilibrium constant, K P , it also gives us an explicit formula for calculating K P from G data. o 100 Example (V-4) Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25 oC for the reaction Pyruvic acid (l ) Acetaldhyde( g ) CO2( g ) By using the following information G of (kJmol 1 ) -463.38 Substance Pyruvic acid (l ) -133.30 Acetaldhyde(g ) CO2( g ) -394.38 Solution G o nG of products mG of reac tan ts G 133 .30 394 .38 463 .38 o G o 64.30 kJmol 1 G o RT ln K P 64.30 8.314 10 3 kJK 1mol1 298.15K ln K P K P 1.8 1011 (V-7) The Temperature Dependence of the Equilibrium Constant Since the Equilibrium constant can be given as G o ln K P RT (V-40) Differentiation of Eq. (V-40) with respect of temperature at constant pressure gives 1 d G o / T d ln K P R dT dT P P (V-41) The following results was obtained from section (V-5-2), G o / T T H o T2 P 101 (V-42) Introducing Eq. (V-42) in Eq. (V-41) gives H d ln K P dT P RT 2 This is the Van ,t Hoff equation . o (V-43) Multiplying both sides of Eq. (V-43) by T 2 and recalling that 1 d , T2 T dT we obtain d ln K P P H o 1 d R T (V-44) The integrated form of this equation, on the assumption that H o is temperature-independent, is ln K P(T ) ln K P(T ) (V-45) ln K P(T ) ln K P(T ) (V-46) 2 Or 2 1 1 H o constant RT H o 1 1 R T2 T1 When much larger temperature ranges are considered, the basis of the dependence of the equilibrium constant on temperature can more clearly be seen by returning to the expressions G o H o TS o G o RT ln K P and Or S o H o ln K P R RT (V-47) From this form of the van't Hoff equation, we the y-axis and 1/ T on the x-axis has an intercept S o H o of and slope given by . This is the R R origin of LeChatelier's Principle for the heat absorbed or evolved during the course of a chemical reaction. For an endothermic reaction, 102 lnKP see that at constant pressure, a plot with K P on slope = -H/R 1/T (T, K) Fig. (V-2) lnKP-1/T relation for endothermic reaction the slope is negative and so as the increases, the equilibrium constant increases, as illustrated in Fig. (V-2). For an exothermic reaction, the slope is lnKP temperature slope = -H/R positive and so as temperature increases, the equilibrium constant decreases, as illustrated in Fig. (V-3). 103 1/T (T, K) Fig. (V-3) lnKP-1/T relation for exothermic reaction