Lee County Schools Elementary Counselors’ Quarterly Report Counselor’s Name School Date Individual Counseling (indicate number of students in each category) Personal Counseling Crisis Intervention Abuse/Neglect Reports BIP/Behavior Intervention Counseling: Small Group Counseling Total number of students involved in group counseling: Topics of groups: Consultation Number of parent contacts: Number of 504 meetings: Number of RTI/IEP meetings: Number of teacher contacts: Number of administrative contacts: Number of parent/teacher conferences: Number of staff meetings attended: Number of agency contacts: Number of McKinney Vento referrals: Number of Student Services contacts: Topics of workshops presented: Topics of workshops attended:now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anonow is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais w ainow is the time for all good men to come o the aids Topics of staff meetings presented: now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais Co-ordination Number and topics of school-wide programs or activities: now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais District Meetings & Training Number of workshops attended in district Number of workshops attended out of district Number of counselor/student resources meetings Number of District counseling records and/or testing meetings Testing Name of Tests Number of hours spent on testing Developmental Guidance Program Indicate the number of classroom sessions Self Awareness: Interpersonal Relationships: Career/Academic Development: Health/Safety Orientation: Others/Comments: now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais now is the time for all good men to come o the aid of their counrtryws anow ais