BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ANALYTIC AND HARMONIC FUNCTIONS IN THE FRAME OF VARIABLE EXPONENT ANALYSIS Vakhtang Kokilashvili and Vakhtang Paatashvili A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia Abstract. The Dirichlet and Neumann problems in the domains with piecewisesmooth boundaries are solved, when the boundary functions are taken from variable Lebesgue spaces. We establish the solvability conditions. Along the uniquely solvability we study cases when the problem is solvable non-uniquely or is unsolvable. In all solvability cases we construct the solutions in explicit form in terms of Cauchy type integrals. The main feature of our research is to reveal the influence of all parameters of given problem on the solvability conditions. We emphasize that the picture of solvability largelly depends on the values of angles at angular points of boundary, values of exponent at angular points and values of exponents from the weight function. Our talk is related to the solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem in the following setting: Find a holomorphic function K p D, whose boundary values t satisfy the boundary condition Re at ibt t ct a.a. t . () Here D is a simply connected domain not containing z and bounded by a simple piecewise-smooth closed curve and K p D , denotes the set of all functions z representable in the form z 1 1 z 2i t tz dt , L p when z i z t k k , tk , t k t j when k j , k R . k 1 In boundary condition () a(t) and b(t) are real piecewise-continuous functions defined on . We obtained the complete picture of the solvability – the conditions for the problem to be solvable are derived and solutions are constructed. These conditions and solutions essentialy depend both on values p(t) at the angular points of and on the angle sizes at these points, an important contribution to the picture of solvability is made by the exponent k of the weight function and the jump value at the discontinuity points of the coefficients a(t) and b(t). Reflecting our results to save the time we will specify the case when a(t)1, b(t)0 i. e. when we have the Dirichlet problem. The Neumann problem is also reduced to the above-mentioned case. 7-97 THE DIRICHLET AND NEUMANN PROBLEMS FOR HARMONIC FUNCTIONS IN THE SMIRNOV CLASS WITH VARIABLE EXPONENT 1 DEFINITIONS 1.1 Boundaries Here and subsequently t : t t s ,0 s l denotes the simple pieciwisesmooth curve bounding finite domain D with angular points A1, A2 ,, An at which angle values with respect to the domain D are equal to k , 0 k 2, k 1, n . The set of such curves is denoted by C1 A1 , A2 ,, An ;1 ,, n . For n=1 we assume that A1 A , 1 and in this case we have the class of curves - C 1 A; . The set of piecewise-Lyapunov curves (i.e. t s Lip Ak , Ak 1 , k 1, n An 1 A1 contained is that class is denoted by C 1, L A1 , A2 ,, An ;1 ,, n . 1.2 The classes Lp ; Let p=p(t) be positive measurable function on and j t t t k k , tk , k R (1) k 1 We set L p l p t s ; f : f t s t s ds . 0 ~ ~ Class P . We say that function p belongs to the class P if 1) p satisfies the Log-Hölder condition, i. e. exist positive constants A and such that pt1 pt 2 t1,t2 2) min pt 1 . A ln t1 t 2 1 (2) t Class P . The set of functions p for which 1 and (2) is satisfied for 0 , we denote by P . 1.3 Classes of holomorphic and harmonic functions Denote by E D , 0 , the Smirnov class of holomorphic functions in D. This is the set of all holomorphic functions for which sup 0 r 1 z dz , r 7-98 where r is the image of circumfence w r by the conformal mapping of disk U w : w 1 on D. Every function from this class possesses angular boundary value t for almost all t forming a function from L . We set E , p D; : E D; Lp ; ; e , p D; u : u Re ; E , p D; ; e , p D e , p D;1 . 2 THE DIRICHLET PROBLEM 2.1 Formulation of the problem and axuallary results Define the function u satisfying the conditions ~ u e1, p D, , p P , u 0, p t . u t f t , f L ; , (3) where u t denotes angular boundary value of the function u t at the point t and the equality in (3) is understood almost everywhere on . We establish the solvability conditions. Along the uniquely solvability we study cases when the problem is solvable non-uniquely or is unsolvable. In all solvability cases we construct the solutions in explicit form in terms of Cauchy type integrals and conformal mapping U onto D. p Moreover, when the problem (3) is unsolvable for arbitrary f L ; we establish the necessary and sufficient condition for the right side to be problem solvable. When 1 we indicate sufficiently large subset of Lp for which the latter condition is satisfied. The main feature of our research is to reveal the influence of all parameters of given problem on the solvability conditions. We emphasize that the picture of solvability largelly depend on the values of angles at angular point of boundary, values of exponent p(t) at angular points and values of exponents k from the weight function . 2.2 The case C1 A; , 1 Our goal is to study all possible cases: (i) 0 0 p A ; (ii) p A; (iii) p A; (iv) (i) If 0 p A the problem is uniquely solvable and its solution gives by formulas u u f wz . 1 1 1 u f w Re w 2 k z w w (4) 7-99 where z(w) is conformal mapping of U onto D and w(z) is its inverse function; min pt and t w zw 2i g d , : 1, wU . z w (4) g f z z (ii)} If p A , then the problem has the solution depending on one real parameter. Solutions are given by formula u z u0 w z u f w z here w a u0 w c Re , a w A ; wa c is arbitrary real constant; u f w is given by (4) where instead of (4') we have z w 1 w a 2i w g a d . z w (5) (iii) If p A then problem is generally speaking unsolvable. The problem is solvable only for function f for which 1 z0 l a 1 p A a f z 1 p A 1 z0 l d Ll , l pz (6) Here z 0 is the function from the representation of derivative of conformal mapping U on domain with boundary C1 A1 ,, An ;1 ,,n z w n w ak k 1 z0 w , z0 w exp k 1 d , ak w Ak w where is continuous function on . This representation is a generalization of Warschawski result obtained by V. Paatashvili and G. Khuskivadze (see e. g. [1], Chapter 3). (iv) If 0 and p(t) is such function that h pz P then the problem is solvable for those f for which the condition (6) is satisfied. If condition (6) is satisfied in both cases (iii) and (iv) problem is uniquely solvable. Note that if C1,L A1 ,, An ;1 ,,n , k 0, k 1, n in the case (iii) in formula (6) the function z 0 may be omitted. 2.3 The case C1 A1, , An ;1, ,n , w 1 k 1, n , 0 k 2 , Theorem 1. I. let 1) C1 A1 ,, An ;1 ,,n , ~ p P ; 2) k 0 , p Ak k for all k and 3) p Ak i k i , i m 1, n and 7-100 p Aki ki , i 1, m . Then the Dirichlet problem in the class e1, p D is solvable and general solution of the homogeneous problem is given by the equality u0 z m Ci Re , wz wAk wz w Ak i Ci R . i i 1 II. If for some k we have p Ak k or k =0, (in the last case we are able to ~ give the answer to considered problem when p z P , then the Dirichlet problem is, generaly speaking, unsolvable. Moreover, the problem is solvable only for those f Lp for which the inclusion 1 z0 l i: pAki ak i 1 ki 1 p Aki ki or ki 0 f z z 0 l a 1 p Aki d Ll i holds. Here l pz . Recently V. Kokilashvili and A. Meskhi proved that: If l P and ln a Ll , a , then the function 1 a l a a 1 l a d a belongs to Ll . Based on this statement we prove the important addition to the theorem 1: III. If f t ln wt w A L p p A or 0 (7) k k i i ki ki i then the Dirichlet problem (3) is solvable. Remark. If C1, L A1 ,, An ;1 ,, n , k 0 , k 1, n , then the condition (7) may be replaced by the condition f t ln t Ak i Lp . i j 2.4 The case when C A1 ,, An ;1 ,, n and t 1 k 1 and 7-101 t tk k , tk 1 1 pt k , qt p Ak q Ak pt 1 (8) For the sake of simplicity we assume that k 0 , p Ak k , k 1, n . In this case the solutions we may write effectively. Let T= t1 , t 2 ,, t j . The homogeneous problem has æ linearly independent solutions where æ= N Ak : Ak T , p Ak k + p Ak 2 p Ak N Ak : Ak T : k . 1 k p Ak 1 k p Ak Here N(E) denotes the number of elements of the set E. From here it is evident that æ depends on geometry of (on values of k ), on weight function (on values of k ) and values of function p in angular points Ak . 3 THE NEUMANN PROBLEM This problem we consider in the following statement: define the function u for which u 0, u Re , E1, p D; , (9) u p t f t , t , f L ; . n For simplicity we present only the case when 1 . Using the N. Muskhelishvili idea we can write the boundary condition from (9) in the following form Re ie i t t f t , z z . where t is angle lying between the oriented tangent at the point t and the x axis. Here function ie i t is piecewise-continuous so we come to the Riemann-Hilbert problem with piecewise-continuous coefficient. This problem in the classes E1, p D is studied in our works ([2], [3]). Based on this results we derive: Theorem 2. Let Fk be all linear independent solutions of the Riemann problem t , F t ei 2 t F t , in the class of functions representable by Cauchy type integrals with density from pt . Then for solvability of the Neumann problem it is necessary Lq , qt pt 1 and sufficient that f t F t dt 0, k k 1,, æ(q)+1 (10) where æ(q)= N Ak : k q Ak . If the conditions (10) are satisfied then the Neumann problem is solvable and its general solution contains æ(q)+1 arbitrary real constants where æ(p)= N Ak : k p Ak . 7-102 Note, that the functions Fk t and solution æ p 1 u z u f z Ck u k z k 1 one may write effectively. REFERENCES 1. G. Khuskivadze, V. Kokilashvili and V. Paatashvili, Boundary value problems for analytic and harmonic functions in domains with nonsmooth boundaries. Applications to conformal mappings. Mem. Differential equations Math. Phys. 14(1998), 1-195. 2. V. Kokilashvili and V. Paatashvili, The Dirichlet problem for harmonic functions in the Smirnov class with variable exponent. Georgian Math. J. 14(2007), N 2, 289-299. 3. V. Kokilashvili and V. Paatashvili, The Riemann-Hilbert problem in weighted classes of Cauchy type integrals with density from Lp . Compex Analysis and Operator Theory (to appear in 2008). 7-103