
Publications - R.A. Cairns
1. R A Cairns and JJ Sanderson (eds), Laser Plasma Interactions, Proceedings of
20th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, 1979, 837pp.
2. RA Cairns (ed) Laser Plasma Interactions II , Proceedings of the 24th Scottish
Universities Summer School in Physics, 1982, 302pp.
3. R A Cairns, Plasma Physics, Blackie and Son, Glasgow, 1985, 193pp.
4. R A Cairns, Radiofrequency Heating of Plasmas, Adam Hilger, Bristol,
1991, 161pp.
5. R.A.Cairns and A.D.R. Phelps (eds), Generation and Application of High
Power Microwaves, SUSSP Publications and IOP Publishing, 1997.
Journal Articles
1. R A Cairns, Kinetic theory of a spatially inhomogeneous plasma with time
independent average properties, J. Plasma Phys. 4, 51-65, 1970
2. R A Cairns, Theory of a test particle in an inhomogeneous stationary plasma, J.
Plasma Phys. 4, 801-805, 1970
3. R A Cairns, The effect of temperature on the rate of growth of the leading edge
of a collisionless shock, Plasma Physics, 13, 725-730, 1971
4. R A Cairns, Explosive instability in a collisionless shock, J. Physics A, L111L114, 1971
5. R A Cairns, Electron heating in a perpendicular collisionless shock, J. Plasma
Phys. 6, 443-448, 1971.
6. R A Cairns, A relation between the jumps in electron temperature, ptential and
magnetic field across a collisionless perpendicular shock, Phys. Lett. 38A, 445456, 1972.
7. R A Cairns, The thickness of perpendicular collisionless shocks in a hot
plasma, J. Plasma Phys. 8, 137-142, 1972
8. R A Cairns and D Sherwell, ion dynamics in a perpendicular collisionless
shock, Phys. Lett. A43, 313-314,
9. R A Cairns, The effect of wave reflection on induced Raman scattering in an
inhomogeneous plasma, J. Plasma Phys. 12, 169-174, 1974
10. R A Cairns, An absolute Raman instability in an inhomogeneous plasma, J.
Plasma Phys. 14, 327-331, 1975
11. R A Cairns and I M Begg, Enhanced reflection of light from an expanding
plasma, J. Phys. D9, 327-331, 1975
12. R A Cairns, A model for energy absorption in a laser produced plasma,
Plasma Physics 19, 229-235, 1977
13. D Sherwell and R A Cairns, Ion dynamics in a perpendicular collisionless
shock, J. Plasma Phys. 17,265-279, 1977
14. I M Begg and R A Cairns, Critical surface filamentation and the parametric
instability, Phys. Lett. 65A, 411-412, 1978
15. I M Begg and R A Cairns, Enhancement of stimulated Compton scattering in
inhomogeneous plasma, J. Phys. D11, L49-L53, 1978
16. D Sherwell and R A Cairns, A model for precursor structure in supercritical
collisionless shock waves, J. Plasma Phys. 20, 265-279, 1978
17. R A Cairns, Resonant absorption at a rippled critical surface, Plasma Physics
20, 991-996, 1978
18. R A Cairns, The role of negative energy waves in some instabilities of
flows, J. Fluid Mechanics 92, 1-14, 1979
19. R A Cairns, The spectrum of second harmonic emissions from a laser
produced plasma, J. Plasma Phys. 22, 149-156, 1979
20. R A Cairns, Kinetic models of shocks in collisionless plasmas, Il Nuovo
Cimento 2C, 712-721, 1979
21. D Sherwell and R A Cairns, Parametric instability driven by density
modulation in velocity space, J. Plasma Phys. 24, 25-37, 1980
22. R A Cairns, The intensity and angular dependence of second harmonic
emission from a laser produced plasma, Plasma Phys. 23, 705-711 (1981)
23. R A Cairns, Time dependence and saturation of Brillouin backscatter, Plasma
Phys. 24, 109-113, 1982
24. R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, The absorption mechanism of the
ordinary mode propagating perpendicularly to the magnetic field at the electron
cyclotron frequency, Phys. Fluids 25, 1605-1610, 1982
25. R A Cairns, J Owen and C N Lashmore-Davies, Effects of the relativistic
correction to the resonance condition on electron cyclotron current drive, Phys.
Fluids 26, 3475-3481, 1983
26. R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, A unified theory of a class of mode
conversion problems, Phys. Fluids 26,1268-1274, 1983
27. C N Lashmore-Davies, V Fuchs and R A Cairns, Ion cyclotron heating by
means of the fast wave in a longitudinally inhomogeneous magnetic field, Phys.
Fluids 28, 1791-1799, 1985
28. V Fuchs, R A Cairns, M M Shoucri, K Hizanidis and A Bers, A one
dimensional model for lower hybrid current drive including perpendicular
dynamics, Phys. Fluids 28, 3619-3628, 1985
29. K Hizanidis, A Bers, V Fuchs and R A Cairns, Analytical model for the
perpendicular temperature enhancement in lower hybrid current drive, Phys.
Fluids 29, 1331-1334, 1986
30. R A Cairns, Comment on " Adiabatic energy change.......", J. Geophys. Res.
91A, 7134 1986
31. R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, Flux surface averaging of the
diffusion coefficient in electron cyclotron heating, Plasma Phys. and Contr.
Fusion 28, 1539-1547, 1986
32. R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, Mode conversion of a propagating to a
non-propagating wave, Phys. Fluids 29, 3639-3642, 1986
33. V Fuchs, R A Cairns, C N Lashmore-Davies and M M Shoucri, The velocity
space structure of runaway electrons, Phys. Fluids 29, 2931-2936, 1986
34 A M Woods, R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, A full wave description
of the accessibility of the lower hybrid resonance to the slow wave in tokamaks,
Phys. Fluids 29, 3719-3729, 1986
35. R Bingham, R A Cairns and R G Evans, Saturation of plasma beat waves and
detuning of relativistic Langmuir waves, Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion 28,
1735-1740, 1986
36. R Bingham, R A Cairns, A E Dangor, R G Evans, C J McKinstrie and W B
Mori, Saturation of plasma beat waves by collisional damping, Plasma Phys and
Contr. Fusion 29, 115-118, 1987
37. R A Cairns, A Kay and A W Taylor, Absorption of radiofrequency waves,
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion 30,11-20, 1988
38.A Kay, R A Cairns, and C N Lashmore-Davies, Use of a simplified mode
conversion equation to investigate the effects of high temperature fusion
products on ion cyclotron resonance heating, Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion
30, 471-489, 1988
39. A W Taylor, R A Cairns and M R O'Brien, Theory of high power electron
cyclotron heating, Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion 30, 1039-1057, 1988
40. R A Cairns and V Fuchs, Mode conversion and dissipation of the fast Alfven
wave in ion cyclotron heating, Phys. Fluids B1, 350-357, 1989
41. V Fuchs, I P Shkarofsky, R A Cairns and P T Bonoli, Simulations of
hybrid current drive and Ohmic transformer discharge, Nucl. Fusion 29,
1492, 1989
42. M R Amin and R A Cairns, Two dimensional analysis of beat wave current
drive with intense microwave pulses, Nucl. Fusion 30, 327-342, 1990
43. M R Amin and R A Cairns, Plasma heating and current drive by an obliquely
propagating upper hybrid cyclotron beat wave, Phys. Fluids B3, 151-158, 1991
44. B M Harvey and R A Cairns, mode coupling between ICRF waves
propagating outside the B-gradB plane, Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, 33, 4150, 1991
45 R A Cairns, C N Lashmore-Davies, R O Dendy, B M Harvey, R J Hastie and
H Holt, Wave propagation near a cyclotron resonance in a nonuniform
equilibrium magnetic field, Phys. Fluids B3, 2953-2959, 1991
46. R Bingham, U De Angelis, R Amin, R A Cairns and B McNamara,
Relativistic Langmuir waves generated by ultra-short pulses, Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion 34, 557-567, 1992
47. H Wilhelmsson, B Etlicher, R A Cairns and M N Le Roux, Evolution of
temperature profiles in a reactor plasma, Physica Scripta 45, 184-187, 1992
48. R A Cairns and V Fuchs, The effect of poloidal antenna width on lower
hybrid ray propagation, Nuclear Fusion 34, 359-368,1994.
49. R A Cairns, Lower hybrid current drive, Physica Scripta, T50, 69-74, 1994
50. D C McDonald, R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, Electron cyclotron
heating: a simpler method for deriving the linear wave equations in a nonuniform magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, 1, 842-849, 1994.
51. D A Johnson, R A Cairns, R Bingham and U de Angelis, Plasma wakefield
generation by multiple short pulses, Physica Scripta T52, 77-81, 1994.
52. R A Cairns, H Holt, D C McDonald, M Taylor and C N Lashmore-Davies,
Wave propagation through cyclotron resonance in the presence of large Larmor
radius particles, Physics of Plasmas, 2, 3702-2710, 1995.
53. R A Cairns, A A Mamun, R Bingham, R Dendy, R Böstrum, C M C Nairn
and P K Shukla, Electrostatic solitary structures in non-thermal plasmas,
Geophys. Res. Letters, 22, 2709 (1995).
54. R A Cairns, D Johnson and R Bingham, Wakefield and beatwave
generation by multiple and chirped pulses, Laser and Particle Beams,13, 451458 (1995).
55. R A Cairns, V Fuchs, C Côté and Y Demers, Spatial diffusion of fast
particles in lower hybrid current drive, Nuclear Fusion, 35, 1413-1417 (1995).
56. R A Cairns, R Bingham, R O Dendy, C M C Nairn, P K Shukla and A A
Mamun, Ion sound solitary waves with density depressions, Journal de
Physique IV, C6, 43-48 (1995).
57. R A Cairns, A A Mamun, R Bingham, and P K Shukla, Ion acoustic
solitons in a magnetised plasma with nonthermal electrons, Physica Scripta,
T63, 80-86 (1996)
58. A A Mamun, R A Cairns and P K Shukla, Solitary potentials in dusty
plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 3, 702-704 (1996).
59. A A Mamun and R A Cairns, Some possible parametric instabilities in
unmagnetized plasma: Kinetic theory, Physica Scripta, T63, 211-215 (1996)
60. A A Mamun, R A Cairns and P K Shukla, Effects of vortex-like and nonthermal ion distributions on non-linear dust-acoustic waves, Phys. Plasmas, 3,
2610-2614 (1996).
61. A A Mamun and R A Cairns, Stability of solitary waves in a non-thermal
plasma, J. Plasma Phys. 56, 175-185 (1996).
62. H Ruhl and R A Cairns, Reduced Absorption and Enhanced Harmonic
Emission in Laser-Produced Plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 4, 2246-2252 (1997).
63. R Bingham, R A Cairns, J M Dawson, R O Dendy, C N Lashmore-Davies
and V N Tsytovich, Conversion of neutrinos in dense plasmas, Phys.Lett. A,
232, 257-259 (1997)
64. C.N. Lashmore-Davies, A Thyagaraja and R A Cairns, The effect of nonlinear mode coupling on the stability of Toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes, Phys.
Plasmas, 4 , 3243-3253 (1997).
65. S J Kartunnen, T J H Pättikangas,T J J Tala and R A Cairns, Particle
simulations of efficient fast electron generation near the cut-off layer of an
electrostatic wave, Phys. Rev. E 56, 3515-3526 (1997).
66. R A Cairns, B Ersfeld, D Johnson, D C McDonald and H Ruhl, Nonlinear
harmonic response in laser-plasma interactions, Physica Scripta, T75, 99-103
67. D C McDonald, R A Cairns, C N Lashmore-Davies and G Le Clair,
Refraction of the ordinary wave near the electron cyclotron fundamental, Phys.
Plasmas 5, 883-888 (1998).
68. C N Lashmore-Davies, V Fuchs and R A Cairns, A full wave theory of high
harmonic fast wave absorption in high beta plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 5, 2284-2290
69. R Bingham, R A Cairns, J M Dawson, R O Dendy, C N Lashmore-Davies, J T
Mendonça, P K Shukla, L O Silva and L Stenflo, Scattering of neutrinos and
gravitational waves in supernovae, Physica Scripta, T75, 61-66 (1998).
70. S. Sen and R.A. Cairns, Suppression of drift-type instabilities by radio
frequency waves, Phys. Plasmas, 5, 4280-4283 (1998).
71. V Fuchs, Y Demers, P Jacquet, R A Cairns, A Côté, C Côté, N Richard, Ph
Bibet, M Goniche, X Litaudon, J Mailloux, D Moreau, K Rantamäkis, V Petrzilka
and L Krlin, Interaction of tokamak edge electrons with lower hybrid antenna
electric field spectra, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 41, A495-A505 (1999).
72. R Bingham, B J Kellett, R A Cairns, R O Dendy and P K Shukla, Wave
generation by ion horseshoe distributions on auroral field lines, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 26, 2713-2716 (1999).
73. S. Sen, R. A. Cairns, R. G. Storer, and D. R. McCarthy, Stability and transport
of parallel velocity shear driven mode with negative magnetic shear,
Phys.Plasmas 7, 1192-1195 (2000)
74. S Sen and R A Cairns, Parallel velocity shear instability, Alfvén waves and
the formation of the transport barrier, Phys. Plasmas 7, 2939-2944 (2000)
75. B Rau and R A Cairns, Acceleration of electrons by a laser pulse in a tube,
Phys. Plasmas 7, 3031-3035 (2000)
76. R Bingham and R A Cairns, Generation of auroral kilometric radiation by
electron horseshoe distribution, Phys. Plasmas 7, 3089-3092 (2000)
77. R A Cairns, B Rau and M Airila, Enhanced transmission of laser light through
thin slabs of overdense plasma, Phys. Plasmas 7, 3736-3742 (2000) 7, 4126-4134
78. R A Cairns and C N Lashmore-Davies, The prospects for electron Bernstein
wave heating of spherical tokamaks, Phys. Plasmas 7, 4126-4134 (2000).
79. R Bingham, R A Cairns and J T Mendonça, Particle acceleration in plasmas
by perpendicularly propagating waves, J. Plasma Phys.64, 481-487 (2000),
80. R A Cairns and B Rau, Effects of magnetic fields on wave propagation in
dense laser-produced plasmas, Laser and particle beams, 18, 355-360 (2000).
81. A K Banerjee, M Salahuddin, M K Islam, R A Cairns and M Salimullah,
Modulational instability of electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves by dust modes in a
magnetoactive dusty plasma, Phys. Plasmas 8, 92-96 (2001).
82. R Bingham, R A Cairns, R O Dendy, V D Shapiro, P K Shukla and L Stenflo,
Auroral particle acceleration by waves, Phys. Chem. Earth (C), 23, 133-144
83. D Sarmah, S Sen and R A Cairns, Role of parallel flow curvature on the
mitigation of Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Phys. Plasmas 8, 986-989 (2001).
84. R Bingham, R A Cairns and B J Kellett, Coherent cyclotron emission from
UV Ceti, Astron. and Astrophys. 370, 1000-1003 (2001)
85. B J Kellett, R Bingham, R A Cairns and V Tsikoudi, Can late-type active
stars be explained by a dipole magnetic trap?, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 329,
102-108 (2002).
86. R Bingham and R A Cairns, A new cyclotron maser radiation mechanism is
space plasmas, Physica Scripta, T98, 160-162 (2002).
87. S Sen, C Xiao, A Hirose and R A Cairns, Role of parallel flow in the
improved mode on the SROR-M tokamak, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 185001-1 185001-4 (2002).
88. R Bingham, B J Kellett, R A Cairns, J Tonge and J T Mendonça, Cyclotron
maser radiation from astrophysical shocks, Astrophysical Journal, 595, 279-284
89. R. Bingham, L O Silva, R A Cairns, V B Semikoz and V N Oraevsky,
Classical mode conversion description of neutrino oscillations in dense
magnetized plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 10, 4903-4906 (2003).
90.R.A. Cairns, A Reitsma and R Bingham, Envelope equations and conservation
laws describing wakefield generation and electron acceleration, Physics of
Plasmas, 11, 766-770 (2004).
91.Cyclotron maser radiation in space and laboratory plasmas, R Bingham, BJ
Kellett, RA Cairns, I Vorgul, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, and D Speirs, Contrib.
Plasma Phys. 44, 382-387 (2004).
92. HR Wilson, J_W Ahn, RJ Akers, D Applegate, RA Cairns, JP Christiansen,
JW Connor, G Counsell, A Dnestrovskij, WD Dorland, MJ Hole, N Joiner, A
Kirk, PJ Knight, CN Lashmore-Davies, KG McClements, DE McGregor, MR
O’Brien, CM Roach, S Tsuan and GM Voss, Integrated plasma physics
modelling for the Culham steady state spherical tokamak fusion power plant,
Nuclear Fusion, 44, 917-929 (2004).
93. R A Cairns, D C Speirs, K Ronald, I Vorgul, B J Kellett, A D R Phelps and
R Bingham, A cyclotron maser instability with application to space and laboratory
plasmas, Physica Scripta, T116, 23-26 (2005).
94. A J W Reitsma, R A Cairns, R Bingham and D A Jaroszynski, Efficiency and
energy spread in laser-wakefield acceleration, Physical Review Letters, 94,
085004 (2005).
95. D C Speirs, I Vorgul, K Ronald, R Bingham, RA Cairns, ADR Phelps, BJ
Kellett, AW Cross, CG Whyte and C Robertson, A laboratory experiment to
investigate auroral kilometric radiation mechanisms, J Plasma Phys., 71, 665-674
96. I Vorgul, R A Cairns and R Bingham, Analysis of a cyclotron maser
instability in cylindrical geometry, Physics of Plasmas, 12, 122903, (2005).
98. Bingham R, Silva LO, Trines RMGM, Mendonca JT, Shukla PK, Mori
WB, Cairns RA , Wave kinetic treatment of forward four-wave stimulated
scattering instabilities, J. Plasma Phys. 71, 899 (2005)
99. Reitsma AJW , Trines RMGM , Bingham R , Cairns RA , Mendonca
JT , Jaroszynski DA , Photon kinetic modeling of laser pulse propagation in
underdense plasma, Physics of Plasmas 13 (11): Art. No. 113104 2006 .
100. D.E. McGregor, R.A. Cairns, C.N. Lashmore-Davies,M.R. O’Brien,
Flux averaged current drive efficiency of electron Bernstein waves, Plasma
Phys. Control. Fusion 50 (2008) 015003.