Supplementary Table 1 Complete overview of published therapeutic approaches in experimental autoimmune neuritis EAN pathology Therapeutic approach Candidate therapeutic agent Part 1: Antigen presentation and T-cell activation (Figure 1A) Induction of autoreactive TCR antibody Nonspecific anti-TCRα/β antibody1 T cells TCR DNA vaccination Anti-TCR Vβ4 antibody2 TCR Vβ5, TCR Vβ8.2 DNA vaccine3 Tolerance induction – by myelin components Nonspecific T-cell activation – T-cell activation – Immune modulation APC–T cell interaction: interaction of the trimolecular complex (MHC, antigen, TCR) Myelin4,5 Myelin + cholera toxin6 P0 peptides (aa180–199, aa56–71)7 P2 peptide (aa57–81, aa62–69)8,9 P2 protein10,11 P2 protein + prednisolone12 ADAM8 + polyepitope vaccine13 P2 16-polymer14 P2 peptide (aa53–78)-coupled splenocytes15 – by ganglioside homologs ‘Complementary’ P2 peptide16 Brain gangliosides17–19 Immunosuppression Ciclosporin A20–22 Tacrolimus (FK506)23 Ras inhibitor Farnesylthiosulfate24 Monoamine reuptake inhibitors Zimeldine25,26 Clomipramine, imipramine27 TH2 shift/DMARDs (also B-cell inhibition) Leflunomide28 Linomide29–31 Leflunomide derivative32 Fusidin33 17β-estradiol34 Glucocorticoids TCR antibodies Prednisolone35–38 Nonspecific anti-TCRα/β antibody1 TCR DNA vaccination Anti-TCR Vβ4 antibody2 TCR Vβ5, TCR Vβ8.2 DNA vaccine3 Antigen-derived therapies (e.g. altered peptide ligands) P2 16-polymer14 Activation of ‘second signals’ or costimulatory molecules Anti-T-cell antibody Anti-IL-2R/CD25 antibody39 Anti-pan-T-cell antibody40 Anti-CD4 antibody41 Expansion and activation of T Superagonistic anti-CD28 antibody42 regulatory cells Part 2: B-cell activation and antibody formation (Figure 1B) B-cell suppression Ciclosporin A20–22 Humorally mediated Tacrolimus23 damage Imunoglobulins IVIg43 Human IVIg44,45 Immunoadsorption46 Plasma exchange47 Plasma infusion48 Complement inhibitors or depletors Soluble complement receptor 149,50 Cobra venom factor51–53 APT07054 Part 3: Cytokine profile (Figure 1C) Cytokine dysregulation/Th1 shift – Proinflammatory Reduction of cytokines proinflammatory cytokines TNFα antagonists/inhibitors – Anti-inflammatory cytokines Supplementing antiinflammatory cytokines Cell recruitment into the PNS Targeting immunoglobulin superfamily adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM) Chemokines, cytokine modulators, phosphodiesterase inhibitors Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors Soluble TNF receptor 155 Anti-TNFα antibody56,57 Anti-IFNγ antibody58 Anti-IL-18 antibody59 Rolipram (pde4 inhibitor)60,61 Pentoxifyllin (pde inhibitor)62 BB110163 IL-464 Ex vivo IL-4 stimulation65 IL-1066 IFNα/IFNβ67 IFNβ68 TGFβ1/TGF2β69,70 IL-17 (chronic EAN)71 IL-672 Part 4: Chemotaxis, adhesion and migration into the PNS (Figure 1D) Adherence and Targeting L-selectin Anti-L-selectin antibody73 diapedesis Targeting integrins (VLA4, Anti-VLA4 antibody74 LFA1) Anti-LFA1 antibody75 Blood–brain barrier disruption Anti-ICAM1-Ab76 Anti-VCAM-Ab74 Rolipram, pentoxifylline60–62 BB110163 Cytokines Anti-cytokine antibody, cytokines (see Part 3) Part 5: Macrophage activation and tissue damage (Figure 1E) Soluble toxic mediators Cytokine modulators Anti-cytokine monoclonal antibodies, cytokines56–59 Cell-mediated damage – CD4+, CD8+ T cells – Macrophages Humorally mediated damage – Antibodies – Complement system MMP inhibitors BB110163 Protease inhibitors – COX inhibitors – COX2 inhibitors EACA, pepstatin77 Indomethacin78 Celecoxib, meloxicam79 Nimesulide80,81 Peroxidation inhibitors Tirizalad mesylate82 Radical scavengers Catalase, SOD83 iNOS inhibitors Immunosuppression L-NMMA84 Prednisolone35–38 Ciclosporin A20–22 Tacrolimus23 Macrophage inhibitors Silica quartz dust85,86 Cl2-MDP liposomes87 Anti-macrophage cytokines MIF88 Anti-macrophage cytokine antibody Anti-MIP1 antibody, anti-MCP1 antibody89 Immunoglobulins IVIg43 Human IVIg44,45 Immunoglobulin adsorption46 Immunoglobulins in plasma Plasma exchange47 Plasma infusion48 Soluble complement receptor 149,50 Cobra venom factor51–53 APT07054 Part 6: Axonal degeneration and loss of trophic support (Figure 1F) Axonal degeneration Sodium channel blocker Flecainide90 Complement inhibitors or depletors Potassium channel blocker Quinidine91 ACTH peptide ACTH4-992 Soluble toxic mediators – MMPs MMP inhibitors BB110163 – Proteases Protease inhibitors EACA, pepstatin77 Arachidonic acid-derived: – Free radicals – COX inhibitors – COX2 inhibitors Indomethacin78 Celecoxib, meloxicam79 Nimesulide80,81 Myelin lipid peroxidation Tirizalad mesylate82 Radical scavengers Catalase, superoxide dismutase83 iNOS L-NMMA84 Part 7: Programmed cell death and apoptosis (Figure 1G) Auto-reactive T-cell Tolerance induction survival/induction of – by myelin components Myelin4,5 apoptosis Myelin + cholera toxin6 P0 peptides (aa180–199, aa56–71)7 P2 peptide (aa57–81, aa62–69)8,9 P2 protein10,11 P2 protein + prednisolone12,13 ADAM8 + polyepitope vaccine13 P2 16-polymer14 ‘Complementary’ P2 peptide16 – by ganglioside homologs Schwann cell apoptosis Apoptosis inhibition Part 8: Failed therapeutic studies in EAN Tolerance induction Brain gangliosides17–19 Anti-TNFα antibody57 Intradermal BPNM93 Antibody reduction IVIg94 Neurotrophic axon protection BDNF95 T-cell targeting T-cell vaccination96 Neurotrophic cytokine Leukemia inhibitory factor97 Anti-TCR antibody Anti-TCR Vβ4 antibody98 Fish oil-enriched diet99 NK cells Anti-NK-cell antibody100 Part 9: Therapeutic approaches that cause a deterioration of the EAN phenotype Proinflammatory cytokine IL12101 Thalidomide102 CTLA-4 Anti-CTLA-4 antibody103 CD5 Anti-CD5 antibody104 Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; TCR, T-cell receptor; aa, amino acids; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; Cl2-MDP, dichlormethylene diphosphonate; CTLA, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen; DMARDS, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; EACA, epsilon amino caproic acid; ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin; LFA1, lymphocyte functionassociated antigen 1; L-NMMA, L-monomethyl arginine; MCP, monocyte chemoattractant protein; MIF, macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; NK cells, natural killer cells; P0, myelin protein zero; P2, myelin protein P2; TCR, T-cell receptor; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VCAM, vascular cellular adhesion molecule; VLA4, very late antigen 4. 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