UV-Vis of Conjugated Dyes Cindy Spangler Westminster College Spartan 4.0 was used to determine maximum absorption wavelength of three dye molecules; 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’-cyanine iodide, -carbocyanine iodide, and – dicarbocyanine iodide. The data obtained in Spartan was compared to the observed data collected using absorption spectroscopy. The maximum absorption wavelength obtained by Spartan for 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’-cyanine iodide, carbocyanine iodide, and –dicarbocyanine iodide are 201, 225, and 241 nm, respectively. The observed values were 589, 706, and 813 nm, respectively for the dyes. This differ because the semi-empirical data is flawed but shows a relationship between the ΔE, wavelength, and box length. Introduction Absorption spectroscopy is based on the absorption of light by a chemical and the promotion of electrons from one energy level to the next. When the appropriate wavelength is absorbed by the chemical, an electronic transition occurs from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Typically, ultraviolet and visible light are energetic enough to promote the electrons. The absorption of the solution is measured by a detector and analyzed on a computer. The absorption spectrum provides data on the maximum absorption wavelength and the emission spectrum. By knowing the maximum absorption wavelength, the difference in available energy levels can be determined using: E photon hc eq. (1) where c is the speed of light in a vacuum and is the absorbed wavelength. By using absorption spectroscopy with the dyes, the maximum wavelength absorbance can be experimentally determined and compared with particle-in-a-box model. The examination of absorption spectra of 4,4 series of carbocyanine dyes will provide observed data for the electronic structure of three dye molecules. The maximum absorption wavelength of these dyes will be interpreted by using particle-in-a-box model. This provides a model of a particle with one dimensional motion in a three dimensional space with zero potential along the length of movement. The particle is confined to the length, L, of the box because potential is infinite at the limits of the box. In the case of a dye molecule, the electrons of the bonds remain on the length of the carbon chain between the two terminal nitrogen atoms. The potential is also assumed to be zero along the chain, therefore the potential along the length is set to zero. Since the dye molecules concur with the particle-in-a-box model, it is known that energy is: En n2h2 8mL2 eq. (2) And the wave function is: 2 L n ( x) 1/ 2 sin nx L eq. (3) where n is a positive integer from 1 to ∞, m is the mass of the particle, L is the length of the chain, and h is Planck’s constant. To determine the electronic transitions for the three dyes, the spectra will be analyzed by using two quantum mechanical models. The particle-in-a-box model explained earlier and semiempirical molecular orbital calculation. This is done by solving the Schrodinger equation for the entire molecule by making approximations. By using computation methods, the structure and the reactivity of molecules can be predicted from developed computer software based on experimental data. Using these two methods, 1, 1’-diethyl-4,4’-cyanine iodide, 1, 1’-diethyl4,4’-carbocyanine iodide, and 1, 1’-diethyl-4,4’-dicarbocyanine iodide dye. Figure 1 shows the structure of 1, 1’-diethyl-4,4’-carbocyanine iodide: N N+ Figure 1. A comparison of these methods will be completed and interpreted. Experimental Experimental Determination A Varian Cary 100 Bio UV-Vis spectrometer was used to obtain the absorption spectra and max for 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’-cyanine iodide, -carbocyanine iodide, and –dicarbocyanine iodide dyes. Each sample was prepared by dissolving 1 mg of dye in 10 mL of methanol and scanned in the visible range from 400 to 800 nm. The dye solutions were diluted to reduce the dimer peak of dyes during successive scans. Computational Chemistry Spartan 4.0 was used to build the three dye molecules. Semi-empirical geometry optimization calculation was performed on the molecules to obtain the accurate structure. Equilibrium geometry at gound state with semi-emperical method and AM1 parameterization set was submitted for calculation. After completion of the calculations, the differences in the HUMO and LUMO energies were determined for calculation of the light wavelength for the excitation of an electron. The distances between the nitrogen atoms were measured using Spartan by two separate methods. The first method followed the distance between individual bonds of atoms separating the nitrogen atoms. The second method determined the shortest linear distance between the two nitrogen atoms. Results and Discussion Figure 1 shows the absorption spectra for the dyes. Each dye had a maximum absorption wavelength in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to the visible color observed by the human eye. The peaks vary in height due to the concentrations used for the individual dyes. The maximum absorption was determined by using Excel®. Absorbance v. Wavelength 0.9 Absorbance 0.8 0.7 0.6 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’carbocyanine iodide 0.5 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’dicarbocyanine iodide 0.4 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’-cyanine iodide 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 800 900 Figure 1. Absorption Spectra for three dyes. The maximum absorption wavelength was used to calculate the change in energy between HOMO and LUMO, according to equation 1. Box length was calculated by solving equation 2 for L. Summary of Experimental Data 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’cyanine iodide 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’carbocyanine iodide 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’dicarbocyanine iodide Observed Wavelength (nm) 598 706 813 E (eV) 2.07 1.77 1.53 Box Length, L (Å) 4.33 4.52 4.68 Table 1. Summary of Experimental Data collected from absorption spectroscopy and calculations. As the box length L increases, the ΔE decreases. This means that the increase in the carbon linker decreases the difference in HOMO and LUMO. The increase in wavelength is inversely proportional to energy, but proportional to L. This is stated in equation 1. Computational data obtained from Spartan 4.0 is given in Table 2. Values obtained were used in equations 1 and 2. The predicted max was calculated by solving equation 1 for the wavelength and using the difference in HOMO and LUMO. Box length L, straight was a straight line between the terminal nitrogen atoms. The box length, bonds is the sum of all bond lengths of the carbon linkers. Calculations were based off of straight measurements of the terminal atoms. Summary of Computational Data 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’cyanine iodide 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’carbocyanine iodide 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’dicarbocyanine iodide HOMO (eV) -10.62 -10.11 -9.69 LUMO (eV) -4.62 -4.60 -4.54 E (eV) 6.00 5.51 5.15 Predicted max 207 225 241 Box length, L (Å) Straight 7.38 8.01 Box length, L (Å) Bonds 11.36 13.89 Table 2. Summary of Computational Data obtained from Spartan. 8.6 16.93 The same relationships between the values exist; as ΔE decreases, bond length increases. However, comparison between the data obtained differently provides inconsistencies. Energy differences and box length are much higher for Spartan than observed, but tend to have the same upward or downward trend. Wavelength also differs; the experimental data has higher values than computational data shows. In order to determine whether the computational data has any meaning, ratios of the values were taken and are shown in table 3. Data Comparison 1,1’-diethyl-4,4’1,1’-diethyl-4,4’1,1’-diethyl-4,4’cyanine iodide carbocyanine iodide dicarbocyanine iodide 2.9 3.1 3.4 E (eV) Box Length, L (Å) 1.7 1.7 1.8 Wavelength (nm) 0.4 0.3 0.3 Table 3. Data comparison of semi-empirical data and experimental results ratio. Ratios for the data show that there are consistent differences between the results, meaning that the differences between the computational and experimental data for the three dyes are similar. Conclusion Semi-emipirical data differs for each dye the same amount; therefore computational data can be used to determine what will be observed in the real world or provide relational information of values. Computational data can provide information about experimental data, but computational data is only sufficient to the parameters of studied values and computer programs. References Spartan 4.0