NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Advice and Guidance for Practitioners [NATIONAL 5] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Planning for learning and teaching 4 Introduction 6 Curriculum for Excellence 7 Starting the learning journey: harnessing the power of the atom – more harm than good? 9 Our demand for energy: a nuclear solution? 13 A Scottish perspective 14 Issues associated with nuclear power: economics 15 Issues associated with nuclear power: uranium resources 16 Issues associated with nuclear power: radioactive waste 17 Issues associated with nuclear power: sustainability 25 Albert Einstein and the energy from the nucleus 24 The future of nuclear? 27 Global security: a nuclear solution? 30 A Scottish perspective 30 Nuclear weapons and global tensions 31 The creation of nuclear weapons 32 Nuclear weapon design and chain reactions 34 Nuclear fuel and global security: connecting the stories 35 Healthcare: a nuclear solution? 37 Marie Curie: the energy from the nucleus 37 ‘This remarkable element’: historical uses 38 ‘This remarkable element’: why is it so important? 40 Radiation in medicine 40 Use in diagnoses (radiopharmaceuticals) 41 Use in treatment 43 Radiation and environmental monitoring 44 How much radiation is safe? 45 Background radiation and limiting radiation exposure 46 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 3 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Planning for learning and teaching This advice and guidance is intended for use by practitioners. It is nonmandatory. It is anticipated that practitioners will be creative and innovative in planning approaches to meeting the needs of learners. This advice and guidance should be used in a reflective and selective manner. The model of the atom used is one that makes reference to sub-atomic particles other than protons, neutrons and electrons. Practitioners can decide which atomic model is best suited to their learners. Reflective questions for learners are provided to aid pra ctitioners in planning learning and teaching to meet the needs of learners . These questions are intended for practitioners’ use in the identification of big issues, consideration of which underpins the learning and teaching for this context. In many cases, investigative work and inquiry-based practical learning will supplement the learning and teaching describe d here. This advice and guidance suggests contexts for learning and ideas for learning and teaching offering opportunities to prepare learners in the following mandatory course key areas: National 5 Chemistry: Nuclear chemistry Radiation process; alpha, beta processes; alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Specific properties: mass, charge and ability to penetrate different materials. Half-life. Use of isotopes to date materials. Uses of both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reactions . Nuclear equations. Return to top 4 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY By inclusion of appropriate investigative work and skills for learning, life and work, this nuclear context could also offer opportunities to undertake learning associated with: Mandatory course key area ‘Nuclear Energy’ for National 5 Physics Mandatory course key area ‘Background radiation’ for National 4 Chemistry Mandatory course key area ‘Human impacts on biodiversity’ for National 5 Environmental Science ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 5 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Introduction Current research suggests that the nuclear sector has a secure future in Britain, with around 33,000 people being required to deliver the UK’s proposed nuclear programme. The nuclear sector offers many exciting and varied career opportunities for learners in areas including medicine and the energy sector , eg: nuclear plants to meet power demands nuclear marine propulsion systems, including for naval warships applications of nuclear radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of disease development of the use of nuclear radiation to produce and preserve food supplies development of nuclear power systems for satellites and deep space probes regulation and risk management associated with all nuclear applications. Expertise in this sector will continue to be applicable in the future to address issues associated with demands for consumer and industri al power, clean water, food security, environmental issues, health and transportation. Nuclear radiation also has applications in the oil industry, steel production and manufacturing. Although there are currently no plans to commission further nuclear power plants in Scotland, the wide-ranging applications of expertise in the nuclear sector mean this is an area which may provide long-term employment opportunities for learners. The European Nuclear Society has further information on the demand for skilled workers in the nuclear industry. Preparing learners for learning, life and work is at the heart of Curriculum for Excellence. Ensuring that they receive the right support and advice throughout their education is vitally important in helping learners to develop the relevant skills to progress successfully into employment. Return to top 6 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence supports the development of relevant careers skills in many ways: The driving force behind Curriculum for Excellence is that it is a curriculum for learning, life and work and it should fully equip learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to thrive and succeed in the increasingly globalised world of the 21st century. The development of skills within learners is at the heart of Curriculum for Excellence in recognition of the fact that in a fast-changing world, skills will allow learners to adapt to changing circumstances and are the key to success. These include the entire spectrum of skills from leadership to interpersonal skills to career management skills. Building the Curriculum 4 gives further information about the importance of skills within Curriculum for Excellence and how they have been embedded within the experiences and outcomes for all learners, from which the skills wi thin the learning for National 5 should progress. The Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work Framework will also aid your planning to meet the needs of learners. Interdisciplinary learning is a key aspect of Curriculum for Excellence and is an exciting way for schools to develop rich learning experiences that build upon the strengths and expertise within different disciplines . Interdisciplinary learning also offers an excellent vehicle for learners to develop higher-order thinking skills and prepare learners for the life of work, where interdisciplinary approaches to complex tasks are often the norm. Curriculum for Excellence encourages approaches to learning that are motivational, fun, relevant, challenging and, importantly, develop the skills of learners. Such approaches to learnin g include co-operative, active, collaborative and outdoor learning. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 7 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY There are many ways in which this learning journey can develop. Learners’ interests, strengths, prior learning and locality, as well as lo cal, national and global events should be considered when planning for teaching and learning. Glow provides an opportunity for learners to work together across geographical areas. Return to top 8 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Starting the learning journey: harnessing the power of the atom – more harm than good? A starting point for this learning context might be to encourage learners to examine their prior learning around a number of questions: The title of this learning context is ‘Harnessing the power of the atom – more harm than good?’ Consider what might be meant by this title and what the learning might include. What is meant by the words nuclear, radiation and radioactivity? Who are the key scientific figures whose work might be relevant to this learning? Throughout the learning within this context there are opportunities to challenge learners’ thinking, eg through a series of key questions presented as ‘myth or reality’, such as ‘all radiation is harmful’, and as learners’ understanding deepens statements such as ‘all radiations are ionising’. Learners could record a series of 30-second podcasts to explain why each statement is a ‘myth’ or ‘reality’ and by the end of the learning context would have available a bank of short revision clips. Research from the University of York has identified that there can be misunderstanding of the scientific ideas associated w ith radiation and radioactivity. This research is referenced by the Institute of Physics on the IOP website Teaching radioactivity: Summary and suggestions. Evidence indicates that learners often develop the understanding that objects that are irradiated themselves become radioactive and can later re -emit the radiation like a sponge can lose water. This also gives the opportunity to discuss modelling in science, and the strengths and limitations of modelling in general and specific models. This advice and guidance contains teaching ideas and suggestions. Practitioners may wish to concentrate on only one aspect or several. This journey outlines the work of two well -known scientific figures: Marie Curie and Albert Einstein. It is intended to encourage learners to examine the work of key scientists and consider the uses, applications and impacts of that work. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 9 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Was a particular application or use appropriate at the time? Would it still be appropriate now? And how do we want our future to look? A very obvious example of this is the development of nuclear weapons. These questions will be examined in both Scottish/UK and global contexts. At the beginning of this learning, learners could explore their understanding by scripting a conversation between Marie Curie and Albert Einstein, discussing their scientific work and explaining it to each other. This m ight be done as role play or by using a simple animation package, such as the j2spotlight tool available free for Glow users. Alternatively, learners might storyboard this, either in hard copy or using software , eg Comic Life. The work of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein revolutionised the world of nuclear science, and each overcame different but equally significant barriers to pursue their scientific work. The learning and teaching outlined provides a rich opportunity for exploration of the historical context in which each of these scientists was working and the issues faced by Marie Curie as a female scientist in the early 20th century and by Albert Einstein as a Jewish German citizen in Europe. Such contexts could be explored by meaningful links with social subjects. As the learning progresses, learners could keep a journal of their work and highlight where it links to the work of Marie Curie and/or Albert Einstein, reflecting on what each might have thought of new developments and applications. Where this context is used to overtake learning associated with both physics and chemistry, such a journal, either online (eg as a Glow blog or using the j2webby tool available free for Glow users) or in hard copy, could provide a link for progress. Another way to record the learning journey may be for learners to create a timeline of the work of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein , and the development of understanding of nuclear radiation and its applications through the 20th and 21st centuries. There are freely available software packages on which a timeline could be created and developed as the learning progresses, either individually as an assessment tool or as a group task. Learners may consider the features of a timeline from familiarity with , for example a Facebook timeline. Marie Curie Marie Curie was born in Warsaw in November 1867. She was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics, in 1903. With the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911, Marie Curie became the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes. 10 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY In 1907, Marie Curie set up a teaching co -operative for 6-year-olds which broke the mould for learning and teaching at the time. Encouraging learners to construct their own understanding with her guidance, the children were given the opportunity to undertake practical work associated with learning previously reserved for 14-year-olds at lycées. Big questions were posed and the science explored. I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale. We should not allow it to be believed that all scientific progress can be reduced to mechanisms, machines, gearings, even though such machinery has its own beauty. Marie Curie, during a debate in Madrid, ‘The Future of Culture’ (1933). In Eve Curie Labouisse, Eve Curie and Vincent Sheean, Madame Curie (1937), 341. Marie Curie was mocked in the press for encouraging thinking i n learners whom, it was noted, could barely read and write . However, this did not hinder the learning, nor recording of the learning. A 13-year-old, Isabelle Chavannes, was given the responsibility of sitting in and making records of the lessons. In 2003, these notes were discovered by Madame Chavannes’ nephew and a book published. This was complemented by a website called Marie Curie’s Lessons, published under Creative Commons Licence for use by practitioners. More biographical information for Marie Curie can be found on the Nobel Prize website and the American Institute of Physics website. Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born in Württemberg, Germany in 1879. During his lifetime he held Swiss German and US citizenship. In 1921, Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for services to theoretical physics. Einstein's best known works of physics include: Special Theory of Relativity (1905) General Theory of Relativity (1916) In addition, Einstein published a number of non -scientific works. The Manhattan Project Heritage Preservation Association, Inc . (MPHPA) website has a list of 31 pioneers who laid the foundations for nuclear science in the early part of the 20th century, to aid learning and teaching ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 11 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY which weaves in the research and contributions from other scientists. Note that the work of the MPHPA has subsequently been incorporated into that of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. More biographical information for Albert Einstein can be found on the Nobel Prize website. Return to top 12 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Our demand for energy: a nuclear solution? Nuclear power has been used to produce electricity in the UK since 1956, when the first large-scale power plant was opened. It currently accounts for approximately 15–20% of the UK’s energy needs, although in the past it made a more significant contribution. The first reactor to produce electricity was in Idaho, USA in 1951. It produced sufficient electricity to illuminate four light bulbs. Its purpose was not to produce electricity on a commercial scale but to be an experimental reactor. In 1954, the Russians generated the first electricity for commercial use using nuclear power. Just under two years later, the UK’s first plant, Calder Hall, produced ten times the power of the Russian plant. In late 2010 there were 441 nuclear plants in 30 countries worldwide. (European Nuclear Society) Nuclear power remains a controversial issue. It currently plays a significant role in meeting the world’s energy demand. The Catalyst article ‘A Nuclear Future?’ (Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, 2003) provides a useful overview for practitioners. Environmentalists are split over the green credentials of nuclear power; the reactor process itself does not produce carbon dioxide and it is a very reliable source of energy. However, the small amounts of waste it produces are radioactive and must be stored and sealed for thousands of years, during which time they must be protected, eg from geological threats such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption. Decommissioning reactors which have reached the end of their lifespan is also a major challenge; a Catalyst article ‘Decommissioning’ (Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, 2003) summarises the process and the challenges . The International Atomic Energy Agency is an international organisation, working with the United Nations, which supports member states in planning for the use of nuclear science and technology. It is also responsible for developing nuclear safety standards, and the protection of human health and the environment against ionising radiations. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 13 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Reflective question for learners Why is it necessary to have an international agency overseeing atomic energy development and use? Ideas for learning and teaching The website of the European Nuclear Society provides various data associated with nuclear power plants worldwide, including the number of reactors in use and the nuclear share of electricity generation worldwide. Such data and its analysis could provide a focus for development of numeracy skills appropriate to National 5, including exploring effective data visualisation. The Defence Dynamics resource Nuclear Power Stations may also provide data for such interrogation. The Guardian’s Datablog Show and Tell from March 2012 provides an introduction to the area of data visualisation, its role in journalism and the media, and examples of various visualisations fr om around the web. This may be an opportunity for learners to explore effective, and indeed less effective, methods of presenting data and information to enhance their ability to communicate understanding. In addition, the ability to understand the story of data through a range of presentation tools is a crucial literacy skill. The webdesigner depot highlights 50 Great Examples of Data Visualization for interest and inspiration. Return to top The Scottish perspective The Scottish Government is committed to achieving a secure, affordable, low carbon energy future – with a vibrant and growing energy sector that makes a significant contribution to Scotland’s prosperity. Scotland has a wealth of clean renewable power opportunities – as well as significant opportunities for deployment of clean fossil -fuel technologies and carbon storage. Seizing these opportunities will meet our futur e energy demands, help tackle climate change, and ensure Scotland ’s energy security. We do not believe there is an energy gap which only nuclear power can fill. The Scottish Government’s response to the UK Government Consultation on the ‘Future of Nuclear Power’ (October 2007) 14 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Reflective questions for learners Some people are opposed to the use of nuclear power in Scotland. What are the reasons for this position? What might be the main concerns regarding nuclear power as part of Scotland’s future? How does the Scottish Government’s position compare with that of other countries? Are there other nations with a clear policy against the use of nuclear power? Has this position changed and can you identify reasons for any such changes? Ideas for teaching and learning Learners could consider what they already know about the main energy resources on which Scotland depends for its energy security. What are the pros and cons of these energy resources? Start with a think, pair, share and then try taking it in turns to add information to their shared knowledge. Learners could use a website such as GridWatch, which provides information on the status of National Grid to find out about Scotland’s main energy sources. Using the data available, learners could confirm or revisit their ideas on energy sources? Compare and contrast the Scottish Government’ s position with that of the UK Government. Documents on and in the media may provide useful background. Return to top Issues associated with nuclear power: economics Ideas for teaching and learning Exploring the economic costs and benefits of nuclea r power is an important factor in considering the pros and cons of reliance on nuclear power for future energy security, in Scotland and beyond. This learning may present issues of reliability of data. Such issues should be explored with learners as part of developing scientifically literate citizens able to form informed viewpoints. The World Nuclear Association’s The Economics of Nuclear Power includes comparative data. This could form the basis of work relating to the interpretation of graphs and comparing approaches to data visualisation. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 15 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Articles of interest for this learning: BBC Science & Environment Cost of nuclear ‘underestimated’ BBC Business Nuclear power’s cost conundrum Institute of Science in Society The Real Cost of Nuclear Power University of Melbourne’s Cost of Nuclear Power World Nuclear Association The Economics of Nuclear Power Return to top Issues associated with nuclear power: uranium resources Reflective questions for learners Uranium is naturally radioactive. Is it better to harness the energy that fission creates or leave it where it is in the ground? Many countries have uranium reserves and these reserves are expected to last for approximately 50 years. What obligations do these countries have to supply uranium for other countries’ electricity suppl ies? Ideas for teaching and learning A starting point may be to explore learners’ prior knowledge of uranium. This section provides opportunities for learners to consider the risks, benefits and management of the risks associated with use of uranium as a fuel. It may be helpful for learner to understand the physical and chemical processes associated with mining uranium in order to develop informed views on nuclear power based on an in-depth and rich understanding. The World Nuclear Association website provides detailed information on uranium mining. Exploring this issue in depth lends itself to an opportunity for learners to develop skills in reading journal-style articles. The Energy Watch Group article ‘Uranium Resources and Nuclear Energy’ (December 2006) could be used as the basis for a piece of group work to identify key words and summarise understanding in order to teach others to enhance understanding of the issues associated with the abundance and cost of uranium resources. This may be focused on a Scottish or UK perspective, or on the wider global issues, as appropriate to learners’ interest and prior learning. The Energy Watch Group also issued a press release ‘Energy Watch Group warns of the increasing cost of nuclear power’ in 2007. 16 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Having explored the background and summarised the Energy Watch Group paper, learners may consider issues of bias in journalism, reporting and research. Learners might consider the issues raised and search for other evidence (eg Scientific American’s Ask the Experts ‘How long will the world’s uranium supplies last?’) to further their understanding, considering the quality of information, reliability of sources and any potential issues of bias. Throughout learning around issues associated with nuclear power, it might be helpful to keep a ‘barometer’ of learners’ opinions on whether the benefits of using nuclear power outweigh the risks. It might be helpful to have a number of challenge cards available which can be used by individuals or groups at suitable points in the learning to help them to formulate and articulate their thinking, based on evidence, eg ‘nuclear power is a green option’, ‘nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gases’ and so on. The j2vote tool available free to Glow users could be used to ca pture learners’ viewpoints as the learning progresses. Return to top Issues associated with nuclear power: radioactive waste Reflective question for learners What is the nature of radioactive waste? What are the issues assoc iation with radioactive waste and its management? Ideas for teaching and learning The World Nuclear Association’s page on waste management provides useful information and key questions, eg what are the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches to dealing with ‘high-level waste’? The Gatsby Science Enhancement Project Catalyst article (2007) ‘Radioactive Waste Decisions’ provides background information that could be adapted to use with learners. The ongoing issue of radioactive contamination of the beach at Dalgety Bay, resulting from the dumping of wartime planes with lumi nous dials (see BBC articles from 2006 and 2012) may provide a topical context for discussion of this issue. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) controls the site around Dalgety Bay. An understanding of the nature of radioactivity and radioactive waste will be important in the development of informed views on nuclear power based on ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 17 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY an in-depth understanding. This will include the nature of alpha, beta and gamma decay, ionisation and ionising radiations, penetration of each of these radiations in air and shielding. An understanding of the science associated with radioactivity will allow learners to appreciate the challenges of managing the in relation to waste products. There are many simulations and animations available to support learning and teaching in this area, eg Half-life, Ionisation by alpha radiation, Ionisation by gamma radiation, Radium decay and Radiation penetration. A basic model of the atom When we consider nuclear power, we are dealing with energy released from the nucleus of the atom. A basic model of the atom, and its nucleus, is required. A start point would be to explore prior learning, eg through asking learners to draw their understanding of the model of the atom. A resource such as the National Learning Network’s Materials’ Chemistry interactive website or extracts from the Pearson Longman Inside the Atom series could also be used the explore this understanding. This could be used as an opportunity to explore with learners their understanding of the nature of modelling in science through questions such as: What does an atom look like? Has anyone ever seen an atom? How has the model of the atom changed over time ? What is the scientific evidence that has resulted in this changing model? To what extent does the model of the atom we are using at this stage reflect all that is known about the atom? From this, and a developing understanding of key terms such as atomic number, mass number and of nuclide notation, isotopes can be introduced. Nuclear fission The basis of nuclear power in all of the world’s 430+ reactors is nuclear fission. It might be helpful to explore with learners the root of the word fission to enable understanding of the process: learners may be familiar with the idea of a fissure in teeth, or fissure sealant preventative dental treatment, or fissures in rocks and ice. An understanding of the word can aid learners’ recall of the process. Similarly familiarity with the words decay, spontaneous and bombardment could be explored to aid understanding. 18 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Radioactive decay is the breakdown of a nucleus to release energy and matter from the nucleus. This is the basis of the word ‘nuclear’. The release of energy and/or matter allows unstable nuclei to achieve stability. Unstable nuclei are called radioisotopes or radionuclides. Reflective questions for learners Why are some nuclei and isotopes unstable? On the periodic table, identify radioisotopes and consider patterns in terms of mass number and atomic number. Spontaneous fission (image courtesy of Fission occurs when a heavy nucleus disintegrates, forming two nuclei of smaller mass number. This radioactive decay is spontaneous fission. In this decay process, the nucleus will split into two nearly equal fragments and several free neutrons. A large amount of energy is also released. Most elements do not decay in this manner unless their mass number is greater than 230. There is a wealth of animations and videos available to support learning and teaching of fission, such as Nuclear Fission Animation. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 19 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Fission can also be induced by neutron bombardment. Neutron bombardment (image courtesy of Learners could be asked to explain in their own words their qualitative understanding of the fission process, differentiating between spontaneous and induced fission. This would also be an opportunity to introduce the use of nuclear equations to describe the process, eg: 235 92 U + 01 n 92 36 1 Kr + 141 56 Ba + 3 0 n + energy Reflective questions for learners Why is a neutron used for the bombardment process rather than, for example, a proton? Explore the work of Fermi and Chadwick, which led to the ability to create the first transuranium element (ie an element with an atomic number greater than 92), and the work of Otto Hahn to correct a mistake in Fermi’s Nobel Prize winning research. 20 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The alpha particle was discovered and named by Sir Ernest Rutherford in 1899. In alpha decay, a positively charged particle, identical to the nucleus of helium 4, is emitted spontaneously. This particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Alpha decay Alpha decay usually occurs in heavy nuclei such as uranium or plutonium, and therefore is a major part of the radioactive fallout from a nuclear explosion. Since an alpha particle is relatively more massive than other forms of radioactive decay, it can be stopped by a sheet of paper and cannot penetrate human skin. A 4 MeV alpha particle can only travel a few centimetres through the air. Although the range of an alpha particle is short, if an alpha decaying element is ingested, the alpha particle can do considerable damage to the surrounding tissue. For this reason plutonium, with a long half-life, is extremely hazardous if ingested. Practitioners may want to consider the poisoning case of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. Atoms emit beta particles through a process known as beta decay. Beta decay occurs when an atom has either too many protons or t oo many neutrons in its nucleus. Two types of beta decay can occur. One type (positive beta decay) releases a positively charged beta particle, called a positron, and a neutrino; the other type (negative beta decay) releases a negatively charged beta particle, called an electron, and an antineutrino. The neutrino and the antineutrino are high-energy elementary particles with little or no mass and ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 21 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY are released in order to conserve energy during the decay process. Negative beta decay is far more common than positive beta decay. Beta decay This form of radioactive decay was discovered by Sir Ernest Rutherford in 1899, although the neutrino was not observed until the 1960s. Beta particles have all the characteristics of electrons. At the time of their emission, they travel at nearly the speed of light. A typical 0.5 MeV particle will travel about 3 m through the air and can be stopped by 4–6 cm of wood. Note that the beta particle is an electron released from the nucleus. It is not an orbiting electron. In the previous section, the basic model of the atom indicated that the nucleus comprises protons and neutrons. So where does this electron come from? Gamma rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that results from a redistribution of electric charge within a nucleus. Gamma rays are essentially very energetic X-rays. Gamma radiation is emitted by excited nuclei and often accompanies alpha or beta radiation, sin a nucleus emitting those particles may be left in an excited (higher -energy) state. Gamma rays are more penetrating than either alpha or beta radiation, but less ionising. They produce damage similar to that caused by X -rays, such as burns, cancer and genetic mutations. The Khan Academy video tutorial Types of Decay could be used to challenge and extend understanding, starting from an exploration of prior learning of a basic model of the atom. 22 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Practitioners could extend these ideas further with the use of nuclear equations. Reflective questions for learners What is the nature of radioactive ‘waste’ and why is it waste? Are there other possibilities, eg reprocessing, breeder reactors or fast reactors, that could make use of the energy available for heating? What have the solutions for radioactive waste been in the pa st? Would these still be acceptable now? An interestingexample may be the Yucca Mountain high-level radioactive waste repository, the creation of which was approved in 2002 and cancelled in 2009. What are the current solutions for management of radioactive waste ? How successful are these in terms of the risks of nuclear radiation and managing these risks? Given that all work involving radioactive materials, including medicinal (diagnosis and treatment), transport and food safety, as well as defence and fuel, leads to ‘waste’ products, should we limit the global use of radioactive materials? How would such decisions be made and who decides who is permitted to benefit from the use of radioactive materials? Given that all work involving radioactive materials leads to ‘waste’ products, what factors must be taken into account to minimise the risks associated with the management of the waste? Some factors to consider might be population density, environmental issues, geological make-up (eg clay, shale and unfractured granite provide potential repositories due to porosity and permeability) and the stability of the site. This may provide opportunities for linking with learning in geography and environmental science. In considering radioactive materials and waste, learning and teaching may explore the timescales for which waste remains at hazardous levels of radioactivity. An understanding of the nature of radioactive decay and half life will play an important role in learners’ fully understanding the issues around the risks and benefits of a nuclear future. An introduction to the random nature of radioactive decay can be given by using a simulation, such as Radioactive decay. A simple practical activity can illustrate this further and introduce the idea of half -life. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 23 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Exemplification of learning and teaching: half-life – when does an atom or nucleus ‘decide’ to decay? This activity provides an introduction to the concept of half-life. Each group of learners is provided with: 100 × 2p coins, 100 × 1p coins and a plastic beaker. The coins represent nuclei and the use of this very basic model to represent radioactive decay provides opportunities for learners’ evaluation of the effectiveness of modelling in science to aid understanding. 1. Learners count and record the number of 2p coins and place them in the beaker. 2. The beaker is shaken to mix the coins Learners are asked to predict when they pour the shaken 2p coins onto the table which will be heads and which will be tails. Learners should be able to confidently predict a mixture of heads and tails but recognise it is not possible to identify in advance the outcome for any particular coin. 3. Following discussion, learners pour the shaken 2p coins on to the table and count the number of coins which have landed heads up . These coins remain and the number of head-up coins after one shake is recorded. The coins which landed tails up are removed and replaced by 1p coins. This illustrates that a percentage of the nuclei have decayed but not disappeared – they decay into another nuclei represented by the 1p coin. 4. The mixture of head-up 2p coins and replacement 1p coins (total still as at the beginning of the task) is returned to the beaker. The beaker is shaken vigorously and the coins poured on to the table. Learners count the number of coins which have landed heads up . These coins remain and the number of head-up coins after two shakes is recorded. The 2p coins which landed tails up are removed and replaced by 1p coins. 5. This is repeated until there are no 2p coins remaining. Learners may comment on the number of shakes it takes until the final few 2p coins land tails up, compared with the number landing tails up in the first few shakes. This observation of the rate of decay can then be linked to the graphing work which follows. 6. The data gathered can be graphed and gives the characteristic exponential decay graph, which enables the half-life, defined as ‘the time taken for half the nuclei in a sample of specific isotopes to undergo radioactive decay’, to be calculated. 24 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY This provides an opportunity for learners to use prior learning associated with graphing skills or to enhance skills in using ICT for graphing. There is a rich opportunity to enhance learners’ skills in interpreting graph shapes .. Reflective question for learners How will the half-life of the coin sample be affected by changing the number of coins in the sample? Predict, observe and explain your findings. The Khan Academy video tutorial Half-life could be used to challenge and extend understanding, starting from an exploration of the number of atoms in a mass of carbon-12. This tutorial discusses probabilities in more detail. Return to top Issues associated with nuclear power: sustainability Sustainable development education and the development of learners as global citizens are key themes across learning within Curriculum for Excellence , ensuring that learners explore in-depth themes relating to energy use, the environment, climate change, sustainable lifestyles and the impact of humankind on the planet and its eco-systems. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report ‘Learning for Sustainability in Schools: Effective Pedagogy’ (2010) in its conclusions (page 20) identifies the pedagogical approaches common to schools practising effective learning for sustainability. Professor David Mackay, Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, presents a short video ‘Innovation for Sustainability’, which outlines three essential actions to reduce individuals’ impact on the planet. Ideas for learning and teaching Consider the CO 2 emissions from the life cycle of a nuclear power station against a coal-fired power station or wind turbine development. What are the issues which must be considered for fair comparisons? Learners could view a range of video clips supporting and/or challenging the idea that nuclear fuel could be a sustainable way of meeting global energy demands. Learners could participate in a structured debate or create a news article or leaflet that deliberately identifies and references selected evidence to give a biased viewpoint for or against the use of nuclear fuel. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 25 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The 2010 TED talk ‘Does the World Need Nuclear Energy’ may help learners to examine how to construct and present an argument, and to summarise key points succinctly. Learners could ‘critique’ the debate to form success criteria against which to self and peer assess a de bate on nuclear energy. Return to top Albert Einstein and the energy from the nucleus What is the significance of the work of Albert Einstein in considering nuclear power? In 1905, a series of four papers by Albert Einstein wa s published in the journal Annalen der Physik. One of these, ‘Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content’, led us to one of the best-known relationships in the world: E = mc 2 But what does this mean? And what is its significance? E = mc 2 E is energy measured in joules (J) m is mass measured in kilograms (kg) c is the speed of light in a vacuum (m s –1 ) The best person to explain the significance is Albert Einstein himself. A recording of his explanation can be listened to on the American Institute of Physics website, and a transcript of this recording is also available. In addition, PBS Nova Teachers website Einstein’s Big Idea has 10 top physicists, including two Nobel Prize winners, describing in 3 minutes o r less what E = mc 2 means. This website also contains learner and teacher guidance for investigative work to explore the relationshi p between energy and velocity. In The Equation Today three young physicists explain how E = mc 2 plays out in their work 26 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Reflective questions for learners What were the roots of scientific discovery relevant to the equation E = mc 2 ? What does E = mc 2 mean in terms of nuclear power? Einstein suspected that his equation could be tested using radium, discovered by Marie Curie in 1898. Nuclear fission and E = mc 2 235 92 U + 01 n 92 36 1 Kr + 141 56 Ba + 3 0 n + energy Mass number and atomic number are both conserved during fission reactions. Even though the mass number is conserved, when the masses before and after the fission are compared accurately, there is a mass difference. The total mass before fission is greater than the total mass of the products. This brings us back to Einstein’s equation: Reflective question for learners How does the energy available from a fission reaction compare with the energy available from, for example, burning coal? This from given data, particularly as this will provide an opportunity to consider significant figures, eg calculate the energy released during this fission reaction. 235 92 97 1 U + 01n 137 56 Ba + 42 Mo + 2 0 n + energy Return to top The future of nuclear For some time, governments have sought to become less reliant on nuclear fission. However, as we face a future in which oil and other fossil fuel resources become increasingly scarce, it may become necessary for society to either re-examine approaches to reducing our demand on these resources or seek alternatives. Fuelling the world’s ever -increasing population in the future may require another nuclear solution. In looking to the future, learners may also explore existing fission reactor design to understand that nuclear technologies are not static, for example there is development of safer and more efficient nuclear fuels for use in ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 27 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY fourth generation reactors. Learning and teaching could be progressed to allow learners to participate in structured debate around risks and benefits, and our ability to manage the risks associated with nuclear power. The Institute of Ideas Debating Matters ‘Topic Guide: After Fukushima, We Should Abandon Nuclear Power’ is aimed at 16–19-year-olds. The structure would work within the senior phase, with adaptation of materials to meet the needs of learners as appropriate. A future with fusion ‘Fusion is energy’s future’, by physicist Steven Cowley, chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and head of the EURATOM/CCFE Fusion Association, provides an introduction to nuclear fusion. His article in The Guardian, ‘Nuclear Fusion – What is it Worth?’, provides a useful summary discussion of the role of nuclear fusion in meeting our future energy needs. There is a wealth of resources and materials available to form t he basis of learning and teaching on fusion, eg the Atomic Archive’s animation of fusion, the Institute of Physics lecture series ‘Powering the Future’, Planet Science Cold Fusion and the BBC’s ‘How to build a star on Earth’. Nuclear fusion Nuclear energy can be released by the fusion of two light elements (elements with low atomic numbers). In a hydrogen bomb, two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, are fused to form a nucleus of helium and a neutron. The immense energy produced by our Sun is as a result of nuclear fusion. Very high temperatures in the Sun (2.3 × 10 7 K according to NASA) supply sufficient energy for nuclei to overcome repulsive forces and fuse together. 28 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY When nuclei fuse, the final mass is less than the initial mass, ie there is a mass difference or mass defect. All elements on Earth come from stellar fusion. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that has two protons in its nucleus (heavy hydrogen). Tritium is another hydrogen isotope (super heavy hydrogen) and has three protons in its nucleus. Deuterium is naturally occurring in seawater and tritium can be made from lithium, which is readily available on Earth. A 2007 Technology Review article ‘Mining the Moon’ provides more detail on fusion reactors. Fusion has been successfully achieved with the hydrogen bomb. However, this was an uncontrolled fusion reaction and the key to using fusion as an energy source is control. The Joint European Torus (JET), in Oxfordshire, i s Europe’s largest fusion device. In this device, deuterium–tritium fusion reactions occur at over 100 million Kelvin. Even higher temperatures are required for deuterium – deuterium and deuterium–helium 3 reactions (see ITER in France is the next step towards testing the feasibility of fusion as a commercial energy source. Reflective question for learners By comparing and contrasting the issues associated with nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, should nuclear power play a role in our global future? When structuring your comment, consider the evidence that you are referencing, including issues such as potential bias and reliability. Return to top ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 29 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Global security: a nuclear solution? A Scottish perspective Nuclear arms as weapons or deterrents have been the subject of much debate over the last 60 years. Consideration of nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered military vessels in a Scottish, UK or global perspective provides opportunities for learners to consider the ethical, moral and economic issues that often accompany scientific and technological advances. The National STEM Centre e -library includes resources from Defence Dynamics incorporating a short video and useful resource containing various articles relating to the Royal Navy’s nuclear powered submarine fleet. In addition, the BBC’s Trident missile factfile provides useful information. Several groups have taken action against Britain’s nuclear deterrent, Trident, including the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Trident Ploughshares, a group set up specifically to oppose the Trident programme. In 2006 a year long protest at Trident’s base at Faslane, named Faslane 365, was initiated with the aim of blockading the base every day for one year. The 2004 Kursk Disaster could be used as an illustrative example of the risks associated with a nuclear-powered and -equipped submarine fleet. The BBC’s material on the Kursk disaster also considers political issues associated with military defence systems and this provides a rich context for learners to again consider risks and how these risks are managed. Consideration of the use of nuclear fuel for powering military vessels, the development of nuclear missiles and the role of nuclear weapons as a deterrent may lend itself to using a STEM Ambassador with expertise in the defence industry to participate with practitioners to support learning and teaching. Return to top 30 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Nuclear weapons and global tensions The issue of countries’ nuclear weapons programmes, either current or intended, has throughout the past 60 years raised international tensions. The Cold War was a period of intense political and military tensio n between the Western powers (the USA, NATO and allies) and the former Soviet Union and its allies, lasting from the end of World War II until approximately 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. The tensions were heightened by a very real fear of the use of nuclear weapons by either side, particularly during periods of intense crisis such as the Korean War (1950 –1953), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) and the Able Archer 83 NATO exercises (November 1983). The Institute for Science and International Securi ty provides information on Nuclear Weapons Programs Worldwide: An Historical Overview. Development of weapons programmes continues to be a cause of global tension, requiring careful diplomacy and negotiation. Reflective questions for learners The UK and the USA have nuclear weapons programmes. Are we entitled to have a say in whether or not other countries develop nuclear weapons? Why are we concerned about nuclear programmes in other cou ntries, and is this concern based on evidence and fact? An illustrative example for consideration may be that of Iran. In November 2011, the International Atomic Energy Authority indicated its con cern over Iran’s uranium enrichment programme, which may provide capacity for Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Learners could explore the ethical and moral issues, and the role of the International Atomic Energy Authority, in monitoring nuclear weapon development globally. The Institute for Science and International Security, in addition to detailed documents relating to the nuclear programme in Iran, also profiles nuclear programmes in other countries. In this video clip from The Guardian, Barack Obama (speaking in March 2012 ahead of an international summit on nuclear security) urges North Korea and Iran to abandon their nuclear weapons programmes. PBS has a series of activities to support debating the control of nuclear weapons, which could be adapted for use in learning and teaching. Return to top ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 31 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The creation of nuclear weapons Information on the Manhattan Project, the project to develop usable nuclear weapons during World War II, can be found at the Atomic Heritage Foundation website. Six thousand scientists, under the leadership of Robert Oppenheimer, worked in complete secrecy on the project. Below are Robert Oppenheimer’s words on the day of the first successful test, named Trinity, on Monday 16 July 1945 at 05:30. We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him ta kes on his multiarmed form and says, ‘Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that one way or another. Robert Oppenheimer The allows you to hear and watch Oppenheimer. An article from Life Magazine in August 1945 ‘Terribly more Terrible’ based on an interview with Oppenheimer, and published after his resignation and warning to Congress regarding future atomic weapon development , may also be of interest. Reflective questions for learners What were the circumstances which led to the acceleration of the research into building an atomic weapon? By considering the available evidence, comment on whether or not this decision was appropriate at the time. Again by considering available evidence, comment on the development of atomic weapons through the Manhattan Project and whether this decision was appropriate, with the benefit of hindsigh t of the global impact in the 65+ years since the Trinity test took place. It may be useful to consider viewpoints of the time from newspaper archives. What are the effects of nuclear weapon deployment such as at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Consider the evidence of both immediate and long-term impact. Sources such as the article ‘The Effects of Nuclear Weapons’ provide rich information for consideration. Should nuclear weapons be part of our Scottish, UK or global future? Justify your response with supporting evidence. 32 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The project of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation indexes recent publications associating with political, military, religious and scientific perspectives on nuclear weapons to aid practitioners in planning for learning and teaching in this context. A role play placing those involved with the development of the atomic bomb on ‘trial’ may be an approach allowing learners to bring together their learning, summarising it for others and reflecting on their views. Return to top In the early 1920s physicists identified fusion of hydrogen into he lium as the energy source of the Sun. In 1938 nuclear fission was discovered, and shortly after this came the realisation of the potential of atomic weapons. Whilst the Manhattan project pursued the development of a ‘basic’ atomic weapon, some scientists, notably US scientist Teller, continued to seek to build a ‘super’ bomb, in spite of opposition by Robert Oppenheimer. includes information on the events which led to approval for the pursuit of a thermonuclear -boosted atomic bomb, leading to the Soviet testing of ‘Joe-1’ in 1949 and the US testing of ‘George’ in 1951 and ‘Mike’ in 1952. Such were the tensions associated with the race between the USA and the Soviet Union to develop the superbomb that in 1954 the US began a series of security hearings. Robert Oppenheimer’s post -war lobbying for an international body to allow peaceful sharing of atomic energy information and minimise weapon development led to accusations of him being a ‘hardened communist’ and a ‘spy’ (letter to the FBI Director, J Edgar Hoover written in November 1953). Teller testified against Oppenheimer. It was not until 1995 that Oppenheimer, and other leading physicists of the era Bohr, Fermi and Szilard, were formally cleared by the FBI of complicity in Russian espionage. Einstein was not involved in the development of the world’s first atomic weapons. However, so concerned was he about the potential for Germany to develop such weapons in advance of the Allies that on 2 August 1939 he wrote to the President of the United States of America, Franklin D Roosevelt, warning him of the possibility. Einstein later indicated that urging the USA to develop nuclear weapons was the ‘greatest mistake of his life’. Whether or not Germany was developing, or had developed, the capability for atomic weapons remains controversial and the evidence is unclear. Return to top ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 33 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Nuclear weapon design and chain reactions Reflective question for learners What were the barriers in terms of understanding physics in the design of the atomic weapons which brought World War II to an end? has short movie clips to illustrate the design of the Fat Man and Little Boy bombs. Terms such as critical mass, spontaneous fission, neutrons, binding energies, enrichment and chain reactions may be explored in this learning. Chain reactions A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus. This nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. The process may be controlled (nuclear power) or uncontrolled (nuclear weapons). U 235 + n → fission + 2 or 3 n + 200 MeV If each neutron releases two more neutrons, then the number of fissions doubles each generation. In that case, in 10 generations there are 1024 fissions and in 80 generations about 6 × 10 23 (a mole) of fissions. Return to top 34 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Nuclear fuel and global security: connecting the stories The learning and teaching around nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons leads to an understanding that the same science underpins both , ie our ability to harness the power of the atom. Question for exploration with learners What differentiates the nuclear bomb from the nuclear reaction within a fission or fusion reactor? The technologies to manage the risks of nuclear fissions and keep the reaction under control essentially differentiate between nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs. Control and containment of the reaction are vital. An approach to learning and teaching would be to examine the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and compare and contrast it with the situation arising at Fukushima following the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011. There is a vast range of resources, media articles and news and video footage available to support this learning and teaching, eg PBS NewsHour Extra’s practitioner and learner resources Japan’s Nuclear Plants Cause Science and Health Concerns , Nuclear Power Plant failures in Japan Raise Safety Questions and After Japan Nuclear Crisis, New Interest in Chernobyl, and the BBC News articles Japan Earthquake Explosion at Fukushima Nuclear Plant and The Chernobyl Disaster. Reflective questions for learners How did the designs of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear plants differ , if at all? Are there any differences between the design of the nuclear plants at Chernobyl and Fukushima, and typical reactor design in the UK? What are the technologies used to control to chain reaction in nuclear fission reactors? What are the technologies of reactor and plant design which minimise risks to the environment, workers and local residents? To what extent can we plan and prepare for the ongoing impact of environmental disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 35 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Compare and contrast international reaction to these two separate crises, 25 years apart. Learners could produce a video-based documentary comparing and contrasting the nuclear crises at Chernobyl and Fukushima , based on the science underpinning the processes, control and containment issues and the biological and environmental impacts of radiation. Alternatively, The Debating Matters Topic Guide ‘After Fukushima We Should Abandon Nuclear Power’ could be adapted for use with learners. Examining the historical development of nuclear weapons and the political issues associated with this development offers rich opportunities to exam ine the cultural impact of the Cold War and nuclear age, and the social commentary of the time. For example, the article ‘You and the Atomic Bomb’ written in 1945 by George Orwell provides an exceptional insight into his thinking at the time. Learners may also consider Cold War propaganda and how the nuclear threat featured. Return to top 36 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Healthcare: a nuclear solution? Marie Curie: the energy from the nucleus In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium salts emitted rays that were similar to X-rays in their ability to travel through black paper and expose photographic film. This discovery was made while researching phosphorescence, following earlier studies. Becquerel demonstrated that this radiation did not depend on an external source of energy, but seemed to arise spontaneously from uranium itself. Following Becquerel’s discovery, Marie Curie continued to research and experiment on uranium and the emitted rays. Using an electrometer, Curie showed that the radiation was not the outcome of some interaction of molecules, but must come from the atom itself. Further research of radioactivity brought about the discovery of additional radioactive elements. In July 1898, Curie and her husband Pierre published a paper together, announcing the existence of an element which they named ‘polonium’, in honor of her native Poland. In December of the same year, the Curies announced the existence of a second element, which they named ‘radium’ for its intense radioactivity, a word that they coined. The American Institute of Physics has further information on the discovery of polonium and radium. In 1903, Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie ‘in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity’. Becquerel’s 1903 Nobel Lecture ‘On radioactivity, a new property of matter’ is available on the Nobel Prize website. Reflective questions for learners In what way(s) did the work of Becquerel and the Curies change scientific thinking at the time? What new scientific questions arose from their work? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 37 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Eight years later, in 1911, Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry ‘in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element.’ Return to top ‘This remarkable element’: historical uses Within years of its discovery radium, an alpha emitter, was widely used to treat skin cancers and disfigurements such as port wine stains. Patients would hold a tube containing radium salts against their skin for a specified length of time. Patients reported full recovery from conditions previously considered incurable. Radium was observed to remain hot indefinitely As a result of this observation, and the ‘evidence’ of its curative effects on skin, it was widely considered a miracle elixir. Many companies added radium to daily products such as shampoo, bath salts and even cigarettes . This extract from Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia in 1910 confirms the idea of the miraculous properties of radium: The woman's medical notebook would not be complete without some reference to the almost miraculous properties of radium in the treatment of skin diseases. For one thing, this remarkable remedy was discovered by a woman, Madame Curie, whose name is famous throughout the entire scientific world. The effect of radium in the treatment of skin disease is due to the quality of ‘radio-activity’ it possesses. This means that radium is constantly giving off rays which can penetrate solid substances, and have the power of affecting a photographic plate. The medical importance of Madame Curie’s discovery of radium can be understood when it is stated that radium rays act on body tissues, destroying unhealthy cells in the most remarkable fashion. After one or two applications of radium a large, dark, hairy mole, a port-wine stain on the face, an eczema of years standing will disappear altogether. Additionally, in 1903, J.J. Thompson wrote a letter to the journal Nature in which he described the presence of radioactivity in well water. This led to the discovery by others that the waters in many of the world ’s most famous health springs were radioactive. In 1910 the US Surgeon General Dr George H. Torney wrote, ‘Relief may be reasonably expected at the Hot Springs from various forms of gout and rheumatism, neuralgia, metallic or malarial poisoning, gastric dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea, chronic skin lesions, etc.’ 38 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Such claims led many to believe that it would be beneficial to add radium to water, including drinking water, and numerous companies developed products that would add radium to household water. The Oak Ridge Associated Universities article ‘Radioactive Curative Devices and Spas’ includes more information, with Radioactive Quack Cures showing many of the products available as late as the 1960s, and one still for sale in 2005. Reflective questions for learners Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie both reported burns while working with radium. It was used to remove skin cancers and was widely sold across Europe and America. What steps could have been taken before this potentially dangerous chemical was mass produced for consumption? What do you think the likelihood is of a potentially dangerous compound being mis-sold now? Marie and Pierre Curie did not patent their method ology for extraction. However, radium was difficult to extract. Many of the pr oducts sold claimed to contain radium. How could these claims be tested? Who is responsible for protecting the public from potentially harmful compounds? Do different rules apply for medical and non -medical products? These questions may provide opportunities to discuss the ethical implications of drug development, including testing and marketing. It may be helpful for learners to examine parallels with a case unrelated to radiation, for example thalidomide or hormone replacement therapy. It may be that practitioners could use the claims that were made about radium to develop work in scientific literacy. Learners could consider the validity of claims. The information from the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division website could be used by learners, in developing an argument for or against the use of a new chemical. The website explores the evidence against the dangerous compound dihydrogen monoxide (water). Throughout World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irene, devoted herself to the development of the use of X -radiography. In 1918 the Radium Institute, the staff of which Irene had joined, began to operate in earnest and it was to become a universal centre for nuclear physics and chemistry. From 1922, Marie Curie devoted her researches to the study of the chemistry of radioactive substances and the medical applications of t hese substances. Return to top ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 39 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY ‘This remarkable element’: why is it so important? It is estimated that more than 1 in 3 people in Scotland will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime, and that around 1 in 9 males an d 1 in 7 females will develop some form of cancer before the age of 65 . Just over 29,500 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Scotland in 2009. For males, the most common cancers are prostate, lung and colorectal cancers, cumulatively accounting for 53% of cancers in men. For females, the most common cancers are breast, lung and colorectal cancers, accounting for 56% of cancers in women. The summary report ‘Cancer in Scotland’ (2011) published by the Information Services Division of the NHS National Service Scotland provides more information. This report concludes that over the last decade there has been substantial and significant improvement in the probability of surviving cancer in the long term. These improvements come partly from improved diagnoses and treatment with nuclear medicine. In Scotland, in 2004/05 there were over 70,000 nuclear procedures carried out. Return to top Radiation in medicine We must not forget that when radium was discovered no one knew that it would prove useful in hospitals. The work was one of pure science. And this is a proof that scientific work must not be considered from the point of view of the direct usefulness of it. It must be done for itself, for the beauty of science, and then there is always the chance that a scientific discovery may become like the radium a benefit for humanity. Marie Curie, Lecture at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York (14 May 1921). In Cambridge Editorial Partnership, Speeches that Changed the World, 53. This section explores the use of radiation in medical diagnosis and treatment. The Information Services Division of NHS National Services Sco tland is a useful resource containing facts and figures relating to health. Information from this resource could be used to contextualise and enrich this learning. Return to top 40 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Use in diagnosis (radiopharmaceuticals) Technologies making use of radiation and radioactive materials can be used to diagnose a range of conditions including cancers, heart disease. They can also be used to monitor physiological processes including liver and kidney function, blood flow to the brain and bone growth. There are over 200 radioisotopes used on a regular basis in medicine . It is important for learners to be clear on the distinction between diagnostic techniques and treatment approaches that involve radioactive materials, as these are often confused. This is an opportunity to explore the differing penetration of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. If radioactive sources are available these could be use d to illustrate radiation safety along with demonstrating the penetration of each of the radiations in air and the shielding, which can be used to block radiations. There are many images available illustrating the penetration distances of each. Animations are also available. This could be used as a discussion with cards to help learners come to a conclusion about the inherent dangers of each type of radiation. Learners could be asked to rank alpha, beta and gamma radiation in order of danger. Learners could revisit and re-evaluate their thinking as their learning progresses. Some questions to prompt discussion might be: Why does gamma radiation penetrate more? Which type of radiation is more dangerous? How can the risks of exposure be minimised? How could the differences between alpha, beta and gamma radiation be exploited for medical or other uses? SSERC is an excellent link for more practical ideas and health and safety advice. Diagnostic techniques in nuclear medicine use gamma-emitting radioactive tracers injected into the body or administered by inhalation or orally. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 41 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Reflective question for learners Why is a gamma emitter used as a tracer? The tracers are generally short-lived isotopes bonded to chemical compounds that are matched up to particular physiological processes. Through research and patient trials, chemicals that are absorbed by specific organs have been identified. The thyroid, for example, absorbs iodine and the brain absorbs quantities of glucose (fludeoxyglucose 18F-FDG, which is a fluorine-18 glucose radiopharmaceutical). Gamma cameras can be placed over the patient to detect the path of the tracer. Alternatively, i mages are constructed using multiple gamma cameras to view organs from many different angles, with the image constructed and enhanced by computer technologies. It may be appropriate for learners to explore gamma camera technologies . Positron emission tomography (PET) (a positron being the anti-particle of the electron) is a more precise and sophisticated technique using isotopes produced in a cyclotron (one of the earliest types of particle accelerator) . PET relies on the positron-emitting radionuclide being introduced and accumulating in the target tissue. As it decays, a po sitron is emitted which in combination with an electron emits two simultaneous gamma rays at 180 °. Detection of these gamma rays allows very precise indication of the location of the target tissue. A simulation of PET scanning is available from the IOP’s Inside Story. New procedures combining PET with Computerised Tomography scans enable a significant improvement in diagnosis when compared with a traditional gamma camera used alone. Gamma imaging by any of these methods allows a view of the position and concentration of the radioisotope within the body, which provides important information for diagnostic purposes. Problems with organ function can be identified either by an indication of insufficient take -up of the radioisotope (indicating a blockage or lack of function) or an excess take -up of the tracer. Reflective questions for learners How do nuclear imaging techniques compare with traditional or advanced X-ray techniques? Explore the choice of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and consider why these are appropriate choices in terms of half -life, their chemistry, the emission from decay and logistical issues. Return to top 42 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Use in treatment Rapidly dividing cells are particularly sensitive to damage by radiation. As a result, it can be possible to control or destroy cancerous growth using targeted radiation. A radioactive cobalt-60 source is commonly used to produce a targeted gamma beam, although some radiotherapy treatments are now carried out using a high-energy X-ray source. A simulation of radiotherapy use to treat a tumour is available from the IOP’s Inside Story. Internal radiotherapy can also be used. A small radiation source, usually a gamma or beta emitter, is implanted in the target area. Therapeutic procedures can also be palliative , ie relieve pain. Learners may explore which radiopharmaceuticals are used and why their particular properties make them an appropriate choice. New technologies in the use of radiation for treatments, and particularly cancer treatments, are continually developing. Some examples which learners could research are: targeted alpha therapy (TAT) – high-energy alpha emissions for the control of dispersed cancers neutron capture therapy using boron -10, which concentrates in malignant brain tumours proton or hadron cancer therapy combined proton and PET therapy. Reflective questions for learners Consider the planning for radiotherapy and how the treatment is delivered. Why is it done in this way? Nuclear radiation can destroy human cells. Why is it used to treat humans? What are the risks associated with using radioactive material in medical treatment, both for the patient and for healthcare workers ? What would influence the type of radioactive source t hat is chosen? Consider why gamma emitters are used for diagnosis? Why are beta emitters often used for treatments? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 43 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Idea for learning and teaching Research some internal radiotherapy treatments for cancers and non malignant conditions. What radiochemicals and techniques are used, and what are the risks and benefits of internal radiotherapy? Learners could use their learning from this section to prepare a patient leaflet to explain the use of a radioisotope of choice . Learners could choose their audience based on the likely prevalence of the illness in the population. Learners may also incorporate information on the likely side effects, the biological effects of the treatment, the type of radiation used and why it is suitable for this treatment, as well as safety precautions that must be observed during or after the period of treatment. Return to top Radiation and environmental monitoring Ice-core records are an important and effective method of monitoring long term temperature levels and environmental gas levels, and form much of the basis of our understanding of climate change over time. A number of resources to support practitioners’ understanding, and learning and teaching associated with ice cores and radiation are availa ble: Education Scotland Exploring Climate Change Ice Cores 9400 years of cosmic radiation and solar activity from ice cores and tree rings Climate Data Information BBC News Ice cores unlock climate secrets British Antarctic Survey Ice Cores and Climate Change Understanding the use of ice-core data will also provide links to environmental science and rich opportunities for interpreting graphs and data. Return to top 44 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY How much radiation is safe? Whether ionising or non-ionising radiation, the answer is ‘it depends’. In science we aim to be able to identify the risks associated with any decision taken, and to monitor and manage the risk. Decisions taken in science often have to take into account the risks and the management of risks against potential benefits. The effects associated with exposure to radiation can be divided int o two categories: stochastic and deterministic. Stochastic effects are those associated with long-term low levels of radiation exposure over a time scale of several years. Exposure to low levels of radiation is not certain to produce an effect as a result of exposure. However, based on the limited data available, the currently accepted understanding is that there is no threshold level of radiation exposure below which cancer or genetic effect will not occur; doubling the radiation dose doubles the probabili ty that a cancer or genetic effect will occur. Reflective question for learners What are the difficulties associated with identifying the effects of prolonged exposure to low levels of radiation? It should be noted that our understanding of stochastic effects is largely extrapolated from the limited data available in the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Deterministic effects are those associated with a high level of radiation exposure, generally over a short period of time. In the case of determini stic effects, there is a threshold dose below which effects are not observed and the severity of the effect is determined by the magnitude of the dose. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has more detail on estimating the risk of exposure to radiation, as does the UK Health Protection Agency. Return to top ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 45 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Background radiation and limiting radiation exposure We are all exposed to radiation from natural and artificial sources, which is present all around us. It is suggested that life on E arth has evolved to cope with this, and that cells have self -repairing mechanisms to allow them to survive relatively unscathed. Taking this further, there is some indication, such as research by the University of Massachusetts, that there is in fact a role of low-dose radiation in stimulating our immune system. The monitoring of wildlife in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone has also revealed differing abilities of species to repair damage DNA. This may be an opportunity to assess learners’ knowledge and understanding progressed through the context by ask learners to suggest possible sources of background radiation, both natural and artificial. This would also be an opportunity to explore the technologies used to monitor radiation, eg the Geiger Muller tube. A simple experiment with balloons can be used to measure background radiation around the school or college in different locations. Understanding background radiation lends itself to progressing to understanding comparisons of doses (equivalent dose H) in sieverts (Sv) and, as appropriate to learners, absorbed dose (D) in grays (Gy). Reflective questions for learners In what job roles are individuals most likely to be exposed to ionising radiation? What determines the biological risk of exposure to radiation? What are the measures that can be taken to protect individuals from harmful exposure to ionising radiation in th eir job roles? Identify some technologies used for monitoring radiation exposure of individuals and explain the science behind these technologies. Sources of information which may be useful in planning learning and teaching associated with radiation exposure and equivalent dose include: Radiation Dose Chart BBC News Banana Equivalent Dose Return to top 46 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012