FALL 2012 COURSES: Fine & Performing Art courses, Science for non-science majors, and courses worth 1-2 credits FINE & PERFORMING ART courses Note: This list only includes 3-credit hour FPA courses See the College of Arts and Sciences Approved Core webpage for FPA requirement rule regarding 1-2 credit hour dance, piano, choir, ensemble, and private lesson options http://www.slu.edu/x12584.xml SCIENCE classes for non-science majors Department Course # Title Department Art Earth and Atmospheric Art History Course # ART 200 ART 210 ART 212 ART 215 ART 220 ART 230 ART 240 ART 248 ART 249 ART 250 ART 260 ART 270 Title Drawing I Design 3 Dimensional Design Color Theory Painting I Printmaking Ceramic Sculpture Fibers & Textiles Jewelry & Metalsmithing Computer Art I Photography I Graphic Design I ARTH 100 ARTH 111 ARTH 112 Approaching the Arts: Art History of Western Art I History of Western Art II* *(Part I is NOT a pre-req) Masterpieces in Art Ancient Art Survey Contemporary Art Since 1980 ARTH 208 ARTH 230 ARTH 282 Communication CMM 255 CMM 256 Photojournalism Graphic Design Production Music MUSC 100 MUSC 110 MUSC 115 MUSC 117 MUSC 330 Approaching the Arts: Music Music Fundamentals History of Jazz World Music History of Music I Theatre THR 100 THR 150 THR 250 THR 251 THR 252 THR 264 Approaching the Arts: Theatre Intro to Theater Costume Design Acting I: Fundamentals Stagecraft (plus lab) Dance: Ballet, Modern & Jazz Chemistry CHEM 100 CHEM 101 Chemistry and the Environment Basic Chemistry EAS 109 EAS 107 EAS 114 EAS 117 Climate Change Understanding the Weather Earth History Physical Geography Sociology SOC 260 Intro to Forensic Sciences Physics PHYS 113 PHYS 115 Introduction to Astronomy Einstein’s Universe Fall 2012 Classes worth 1-2 credit hours BIZ100 Business Foundations CSDI 342 Beginning Sign Language ISTD110 Intro to International Studies MR 200 Intro to Medieval Studies MUSC126/127/ Piano I; Piano II; Piano III; Piano IV 250/251 MUSC342-03 University Chorale MUSC342-02 Concert Choir NURS140 Intro to Nursing (HS campus) PLS 100 Introduction to Law PPHS200 Foundation of Medical Research PSY194 Career Decision-Making RUSS 261 Soviet Agents/Spies on Screen THR 260 Modern Dance THR 261 Intermediate Jazz Dance 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 2 credit hours 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 2 credit hours 2 credit hours 1 credit hour 1 credit hour 2 credit hours 2 credit hours