This page is called The School’s Offer and it forms part of the Local Offer for Birmingham LA. Under the Children and Families Bill 2014, local authorities are required to publish and keep under review, information about services that they expect to be available for children and young people with disabilities and Special Educational Needs aged 0-25. This is called the Local offer. The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for professionals in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. To find out more about Birmingham LA’s Local Offer please log onto Birmingham LA’s website:http// SCHOOL NAME TYPE OF SCHOOL Walmley Infant School and Nursery Class Mainstream/Specialist A Mainstream Nursery and Unit/Provision Infant School (3 form entry) ACCESSSIBILITY Fully Wheel Chair Partly. Accessible? There is a lift in the Reception area. Most of the School can be accessed via ramps. There are stepped areas in parts of the school building. Auditory/Visual 1 classroom has a Sound Enhancements Amplification System. 2 Classrooms have magnifiers. Other Adaptations We have an SEN Wash Room with a Changing Table. CORE OFFER Are you currently able to deliver your core offer consistently across all areas of your school? Quality First Teaching Strategies. We have 2 Lead Practitioners in school for Autism. Mrs Helen Grace and Mrs Ruth Townsend both have Autism Education Trust Level 3 training/certificates. Teaching staff have Autism Education Trust Level 2 Training/certificates. Teaching staff have Team Teach POLICIES Training/certificates. There are 5 qualified DSP’s (Designated Senior Persons) for Safeguarding. Teaching staff/support staff are skilled to work with children with SEN supporting children with cognitive, speech and language, emotional, behavioural, sensory and physical needs. Qualified LSA’s support children on a 1: 1 basis or run specific groups e.g. Language Groups. Our Medical Needs Co-ordinator (Mrs Julie Payne) ensures that children’s medical needs are supported and addressed within school Our Bereavement/Behaviour Mentor (Mrs Lin Winstanley) assists children in need of support. Are the school’s policies available on it’s website for: SEN YES SAFEGUARDING YES BEHAVIOUR YES Are you aware of /familiar with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and The Equality Act 2010 RANGE OF PROVISION YES The Inclusion Plan is reviewed annually. Our new Inclusion Plan for 2014-15 is available on our website. Please indicate what your school has to offer (over and above your core offer) in each of the following areas Areas of Strength Speech and Language Provision-We implement Speech and Language Groups. We plan to improve provision by employing the services of a private Speech and Language Therapist. This will support our children’s SaLT needs and increase the confidence and expertise of our teaching staff. All staff will have basic Makaton training by November 2014. We already have A Makaton Level 4 lead (Miss Jenny Steele) and Makaton Level 1 and 2 leads (Miss Lea Hope and Mrs Jayne Jeffrey). We implement schemes such as Whizzwords, and PAT to support the acquisition of Sight Vocabulary and Phonics. All staff will be trained in Precision Teaching by October 2014. Our Provision for children with Autism is continually improving through ongoing training and support from the CAT (Communication/ Autism Team) and the implementation of The Standards for Autism. Specialist Facilities/Equipment to support SEND Disabled Toilet/ Washroom/ changing table Children’s Disabled toilets are located in Nursery and by R3 and 1.3. Ramps Wheelchair Lift Input from Therapists/Advisory Teachers/Specialist Support Services Education Psychology. Pupil School Support Service. CAT (Communication/Autism Team). Teachers for VI (Vision Impairment) and HI (Hearing Impairment). PDSS-Physical Disability Support Service. Occupational Therapists/Physiotherapists. Speech and Language Therapists (NHS and Private). School Doctor. School Nurse. INCLUSION PARENTAL SUPPORT/ INVOLVEMENT/ LIAISON Foundation Years Parenting Support. LACES (looked after children support service) CDC (Child Development Centre) Breakfast and After School Support Both are available subject to availability and payment. Our ‘Early Birds’ morning session is 7.30-8.45. The afternoon sessions are 15.15-18.00. How do you promote inclusion within the school? Including day trips? Lesson delivery on the whole takes place in the classroom. Some specialist input e.g. Physiotherapy, Speech and Language work, Reading support may take place in a quiet area conducive to focussed learning. Additional learning may take place on a 1:1 or small group basis. Children with disabilities are included on all school trips. Careful planning and minor adjustments ensure all children participate in P.E. What Proportion of Children in School and Nursery currently has a SEND? 36 children (September 2014) 10% How do you involve/support the parents of children with a SEND regarding and identifying their needs? How do you communicate their progress and areas of difficulty? Initial meetings. Review meetings. Annual reviews. Outside agency liaison. Home visits. Liaison meetings. Phone calls. Parents’ evenings. Emails. Home/School diaries. Invites from school for assemblies, curriculum workshops, topic celebrations e.g. Victorian OTHER INFORMATION COMPLETED BY DATE COMPLETED UPDATE morning, Parent lunches. How will the school prepare children with a SEND to join their next setting/school? We have carefully planned Transition procedures between year groups and Walmley Junior School. Examples include: Photo books. Visits to new environments and settings. New teachers taking lessons/reading at story time. Information sheets. Transition Club. Transition Meetings. What else do you think Parents would like to know about your school? We currently offer the following schemes/expertise: Wake Up Shake Up- before school every morning in the hall. The group is led by Mrs Claire Wheeler. Epipen/Asthma trained staff. Letters and Sounds Groups. Guided Reading Groups. Differentiated Numeracy and Literacy Groups in Year 2. Forest Schools level 1 teachers-Mrs Tania Thompson, Miss Jenny Steele and Mrs Lin Winstanley. First Aid in the Workplace Paediatric Level 3 trained staff-Mrs Tania Thompson, Mrs Jo Burnett, Mrs Julie Payne and Mrs Jayne Jeffrey. Designated LACES persons (2 teachers). Mrs Helen Grace-Senco September 2014 September 2015