1 - Derby Public Schools

Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Janet Robinson 736-5027
Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Meg Boice 736-5027
Main Office: 736-5043
Mr. Francis Gallo, Principa1
Mrs. Pam Bowers, Secretary
Schoo1 Psycho1ogist: Ms. Sonia Raque1
Schoo1 Socia1 Worker: Ms. Judy Leve
Nurse: Mrs. Rosemary Kudrak
Absence Line: 736-5043
Who's Who
Schoo1 Secretary
Mrs. Bowers, our school secretary, manages the office. She takes
care of all school registration and forms. She can also provide general
information if you are unsure whom to call. Please contact her if you have
any questions.
Schoo1 Nurse
Our school nurse, Mrs. Kudrak, sees to the health needs of the
students who attend Irving School. In addition to helping students who
become ill at school, our nurse provides health information to our school
community and administers medication (see the section on Authorization of
Medication)as needed.
Schoo1 Psycho1ogist
Ms. Raquel is our school psychologist. Her job includes testing
students to determine the appropriate educational program, counseling
students to aid in their adjustment at school, and working with staff
members to assure that student academic needs are met.
Socia1 Worker
Our school social worker is Ms. Judy Leve. Ms. Leve works with
families in the district to provide counseling, and assistance with
family/school relations. Ms. Leve also works with individual students
and student groups in all Derby schools.
Grade 1 Teachers
Ms. Patrice Ferrara
Ms. Melissa Melillo
Mrs. Nancy DeFrancisco
Grade 2 Teachers
Mrs. Patricia Serke
Ms. Candace Keene
Ms. Jennifer Fico
Grade 3 Teachers
Mrs. Rita Keefe
Mrs. Keely Edwards
Mrs. Heather Lane
Grade 4 Teachers
Ms. Janessa Bennett
Mrs. Barbara Sobolisky
Mrs. Melissa Lawruszko
Grade 5 Teachers
Mr. John Ogle
Ms. Linda Baczek
Mrs. Stacey Pianka
Grade 6 Teachers
Mrs. Diane Lionetti
Mrs. Sandy Koenig
Mr. Joseph
PreSchool Teacher
Mrs. Cathy Marrandino
Kindergarten Teachers
Mrs. Nancy Maleri
Ms. Jessica Tuozzoli
Mrs. Charlice Culvert, Art
Mr. Bruce Coviello, Music/Chorus
Ms. Maureen McGovern, Music/Band Mrs.
Diana Gilmore, Speech and Language Ms.
Sonia Raquel, Psychologist
Ms. Suzanne Coles, Physical Education
Ms. Paula Ferrara, Physical Education
Mrs. Aracelis Cortes, Bilingual/ESL
Ms. Barbara Barry, Reading
Mrs. Kathleen Harris, Reading
Mrs. Jessica Glassman, Reading
Ms. Judy Leve, Social Worker
Ms. Tracy Lane, Computer Technology
Ms. Kimberly Stoll, Music
Ms. Kathryn Hawkins, Computer Technology
Mr. David Wrigley
Mr. Ignatius Preneta
Mrs. Sue Holt - Manager
Mrs. Lenora Stochmal
Resource Teachers
Mrs. Amanda Malota
Mrs. Janine Bell
Mrs. Mary Jane Tokash
Mrs. Karen Clark, Reading
Mrs. Virginia DePaola, SPED
Mrs. Judy DiCicco, SPED
Ms. Jo-Ann Dobek, Reading
Mrs. Colleen Ezzo, Reading
Mrs. Sandy Lazowski, SPED
Mrs. Samantha Mahan, SPED
Mr. Michael Mancuso, SPED
Mrs. Janice Marcuccio, Mathematics
Mrs. Karen Martinez, ESL
Mrs. Judy Mihalko, Mathematics
Mrs. Lisa Neumann, SPED
Mrs. Roberta Wagner,Office
Mrs. Bonnie Tillotson, SPED
Mrs. Nellie Tuzzo, SPED
Mrs. Elise Campbell, SPED
Ms. Jennifer Catano, Reading
Mrs. Laura Chisholm .
Mrs. Debra Wigglesworth
School Hours
Regular School Hours:
8:45 A.M. - 3:10 P.M.
Kindergarten (1/2 Day)
8:45 A.M. - 11:25 P.M. (Morning Session)
12:30 P.M. - 3:10 P.M. (Afternoon Session)
Kindergarten (Full Day)
8:45 A.M. - 3:10 P.M.
PreSchool (Mrs. Marrandino) A.M.
8:45 A.M. -11:45 A.M.
Scheduled Early Dismissal:
12:15 P.M. - 3:15 P.M.
8:45 A.M. - 12:40 P.M. (Grades 1 - 6)
8:45 A.M. -10:45 A.M. (PreK /1/2 day K)
When school is cancelled or delayed due to bad weather, it is announced on a variety of radio
and TV stations. The radio stations are: WEZN, WELI, KCl0l, and
WICC. TV stations that broadcast our closings are Channel 8, Channel 30, and
Channel 3.
Irving School on the Web
Attendance & Dismissal Procedure
It is important that students come to school every day. Students who are absent a
large number of school days or are always late cannot keep up with those students who
regularly attend class. After students are absent 10 days, their parents should meet with
their teachers. If a student is absent 20 or more days, he/she is in danger of failing for the
school year.
When a student is ill and unable to attend school, parents should call the school after
7:45 AM. The telephone number is 736-5043. Parents need to give the student's name, and
classroom teacher. However, a written note is required when your child returns to school.
School begins at 8:45 AM. Children who receive breakfast will be allowed into the
building at 8:15 AM. Since the teachers do not start until 8:30, students who do not eat
breakfast will not be allowed into the building until 8:30 AM. Please make sure that your
children do not arrive too early. There will not be any adult supervision until the children
come into the building at 8:30 AM.
Notice: Breakfast will no longer be served on days where there is a late start.
Bus Students and Walkers are dismissed from the school gym at 3:10 P.M. Students
who are walkers may not take the bus for any reason! If it is necessary for a bus student to
take another bus, a parent note must be sent to school with the student. Phone calls are not
acceptable. Any change in the normal dismissal procedure of a student must be accompanied
by a note signed by the parent/guardian of that child. Any child who leaves through the office
(early or at end of the day) must be signed out.
Parental written permission slips are required for:
Early Dismissal
Going home by any other means other than usual
Any change in your child's regular dismissal procedure
Any change in who will pick up your child
Class field trip
The student's day at Irving school is filled with a number of activities. Each student's day varies
according to the child's grade and class schedule. Below is listed a sampling of the programs available to
Each day at Irving starts with the Pledge of Allegiance, and school announcements. Parents who, due
to religious observance, do not wish their children to Pledge Allegiance to the flag, should notify their
child's teacher.
All Irving students participate in art, music, and physical education classes. These subjects are
taught by certified teachers who have received additional training in their fields. These classes are
scheduled throughout the week and offer students the opportunity to broaden and develop their skills.
Physical Education classes are held once a week in the gym. For safety, students must wear sneakers to
participate in these classes. Students who are excused from gym due to a prior injury, must have a note
from their doctor in order to resume classes.
Students also have art and music classes once a week. In addition to regular art classes, additional
sessions are available to artistically talented fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. Instrumental music and band
are also offered to students in the fifth and sixth grades.
The Irving School Library Media Center is open Monday through Friday. It is managed by a library
media specialist who helps students develop reading and research skills important for academic learning.
The library is also the computer center. There are fourteen networked computers for student use.
Students may use these computers during library, or with their individual classroom teachers.
Students will have classes in the computer lab for ½ hour per week with an instructor to provide base
computer and keyboarding skills.
Irving school has an ESL/Bilingual teacher to assist students in learning English. This program
accommodates children with many different languages. The ESL/Bilingual classroom will be on the
second floor across from the stairwell by the conference room.
As students progress through the years, they are given a number of standardized tests in order for
teachers to accurately assess their progress. The Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) will be administered in
the spring. Tentative dates will be from March 5th to the 30th, 2007. Mastery tests will be
taken in grades 3,4,5,and 6.
It is important that students be well rested and on time for the test. Make-ups are given to
students who are absent for any part, but students benefit from the testing atmosphere of the
classroom. It is to the student's advantage to take the test with the rest of his/her class.
Screenings and individual diagnostic testing may be recommended should we believe that these
will be helpful to better assess a student's progress.
Teacher conferences and student report cards should give the best indication of student
achievement. Midway through the first three marking periods, warning slips are issued to students in
grades 4, 5, and 6 whose grades are "at risk" to allow the student sufficient time to get the
help needed to raise his/her grades. These are given to students to bring home. Parents are asked to
sign and return the bottom portion to your child's teacher. Parents should feel free to bring concerns
about your child's progress to their teacher.
Warning slips will be issued on:
Report cards will be sent home on:
September 29, 2006
December 8, 2006
March 2, 2006
May 15, 2006
November 14, 2006
½ Day Session
November 15, 2006
½ Day Session
November 13, 2006
½ Day Session
November 9, 2006
January 26, 2006
April 12, 2006
June 19, 2006
Irving school is proud to recognize those students who meet high academic standards. Student's who
receive all A's or A's and B's and no checks in behavior achieve Honor Roll status.
Students who have earned honors have their names listed in the local papers shortly after report cards
are issued after the close of each marking period. Certificates are sent by the Superintendent of Schools to
the students receiving Honor Roll recognition.
The Gillon Banquet is an honors dinner for students in Grades 4 - 6. It had a long, proud tradition at
Lincoln School which continues at Irving since the two schools have merged. Attending The Gillon
Banquet has always been a privilege reserved for students who have achieved the highest academic
The requirements for students to attend the Gillon Banquet are:
A student must have received honors for the first three marking periods. To achieve
honors a student must receive a B or higher in all academic subjects and no less than an
S in all special subjects.
A student must have an 85 or better average in each academic subject and an average of S,
or better, in each special subject for the first three marking periods. To attain this average,
the student may not receive more than one C or C+ in each academic subject or one S- in
each special subject within the first three marking periods. Any grade lower than C or Swill automatically disqualify the student.
The banquet will be held in June. We look forward to honoring those students who have met the
rigorous standards outlined above.
Student's of the Month are nominated by their teachers during the school year. Students who are
chosen are asked to attend an awards ceremony on the second Tuesday of each month. Parents and
families are also invited. Students receive a certificate, have their pictures taken with their families for a
bulletin board, and have cookies and juice before returning to class. This award is an honor as it
recognizes children who help teachers, support staff, and other children.
Parents play an important part in their children's success at school. Research shows that a
student's achievement is closely linked to positive parental participation. At Irving, we offer a
number of opportunities for parents to become involved with the school. A few are listed below.
Irving's Parent Teacher Organization works hard for our school. Through the efforts of
Irving's PTO, our students have enjoyed such advantages as trips, a playscape, a basketball pole
and hoop, family activities, and educational cultural arts programs. The PTO meets on the first
Wednesday of every month at 7:00 P.M. Parents who are paid PTO members and act as
chaperones on school trips attend free. Your membership and participation will help the PTO to
continue to contribute to our school.
Each year the Irving PTO runs several fundraisers to earn money for their activities. Most of the
money goes directly back to the students in the classrooms, in the form of trips, or for materials and
equipment. The PTO's major fundraiser occurs in the fall. This effort makes it possible for us to offer our
students a number of opportunities that would otherwise be impossible, due to their high cost.
President - Mrs. Sharon Toscano
Vice-President - Mrs. Corey Lidnerer
2nd Vice Presidents - Ms. Linda Baczek/ Mrs. Barbara Sobolisky
Secretary - Mrs. Fran McManus
Treasurer - Mrs. Cyndi Poppa
Fundraising Chairpersons - PTO Board
In-School Programs - Mrs. Marisa Tascione, Mrs. Beth Colette
All prescription and over the counter medications are administered by the school nurse. In her
absence, only the principal, or staff members who have been properly trained, may administer
medications to students. No student may self-administer any medication while at school!
Prescription and over-the-counter medication must have a written order by a licensed
physician, dentist, or physician's assistant.
Parents or a designated responsible adult must supply and deliver the medication to the nurse in
the original container.
Prescribed medication can only be given to and taken by the person for whom the prescription was
written. The school nurse may only administer acetaminophen (aspirin-free pain reliever) with a
doctor's order. You must sign the emergency form that specifies the conditions under which it may be
dispensed. These forms may be obtained from the nurse in the health office.
Student appearance is an important element in creating a productive school experience. The
Derby Board of Education maintains a dress code which states:
Student appearance should be neat and clean. Dress and appearance which cause a
disruption of the educational process or present health and safety problems will not
be permitted.
This code is to be adhered to by all students. Please ensure that your child wears clothing
appropriate to school situations. Students at Irving School may wear clothing, including shorts of an
appropriate and proper length and type, which adheres to code. Should a student need to change, he/she
will be permitted to call home or wear clothing available at the school.
In addition, beepers, cell phones, walkman, video games, and the like are not allowed in school.
Students should not wear hats in the building except for religious observance.
See Dress Code on back page
A lost and found box is located in the gym. If your child leaves an article of clothing at school,
please have him/her check this box. If your child is very young please call the school and we will assist
them in looking for anything that is missing.
Irving School participates in the federally subsidized meals program. Both lunch and breakfast are
available at school each day. Irving's breakfast program begins at 8:15 A.M. in the cafeteria. The full cost
of breakfast is $ .85, with a reduced price of $.30 and free breakfast available for students who qualify.
Students may bring a bag lunch from home or purchase lunch from our cafeteria. A full price
lunch costs $ 2.00; with a reduced rate of $.40 and free lunch available for those who qualify. There is
also a snack option (ice cream, cookies, and chips) for $.60. Forms to qualify for reduced or free lunch
are available at the office.
A number of teachers provide a time for snack in the morning. This time is arranged at the teacher's
discretion. Student's may bring a healthy snack from home. Suggested items include crackers, cheese, juice,
fruit, or vegetables. It should not include junk food or drinks in bottles.
All students participate in a daily recess period following lunch. Recess time may be held indoors or
outdoors, depending on the weather. Indoors, students may play with toys, games, or classroom computers.
They may also draw, read, or talk.
Outdoors, students play on the playground or the newly paved area next to the teacher’s parking lot.
In this area there is a new basketball pole and hoop, and they may use jump ropes or play sidewalk games.
As this area is adjacent to the parking lot and there are space limitations, we do have certain
rules that must be followed. These include:
Students may not play ball(except basketball)
There is no pushing or shoving
Students may not race or run
These rules are posted and explained to all children. Students who disregard rules will be
warned by the teachers on duty. If rules are not followed after warnings, student(s) may lose recess
Dress and Grooming
The following are considered inappropriate for all students to wear during the school day:
Pants or shorts of spandex material cannot be worn by the 7th through 12th
graders. All pants or shorts shall be worn belted or tied at the waist.
Tank tops, undershirts, halter tops, tube tops, bare midriffs, transparent clothing,
plunging necklines (front or back), sleeveless shirts or any other unduly revealing
3. Clothes which are torn, ragged, or have holes.
4. Skirts, shorts, dresses, and jumpers shorter than 4" above the knee.
Outer coats, windbreakers, hats, scarves, earmuffs, bandannas, curlers, goggles,
sunglasses are prohibited indoors.
Hooded shirts may be worn indoors provided the hoods are not used as head
Footwear which causes noisy distraction or which is unsafe or a health hazard and
is not secured to the foot.
8. Jewelry or wallet/key chains that can be dangerous or distracting.
Beepers, walkman type players, cell phones, laser pens, or other types of
electronic devices which are not prescribed for instructional purposes.
10. No references to drugs, sex, alcohol or obscene remarks.
11. Exemption for all school sanctioned uniforms on designated days by
The Board of Education believes that regular school attendance is essential to the academic success
of students. Therefore, it is the policy of the Board of Education to monitor school attendance so as
to identify students who are truant, and to enlist the cooperation of parents and, when necessary, the
juvenile justice system, in order to address the problem when it arises.
Procedures for Monitoring Truancy
In accordance with the truancy policy of the Board of Education, the following procedures are hereby
For purposes of these procedures, "truant" means a child who has four (4) unexcused absences from
school in any one month, or ten (10) unexcused absences from school in any school year. “Parent”
means the parent, guardian or other person having control of a child.
1. When a student is identified as a truant, the Superintendent or his/her designee will
conduct a meeting with the parent, the student, if appropriate, and with such school
personnel where involvement is determined appropriate. The meeting will occur not
later than ten (10) school days after the child’s fourth (4th) unexcused absence in a
month or tenth (10th) unexcused absence in a school year and will be for the purpose
of reviewing and evaluating the reasons for truancy.
2. The parents of each child enrolled in the school district will be notified in writing
annually at the beginning of the school year of their statutory obligation to insure that
their child attends school. Parents of children enrolling during the school year will
be similarly notified.
3. When parents are notified in accordance with paragraph 2 above, they will be asked
to provide the Principal of the school in which their child is enrolled with a telephone
number or some other means of contacting them during the school day.
4. Parents will be informed by the school principal or his/her designee that it is their
responsibility to contact the school office when it is necessary for their child to be
absent from school. If a child is absent and no notification has been received from
the parent, the school principal will designate a staff member to notify the parent of
the child’s absence.
5. If the parent of a child who is a truant fails to attend the meeting held pursuant to
paragraph 1 above, or fails to otherwise cooperate with the school in attempting to
solve the truancy problem, the Superintendent will file a written complaint with the
Superior Court pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §46b-149, alleging that the
acts or omissions of the child are such that his/her family is a family with service
Connecticut General Statutes
Policy adopted: December 20, 2001