
Headteacher – Mrs. Angela Russell
Acting Deputy Headteacher – Mrs. Dawn Gutteridge
Year 2 children:
Classroom 1 -OWLS
Teachers: Mrs. Dawn Gutteridge and Mrs. Debbie Cassar
Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Kathy Biggs
Classroom 2 - DOVES
Teacher: Miss Danica Fordham
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Lyn Knight
Year 1 Children:
Classroom 3- KINGFISHERS
Teacher: Miss Rosie Bond
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Rosalind Powley
Classroom 4- HERONS
Teacher: Mrs. Eileen Medhurst
Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Sam Dorrington
Reception children:
Classroom 5-SPARROWS
Teacher: Miss Josephine Hardy
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Anna Lord
Classroom 6- ROBINS
Teachers: Mrs. Helen Valentine and Mrs. Debbie Cassar
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Carole Plormel
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs. Theresa Marchant, Mrs. Maxcine O’Brien, Mrs. Suzanne
Ryan, Mrs. Susan Russell, Miss Chantal Johnson, Miss Zoe Williams and Mr. Jonathan
Special Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs. Melanie Clayton
Learning Mentor: Mrs. Andrea Syms
Senior Midday Assistant: Mrs. Dorrington
Mid-day Assistants: Mrs. Plormel, Mrs. Powley, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Biggs, Miss
Daley, Mrs. Ryan
Office: Mrs. Linda Amber, Mrs. Rose Grimwood and Mrs Tania Kapustka
Website: Mr. Jonathan Russell
Site Manager: Mr. John Marven
Cleaning staff: Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Plormel and Mrs. Ramsey
Cook: Mrs. Maureen Limage
Assistant Cook: Mrs. Michelle Limage
Nursery Manager: Miss Laura Roel
Nursery Assistants: Mrs. Sarah Ager, Mrs Tammy-Marie Hayden, Miss Amy Eagan, Mrs. Lisa
Ball , Miss Mikayla Joseph
St. Anne Line Catholic Infant School is a community of children, staff, parents, governors and
parishioners where everyone should feel safe, secure and loved.
We believe in God the Father, in Jesus Christ His Son and in God the Holy Spirit.
We meet together for assemblies where the children are taught prayers and hymns and
encouraged to pray and come closer to God. Throughout the day and in all lessons we try to
show Jesus’ presence in us in the way we trust, respect and care for each other.
We encourage all members of our community to have high self-esteem and a feeling of selfworth.
We are all equal in God’s eyes.
Full attendance is exceptionally important. The standards children reach
can be affected when attendance is poor.
Make sure your child arrives at 8.55 am for a prompt 9am start. Children
must be brought to school by an adult and should not be left unsupervised
until the first bell rings for them to line up in their class groups. Please leave your child to line
up independently when the handbell is rung.
Governors wish to reduce the number of holidays taken and now will only
authorise those requested for very exceptional circumstances. These requests
will go to a panel of governors who will make the final decision. Please book
family holidays during school breaks. There are at least 13 weeks to choose from!
Parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly. You are expected to
report your child's absence from school on the first day of absence (Automated absence line
01268 242510 or school office 01268 524263) and to confirm the reason in writing on their
child's return to school.
Our school nurse is available during half-termly ‘drop-in’ sessions. You may talk to her
confidentially about issues affecting your child. The nurse also visits the children in their class to
talk about a variety of subjects such as hand washing, headlice and healthy eating.
Safety First!
We have a Breakfast Club to cater for families who need to leave their children
earlier than 9am. There are two starting times for this club, 8am and 8.20am. At
a cost of £2 per day this club provides a welcoming, secure start to your child’s
day in school.
Application forms can be requested for this facility from the school office, it is important to book
a place in advance in order for us to provide the correct staffing levels.
At the end of the school day we offer an After School Club for parents who work and need an
extension to the school day for their infant, nursery or junior children. Children may be left from
3 – 5 pm at a cost of £8.00 per day or from 3 – 6 pm for £9.50 per day. The children enjoy a
range of activities such as cooking, games, craft, computers and outside play. A light tea is
provided. Registration and booking forms are available from the school office.
All children should have a red school bag and bring this to school every day.
Children will also be given a plastic reading wallet to keep their reading book in
good condition. Please check your child’s school bag regularly for messages and
letters. Newsletters are available on the school website from 12
noon every Friday- Please look out for these!
Dinner money is currently £1.80 a day, £9.00 per week. Unfortunately after half
term this will be increased to £2 per day payable in advance or on the day the
meal is required. If you choose to pay for a whole week in advance you may pay
the discount price of £9.00 for a weeks meals payable on a Monday. Please put
this in a clearly labelled envelope and give to your child to take into class to give to
the teacher at registration.
ABM are our school caterers and they follow clear guidelines for healthy eating. We encourage
children to take fruit and vegetables every day.
If you prefer to give a packed lunch, your child will need an empty beaker every day in their
lunch box. We give a drink of water to the children to avoid them bringing drink in containers
and the inevitable spills! Some products, for example squeezy yogurts, are very difficult for
children to open- please stick to easily opened items to encourage their independence!
Could we please ask for your support in providing a healthy packed lunch?
We request that children do not bring sweets. One small chocolate biscuit
or similar item could be included if you wish.
But encouraging a child to eat fruit and vegetables is better!
Snack Time
As part of our Healthy Schools commitment we will no longer be giving the
children biscuits as part of the morning snack. The children will still have a
piece of fruit and water is always available to the children at any time
throughout the day.
Lucky Money Draw
We ask parents to send in £5 every half term to enable us to continue to
provide many extra benefits for the children such as taste testing and
cooking, including Funky foods which runs throughout the year and which
all the children enjoy. Plants and soil are also paid for from this money
along with Christmas presents and entertainers for the children.
you send in your £5 the name of the parent/carer will be entered into a
draw. During the last week of every half term a winner will be drawn from all participating and
that person will win £50
This is a comprehensive list of school uniform. Items marked with * can be ordered from the
school office.
Red tracksuits with school crest. *
Red Polo shirt with school crest*
Easily fastened black shoes/trainers e.g. Velcro
PE: red shorts and white tee shirt with school crest* in clearly named drawstring PE bag.
Years 1 & 2
Winter Uniform
Jumper/cardigan with school crest
Sweat shirt - with school crest
Polo shirt with school crest
Shoes -
red *
red *
red* *
black - sensible shoes (Velcro fasteners)
Summer Uniform
- red & white
- red with school crest *
- grey
Polo shirt with school crest
- red *
Black slip-on plimsolls for outdoor P.E. activities
Red shorts* and white tee shirt* with school crest* in clearly named drawstring PE
Jewellery should NOT be worn at anytime and the school will not take responsibility
for any loss of items of this nature.
Please ensure that all your child's clothing is clearly marked with their name; this makes
efficient use of your child's and the teacher's time. Please teach your child to undress and dress
him/herself. Children enjoy outdoor play throughout the year and must have a sensible coat for
playtimes. Children are provided with aprons for practical activities, please realise that
accidents do happen. We are assured that the glues and paints used in this school are
washable and non-toxic.
Our school has achieved the National Healthy Schools Award. PE is an essential part of the
curriculum and we encourage all children to take part fully in PE lessons.
All children need correct clothing and a clearly labelled PE bag. For Health and Safety reasons
earrings must be removed on days when the class has PE.
If your child has newly pierced ears, and we strongly advise this to be only done at the
beginning of the long summer break to allow time to heal, we will put micropore tape over them.
It can be uncomfortable for your child to remove this so we will leave this on until home time.
The only earrings that should be worn at any time should be small studs.
Please help your child to be independent by giving them lots of time and encouragement to
practice dressing and undressing at home.
We are also offering a term of swimming lessons for year groups one and two. All
children are expected to participate as this is a very important life skill to learn.
Boys must wear swimming trunks (not beach shorts) and girls must wear a onepiece swimming costume. Parents may choose to pay for swimming weekly, half
termly or termly. If you child has a verucca they must wear protective socks for
After School Activities:
Our after-school football club is very popular.
It is open to year one children and year two children on Thursday after school 3.154.15pm. A member of staff will collect your child from class at the end of the school
day to ensure they are ready for the start of the club.
A dance club takes place on Tuesday from 3-4pm for year 1 & 2 children at a cost of
£20 for 10 week course.
All clubs must be booked in advance as numbers are limited and children must be
collected promptly at the end of the session..
The School day
The school day starts promptly at 9am. So children will need to
arrive by 8.55 so that they will be in class by this time.
When the bell goes all children will line up in their class line.
The teachers will be available for a few minutes before the
bell goes to take any urgent message, but after this bell we would like
parents to leave the playground and encourage the children to line up independently.
Appointments can also be made through the office or Mrs. Russell is happy to deal with any
problems you may have.
Reception children should walk with their parents through the side gate as the other children
line up. They can line up outside their classroom. Please remember the outside area at the
back of the school is a classroom and should be treated as such. Please do not allow the
children to play on the activities set out for the lesson.
The school day finishes at 3.00 pm when the children must be collected promptly from the
outside class room door by the parent. Children will not be allowed to leave with children under
16 years old. If you are unable to collect your child yourself you may nominate another adult to
collect your child by filling in the green ‘going home’ form available from the office.
We would like your help! Recent research has shown how your role is
crucial to the progress of your child.
You can help by:
Being positive.
Giving lots of praise.
Practising often.
The Target Train
All children are given targets to help improve their work. There will be a home-school
workbook. Teachers will give the children activities to help them progress and meet
their targets. You are welcome to comment in their home-school workbook about
your child’s progress as they work through these activities.
Throughout the year we offer several opportunities for you to be kept up to date about your
child’s progress.
In the autumn term, the ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening will help you to understand about the new
year group and how you can help to support your child. Parent Consultations will take place
after half-term on Wednesday 2nd November. You will be offered a short individual
appointment to discuss your child’s progress.
In the spring term and the first part of the summer term you will be invited to informal parent
sessions. Dates and times will be confirmed and will be offered to half a class at a time.
These sessions are opportunities for you to come into class with your child, to look at the work
they have been doing and to discuss informally and positively their progress.
Please be considerate to other parents and take only a few minutes of the teacher’s time. If you
have any particular problems please make a special appointment to talk to the teacher at a
quieter time! In the second half of the summer term we will hold a display evening to celebrate
the work and achievements of the year!
Sharing books together is a very important part of learning to read. We
follow a range of reading schemes in the infant school. Children are
placed in small guided reading groups and read together a specific book
for their level. Our books are now banded in colour groups and your
child may choose another book to take home and practice with their
family. The home books are part of a set, so it is very important that
children are taught to take good care of them. We are going to give
each child a plastic wallet to protect them. These need to be kept in their school bag and
brought to school every day. Unfortunately, due to the poor condition of the books, we
are going to have to make a charge to go towards replacing damaged books. This will be
a nominal sum of £3.
These reading books are usually changed twice weekly. At the early stages in
Reception this may be just once weekly. There might be some occasions when
other activities prevent this happening. There is no need to be anxious –this is an
ideal time to choose favourite books at home to read or re-read. A visit to the
library is also an excellent idea. There are so many wonderful books to choose
from. Libraries also have a full range of non-fiction books to ‘tap’ into any particular
interest of your child. Non-fiction reading is essential for the development of
reading skills as children will then begin to understand the process of gaining
knowledge from reading. They will however need encouragement and support to
tackle these more difficult texts.
Please sign your child’s reading record book whenever you share books together. Let
your child see you reading and writing- you are the best role model!
Children in each year group have to learn ‘high frequency’ words. These are
words that they will commonly meet in the books they read. When they know 100
words confidently they should be able to read 85% of any text.
Your class teacher will give these to you.
Writing- Children respond enormously to praise! Writing is a difficult skill involving knowledge of
phonics (knowing the sounds that letters of the alphabet make) and spelling
patterns, fine motor skills and then thinking about what you want to say!
Please be positive and encourage your child’s attempts.
You can make a difference to how well your child is able to write by first
establishing good Speaking and Listening skills. We are all so busy that
we need to make a conscious effort to turn off the TV or computer. If
your child can talk about an interesting story or experience, they are a
good way towards being able to write it down!
We are trying to help children gain some basic knowledge of spelling
patterns. There will be spelling work given to year two classes, and year one children will be
working on reading and spelling new phonemes as they are introduced in class. Please help
your child with these tasks at home, making sure that letters are correctly formed and that
capital letters are only used at the beginning of sentences or for the first letter of a name.
We teach spelling by the LOOK-COVER-WRITE–CHECK method. You can easily help your
child by following this simple process at home.
Write the word clearly for your child. They need to LOOK at it carefully. COVER the word with a
book or piece of paper. Encourage your child to WRITE it on another piece of paper, then
CHECK to see if it’s correct. They can repeat these steps until they are sure about the spelling.
Be positive about all their attempts!
The ‘Numeracy Strategy’ and ‘The Primary Framework’ has had an
impact on the way children are taught mathematics. A great deal of
emphasis is put upon children using numbers in practical situations
and being able to discuss what they are doing confidently. Your child
will not be filling their book with pages of written maths ‘sums’. You
can help at home by providing opportunities for your child to develop
their skills. They could sort coins and count them, look at numbers on
a variety of clocks and begin to recognise simple times, cook a favourite recipe, noticing the
weights of ingredients, count pairs of socks in 2’s, play dice and board games. The list is
Behaviour System
Our Whole School Behaviour System encourages children to earn stars to put on their class
chart. When their chart is completed 3 times special ‘well done’ cards are sent home to reflect
their achievements. When they have received 3 ‘well done’ cards a certificate will be sent home.
Your child will be very proud of their achievements so look out for these in their book
bag! The reward at school will take the form of GOLDEN TIME when children will
have a free choice of activity at an appointed time each week.
We have revised our Behaviour policy and will be sending out a copy for you to see
and comment on. This policy explains that we will send letters home to you if your
child displays poor behaviour in school. We hope that you will support this system as a joinedup approach with home and school will be far more effective in changing more challenging
Special Educational Needs
From time to time your child may need extra support during their time in school. We have a fully
qualified SEN co-ordinator (SENCO) who works closely with staff. Your child will receive
appropriate support depending on their level of need. Your child may be helped by being
placed on School Action or School Action+. Some children may need to have a special
‘Statement’ in order to give them the support that they will require. We will set targets and
monitor progress very carefully to make sure that all children are able to be successful, meet
their goals and feel a real sense of achievement. Parents and carers will be involved at every
Learning Mentor
Mrs. Syms will be available to speak to parents for half an hour each morning. She will also be
working to support children that need extra help to access the curriculum.
Please help us to help your child achieve their very best at all times:
Children need lots of praise and encouragement.
Lots of opportunities to talk and share what they have done at school.
Time to practice skills they have learnt.
Good attendance at school
Exercise and healthy food.
A sensible bedtime.
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
He learns to find love in the world.
The infant years in school are very special and go past only too quickly. Enjoy them with your
Meet the teacher! A.R. Sept.2011