The properties of radioactive decay and the resulting particles are verified here by observing the decay of 212Pb to 208Pb and also by using 241Am as an alpha particle source. In radioactive decay, an atom goes through a nuclear reaction which expels an energetic particle from the atom. The nuclear reaction will occur when the total energy of the atom can be reduced, for example by reducing the total mass or changing to a more stable spin or parity state, but there is a potential barrier to overcome before the reaction can take place. It is this potential barrier which determines the reaction rate. Since the atom can only decay once, the various types of decay are exclusive to each other and compete if the nucleus can decay in more than one way. [1] The three main types of radioactive decay are alpha beta and gamma decay. Gamma decay is simply photon emission which happens to occur along with other nuclear reactions. Alpha Decay In alpha decay, a positively charged helium nucleus is produced. XN p n e e (3) p e n e (4) Radioactive Decay A Z occurs is the one of these that is energetically favorable. These reactions can be written as: n p e e (2) A 2 Z 2 X ' N 2 He 2 (1) 4 2 [2] In this case the potential barrier is related to the relative sizes of the coulombic and nuclear forces around the nucleus, and can be modeled classically with good results. Most of the energy produced in the decay goes to the light alpha particle. Quantum mechanics predicts that the higher the energy released by the decay, the higher the chance that the system can overcome the potential barrier to the reaction. Therefore if more than one alpha decay reaction can take place in a nucleus, a high energy particle is more likely to be produced than a low energy one. This means that qualitatively, the branching ratio between two alpha decays will tend to favor the high energy alpha particle. In general a factor of 2 in energy means a factor of 10 24 in half life. [1] Here there is less relation between the energy released in the reaction and the final energy of the electron (the main observable product) since variable amounts of the energy goes into the neutrino. A rough estimate of decay rates cannot be obtained classically as can be done for alpha decay. [1] Experimental Determination of Decay Rates While the analytic calculation of the decay rates is beyond the scope of this report, the decay rates can be measured experimentally by using the general properties of radioactive decay. By the basic assumptions of decay, we have the exponential law of radioactive decay for the number of nuclei present at time t. This assumes that the decay is the only process occurring, and no new nuclei are being introduced into the system. N(t) = N 0 e λt (5) [1] where λ is the disintegration decay constant and N 0 is the initial number of nuclei. The half life is the time for half of the nuclei to decay, and is found by substituting N N 0 2 in equation (6). t1 2 ln( 2) (7) In an experiment, we would be measuring the number of decays per unit time at time t rather than the number of nuclei at time t. We can define the activity A as this new value. It can be found by differentiating equation (5) to get (t ) N 0 e λt N (t ) (8) Beta Decay In Beta decay, a proton is converted to a neutron or a neutron to a proton, and a neutrino is ejected along with either an electron or a positron. The reaction that If a nucleus decays to another unstable nucleus, more than one decay process may be going on at the same time. In this case, the decay rate of the daughter nucleus depends not only on how fast it is decaying, but also how fast it is being created by the parent nucleus, and so equation (8) does not apply. This case can be written as the differential dN 2 1 N1dt 2 dt (9) where N2 is the number of daughter nuclei. The number of parent nuclei N1 is the initial nucleus in the reaction, and follows equation (5). We try to solve this with an equation of the form N 2 (t ) Ae t Be t with the initial conditions N1(0) = N10 and N2(0) = N20. Solving for A and B, and multiplying by λ2 to get the activity, we get a final equation of 1 2 (t ) N10 2 12 t t e e 2 N 20e t (10) 2 1 1 2 2 This assumes that the only measured activity comes from the daughter nucleus. Decay of 212Pb 5.607 MeV 5.769 MeV 6.05 MeV 6.09 MeV rather than only alpha decays, since then the branching ratio might be predicted. 212Bi does have multiple alpha decays, but they are too close together in energy for general trends between energy and decay rate to be apparent. Apparatus and Calibration A surface barrier detector is used to detect alpha particles and their energies. This can be fit inside of a vacuum chamber, where a sample may also be placed. The detector signal goes through a pre-amplifier and an amplifier, and the resulting signal is recorded to a computer file with a multichannel analyzer unit (MCA). The detector measures the alpha particle energy and generates a voltage signal based on it, and the output from the detector is linear with the alpha particle energy. When the MCA records the signal from the detector, it divides the signal into equally sized channels, with different channels corresponding to different signal magnitudes. In order to find the correspondence between channel number and alpha particle energy, the channel activated by different alpha energies is measured. A sample of 241Am, which produces alpha particles of known energy 5.48 MeV, is used. First, the channel activated by the 241Am is measured. The energy corresponding to the remaining channels is determined using fact that the signal is linear with alpha particle energy. A voltage generator is calibrated so that a generated signal of magnitude 5.48 in its scale would fall into the same channel as the output from the detector for the 241Am source. The voltage generator reading is then the same as the output of the detector at the corresponding energy. By setting the voltage generator to different signal 8.78 MeV 8.78 Mev Figure 1: Decay of 212 Pb [3] The decay of 212Pb to 208Pb is the first subject of study in this report. The decay paths are shown in figure 1. 212Pb first decays to 212Bi by beta decay, which then decays along two separate paths. Along the first path it decays by beta decay to 212Po which then decays by alpha decay to 208Pb. Along the second path 212Bi decays by alpha decay of various energies to 208Tl, which then emits a photon if it is not at the ground state. The 208Tl then decays by beta decay to 208Pb. It is unfortunate that the branching of the nucleus we use, 212Bi, is between alpha and beta decays Figure 2 Fit of the calibration data magnitudes, the channel activated by that can be measured. The channel activated at a number of different signal magnitudes was measured, and then a linear fit was done to find the exact correspondence. This was found to be (5.485 ± 0.006) × 10-3 MeV per channel plus a constant offset of -0.192 ± 0.006 MeV. This error in energy measurement is negligible compared to the spread of our measurements. Preparation of sample and Measurement A sample of 212Pb is prepared immediately before measurement since it decays quickly. It is obtained from the decay of Thorium 232 and its products. Thorium salts are placed at the bottom of a glass container. The thorium will eventually decay to Radon, which is a gas. The radon will diffuse out of the salts to form a cushion of gas at the bottom of the container, and some of it will be ionized by the alpha particles produced in the various radioactive decay processes going on in the container. The ionized radon can then be deposited onto a metal collector plate by applying a 1000 Volt voltage difference across the inside of the container, where the collector disk is at a negative voltage. The ionized radon will be attracted to the collector plate and will then decay to 212Po and then 208 Pb, which stay attached to the plate. The 212Pb was collected for one hour. The collector plate with deposited 212Pb is placed in a vacuum chamber with the particle detector Figure 3: Decay spectrum for 212Pb showing the beta particle peak at the beginning, the alpha peaks at 6.05 MeV, then the last alpha peak at 8.75 MeV and depressurized to 200 mTorr. The alpha particle counts over every 5 minute interval are recorded, over a total of 24 hours. This gives 288 alpha energy spectrums. 5 minute intervals are chosen because this is short enough that the rate of alpha decay is constant over that time, and long enough that a statistically relevant amount of counts are measured. The total counts from this measurement are shown in figure 3. The two main peaks from the decay of 212Pb are seen at 6.05 and 8.78 MeV. The two peaks at 5.59 and 5.75 MeV are too small to be seen. The two main peaks have a trail of noise of undetermined origin to the left of them, which appear to form peaks. The large peak near channel 0 is due to the beta particles. It is expected that there should be twice as much beta decay as alpha decay for 212Pb. The peak due to beta decay is indeed bigger than the sum of the other peaks, but is not twice as big. Presumably, not all the beta particles were detected, since some will have energies too low to be detected. Branching Ratio and Peak Energy The branching ratio is determined from the relative sizes of the alpha particle energy peaks produced in the decay of 212 Pb to 208Pb. The size of the peak is measured by integrating the number of counts in the peak. The location of the peak is found by fitting to a Gaussian. The results are shown in tables 1 to 3. The two smaller peaks at 5.59 and 5.75 MeV were fit together with a double Gaussian plus a linear term. The linear term is included because the two small peaks are on the trailing edge of the much larger peak at 6.05 MeV. Figure 4: The small energy peaks near 5.607 MeV and 5.769 MeV, fit with a double Gaussian and linear term. Particle α α0 + α40* α328 α493 Energy (MeV) 8.76 ± 0.05 6.06 ± 0.05 5.77 ± 0.04 5.60 ± 0.04 Accepted Energy (MeV) 8.78 6.06* 5.769 5.607 Table 1: Experimental and accepted values for alpha energy from decay of 212Pb. The α0 and α40 peaks are combined since they could not be distinguished. The expected value in this case is the weighted average of the respective expected peaks. Decay path Bi → 208Tl → 208Pb Bi → 208Po → 208Pb 212 212 Figure 5: Gaussian fit for the 6.05 and 6.09 MeV energy peaks. The spread was too large to be able to distinguish the two. Branching ratio (%) 36.8 ± 0.3 63.2 ± 0.3 Accepted ratio (%) 36% 64% Table 2: Branching ratio between 212Po and 208Tl pathways of decay of 212Bi Particle α0 + α40* α328 α493 Branching ratio (%) 97.2 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 Accepted ratio (%) 97.1 1.67 1.08 Table 3: Branching ratios for the various alpha decays from 212 Bi to 208Tl Rate of Decay Figure 6: Gaussian fit for the 8.78 MeV energy peak. The energy peaks at 8.78 MeV and 6.05 MeV were fit to a simple Gaussian. Some points on the left side of the peaks were omitted during fitting since the distribution is slightly skewed due to small amounts of scattering with the air. Note that there are is in fact also a peak at 6.09 MeV, however, the spread in the experiment was too great to be able to distinguish it from the 6.05 MeV peak. The energy of this peak should in fact be measured to be the weighted average of the two true energy peaks, and it is. The rate of decay is determined by measuring the total alpha particle activity over time of the sample. Since alpha particles are only produced by the decay of 212Bi and one of its daughter nuclei, the alpha particle activity corresponds to the amount of bismuth in the sample. As discussed in the theory section, equation 10 predicts the activity of the daughter nucleus, which in this case is 212Bi. The data measuring alpha counts over time can be fit to this equation to find the parameters λ1, λ2 and the initial amounts of nuclei. Note that N2(0) would ideally be 0, but some radioactive decay takes place during the collection period and also in the short interval before the measurements begin, so there will be some 212Bi at t=0. The equation was fit to the counts in the 6.05 and 8.78 MeV peaks in each five minute interval over the total time elapsed so far, as shown in figure 7. It is interesting that if we limit the counted region to only the peak near 0 MeV, which represents the beta particle counts, we get a value closer to the accepted values for λ1 andλ2. v2 2me v 2 dE 4Z i2 e 4 n (11) ln dx me v 2 I 2 (1 v 2 c 2 ) c 2 where Zi is the material’s atomic number, n is the electrons per unit volume of material, me is the electron mass and I is the mean excitation potential of the target. Experimentally, the energy loss can be measured as a function of material thickness. If the path length to the detector is kept fixed, the material thickness can be changed by changing the density of the material, which is simple to do for gases. For an ideal gas MN Mx x P (12) V RT (using the ideal gas law PV NRT ) t ( x) air x Figure 7: Total activity over time of the 212Pb sample. Decay constant (s-1) 212 Pb 212 Bi (1.92 ± 0.06) x 10-5 (1.8 ± 0.2) x 10-4 Calculated half-life 10.0 ± 0.3 hours 65 ± 7 minutes Accepted half-life 10.64 hours 60.60 minutes where x is the distance into the material, M is the molecular mass of air, and the other variables are as in the ideal gas law. By keeping the distance to the detector fixed, the angular spread of alpha particles hitting the detector and the average path lengths are kept constant in different measurements. Energy Loss due to Scattering To perform the experiment, an 241Am alpha source is placed in a vacuum chamber with the detector. For various pressures, the alpha energy spectrum is recorded. The residual energy of the alpha particles can then be measured as a function of target thickness. The result is shown in figure 8. As alpha particles travel through material, they lose energy by ionizing the particles of the material. The thicker the material, the more energy loss occurs. Above a certain material thickness, the alpha particles will lose all of their energy. Additionally, high energy alpha particles lose less energy than low energy ones when traveling through material. Intuitively this is because they spend less time traversing a unit length of distance in the material, so have less of a chance of interacting with the material there. Practically, this means that as the alpha particle slows down, it delivers more and more energy to the material. This means that the highest density of energy delivered is right before the alpha particle comes to a complete stop, when it is traveling slowly. The energy loss per unit length is given by the Blethe-Bloch formula, which shows the dependence on velocity. Figure 8: Residual energy of alpha particles after traveling through a material of some thickness. Table 4: Accepted and experimental values for the half-lives of 212 Pb and 212Bi. The accepted value for the half life of 212Bi was within one standard deviation of our result, but the result for 212Pb was about two standard deviations away from accepted. This is expected since it is derived indirectly from the data, while the data applies directly to the 212Bi decay rate. Overall, this experiment was a success. Most of the values we obtained where close to the accepted values. The values for which we had the largest error were those involving small quantities, such as the difference between the energies of α0 and α40 or the counts in the peaks for α328 and α493 and would all have been improved by doing the measurement of the lead spectrum more than once. References Figure 8: Degree of energy loss per unit length as alpha particles penetrate the material. The line is only to guide the eye. Taking the derivative of this data with respect to distance, we get the energy loss per unit distance as a function of depth, shown in figure 9. As the particle proceeds deeper into the material, it gets slower as it loses energy to the material. As predicted by equation (11), the slower particles deliver more energy per unit length. As can be seen in figure 9, as the particle enters the material, there is little energy loss, and as it gets slower it loses more and more energy at a time. The sudden drop near the end of the plot occurs when the alpha particle has lost all its energy and come to a complete stop, and therefore cannot deliver any more energy to the material. Conclusion The accepted values for the alpha particle energies in the decay of 212Pb were within a standard deviation of the experimental values found here. There was too much noise in the data to be able to distinguish the 6.05 and 6.09 MeV alpha particles however. Other than this, the values found were quite reasonable. The accepted values for the 212Po and 208Tl branching ratio were not quite within the statistical error bounds of our results, but where still close to the actual values. The accepted values were also specified to fewer significant digits than our result. The accepted branch ratio between the different alpha decays of 212Bi were within the standard deviation of our results except for α328, where it was 1.3 standard deviations away. [1] Krane, Introductory nuclear physics. Wiley, New York, 1988 [2] Alpha Decay Lab Manual [3] McGill Physics: Alpha decay Wiki wiki/index.php/Alpha_Decay