EUROPEAN COMMISSION Date: 14/11/2006 DIRECTORATE-GENERAL JRC JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Transuranium Elements Unit: Nuclear Fuells Action No.: 3112 Copy No.: Title RANGE AND STOPPING POWER CALCULATIONS IN NUCLEONICA Author(s) M.Ç. TUFAN, J. GALY and J. MAGILL Report Nr.: JRC-ITU-TN-2006/67 Classification: unclassified Type of report: Technical Report Name reviewed by the project coordinator / or action leader M.Ç. Tufan approved by the project leader J. Magill approved by the head of unit D. Haas released by the director T. Fanghänel Date Signature Legal notice / disclaimer Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this document. Certified by DQS according to DIN EN ISO 9001 Reg. Nr. 059429 QM Postfach 2340, D-76125 Karlsruhe - Germany Telephone: direct line (+49-7247)951-817, switchboard 951-0 E-mail:; Distribution List T. Fanghänel (Director) ITU x1 J. –F. Babelot (QM Office) ITU x1 D. Haas ITU x1 J. Magill ITU x1 J. Galy ITU x1 M.Ç. Tufan ITU x1 G. Weber ITU x2 2 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________ 2 2. BETHE THEORY OF STOPPING _____________________________________ 2 3. CALCULATIONS OF STOPPING POWER AND RANGE FOR HEAVY IONS 3 3.1. Stopping Power Calculations______________________________________________3 a) b) 3.2. Nuclear Stopping _____________________________________________________________ 3 Electronic Stopping ___________________________________________________________ 4 Range Calculations ______________________________________________________6 4. STOPPING POWER CALCULATIONS FOR ELECTRONS AND POSITRONS 7 5. STOPPING POWER CALCULATIONS FOR MUONS____________________ 10 6. ACCURACY OF THE RANGE MODULE ______________________________ 11 6.1. Test Results for Protons _________________________________________________11 a) b) c) 6.2. Protons in H (gas) ___________________________________________________________ 11 Protons in Pb (solid) _________________________________________________________ 13 Protons in water (liquid) ______________________________________________________ 15 Test Results for Alphas _________________________________________________17 a) b) c) 6.3. Alphas in H (gas) ____________________________________________________________ 17 Alphas in Pb (solid) __________________________________________________________ 19 Alphas in water (liquid) _______________________________________________________ 20 Test Results for Electrons _______________________________________________22 a) b) c) 6.4. Electrons in H (gas) __________________________________________________________ 22 Electrons in Pb (solid) ________________________________________________________ 23 Electrons in water (liquid) _____________________________________________________ 24 Test Results for Positrons _______________________________________________26 a) b) d) 6.5. Positrons in air (gas) _________________________________________________________ 26 Positrons in Pb (solid) ________________________________________________________ 27 Positrons in water (liquid) _____________________________________________________ 29 Test Results for Muons _________________________________________________30 a) c) d) Muons in H (gas) ____________________________________________________________ 30 Muons in Pb (solid) __________________________________________________________ 32 Muons in water (liquid) _______________________________________________________ 33 7. RANGE MODULE IN NUCLEONICA _________________________________ 35 8. CONCLUSIONS ___________________________________________________ 43 9. REFERENCES ____________________________________________________ 45 1. INTRODUCTION In the interaction between charged particles and matter, the stopping power or the average energy loss per unit path length plays an important role in many fields such as impurity atom implantation in producing semiconductor devices, structure analysis of solid target by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), and plasma-first wall interactions in a nuclear-fusion reactor. Stopping power can be considered in two part: first is the interaction of incident particle with target electrons (called electronic stopping power), and second is the interaction with target nuclei (called nuclear stopping power). Studies of the electronic stopping power started at the beginning of the 20th century. The first (classical) calculation of the energy loss of energetic particles was made by Bohr [1]. The first quantum mechanical treatment was by Bethe [2]. This latter theory of stopping power is particularly accurate when the projectile’s velocity is sufficiently high. Another important quantity is the range of the charged particle in matter. The range is defined as the mean path length of the particle in the target matter before coming to rest. Generally, analytic transport theory and Monte Carlo calculations are used for the range calculations. In Nucleonica, the RANGE module is included to calculate the stopping powers and ranges of ions in matter. The stopping power and ranges of almost all ions and, in addition electrons, muons, positrons, protons and alphas in all elemental targets up to uranium, and compounds can be calculated. User defined compounds can be included in the calculation. In the RANGE module, SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) is used to calculate the stopping powers and ranges of ions, protons and alphas in matter [3]. For electrons, muons and positrons, RANGE uses different formulations. In this document, we describe: I. the calculational methodology for stopping power and range, II. the accuracy of the results, III. how the RANGE module can be used. 2. BETHE THEORY OF STOPPING In 1930, Bethe calculated quantum mechanically the electronic energy loss by using the first Born approximation [4]. According to Bethe, the stopping power is given by 2 Se 2mv 2 4Z12 e 4 Z ln 2 mv 2 I (1) where v is the projectile’s speed, Z1e is the nuclear charge of projectile, Z2e is the nuclear charge of target, m1 is the projectile mass, m2 is the target mass, m is the electron mass, and I is the mean excitation energy of target. When relativistic effects are considered, the above equation become Se 2mv 2 4Z 12 e 4 Z 2 ln mv 2 I ln 1 2 (2) where v / c and c is the speed of light. Other corrections, such as shell and Z13 corrections can be added in the above equation for the better agreement with experimental results. 3. CALCULATIONS OF STOPPING POWER AND RANGE FOR HEAVY IONS SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) is a widely used computer program developed by J.F. Ziegler and J.P. Biersack for the calculations of stopping power and range. We give here only a short description of program, further information can be found in detail in The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids by J.F. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack and U. Littmark [5]. 3.1. Stopping Power Calculations a) Nuclear Stopping Nuclear Stopping is important for low energy heavy particles. When the projectile energy becomes high, nuclear stopping is not important, and can be neglected in the calculations. For practical calculations, nuclear stopping is given by 3 S n (E) 8.462 10 15 Z1 Z 2 M 1 S n ( ) ( M 1 M 2 )( Z10.23 Z 20.23 ) eV/atom/cm2 (3) where is the reduced energy and calculated from 32.53M 2 E Z1 Z 2 ( M 1 M 2 )( Z10.23 Z 20.23 ) (4) where E is in keV. The reduced nuclear stopping is then given by S n ( ) ln( 1 1.1383 ) 2 0.01321 0.21226 0.19593 0.5 S n ( ) ln( ) 2 For ≤ 30 (5) For > 30 (6) b) Electronic Stopping In SRIM, electronic stopping is considered in three different region: i) low energy region (E< 25 keV/amu), ii) high energy region (E > 200 keV/amu) iii) intermediate energy region (25 keV/amu< E< 200 keV/amu). To calculate the stopping power for ions except H, SRIM uses the proton scaling rule (see Eq.13). Firstly, a fitted function is used to calculate proton stopping power in each element in SRIM. For protons of energy E (keV/amu), the fitting functions are S e, LOW A1 E A2 A3 E A4 (7) and S e, HIGH A A5 ln 6 A7 E E . A8 E (8) For intermediate energies (25 keV E 10 MeV) stopping power can be calculated from 1 S e, INT 1 S e, LOW 1 S e, HIGH , (9) and for energies higher than 10 MeV, 2 ln( E ) E ln( E ) S e A9 A10 A11 A12 E ln( E ) E (10) where coefficients Ai are fitting parameters and available for each Z2 in the program. For lower energies 4 (E < 25 keV/amu), velocity proportional stopping used: E S e S e, INT E0 0.45 E S e S e, INT E0 0.35 for Z2 > 7 (11) for Z2 = 3-6 (12) The proton scaling rule is employed to calculate electronic stopping power for ions which are heavier than protons. The electronic stopping power of heavy ions is proportional to that of protons at same velocity and target, so one can calculate the stopping power by using S e S e, H ( Z1 ) 2 (13) where Z1 is the effective charge of the projectile and is the fractional effective charge of the projectile. For 4He ions, 2 1 exp( 0.2865 0.1266B 0.001429B 2 0.02402B 3 0.01135B 4 0.001475B 5 )c 2 (14) where B ln( E ) and c is a correction factor which corrects for the polarization of target atoms by the projectile (the Z13 effect): c 1 (0.007 0.00005Z 2 ) exp (7.6 ln( E )) 2 (15) Consequently, stopping power of He ions is calculated from S e, He S e, H 4 2 S e, He S e, H 4 2 E E0 for E > 1keV/amu (16) for E ≤ E0 (=1 keV/amu) (17) For ions with Z1 > 2, q 0.5(1 q)(1 / vF2 ) ln 1 (4vF / 1.919) 2 C (18) where vF, is Fermi velocity of target in units of Bohr velocity (v0) and q is the degree of ionization and given by q 1 exp( 0.803 y r0.3 1.3167 y r0.6 0.38157 y r 0.008983 y r2 ) . (19) C stands for the Z13 correction and is given by C 1 1 (0.08 0.0015Z 2 ) exp (7.6 ln( E )) 2 2 Z1 5 (20) and , 2a 0 (1 q ) 2 / 3 1 q Z 11 / 3 1 7 (21) is the screening function. The last term, which is called effective ion velocity yr, is given by yr v1 v F2 ( 1 ), Z12 / 3 5v12 for v1( E / 25 / v0 ) ≥ vF (22) and 0.75v F 2v12 1 yr Z12 / 3 3v F2 1 v1 15 v F 4 . for v1 < vF (23) By using the above equations, stopping power of heavier ions (Z1 > 2) can be calculated from proton scaling rule for energies higher then 25 keV/amu. In low energy region, stopping power is given by E S e S e, H ( Z 1) E0 0.55 E S e S e, H ( Z 1) E0 0.375 E S e S e, H ( Z 1) E0 0.375 E S e S e, H ( Z 1) E0 0.47 2 2 2 2 for Z1 = 3, (24) for Z2 < 7, (25) for Z1 < 18 and Z2 = 18 or 32, (26) and other situations, (27) where E0 is the minimum energy used in the above equations. This minimum energy E0 is determined by the Fermi velocity of target. In addition, SRIM uses another correction, called Fermi velocity correction, which is applied for energies below the 10 MeV/amu. Further information can be found in the program package. 3.2. Range Calculations Most of the transport calculations and Monte Carlo simulations for the calculation of Range are based on the so-called Continuous Slowing Down Approximation (CSDA). In this approximation, it is assumed that the particle loses its energy in a continuous way and at a rate equal to the stopping power. 6 Since the stopping power is the energy loss of projectile per unit path, CSDA range (or Bethe range) is calculated by dE S ( E ) Eabs E R( E ) (28) where Eabs is the energy where particle is effectively absorbed. The CSDA range is the path length travelled by the particle and since energy-loss fluctuations are not considered, the CSDA range is always higher than projected range (Rp) which is the distance between the point where particle enters the stopping medium and the point where particle is absorbed (or comes to rest). It becomes important when the projectile’s energy is low enough. SRIM uses PRAL (Projected Range ALgorithm) [6] equations for calculating projected range. To second order it involves iterating the difference equation 4 E 2 2 ES n Qn R p ( E0 ) E0 R p ( E0 E0 ) R p ( E0 ) 4 ES t 2Qn E where (29) M2 , E0 is the initial energy of the projectile and Qn is the second moment of the nuclear M1 energy loss and given in units of (eV)2/Ǻ by Qn fs 4M 1 M 2 ( M 1 M 2 ) 2 (4 0.197 1.691 6.584 1.0494 ) f (30) where f s 3.14159 A 2 4 2 (1 ) f (31) and f A (1 ) Z 1 Z 2 14.4 (32) with A 0.4685 /( Z10.23 Z 20.23 ) and is the atomic density of target in units of atoms/Ǻ3. 4. STOPPING POWER CALCULATIONS FOR ELECTRONS AND POSITRONS The Stopping Power calculation for electrons which are traversing through matter is similar to that of heavy charged particles. The interaction of incident electrons with target electrons can be 7 calculated from Bethe’s theory, and this gives rise to the “Collisional Stopping Power”. The interaction between incident electrons and target nucleus results in Bremsstrahlung, and this gives rise to the “Radiative Stopping Power”. In the RANGE Module, we have used the effective charge approximation for collisional stopping power. The formulation which is used in the RANGE module is given in Ref.[7]. The collisional stopping power is calculated by S coll 4 e 4 z * mv 2 2 NA * E Z 2 ln * F ( ) / 2 A I (33) where 2 F ( ) 1 [ 2 8 (2 1) ln( 2)] /(1 ) 2 E /( me c 2 ) , NA is Avogadro’s number, Z 2* is the effective charge of the target, A is the mass number of the target, I* is the effective mean excitation energy of target, z* is the effective charge of electron. When charged particles are accelerated or decelerated, they radiate and the energy of this radiation can be any value from 0 to the energy of incident particles. This is the source of the radiative stopping power or Bremsstrahlung. This is more important especially fast electrons, since the mass of electron is much lower than that of nucleus it is accelerated more rapidly when it is in the coulomb field of nucleus. The radiative stopping power is given by S rad 0 N AZ 2 ( E me c 2 ) Br A (34) where 0 1 e2 137 me c 2 Br is a function of Z and E. Its value is [8] 8 Br 16 / 3 6 12 for E 0.5MeV for E 1MeV for E 10MeV . 15 for E 100MeV Strength of Bremsstrahlung depends on the target's atomic number (Z), and it is proportional to Z2 and also proportional to energies of incident electrons. On the other hand, collisional stopping power is proportional to Z. So, the ratio of the radiative stopping power to the collisional stopping power is approximately given by S rad ZE S coll 800 (35) at high energies ( more than 10 MeV), and E is the energy of the incident electrons in units of MeV. At high energies, this ratio can be used to calculate the radiative stopping power. The RANGE module uses this ratio to calculate radiative stopping power. Radiative energy-loss becomes more important for energies above 10 MeV. The rate increases logarithmically and at high energies it becomes the predominant mechanism of energy loss. This can be seen in the figures and tables given in Chapter 6.3. The positron has the same mass and a charge opposite that of the electron, and the structure of a positron track in matter is frequently assumed to be similar to that of an electron. Like electrons, for positron stopping there are two mechanisms: Collisional Stopping Power and Radiative Stopping Power. In the RANGE Module, calculations of stopping power and range for positrons are almost same. Radiative stopping power and CSDA Range calculations are the same as for electrons, but collisional stopping power is calculated by S coll 4 e 4 z * mv 2 2 NA * E 1 Z 2 ln * ln 1 F ( ) / 2 2 A I 2 (36) where 14 10 4 (37) 23 . 2 12 2 2 23 others are same as for electrons ( i.e. , , z*). The formulation which is used in the RANGE module is given in Ref.[9]. F ( ) 2 ln( 2) 9 5. STOPPING POWER CALCULATIONS FOR MUONS The muon is an elementary particle whose charge (-1 e) and spin (1/2) are equal to that of the electron. It is sometimes regarded as a "heavy" electron, because its mass is 207 times the electron mass and its interactions with matter are very similar to those of electrons. Muon interactions with matter differ significantly from electron interactions purely as a result of its much greater mass. For example the stopping power for electrons, particularly in the high energy regime, is dominated by the bremsstrahlung process, which is not the case for muons unless the energies are in the multi-GeV range. On the other hand, in this multi-GeV regime radiative processes are more pronounced than for other heavy charged particles and ions. For muons, the stopping power can be calculated by [10] Se K Z 1 A 2 2 1 2me c 2 2 2Qmax 1 Qmax dE 2 ln 2 2 I 2 8 (Mc ) dx 2 (38) where K / A=0.307075 MeV/g/cm2 for A=1g/mol, M is the muon mass, is the density factor, Qmax 2me c 2 2 2 , 1 2 me / M (me / M ) 2 dE is the bremstrahlung from atomic collisions and is given by dx dE K Z 2 E 1 2Qmax ln ln dx 4 A Mc 2 3 me c 2 2Qmax ln 2 me c 2 , and =1/137.035999 is the fine structure constant. Radiative stopping power results from the interaction of muons with the coulomb field of the nucleus. This is important only at extremely high energies, i.e. more than 100 GeV for Uranium and more than 2.5 TeV for hydrogen. In the RANGE module we have not included radiative stopping power for muons. 10 6. ACCURACY OF THE RANGE MODULE The RANGE module uses SRIM for the calculation of the stopping powers and ranges for the projectiles Z=1-92 in targets Z=1-92, various predefined and also user created compounds. SRIM results agree with the experimental data within less than 5 %. On the other hand, SRIM has not been developed specifically for protons and alphas, but it is used the RANGE module. We tested the RANGE module for protons and alphas in gas, solid and liquid targets, and have compared results with PSTAR and ASTAR. PSTAR and ASTAR [11] have been developed especially for protons and alphas, respectively. In this chapter we compare the results. The RANGE module has also been tested for electrons, positrons and muons in gas, solid and liquid targets. For electrons we compared results with ESTAR [11] which is the part of STAR program groups together with PSTAR and ASTAR, while for positrons we compared our results with ICRU Report 37 [12]. In comparison, we calculated the difference by using Referance Value - Our Result Referance Value 100 . (39) Mean errors are calculated as simple arithmetic average value from above equation. 6.1. Test Results for Protons We calculated the stopping powers and ranges of H (gas), Pb (solid) and water (liquid) for protons and compared the results with PSTAR. a) Protons in H (gas) As can be seen in fig.1, overall agreement with PSTAR is quite good. Comparing the RANGE module's results with PSTAR, the overall mean error in energy range from 1 keV to 1 GeV is 0.8 %, mean error is 1.8 % in energies below 400 keV and mean error in energies below 10 keV is 2.5 %. 11 Figure 1. The stopping power results for protons in H (gas). Figure 2 shows the range results of protons in H (Gas). As can be seen, agreement with PSTAR is quite good. Mean errors are 2.4 %, 5.8 % and 11.2 % in the energies between 1 keV an 1 GeV, below 400 keV and 10 keV, respectively. 12 Figure 2. The range results for protons in H (gas). b) Protons in Pb (solid) To test the range module for solids targets, we have chosen lead as a target. Obtained results for the stopping power are compared with PSTAR and these results are plotted in fig.3 for comparison. The agreement is quite good in the high energy region, but in low and intermediate energy regions, as can bee seen from the fig.3, there is some deviation from the PSTAR results. The mean errors in the energy ranges between 1 keV and 1 GeV, below 400 keV and below 10 keV are 3.4 %, 8.0 % and 15.8 %, respectively. For range calculations, obtained results are given in fig. 4. It can be seen that range results how better agreement than the stopping power results. The mean errors are 2.5 %, 5.7 % and 7.7 % for the energies between 1 keV and 1 GeV, below 400 keV and below 10 keV, respectively. 13 Figure 3. The stopping power results for protons in Pb (solid) 14 Figure 4. The range results for protons in Pb (solid) c) Protons in water (liquid) We have carried out the calculation of stopping power and ranges for protons in water (liquid) to test the range module in liquid targets. Obtained results for stopping power are shown in fig.5 together with the results of PSTAR. Agreements with the PSTAR are 4.4 % for energies between 1 keV and 1 GeV, 8.0 % for energies below 400 keV and 8.5 % for energies below 10 keV. 15 Figure 5. The stopping power results for protons in water (liquid) For range calculations, we have obtained the results shown in fig. 6. The mean errors are 3.0 %, 5.1 % and 4.3 % for the energies between 1 keV and 1 GeV, below 400 keV and below 10 keV, respectively. 16 Figure 6. The range results for protons in water (liquid). 6.2. Test Results for Alphas In this section, we give the results of stopping power and ranges for alphas in H (gas), Pb (solid) and water (liquid). We have compared the results for RANGE module with those from ASTAR. Obtained results are shown in the figs.7-12 for these targets. a) Alphas in H (gas) Calculated results are shown in fig. 7 for stopping power and in fig .8 for range. We have also given the mean errors in tables (see figs.7-8) for stopping power and for range, respectively. 17 Figure 7. The stopping power results for alphas in H (gas) Figure 8. The range results for alphas in H (gas). 18 b) Alphas in Pb (solid) The calculations of stopping power and range for the alphas were carried out in Pb to test solid targets. Obtained results are shown in figs. 9 and 10 for stopping power and range, respectively. As can be seen from the figures, obtained results are quite agree with the results of ASTAR. Figure 9. The stopping power results for alphas in Pb (solid). 19 Figure 10. The range results for alphas in Pb (solid). c) Alphas in water (liquid) Calculated results for the alphas in water(liquid) are shown in figs. 11-12 for the stopping power and range, respectively. The results agree with the ASTAR results very well. 20 Figure 11. The stopping power results for alphas in water (liquid). Figure 12. The range results for alphas in water (liquid). 21 6.3. Test Results for Electrons The calculation of the stopping powers and ranges for electrons in matter is different from the calculation of other ions in matter. Calculation procedure used in RANGE module is explained in chapter 4. In this section, we have given the results of the stopping power and ranges for electrons in H (gas), Pb (solid) and water (liquid). a) Electrons in H (gas) Obtained results for electrons in H (gas) are shown in figs 13-14 for the stopping power and range, respectively. In these calculations, we have compared our results with the results of ESTAR. In the figures, we have shown separately the total, electronic and radiative stopping power. Figure 13. The stopping powers for electrons in H (gas). 22 Figure 14. The range of electrons in H (gas). b) Electrons in Pb (solid) Again, we chose Pb to test the stopping powers and range for the electrons in solids targets. Obtained results are shown figs. 15-16. 23 Figure 15. The stopping powers for electrons in Pb (solid). Figure 16. The range of electrons in Pb (solid). c) Electrons in water (liquid) For the liquid targets, we have chosen the water as a test material. Calculated results are shown in 24 figs. 17-18 for stopping powers and ranges, respectively. Figure 17. The stopping powers for electrons in water (liquid). Figure 18. The range of electrons in water (Liquid). 25 6.4. Test Results for Positrons The calculation of the stopping powers and ranges for positrons in matter is similar to that of electrons. Calculation procedure used in RANGE module is explained in chapter 4. In this section, we have given the results of the stopping power and ranges for positrons in air (gas), Pb (solid) and water (liquid) to predict how good the results are in three kinds of matter. We compared our results with ICRU Report 37 [12]. a) Positrons in air (gas) Obtained results for positrons in air (gas) are shown in figs 19-20 for the stopping power and range, respectively. In the figures, we have shown separately the total, electronic and radiative stopping power. Figure 19. The stopping powers for positrons in air (gas). 26 Figure 20. The range of positrons in air (gas). b) Positrons in Pb (solid) Again, we chose Pb to test the stopping powers and range for the positrons in solids targets. Obtained results are shown figs. 21-22. 27 Figure 21. The stopping powers for positrons in Pb (solid). Figure 22. The range of positrons in Pb (solid). 28 d) Positrons in water (liquid) For the liquid targets, we have chosen the water as a test material. Calculated results are shown in figs. 23-24 for stopping powers and ranges, respectively. Figure 23. The stopping powers for positrons in water (liquid). 29 Figure 24. The range of positrons in water (liquid). 6.5. Test Results for Muons We calculate stopping power and range for muons in H (gas), Pb (solid) and water (liquid). Our calculation procedure is based on that of Groom [10], but we have not calculated radiative stopping power. a) Muons in H (gas) Calculated results for muon in H (gas) are shown in figure 25 for stopping power and in figure 26 for CSDA Range. The agreement with the results of work of Groom et al. is about 0.5% for both the collisional stopping power and the total stopping power in the energy range from 1 MeV to 1 GeV. In fact we have calculated only collisional stopping power, but we compare our results both collisional and total (collisional+radiative) stopping power results. As seen from the figure 25, the results agree well with the results of work of Groom et al. We also compare our CSDA range results with the Groom et al.'s results and we see that the agreement is 4.1%. 30 Figure 25. The stopping power for muons in H (gas). Figure 26. The CSDA range of muons in H (gas). 31 c) Muons in Pb (solid) For Pb (solid) target, we have shown the calculated results at figures 27 and 28 for stopping power and range, respectively. The agreement with the results of work of Groom et al. is 7.3% for both the collisional stopping power and for the total stopping power in the energy range from 1 MeV to 1 GeV. In this case, agreement is not good as before but it is still reasonable. The agreement for CSDA Results is 9.9%. Figure 27. The stopping power for muons in Pb (solid). 32 Figure 28. The CSDA range of muons in Pb (solid). d) Muons in water (liquid) In this case we found that the agreements are 1.6% and 1.5% for the collisional and the total stopping power, respectively, in the energy range from 1 MeV to 1 GeV. For CSDA Range, the agreement is 1%. we have shown these results at the figures 29 and 30. 33 Figure 29. The stopping power for muons in water (liquid). Figure 30. The CSDA range of muons in water (liquid). 34 7. RANGE MODULE IN NUCLEONICA The online version of RANGE module is shown in figure 31. Figure 31. Main Page of RANGE module in NUCLEONICA. All inputs are included in a single page. In this page, there are two parts: the first is for projectile (upper part) and the second is for target. One can choose the projectile and target composition by using these boxes. Defining the projectile: to choose projectile, first combo box in the main page is used. When one clicks on this combo box (see fig.32), one can see various pojectiles in the drop down menu. These projectiles are electrons, positrons, protons, alphas, muons and other ions ( Z=1 to 92). 35 Figure 32. Types of projectiles available in the RANGE module. If user selects "other ions", two new combo boxes appear as shown in fig.33. The first allows choosing an element from Z=1 to 92 and second allows defining the isotopes. Figure 33. Choosing elements and isotopes as a target. 36 Defining the energy of projectile: in the "Projectile ion" section, different energy units and values can be selected as shown in fig.34. In RANGE module, relativistic energy is considered and when converting the units a relativistic calculation is done. The formula is given by E m0 c 2 ( 1) (40) where 1 1 2 , v / c , m0 is the rest mass of the projectile and c is the speed of light. Figure 34. Energy units in RANGE module Defining the target: in the RANGE module one can choose an element from Z=1 to 92 (see fig.35) or a predefined or user defined compound as target. Firstly one must choose a type of target from the radio buttons under the target combo box (see fig.31). After defining the type of target, the user can select an actual target from the third combo box if an element or predefined compound has been selected. 37 Figure 35. Defining a target in RANGE If the user selects "user defined compound", the page shown in fig.36 appears. Figure 36. User-defined compound. 38 The user can also define the target phase as a gas or solid and also its density which is predefined in the program, by using the radio button and text box in target section of the main page. After defining the projectile-target system, the calculation can be started by clicking the RUN button. The results are shown ath the bottom of fig. 37a and 37b. Figure 37a. Input and output for a calculation for 1 MeV protons in hydrogen (gas). 39 Figure 37b. Input and output for a calculation for 1 MeV electrons in hydrogen (gas). In RANGE module, one can see the results in a table or graph for all projectiles. However, the energy range in the table for ions Z=1 from 92 can be changed only for ions Z=1 from 92 from the Options menu before clicking on Run (see fig.38). Graph options are also available and the user can change these options (see fig.39). Figure 38. Options menu for changing the energy range and the stopping power units. 40 Figure 39. Graph options. This will appear at the end of the Results page. In the RANGE one can see full details of calculation for all projectiles. However, the "details" menu is different for different type of projectiles. These pages are shown figs.40 and 41. 41 Figure 40. Details menu for electrons. Figure 41. Details menu for projectiles heavier than electrons. 42 8. CONCLUSIONS Overall agreement between the RANGE Module and PSTAR and ASTAR is quite good. There is no problem in the calculation of the stopping power and ranges for the protons and alphas. In the ICRU report 49 [13], it is stated that in the high energy region uncertainties are 1 % to 2 % and for low energies uncertainties are • 2% to 5% at 1000 keV, (0.1% to 4%) • 5% to 10% at 100 keV, (0.3% to 8%) • 10% to 15% at 10 keV, (0.7% to 11%) • 20% to 30% at 1 keV. (5% to 22%). When we compare the results of the RANGE module with the results of STARs, the esults agree well. For electrons, we have coded the new formulation [7] for collisional stopping power. For radiative stopping power we used a simple ratio which is given by Eq.35. We have compared our results with ESTAR in Chapter 6. Overall agreement is quite good especially for collisional stopping power and CSDA Range. On the other hand, for radiative stopping power agreement is more than 10%. The calculation procedure for calculating stopping power and range for positrons in matter is almost same as for electrons. For collisional stopping power, we used the formulation of Gümüs et al. [9] and for radiative stopping power we used Eq.35. When we compared our results with ICRU 37 report, It was found that agreement was about 10% in 10keV-1GeV energy range for both stopping power and range. For muons, we have calculated only collisional stopping power by using the formulation which is indicated at the work of Groom et al. [11]. As seen from the figures and calculation results, our results agree well. But we calculate the stopping power at the energies under 1 GeV. At high energies, radiative stopping becomes important, so one must calculate also radiative stopping power. On the other hand, radiative stopping power is important above 100 GeV in almost all every matter. This shows that our calculation can be also used at the energies above 1 GeV for muons. Furthermore, RANGE module does not use any database in the calculations. On the other hand SRIM, which is used by the RANGE module, uses its own database which was created by Ziegler and Biersack. This data base contains the fitting parameters for calculation of stopping power and range. These parameters were obtained by using all available experimental results for H and He [3, 5]. In 43 addition, for the RANGE module the new database for mean excitation energy can be prepared and this database can be used instead of calculating the mean excitation energy in the future. This technical note has also been released in Nucleonicawiki [14]. 44 9. REFERENCES 1. N.Bohr, Phil. Mag. 25, 10 (1913). 2. H.A. Bethe, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 5, 325 (1930). 3. 4. M. Born, Z. Phys. 38, 803 (1926). 5. J.F. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack, U. Littmark, The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, Pergamon, New York, 1985. 6. J.P. Biersack, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 182-183, 199 (1981). 7. H. Gümüs, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 72, 7 (2005). 8. F. H. Attix, Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry, Wiley&Son, New York, 1986. 9. H.Gümüs, Ö.Kabadayi and M.C.Tufan, Chinese J. Phys 44 (4), 290 (2006) 10. 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