Tempe - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

I am committed to achieving academic success in future semesters and gaining academic good standing at
ASU. I will achieve success during this semester by following this plan with help from my academic advisor.
GPA Goals
Current Cumulative GPA:
Goal GPA this semester:
Target Cumulative GPA:
*Use the GPA Calculator found at https://students.asu.edu/gpa-calculator.
Course Schedule
To continue within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences you must earn a 2.00 term GPA next fall/spring
Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Goal Grade:
Goal Grade:
Goal Grade:
Goal Grade:
Goal Grade:
Repeat Course:
Repeat Course:
Repeat Course:
Repeat Course:
Repeat Course:
Any changes to this schedule, including drops and additions, must be approved by my academic advisor.
Follow-up Visits
I will meet with my academic advisor a total of
times this semester, including this meeting.
My next academic advising appointment is:
Success plan for the semester (include due dates):
Identify at least three new success strategies/resources:
Probation Policies:
 The Probation Success Plan is the strategy to follow in order to return to good standing.
 Students who do not follow their Probation Success Plan and are disqualified are not eligible to submit
a disqualification appeal to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
 Students will contact their advisor with any questions/concerns about anything related to enrollment
and success at ASU.
 Students will consult with their advisor before changing their course schedule (add/drop, course
withdrawal, etc).
Probation Success Plan
Related Requirements and Policies
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
UNI220 – All first semester probation students: Enroll in a required one-credit UNI220 Academic
Refresher to learn how to develop strategies that have been proven to lead toward academic success.
First-time Freshmen: PASS (Pathways to Achieve Student Success)
 Freshman students should attend a PASS workshop. Attending a PASS workshop will count toward
participation points in your required UNI 220 course. Register online at https://tutoring.asu.edu/pass.
For questions about the PASS program contact 480-965-9072.
 Freshman students are further encouraged to meet at least five times with an academic mentor
during their first semester of probation. Find a mentor at https://tutoring.asu.edu/academic-mentor.
 Freshman students who attend a PASS workshop, meet with a mentor at five times, and pass the
UNI220 course will be eligible for an additional probationary term even if they are disqualified.
Repeating Courses – Undergraduate courses taken at ASU may be repeated for credit if the grade of
mark of “D” or “E” is received. Students are limited to repeating a total of 12 ASU credit hours for grade
replacement. Courses must be repeated at ASU for the deletion of “D” or “E” grades from GPA
NOTE: Students who were enrolled at ASU prior to fall 2008 have a different repeat for credit policy.
Contact your ASU academic advisor for details on this policy.
Achieving Good Standing – Once my cumulative ASU GPA (only classes completed at ASU) meets the
requirement for academic good standing after a fall or spring term, I will be off probation. If my semester
term GPA is 2.00 or above, but my cumulative ASU GPA is below academic good standing, then I will be
continued on probation and can take classes the following semester.
Understanding Disqualification
If a student’s fall or spring term GPA and cumulative GPA are below 2.00 after being placed on probation,
they will be disqualified from the university. After disqualification, students are administratively dropped
from any fall or spring courses that appear on their schedule.
 Students have the option to submit a written appeal to the college. An appeal should state the
circumstances leading to disqualification, how these circumstances will be overcome in the future,
and a plan for improvement in the following semester.
 After completing the Disqualification Appeal Form, I can submit it to clas@asu.edu or in person at
Fulton Center 110. The deadline to appeal disqualification for the current semester is listed on the
CLAS website.
 Students who do not fulfill the conditions of their Probation Success Plan are not eligible to appeal
 If an appeal is denied or not submitted by the deadline, the student will not be able to attend the
university for at least one academic year.
Critically Tracked Courses
Students must successfully complete all critical courses indicated on their major map to continue in their
program. Critically tracked courses are required to ensure successful progress towards graduation.
Probation Success Plan
Strategies & Resources
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic Success Strategies
 Collect all syllabi and put class day/time and due dates in a planner
 Attend class! Sit in the reverse T area of the classroom,
 Meet your instructors!
o Go to your instructor’s office hours and introduce yourself.
 Participate in study sessions
o https://tutoring.asu.edu/studygroups
 Seek Transitional Advising
 Review this Time Management Video and complete this Time Management Workshop
 Complete the Improving Test Performance Workshop
 Complete the Improving Concentration/Memory Workshop
 Complete the SQ3R – Improving Reading Comprehension Workshop
 Complete the Improving Test Performance Workshop
 Find additional Study Guides and Strategies at http://www.studygs.net
 Work through the ASU Career Guide and then schedule a major and career exploration
appointment with a Career Counselor at https://eoss.asu.edu/cs/hours
University Resources
 Student Success/Tutoring
 Major Exploration
 Career Services
 Financial Aid
 Student Advocacy and Assistance
 Counseling Centers at ASU
 ASU Wellness
 Disability Resource Center