Basic Multiplication and Division K 1 Repeated Content addition 2 3 4 5 6 Multiplication/ Division Multiplication/ Division Multiplication/ Division Multiplication/ Division -Demonstrate, explain, model multiplication of 2 digit numbers (with 1 digit multiplier) with and without regrouping -Demonstrate, explain, model simple division problems (135 divided 5) -Demonstrate, explain relationship between multiplication and division (inverse) -Demonstrate, explain, model associative, commutative property of multiplication -Demonstrates and produces common factors & multiples of whole numbers -Product, quotient, factors, multiples -Recognize and recall basic multiplication facts with fluency -Recognize Multiplication/ Division of fractions and decimals -Demonstrate, explain, and model that a fraction is a division problem -Demonstrate, explain, and model multiplication by a 2 digit number, and division by a 1 digit number with and without remainders -Demonstrate, explain, and model the identity, zero, and distributive properties of multiplication -Explain by modeling the steps needed to solve multiplication problems up to 2 and 3 digits -Explain by modeling the steps needed to solve division problems with 2 digit divisors with and without remainders as fractions -Multiply mixed numbers -Convert from ratio, percent, fractions, and decimals -Solve proportions -Express remainder as a decimal -Divide mixed numbers -Calculate percent to solve problems in real world situations -Divide, multiply rational numbers using the rules of exponents -Calculate percents of increase/ decrease in real world situations -Multiplication and division of integers in real world situations -Divisor, remainder, dividend, multiplier, multiplicand, distributive identity, zero properties of multiplication -Demonstrates an -Demonstrate an understanding of the steps needed to solve multiplication problems up to 2 and 3 digits -Demonstrate an -Proportions -Multiply fractions -Identify the relationship between ratio, percent, fractions, and decimals -Identify proportions -calculate, percent of increase/decrea se, sales tax, commission, mark-up -Divide fractions -Calculate percent to solve problems Complex -Explaining and modeling basic processes of repeated addition. -Use concrete materials to investigate situations that relate to multiplication and division (equal groups, share equally) -Explains, models and solves simple multiplication and division problems -Model and explain notational representations (4x5=20, 4 groups of 5 equals 20) Simple -Repeated addition, sharing -Demonstrate and understand the basic processes of repeated addition. -Use concrete multiplication, division, rectangular array -Demonstrates an understanding of simple multiplication and division problems 7 8 Basic Multiplication and Division materials to investigate situations that relate to multiplication and division (equal groups, share equally) -Demonstrates an understanding of notational representations (4x5=20, 4 groups of 5 equals 20) and recall basic division facts with fluency -Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division (inverse) -Demonstrate an understanding of associative, commutative property of multiplication -Identify common factors & multiples of whole numbers understanding that a fraction is a division problem -Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication by a 2 digit number, and division by a 1 digit number with and without remainders -Identity, zero, and distributive properties of multiplication -Identify the identity, zero, and distributive properties of multiplication understanding of the steps needed to solve division problems with 2 digit divisors with and without remainders as fractions -Express remainder as a fraction -Identify and recall the rules of exponents -Calculate percents of increase/ decrease -Multiplication and division of integers