GEOMETRICAL MODEL OF ICOSAHEDRAL QUASICRYSTAL: CONSTRUCTION OF QUASIPERIODIC LATTICE BY MEANS OF SYMMETRY OPERATIONS A.A. Polyakov South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia A method for construction in three dimensions of quasiperiodic structure with icosahedral symmetry of icosahedra of two types is offered. Main feature of the method is an application of symmetry operations (action of planes and axes of symmetry). Also deflation rules for the structure has been formulated. The icosahedra linear size of one type are in times more the size of the others (= 2 cos 36º = 1.618 — golden mean). All the icosahedra have the same orientation, neighbouring icosahedra of an identical type share an edge, and the icosahedra of a different type can touch each other by vertices. A notion of a compound star – convexo-concave dodecahedron is used for the not conflicting description of the structure. The nucleus of this star is a compound icosahedron, constructed as 13-atomic Mackey's icosahedron. The structure consists of the compound stars, and the petals of these stars can be crossed. Each icosahedron in the field of crossing belongs simultaneously to the several stars. The small to large amount ratio of icosahedra in this structure is close to 3 : 1 that corresponds to 81 % of small icosahedra. INTRODUCTION Authors of discovery of quasicrystals (1) have suggested structural model of icosahedral quasicrystals in which one size regular icosahedra are connected. All the icosahedra are oriented uniformly and can share the edges with neighbours. In eighties (2) similar models named "icosahedral glass" were used in which icosahedra are connected by vertices, by sides also. Nowadays popular geometrical models are based on Penrose tilings in a plane (3), and in three dimensions (4). Diffraction investigations of icosahedral quasicrystals structure (5) had shown existence of icosahedral atomic clusters. The structures was geometrically described in two ways: 1) clusters was built by means of atomic decoration of three dimensional Penrose tiles; 2) rules of cluster deflation was formulated on basis of the cluster strucure. The structure obtained by cluster deflation has pores and additional rules for filling the pores are necessary. So there are two main geometrical approaches to building regular quasiperiodic structures: tiles — closely adjoin structural elements — and clusters with elements, having space between each other. Recently a new approach (6) to constructing quasiperiodic lattice has been offered. It was offered to exploit one sort of units (decagons) in a plane, which can both touch and overlap each other. After the deflation the overlapped decagons does not conflict with each other. The property of building units coincidence in overlapped area after deflation we shall name as "mutual transparency". We have offered a method of building quasiperiodic lattice in a plane by means of symmetry operation (7). The construction process is accompanied by forming of mutually overlapped clusters, e.i. clusters having property of mutual transparency. 720 PROPERTIES OF THE MODEL The goal of this paper is to present new approach to geometric constructing of quasiperiodic icosahedral structure. The main construction elements are regular icosahedra of two types - i and i, linear size of i in times greater than i size(2 cos 36° = 1.618 — golden mean). All the icosahedra are oriented equally, the same Figure 1. Composite icosahedron i(I) and stellated icosahedron Z. icosahedra can share an edge and the ones of different type can touch each other by vertices. Composite 13-element icosahedron i(I) is a basis cluster which consists of icosahedron i located at the cluster's centre (further — b0 structure element) and of twelve i (а0 elements), which are touch all the vertices of the b0 element. Each icosahedron а0 has five common edges with neighbour icosahedra — а0 elements. The deflation of such clusters will bring to pores formation. How it can be avoided? Let us look at cavity in i(I), it has a form of stellated icosahedron (convexoconcave dodecahedron) (Fig.1). If in deflation process one should changed the icosahedra not by composite icosahedra, but by composite stellated icosahedra, having nucleus in form of i(I), then crossing petals of these stars would densely fill up all the space and pores would not appear. The composite stellated icosahedron Z(I) consists of the following parts (Fig.2): a) nucleus — i(I), consisting of b0 and 12 а0 elements; b) 30 b1 elements of structure — iicosahedra, edges of which touches the edges of i(I), i.e. vertices of b1 touches vertices of two а0; c) 20 a1 elements — i, its vertices are coincide with vertices of three b1 elements; d) 30 b2 elements — i, touching vertices of two a1 elements. Let us consider location of the structure elements. The centres of а0 are situated at the points Ri = ( + 1) ei, here ei — 12 vectors, pointed from centre to all vertices of i icosahedron — b0 element. Location of b1 is correspondent to vectors rb1 = Ri + Rj, where Ri, Rj are neighbour vectors similar to shown above. Situation of 721 Figure 2. Composite stellated icosahedron Z(I): 1 — а0 structural units, 2 — а0 and b1, 3 — а0, b1 and a1, 4 — а0, b1, a1 and b2 structural units, 5 — part of Z(I). a1 are described by vectors ra1 = Ri + Rj + Rk, where Ri, Rj, Rk are neighbours and vector rb2 = Ri + Rj + Rk + Rl corresponds to b2 elements, where vectors Ri, Rj, Rk and Rj, Rk, Rl are neighbours. In a composite star Z(I), the а elements are the i icosahedra and the elements of a b type are absent. In a cluster Z(II), the a elements are the stars Z(I), the elements of a b type correspond to the iicosahedra. The stars nuclei sizes increase in times in a sequence i, i, Z(I), Z(I), Z(II), Z(II), … CONSTRUCTING BY MEANS OF SYMMETRY OPERATIONS The approach to constructing quasiperiodic lattice in a plane by means of symmetry operations (7) may be used for creation of quasiperiodic structure in three dimensions. Let us build the Z(I): 1. Twenty mirror planes do simultaneously on central star — Z, all the planes touch the outer edges of the star (Fig.3). As a result we shall get 20 Z star — b1 elements. 2. The b0, b1 petals surround cavities having form of i icosahedra — а0 nuclei. Symmetry axes of the b0 and b1 cross in the а0, a1 centres. We shall guess that in these points Z — а0 and a1 elements will be created. 722 Figure 3. Action of mirror planes on a b0 structure element. 3. Symmetry axes and mirror planes of a1 pairs cross in points, which correspond to b2 elements. Also we shall guess, that in these points Z stars — b2 elements are created. So there is complete composite Z(I) cluster, consisting of 32 i and 61 i. If i, i to replace by Z, Z stars then Z(I) would have form of stellated icosahedron plus some extra volume, which occupy petals of Z, Z. The building of Z(I) cluster by means of symmetry operations from Z we shall call as "opening of a star" on the analogy with two dimension variant (7). The further growth (Z(I) -> Z(III)) is like previous one but the operation "closing of the star" will appear: 1. By the action of mirror planes to b0 element (Z(I)) the b1 will appear. 2. The b0, b1 petals surround cavities in form of nuclei of Z(II) — а0 element. For the fill of the cavities the "closing of the star" is used, which operates in opposite direction with "opening of a star". The Z is formed at а0, a1 centres by the operation "closing of the star". 3. The b2 element will be formed in the way analogues to the formation of b2 in Z(I) star. It should be noted that the а0 forming is limited by the mirror planes which divide pairs of touching а0 icosahedra nuclei, i.e. the growth of each а0 star petals will be limited by the planes. Deflation rules for discussing structure have been formulated. The Z(N) star consists of Z(N – 1), Z(N – 1) stars and the Z(N) star consists of Z(N – 1), Z(N – 2) stars. The deflation is simply increasing of number N by one. There no problem in replacement Z(N) by Z(N+1) and Z (N) by Z (N+1) for all elements of structure but the а0. The deflation of composite star, which touch neighbour by an edge of its nucleus, have been changed: mirror plane, dividing neighbours, cuts off all the element's icosahedra, lying on opposite side from the nucleus of the element. In all the other cases intersection of composite star petals does not bring to inconsistency: in the 723 region of intersection the icosahedra from different stars coincide (property of mutual transparency). In order to estimate composition, the recursion formulae for icosahedra counting in section of the structure has been derived. It is found that amount ratio of i to i in section N1:N = 2:1. The section of i corresponds to the layer, in which the i icosahedra centres are situated, its thickness in times greater than the i section layer thickness. Because of it, amount of i icosahedra in volume is increasing in times, i.e. N1:N = 3:1 or 81% of i icosahedra. Our approach is related to "icosahedra glass" (2), but the first is completely regular and is cluster one. The constructing by symmetry operations is a novel method, it allow to confirm consistency of obtained quasiperiodic structures. The two types icosahedra, which sizes are different in times, has not been used for constructing of quasiperiodic lattices earlier, at the same time such icosahedra arrangement of atoms were observed in experimental investigations of approximants (8). The building with help of two types icosahedra is very flexible, so modelling of periodic lattice with twinnings, having a global icosahedral symmetry, can be performed also. REFERENCES 1. Shechtman D, Blech I, Gratias D, and Cahn J W: 'Metallic phase with long-range orientational order and no translational symmetry'. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1984, 53(20), 1951 — 1953. 2. 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