Development and Alumni Relations - Your Manchester Online

Alumni Association China Questionnaire
Please help The University of Manchester Alumni Association China serve you better by completing
the following questionnaire.
Name:……………………………………………………..Membership card number:………………………………….
Degree details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Email Address:…………………………………………. Telephone number: ………………………………………….
What is your interest in The University of Manchester Alumni Association China?
Please tick more than one if applicable
Social reasons
Business reasons
A desire to help The University of Manchester
Other (please specify)
What type of alumni event interests you? Please tick more than one if applicable
Social events/informal gatherings (receptions, dinners, wine-tasting etc)
Professional networking events for job networking, professional/business exchange
Sporting or cultural events incorporating a pre or post event gathering
A talk or lecture given by academics or senior staff from The Unviersity fo Manchester
Attending committee meetings for The Unviersity of Manchester Alumni Association China
Other (please specify)
What time is most convenient for you? Please tick more than one if applicable
Week day evening
Weekend evenings
Week daytime
Weekend daytime
How often would you like to meet?
Semi - annually
In which city/region would you like to meet?
Hong Kong
Other (please specify)
Are you interested in being an active member of the Alumni Association in China and if so in what
way? Please tick more than one if applicable
Help organise alumni events and activities in China
Help with communications for the group such as newsletters or the website
Welcome and orientate alumni who are visiting or newly re-located to the area
Help new graduates with career advice and how to find jobs locally
Volunteer to help The University of Manchester International Office staff during recruitment events
Help to keep addresses up to date for alumni in the area
Arrange membership benefits for alumni in China such as discounts with commercial companies
Fund a scholarship for a student from China to study at The University of Manchester
Other (please specify)
Is there any additional information that is important or useful to share?
Please return this questionnaire to Mr Lin Haijie (Colin) the representative for The University of
Manchester Alumni Association China via email: