problem solving - California State University, Northridge

Problem Solving: Con
Problem solving is the most important goal
in the teaching of science. Dissenting viewpoint
John C. Olson
California State University, Northridge
Problem Solving: Con
This paper refutes the claim that problem solving is the most important goal in the teaching of
science. While problem solving is an important skill and should be one of the goals of science
education, it is not the most important goal. The nature of science is multifaceted and it
involves many different methodologies to pursue knowledge. Science education depends on
proper alignment with the nature of science ideals. Students learn in many different ways, and
science is studied in many different ways. From observation, to investigation, to data mining,
learning science takes no formal route or process to reach its end, but rather depends on the
insight, background and creativity of the learner. The arguments in this paper come from a
wide spectrum of literature and present science goals and values from many perspectives.
Problem Solving: Con
Problem solving is the most important goal
in the teaching of science. Dissenting viewpoint
It would be difficult to support any claim that problem solving is not an important goal
in teaching and learning science. Scientists by their very nature are problem solvers. This
paper contests the viewpoint that problem solving is the most important goal in the teaching of
To understand the goals of science teaching, one should first look at the nature of
science. Rutherford and Ahlgren (1990) emphasized that “there simply is no fixed set of steps
that scientists always follow, no one path that leads them unerringly to scientific knowledge”
(p.3). If this axiom is accepted throughout the scientific community, then it must be accepted
in science education. The viewpoint that problem solving is the most important goal in
teaching science goes directly against this statement. In a document from North Carolina State
Department on understanding the nature of science, the writers emphasized that “Learning to
view the world scientifically means to ask questions about nature, seek explanations, collect
and measure things, make observations, organize information and discuss findings with
others.” (North Carolina State Dept., 2003, p.4) Science learning, like science itself, is a
multi-faceted endeavor.
Process Skills
Process skills are among the essential basics for collecting and understanding scientific
knowledge. Ango (2002) stated that “expertise in science process skills is a basic and integral
part of having efficient science teaching skill.” (Ango, 2002, p.11). She further states that,
Experiences for school students in their guided study of science should include
experiences which promote process skills, such as measuring, observing, classifying
and predicting. These skills are critical for the development of a worthwhile and
fruitful understating by students of scientific concepts and propositions. These
experiences are also critical for achieving expertise in the meaningful use of scientific
Problem Solving: Con
procedures for problem solving and for applying scientific understanding to ones own
life. (Ango, 2002, p.12)
Ango’s view on process skills demonstrates the importance of these basics to support
higher level skills, including problem solving. No one approach is superior, they are all
interrelated. The nature of science addresses this same idea.
Sooner or later, the validity of scientific claims is settled by referring to observations of
phenomena. Hence, scientists concentrate on getting accurate data. Such evidence is
obtained by observations and measurements taken in situations that range from natural
settings (such as a forest) to completely contrived ones (such as the laboratory). To
make their observations, scientists use their own senses, instruments (such as
microscopes) that enhance those senses, and instruments that tap characteristics quite
different from what humans can sense (such as magnetic fields). Scientists observe
passively (earthquakes, bird migrations), make collections (rocks, shells), and actively
probe the world (as by boring into the earth's crust or administering experimental
medicines) (Rutherford and Ahlgren, 1990, p.3).
The statement above underscores the importance of a strong foundation of scientific
knowledge in order to pursue higher levels of learning. But beyond a strong foundation in
process skills, there are other areas of equal importance to the teaching of science.
Scientists need to be communicators of knowledge. Teaching students how to
communicate what they have learned is a goal that was often addressed in the literature. Ango
(2002) argued that “communication is a critical aspect of scientific investigation,” and that
“without it, scientific investigation would be pointless” (p.17). From another perspective,
Heywood (2002) proposed that “developing meaningful explanation could therefore be
considered the core enterprise of both scientific endeavor as well as personal learning in
science” (p.234).
Heywood also sited a study by Pfundt and Duit which indicated that
meaningful explanation “is the principle task in pedagogy.” Communication is essential to the
continuation of science education. Rutherford and Ahlgren (1990) noted that “because of the
Problem Solving: Con
social nature of science, the dissemination of scientific information is crucial to its progress”
Goals to be addressed in education
Longbottom and Butler (1999) posed the question “what sort of science education
should we have and what should its goals be” (p.486)? They further speculated that teachers
must regularly ask themselves, “what do I teach in my science lesson today and how should I
teach it” (p.473)? Bryce & MacMillan (2005) implied that “specialist secondary science
teachers would probably describe their main task as helping students to learn new ideas and
explanations regarding natural phenomena” (p.739).
Longbottom, & Butler (1999) addressed these questions in their research and came up
with 3 major aims of science education.
The first aim is that children should understand that scientists are successful in
developing understanding the world even though they do not have a fail-safe method,
but that science is fallible” (p.486). The second aim is that children should
acknowledge scientific knowledge as the best we have, and therefore accept that it is
rational to trust in expert knowledge (thus limiting skepticism to a justified level)
(p.487). The third aim is that children should adopt many of the critical and creative
attributes of scientists (giving students the skills to take seek and evaluate evidence and
to take part in reasoned debate (p.487).
The most compelling statement from their research argued that “because science
education is likely to be in competition with manifold unscientific and antiscientific forces in
both formal and informal education, the onus is on science educators to teach in a manner that
captures the imagination and reveals both the fascination of the known and the challenge of the
unknown” (Longbottom, & Butler, 1999, p.473). This can not be done by making problem
solving the most important goal in science, but from a well rounded science education where
problem solving is one of the components.
Problem Solving: Con
Scientific inquiry
When problem solving is addressed in a scientific inquiry approach, there are some
concerns raised regarding its effectiveness. Learning materials recently developed that
incorporate an inquiry approach to learning have some drawbacks. The NSTA stated that even
though the materials (generation 2) take an inquiry based approach, “an important
characteristic—and shortcoming—of Generation 2 materials is that they do not explicitly
provide instruction that will help students learn about scientific inquiry itself” (Teaching
Science in the 21st Century, 2006). The article further stated that “knowledge about science as
inquiry was not one of the intended learning goals. With newer materials, an implicit and
incorrect assumption exists that doing inquiry results in learning about inquiry”
If doing inquiry does not result in learning about inquiry, then it seems reasonable to
consider that doing problem solving does not result in learning about problem solving.
Problem solving is a skill that should be taught throughout a student’s education across all
disciplines, as it is an invaluable skill. Problem solving is not the most important goal in
science education. It does not fully address the full range of required process skills, the
common knowledge base, and the communication that must go on in science. Problem solving
is one of many important goals in science education, but it cannot address all of the aspects of
the nature of science.
Problem Solving: Con
Ango, M. L. (2002). Mastery of science process skills and their effective use in the
teaching of science: An educology of science education in the Nigerian context.
International Journal of Educology, 16(1), 11-30. Retrieved April 15, 2007, from ERIC
Bryce, T., & MacMillan, K. (2005). Encouraging conceptual change: The use of
bridging analogies in the teaching of action-reaction forces and the "at rest" condition
in physics. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 737-763. Retrieved April
14, 2007, from ERIC database.
Heywood, D. (2002). The place of analogies in science education. Cambridge Journal of
Education, 32(2), 233-247. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from ERIC database.
Longbottom, J. E., & Butler, P. H. (1999). Why teach science? setting rational goals for
science education. Science Education, 83(4), 473-492. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from
ERIC database.
North Carolina State Dept. of Public Instruction, Raleigh. Understanding the nature of
science (2003). Retrieved April 10, 2007, from ERIC database.
Rutherford F.J. and Ahlgren, A. (1990). The Nature of Science.
Science for all Americans Online. Retrieved April 21 from
Teaching Science in the 21st Century: An Evolutionary Framework for Instructional
Materials. NSTA WebNews Digest: NSTA 2006-09-01 - NSTA Reports.