Guidelines on the CSU Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Version 2.0 TRIM file number 05/XXXX Short description Guidelines on the Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Relevant to All employees of CSU Approved by Executive Director, Human Resources Responsible officer Executive Director, Human Resources Responsible office Division of Human Resources Date introduced 5 November, 2004 Date(s) modified 16 December, 2005, November 2010 Next scheduled review date December, 2012 Related University documents Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Related legislation Key words guidelines, graduate certificate, postgraduate studies, leadership, management, professional development, career development Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 1 1. PURPOSE 1.1. These guidelines describe how to apply for and select applicants for the Charles Sturt University (CSU) Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management (GCULM) course. 1.2. The GCULM provides Charles Sturt University (CSU) staff with the opportunity to broaden their scholarship and understanding of leadership and management and of the higher education context in which they work, and further develop their leadership and management practice. 2. ELIGIBILITY The GCULM course is open to all employees of CSU who: 3. (a) hold a Bachelor's Degree (or are able to demonstrate an equivalence gained through education, training and/or experience); (b) hold a full-time or fractional continuing appointment, or a full-time or fractional fixed term appointment of at least three (3) years’ duration; (c) are currently in a leadership or management position (or are able to demonstrate potential for leadership or management within their workplace). This will normally be considered to be employees at or above HEW Level 7 and Academic Level B; (d) are able to demonstrate that their participation in the program will be of benefit to the University and to their career. This will be evidenced by a written statement from the applicant,which will also be endorsed by the employee’s immediate supervisor; (e) are supported in their application for entry into the program by their current Executive Director or Dean. This will be evidenced by a statement of support from the Executive Director or Dean, outlining how participation in the program will be of benefit to the University; and (f) have identified and gained agreement from a suitable mentor/supervisor to provide guidance and support during the workplace-based learning project. APPLICATION PROCESS 3.1 Two (2) months prior to the commencement of the first session in which the GCULM will be run during any particular year, the Division of Human Resources will place a “What’s New” notice outlining the (a) opening date for applications (b) closing date for applications (c) notification of application results Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 2 3.2 4. ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4.1 5. Applications are to be submitted on the prescribed Application Form. The membership of the Advisory Committee shall comprise of a nominee: (a) of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administrative) – this person shall be the Presiding Officer of the Advisory Committee; (b) from the Faculty of Commerce; (c) of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration); and (d) of the Organisational and People Capability Directorate. This person shall also act as the Executive Officer). 4.2 If the committee does not contain a member of each gender, then the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administrative) may add an academic staff member of the required gender. 4.3 Nominated committee members shall serve for periods of two (2) years. 4.4 The Advisory Committee shall be responsible for: (a) evaluating applications from across CSU on a competitive basis and in accordance with the selection criteria; (b) recommending applications Vice-Chancellor (Administration) for approval; (c) providing feedback, on request, to unsuccessful applicants after the public announcement of the successful applicants; and (d) arranging for unsuccessful applicants to be counselled by their supervisor (if needed). SELECTION CRITERIA 5.1 Applications shall be evaluated in relation to the following selection criteria: (a) meeting the eligibility requirements (see clause 2 of these guidelines); (b) endorsement from the applicant’s Dean/Executive Director and support from his/her immediate supervisor; (c) the quality of the application; (d) ensuring a balance of general and academic staff at different levels as well as cross-campus representation; and (e) ensuring that a range of discipline and occupational areas are represented. Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 3 5.2 6. A total of up to fifteen (15) applications will be recommended for entry per subject intake. APPROVAL PROCESS 6.1 6.2 When recommending applications to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), the Advisory Committee shall verify that: (a) applications have been submitted in the required format; (b) applicants meet the eligibility requirements (as specified in clause 2) and selection criteria (as specified in clause 5); and (c) the scheme’s total budget for the year will not be exceeded. The role of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) in the approval process involves: (a) determining approvals; (b) advising successful and unsuccessful applicants; and (c) arranging a public announcement of the successful applicants. Table of amendments Version number 2.0 Date 16/12/2005 Short description of amendment Guidelines reformatted into new CSU style. Sub-clause 5.1 – 3 new selection criteria added. 3.0 14/11/2010 Due to alternate sessions during which applications will be received, changes have been made to remove specific details. Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 4 Title: Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Version 1.0 TRIM file number 05/XXXX Short description Application form for the Graduate Certificate in university Leadership and Management Relevant to All employees Approved by Executive Director, Human Resources Responsible officer Executive Director, Human Resources Responsible office Division of Human Resources Date introduced 5 November, 2004 Date(s) modified November 2010 Next scheduled review date December, 2012 Related University documents Guidelines on Graduate Certificate in University Leadership in and Management Related legislation Key words application, graduate certificate, postgraduate studies, leadership, management, professional development, career development Table of amendments Version number 2.0 Date Short description of amendment 15 November 2010 Simplification of wording 15 November 2010 Addition of section for endorsement of Director / Head of School (if not immediate supervisor) Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 5 Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form The personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). Provision of this information is a requirement of participation in CSU's Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management. Access to the information you provide is available to yourself, your supervisor and Executive Director/Dean and those persons authorised to access the information in the course of their duties to Charles Sturt University. This document will be stored in the Division of Human Resources, Wagga Wagga. PART 1 Applicant’s name: Staff Number: Division/Section or Faculty/School CSU campus or site Contact telephone number E-mail address: ELIGIBILITY (refer to clause 2 in the guidelines) Details of Educational Qualifications 1 Current position: 2 Substantive Level of Appointment: Acting Level of Appointment (if applicable) Type of Appointment: Mentor’s Name Continuing fractional time Continuing full-time Fixed term of at least 3 years’ duration - fractional time Fixed term of at least 3 years’ duration - full time 3 Mentor’s Position 1 If you are applying without the recognised qualifications, please attach a separate statement outlining your equivalent level of experience gained through education, training and/or experience. 2 If you are not currently in a leadership or management position, please attach a separate statement outlining how you will have the opportunity to exercise leadership or management responsibility within your workplace. 3 You must have identified and gained agreement from a suitable mentor/supervisor to provide guidance and support during the workplace-based learning project. (refer to clause 2 (f) of the guidelines) Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 6 I have attached a current CV and a statement (maximum of 500 words) outlining how my participation in the GCULM will enhance my performance and my contribution to the workplace and the University (Refer to clause 2 (d) of the guidelines.) Applicant’s signature:_____________________________ Date: ______________ ========OOOOOOOOOOO======= STATEMENT BY IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Please comment on the value of this application for entry into the GCULM with regard to the applicant’s professional development, goals of the workplace and the relationship to the applicant’s performance management plan. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Please comment on the applicant’s potential contribution to achieving Divisional, Faculty and/or University goals and/or priorities as specified in strategic planning documents. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Please comment on the value of enrolment in the GCULM towards the applicant’s professional development. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I endorse this application (please circle). YES NO Signature of Immediate Supervisor: ___________________ Printed name:____________________________________Date: __________ Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 7 ENDORSEMENT BY DIRECTOR / HEAD OF SCHOOL (If not immediate supervisor) I endorse this application (please circle). YES NO Signature of Director / Head of School: ___________________ Printed name:____________________________________Date: __________ ENDORSEMENT BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR / DEAN (If not immediate supervisor) I endorse this application (please circle). YES NO Signature of Executive Director / Dean: ___________________ Printed name:____________________________________Date: __________ APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Meet Eligibility Requirements CV Statement as to benefit of GCULM to applicant, workplace and the University Endorsement of application by: Immediate supervisor Director / Head of School Executive Director / Dean Applicants should forward their completed form and associated documentation to: Manager Learning and Development, Human Resources, David Asimus Court, Wagga Wagga. Please refer to the website for closing date for receipt of applications Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management Application Form Last Reviewed: October 2011 Page 8