Music Theory 101 Syllabus

Ohio University School of Music
Music Theory 101
Fall 2004 Call Number: 4760 Time/Location: 10:10-11:00 am, MWF Rm. 550 Jason Roland Smith, Instructor; 593-1620; Studio 395
Office Hours 9–10 am
Required Materials
Kostka, Stephan and Dorothy Payne. Tonal Harmony, Fifth Edition. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2003. 2.
Staff Paper 8.5x11
3. Pencil with eraser (work submitted on other sizes or not
completed in pencil will not be accepted)
Course Philosophy
Music 101 is the first of a series of three courses designed to acquaint the freshman music
major with the underlying grammar and syntax of musical structure, and to prepare him
or her to perceive that structure with both the ear and the eye. During this quarter,
emphasis is placed on the basics of musical notation, tonal melodic structures, and the
fundamentals of functional tertian harmony.
Expected Competencies
By the end of the quarter, the following competencies with written skills and analysis are
Music notation fundamentals and ability to produce clean, legible pencil
Fluency in all clefs
Familiarity/Fluency with major and minor scales/keys as well as other types of
scale formations (pentatonic, octatonic, chromatic, blues)
Interval recognition and construction; interval inversion
Fundamental fluency in rhythmic and metric aspects
Triads and Seventh Chords
Fundamental part writing skills
Fluency with introductory pop and jazz chord symbols
Evaluation and Professionalism
Grades will be based on the following (Total 100%):
Assignments 10% Midterm Exam 20% Four Chapter Quizzes 40%
Final Exam 30%
Students are highly encouraged to maintain possession of all graded assignments,
quizzes, and tests.
Grading Scale
A 94–100
B+ 87–89
C 73–76 A- 90–93
B 83–86
C+ 77–79
C- 70–72
Attendance: Three absences are allowed, regardless excused or unexcused. Each
additional absence past three will lower your final grade half a letter.
Tardiness must be avoided. Three instances are allowed, additional tardiness will be
counted as absences.
Exams/Quizzes: Students who are not present for exams or quizzes will receive a zero
for that exam unless arrangements are made in advance. No additional time will be given
for tardiness.
Assignments: Assignments will not be accepted later than one class meeting after the
original scheduled due date. No exceptions will be granted. Assignments that are turned
in late will be penalized one letter grade.
Plagiarism: Students who duplicate or utilize another’s work on exams, quizzes,
assignments, etc. will automatically fail this course and referred to student judiciaries.
Course Schedule
September 8-17
Fundamentals in Music Notation; Major and Minor Scales/Key Signatures; Intervals
Quiz No. 1 September 17
September 20-October 1 Fundamentals in Rhythm and Meter; Organization and Notation
Review for midterm on October 1 MIDTERM Examination Monday October 4
October 6-15
Triad and Seventh Chords construction and analysis; Fundamentals with Figured Bass;
Pop Chord Analysis
Quiz No. 2 Friday October 15
October 18-October 29 Chord Function and Analysis
Quiz No. 3 Friday October 29
November 1-November 12 Fundamentals with Voice Leading/Part Writing
Quiz No. 4 Wednesday November 10
Review for Final Examination on Friday November 12 and Monday November 15
Final Examination: Thursday, November 18, at 10:10 a.m.