Corrigendum of Minutes of Emergent Meeting of NRC held at hotel “The Cameron” New Delhi from 20-22 April 2011 The decision inadvertently mentioned at Sl No. 26 in respect of A.P. S. Shikshan , Rajasthan Mahavidalaya , B-173-174, Vinobha Bhave Nagar, Nursery Circle, Vaishali Nagar , Jaipur ( File No. RJ1256) ( Course B.Ed. ) in the Minutes of Emergent Meeting of NRC held at hotel “The Cameron” New Delhi from 20-22 April 2011 be read as follows: 26 RJ-1256 A.P.S SHIKSHAN RASHIKSHAN MAHAVIDYALAYA B-173174, VINOBHA BHAVE NAGAR, NURSERY CIRCLE, VAISHALI NAGAR, JAIPUR B.ED. In compliance to the Order dated 06.10.2010 of the Hon’ble High Court of Jaipur in W. 10251 / 2008, the application of APS Shikshan Prashikshan Mahavidyalay has been considered afresh on ment by accepting the lease document submitted by the institution, after making it a 30 years lease instead of 19 years as submitted earlier. After acceptance of the lease document as valid, as per order of the Hon’ble Court, the visiting team Report in respect of inspection considered on 07.10.2007, the deficiencies as pointed out to the institution vide NRC’s meeting held on 08th to 10th January, 2008 (committed to the institution vide NRC’s letter dated 18.02.208) and reply of the institution dated 18.02.2008, claming that they have removed all the deficiencies has been considered afresh and following observation were made:(i) The institution claimed in its reply that it has purchased all the equipment necessary for its science lab (Science & Maths Education Resources Centre). The institutions have also supported its claim by copies of the stock register. However, no receipts of any purchases and payment made by institution of this account has been submitted. The list of material/equipment submitted by the institution has been perused, No reference has been made by the institution about their entry in the sock register, the copy of the stock register is independent of this list and caries a large no of equipment/apparatus, which are not relevant for teacher training institutions and are apparently the copies of the stock register of a school science departments. The entry in the stock register dates back to the 2004, 2005 and 2006,which is before the institution made the application for recognition.Tthis needs to be seen in the context of the observation of the inspection team that no science lab is available and only limited material of science lab at school only is available”. This needs to be further seen in the context of the observation of the visiting team, ‘the institution has got the inspection done by the building constructed for the existing public school. A perusalof the photograph submitted by the institution further establishes that the institution has no Science and Maths Education Resources Centre. The photographs clearly shows that the equipment/apparition (not in adequate number) has been kept on removable table covered by a table cloth with no permanent fixture, experimental table with associated water arrangement, sink, drainage etc. Moreover, the so prepared lab,for inspection does not have a proper storage capacity to keep equipments, apparatuses and consumables. (ii) The institution claims that it has a well equipment Psychology lab with required test and apparatus. The photograph of the lab submitted by the institution shows display of certain Psychological tests on wooden stools put together, and covered with white cloth. It is contrary to the claim of the institution, which have not provided even proper tables and chairs/stool to work in the Psychology Lab. (iii) Similarly the claim of the institution that it has a Educational technology Lab and Language Lab equipment has not been substantiated through documents. The list of equipment submitted by the institution shows availability of only 4 computers, which is not adequate. The photograph shows that the institution is not having proper computer Labs and matching chairs. The temporary tables arranged for photograph shows that the tables are at a higher level and plastic chairs one at comparatively lower level making the computer totally non- functional. No language lab have been developed and no list of equipment for this lab has been given , despite the claim in the covering letter. The photograph submitted also does not display any language learning equipment and associated Software, CD etc. for this purpose. (2) The reply of the institution claiming that it has a well equipped library with are 3000 books and journals and other library materials is not sustainable in the context of the observation of the visiting team that ‘few number of books were recently purchased and not even packets were open; no accession was carried out. (3) The hurriedly prepared accession register, copies of which has been submitted indicates the date accession of all books on 05.10.2007, whereas the VT observed on 07.10.2007 that there was no accession register. The accession register submitted with details availability of only 425 books, as the required 1000 books on education in a library of teacher training institution. A good number book, out of these 425 books are not related to the discipline of education and are fiction/novels. The photographs of the library also clearly shows that it has no appropriate seating arrangement. The temporary tables with cloth cover and plastic chairs are not part of the library, moreover they provide seating for only 15 students. The institution, library has no photocopier, and computer with internet facility, as required under NCTE Norms. (4) The institution in its reply has not given any documentary evidence that it is not running a school in the building which was got reported by the V.T. Team. The affidavit of the institution that it is not running any institution and only run the proposed teacher training institution in the building cannot be accepted, on its face value and in the context of the observations of the Visiting team (5) The Appellate Committee while considering the appeal of the institution and in its order dated 13.08.2008 inter-alia observed that the institution had only 8000 Sq. Ft. of area available, which is much less than the prescribed norms has been looked into afresh. It is noted from the building plan submitted by the institution that it does not mention any details of built up space and the details of the land where the proposed building was built. The map submitted relates to existing school building with the name Anand public Senior Secondary School. Which contradicts the claim of the institution submitted with an affidavit that it has over 1500 Sq. Meter of built up area. The VT in this regard observed that the institution is to start in rented building in which construction is going on . The vailability of total 800 Sq. Ft. area was mentioned by the institution in its original application. As such, the institution failed to clearly establish that it has adequate build up space as per NCTE Norms. As such the institution be issued a show cause notice, under section 14 (3) (b) of the NCTE before recognition to the proposed B.ED course is refused. The reply of the institution may be referred to the Appellate Authority for further consideration , in view of the order of the Hon’ble cour, which is in the context of the orders of the Appellate Authority. The final decision may be conveyed to the institution after it is seen/endorsed by the appellate Authority.