Accelerated Learning in Exploratory Study BF of all Multiplication Assume: Children have already explored 2s, 5s & 10. Target Students: Children who are unable to recall multiplication facts apart from 2s, 5s & 10s. Focus: To help children develop instant recall of all multiplication basic facts. Suggested Approach A small group (6 max) session with 15 minutes of teaching and 10 practice of memory skills. This programme is over and able classroom mathematics time. Children are identified through NumPA – all strategies and knowledge domain information provided. Theoretical underpinnings Alex Neill – strategisation to memorisation Van de Walle, J. & Lovin, L. (2006) “Teaching student-centered mathematics, grade 3-5” (p.74-99) Hughes, P. (2005). Teaching basic addition facts – leading to part whole thinking. Diagnostic Assessment Teachers will use GLoSS or NumPA to establish group. 7 x 9 = _____ 8 x 4 = _____ ___ x 6 = 42 3 x ___ = 21 Notice: Teachers to look at children answering questions within 3 sec (instant) Initial and final data collected and recorded. On-going information collection: Expert Teacher to keep journal or what works, challenges faced, adjustments made. Modelling book Photos/video clip of children completing tasks Programme structure Structure - students will receive small group teaching over and above mathematics classroom teaching Personnel – AP/AD or 0.2 specialist teacher to take group Role of teacher – to prepare and support key ideas being developed, discussion and monitoring of student progress, communicate to parents, family and whanau Time – 20 minutes daily for ten sessions (two weeks) Size of group – maximum six Location – withdrawal space Lesson structure Each teaching session will have two aspects – one will be the 10 minutes of teaching followed by 10 minutes of memory development activity. Key ideas being developed? Teaching 1 Teach Commutative Properties Use children as numbers to create 3 lines of 4 and then discuss whether they would need more, less or same amount of people when they create 4 lines of 3? Identify if children understand: the amount is the same the picture looks different more columns verse more Rows Take photo to discuss how shape has changed and discuss whether more, less or same number of people were used. Children need to be able to justify their position – prove it – teacher to ensure Memory Development activities The below activities can be explored during any of the teaching steps. Through visualisation tasks children can practice: Make the multiplication fact using multilink cubes, arrays Get children to work in buddies to develop 5 x 6 eg Child A makes the array and shows it quickly to Child B, who then has to make the array in a different way using same number of Counters, Bears etc. Teacher - Children are starting to develop an understanding between picture and equation, word and image, Use fruits in schools to create 3 x 4 and 4 x3 Mix and Match children understand that size is the same but the column/row changes. Support concept with Arrays or Happy Hundreds, multilink cubes, people, any objects (fruit of the day) Revisit: 4 + 4+ 4 = 3 x 4 2. Deriving from known 2, 5 & 10 timetable facts to learn 6, 7, 8 and 9 timetables. Three groups of four 4 + 4+ 4 = 3 (4) Identify facts needed 12 6x6 3x4 6x7 Equipment – Cards with pictures, memory cards, snap. 6x8 6x9 7x7 7x8 7x9 8x8 8x9 9x9 Teacher to use derivative to develop and investigate multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8 and 9 What do we know about the 6 timetable table already Motivation: Use multiplication grid to identify all the facts that children already know using the commutative properties. Discuss how what they know in one timetable can help eliminate the facts in other timetable. Viv Morrisons grid ‘strategies to teach timetables’. Element of competition – give timeframe to learn certain facts and play speed games. Reward quickness and success Multiplication grid game (ecopy in pack) Opportunity for rote learning facts – identify the known facts and learn the unknown. In groups of 3 at a time. Display facts on wall and get children to practice. Chanting and master saying facts out loud. Then in order. For memory not from the chart. Forwards then backwards then out of order. Eg Writing facts 1 x 6 = ____ so Games eg around the world Identify what children really need to learn in multiplication through below task. Any basic facts x games Now using timetables they know work out 6timestables by following the below steps; Squeezie box Folded paper facts - ------- Children create multiplication word problems that other children can do. The only one that is confusing is 6 x 7 so we could link to 7 x 6 is one groups of 6 more than 6 x 6 Equipment 3. Also develop the concept of doubling through emphasising to children the relationship between 2, 4, 8 and 3, 6 and treble to 3 and 9. Teacher to record timetables like they would generally (eg table below) Equipment : Abacus, fly flips, counting sticks, 1x6=6 2 x 6 = 12 3 x 6 = 18 3 x 6 doubled is the same as 6 x 6 2 x 6 doubled is the same as 4 x 6 4 x 6 = 24 5 x 6 = 30 6 x 6 = 36 7 x 6 = 42 8 x 6 = 48 3 x 6 doubled is the 4 x 6 doubled is the same as 8 x 6 Issues/Checklists/things to note: Make explicit links to why facts are important to learn and what the purpose is. Teacher to explore Commutative Properties and it means – children need to understand that multiplication can be learnt in pairs eg 3 x 4 = ___ has a pair which is 4 x 3=____. 3 x 4 = 4 x 3 have the same result but looks different. Be aware that children may start using this concept with division and relating to family facts. Classroom teacher to reinforce withdrawal group with teaching sessions on Book 6 – Turn About that deals with commutative properties and Fly flip - Deriving unknown facts Lesson. Make sure that when we are working in sets, children can see the sets and it is within a frame (SKEMP concept) Reflection/ Plenary – check point to identify next learning steps. Develop home/school partnership through follow up tasks. Kits to practice with tasks in plan. Please ensure that you use these key language: Multiples, product, sum, idea of turn around, commutative, deriving means, compensation.