Number of Boys and Girls Maybury School has 4 classes of girls and boys. Here is a table showing the number of packed lunches and school dinners eaten by Class 4 in a week. Some of the numbers are missing. Copy the table and fill in the missing numbers. Monday Packed Lunch 14 School Dinner 16 Total Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 20 14 17 30 Friday 10 29 27 30 There are different numbers of boys and girls in the school. Design a two-way table to record the number of girls and boys in each class. Use these clues to find the number of boys and girls in each class: There are a total of 114 children in the school. There are 14 girls in Class 2. Class 4 has twice as many girls as Class 2. No class has the same number of children. There are 52 boys in the school in total. In Class 1 there are half as many boys as in Class 2. In Class 2 there are a total of 30 children. In Class 3 there are an equal number of girls and boys. In Class 4 there are 10 boys. The number of boys and girls in the school are different. There are more than 30 pupils in class 4 What if 3 girls joined class 2? What clues would need to be changed? answers This exercise is to check that the pupils understand how to read and interpret two way tables. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Packed Lunch 14 13 20 14 20 School Dinner 16 17 9 13 10 Total 30 30 29 27 30 A similar table is helpful to compile information derived from the clues Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Total Number of Girls Number of Boys Total Some clues allow data to be entered directly into the table: There are a total of 114 children in the school. There are 14 girls in Class 2. There are 52 boys in the school in total. In Class 2 there are a total of 30 children. In Class 4 there are 10 boys. Some clues require deduction and/or calculations based on the totals vertically or horizontally: Class 4 has twice as many girls as Class 2. In Class 1 there are half as many boys as in Class 2. In Class 3 there are an equal number of girls and boys. Some clues are only useful as a check of the final answers: No class has the same number of children. The number of boys and girls in the school are different. There are more than 30 pupils in class 4. The final table is:- Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Total Number of Girls 2 14 18 28 62 Number of Boys 8 16 18 10 52 10 30 36 38 114 Total