Mark Edelmann Scholarship Application

Please consider applying for the Mark Edelmann Scholarship. There is a large amount of funds available.
Application is below or they can be picked up in CH 129. They are due on Friday March 27, 2015.
Student Application Form for the 2015-2016 Award
The Qualifications for this Scholarship:
The Mark Edelmann Scholarship is available to SMSU students majoring in accounting, agribusiness,
finance, management, marketing or computer science. Applicants must be of sophomore or junior
standing by fall semester, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher. To be a recipient of the
scholarship, a student must have provided leadership to improve the quality of life in a community or on
the campus. The leadership position held by the applicant must have been voluntary and without pay. The
organization where the student served as a leader should be dedicated to the improvement of the quality
of life for local citizens or youth. Quality of life improvements include, but are not limited to, the following
examples: youth leadership training, senior citizen assistance, environmental clean-up and education,
citizen training and involvement in the political process and community organizations addressing the
needs of local communities.
Letters of recommendation are required to provide further evidence of leadership activities and
accomplishments. Preference will be given to full time students at SMSU. An applicant must provide
written authorization to release academic course and grade information on his/her official transcript and
current schedule to designated staff. The course information will only be used to officially verify the
applicant's GPA, academic standing (sophomore or junior) and academic status (full or part-time).
The financial need of the applicant is a major consideration in the awarding of this scholarship. If a student
is a recipient of the Mark Edelmann Scholarship in his/her sophomore year, then the student can reapply
for the scholarship in the junior year. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the scholarship
application process.
Mark Edelmann, the grantor of this scholarship, is a1975 alumni of SMSU. He has a keen interest in
SMSU, our programs and our students.
Scholarship Applicant Information:
Today's Date:
Mustang ID:
Local Phone Number:
Local Address:
Academic Major:
Cumulative GPA:
Current Academic Standing:
Anticipated Academic Standing in Fall Semester 2014:
Academic Status:
Full-Time Student
Part-Time Student
(Circle One)
Junior (Circle One)
(Circle One)
Volunteer Leadership Experience(s):
In the space below, indicate your leadership position(s), organization(s), dates and duration of service,
and write an essay that explains how you fulfilled the responsibilities of your position. If you initiated any
new programs or made unique contributions to the organization, please include them in your explanation.
If you had more than one leadership experience, please list those experiences in reverse chronological
order (most recent to least recent).
Leadership Position (title)
Organization (name)
Duration of Service (# of months or years, start date, end date, or ongoing)
Essay Explaining Goals of the Organization and Your Leadership Responsibilities. Activities and
Accomplishments within the Organization:
Earlier Leadership Experiences:
Leadership Position (title)
Organization (name)
Duration of Service (# of months or years, start date, end date)
Essay Explaining Goals of the Organization and Your Leadership Responsibilities. Activities and
Accomplishments within the Organization:
Leadership Position (title)
Organization (name)
Duration of Service (# of months or years, start date, end date)
Essay Explaining Goals of the Organization and Your Leadership Responsibilities. Activities and
Accomplishments within the Organization:
Evidence of Financial Need:
The SMSU Financial Aid Office will be consulted to verify or determine each applicant's level of financial
need. However, please use the space below to personally explain your circumstances with regard to
financial need. Any information you provide below will remain confidential.
Applicant's Authorization to Officially Verify Academic Information:
Applicants must provide a written authorization to release their course and grade information to the faculty
and staff who will evaluate the application. To complete this authorization, the applicant should first read
the statement below. If the applicant agrees with the conditions in the statement below, then he/she
should place his/her signature beneath the statement to indicate his/her authorization:
As an applicant for the Mark Edelmann Scholarship, I authorize the release of my official transcript of
course grades and my current semester schedule to the staff and faculty who are designated to evaluate
my scholarship application. I understand that confidentiality will be exercised by the staff and faculty as
they perform the evaluation. I further understand that the purpose of the course grade examination is to
verify each applicant's GPA, academic standing (sophomore or junior) and academic status (full or part
time student) using official university transcript and schedule information.
(Applicant's Signature)
Letters of Recommendation and Submission of Completed Scholarship Application:
Letters of recommendation can either be attached to this application, or mailed directly to the current chair
of the scholarship selection committee. In the year 2015, student applicants should deliver both the
completed scholarship application form and the recommendation letters to:
Mark Edelmann Scholarship Committee, Charter Hall 129, Southwest Minnesota State University,
1501 State Street, Marshall, MN 56258-I598.
The submission deadline to apply for the Mark Edelmann Scholarship awarded for the 2015-16 academic
year is March 27th, 2015.The completed scholarship application form and letters of recommendation
should be delivered by the deadline if the applicant is to receive full consideration for the award.
Inquiries about the Mark Edelmann Scholarship:
Students who have additional questions about the Mark Edelmann Scholarship can contact the current
chair of the selection committee (see above), or the SMSU Financial Aid Office. The SMSU Financial
Office can be contacted at:
SMSU Financial Aid Office
IL 145
1501 State Street
Marshall, MN 56258-1598
Phone: (507)537-6281
Other required scholarship application materials:
Please contact the SMSU Financial Aid Office at 537-6281 to determine if any other forms or materials are
required to apply for a scholarship at SMSU.
(Scholarship Form Last Revised: 1/2015)