September 22, 2000

SSU Staff Senate
Executive Committee Meeting
September 22, 2000
1. Call to Order - President, Linda Abresch, called the meeting to order at 7:50 a.m. In attendance: Linda
Abresch, Vicky Adeniran, Linda Beall, Mike Burton, Alexis Dashield, Sally Jackson, Ken Kundell, Ross Leisten,
Judy Lowe, Mary Luke, Marylane McGlinchey, Bob Meigel, Heather Milligan, John Shortt, Melanie Stefursky,
Donna Test, Tammy Trivits and Lea Wimbrow. Absent: Tony DAntonio and Vaughn White.
II. Minutes - Motion made by Donna Test and duly seconded that the minutes of the September 8
meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
III. Chairs Report A. Chair attended the Faculty Senate meeting which was held on September 12.
B. Next voter registration training session is set for September.
C. Members of the Provost Search Committee were announced. Gary Grodzicki will serve as staff rep.
D. Chair attended the first meeting of the Presidents Advisory Team held on September 12. The majority
of the agenda appertained to academic matters. Richard Pusey discussed Contingent II Employment
policy. The President invited PAT members to submit agenda items for future meetings.
E. Chair was a guest at the Presidents Investiture dinner on September 19. Linda thanked Dr. DudleyEshbach on behalf of staff for the opportunity for discussion provided during fireside chats/open office
hours as well as the Contingent II policy.
F. Chair read the note she sent to President expressing concern that the Contingent II policy was
written without staff input. The President responded via email and offered her apology for the oversight.
G. Forum Executive Committee will meet on September 27. Linda Abresch, Linda Beall and Mike Burton
will represent the Staff Senate on the Executive Committee.
H. The next Forum meeting will be held on October 3 in Devilbiss Hall.
IV. Reports of Standing Committees A. Membership & Elections - Ross Leisten reported the results of the balloting for Staff Senate
Standing Committees. A total of 97 ballots were returned. Leisten will contact each person
elected to confirm his/her willingness to serve on committees. Leisten will send announcements
regarding election of staff for Forum Standing Committees.
B. Compensation & Benefits - Tammy Trivits reported:
1. HR brochures - Trivits moved the C&B Committee motion that the Executive
Committee support its recommendation that the Committee request Human
Resources to distribute the brochures to employees at least at the time of conversion
and, more appropriately, to all employees of SSU. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Policy on Employee Tuition Waiver - Marylane contacted Dr. Peggy Bibbo to request the
policy for employees eligible for tuition waiver. Bibbo responded to McGlinchey as
follows: (a) currently no grievance policy on the issues related to tuition waiver; (b)
currently no requirement for managers to allow employees to take classes during the day;
(c) currently permission to take classes during the day is left up to the individual employees
supervisor. If the employee and supervisor do not reach agreement, the employee may take
the matter to the next level above the supervisor OR can meet with Dr. Bibbo.
After discussion, it was decided that the C&B Committee will work with HR to develop a written
policy on Employee Tuition Waiver. Consensus was that an employee should submit a written
proposal to his/her supervisor. The supervisor may respond to this proposal; and, if agreement is
not reached, Human Resources will be asked to mediate.
A motion was made by Marylane McGlinchey that the matter be referred back to the C&B
Committee. Motion carried.
3. Contingent II policy - Committee noted its concern that the Staff Senate Executive Committee did
not receive notification of Contingent II policy prior to its release to the entire campus. No
concerns were noted regarding the policy itself.
4. Conversions - Trivits moved that the C&B motion that Staff Senate recommend to HR
that in order for all recently converted employees to fully understand their new benefits, HR
be specific on information provided to these employees and HR take a pro-active approach by
giving informational materials to these employees at the time of conversion. Motion carried.
5. Grants - C&B Committee noted the difference in contracts for Contingent II grant employees
and regular Contingent II employees. Motion made by Tammy Trivits to refer this matter back
to committee. Motion carried.
Communication & Public Relations - The Committee will place ads in the September 27
and October 4 Newsletters and will develop posters to be distributed across campus.
Unfinished business - Chair will submit draft of letter to staff over Presidents signature
encouraging attendance at full Staff Senate meeting. The draft was distributed to Senators
for comment.
New Business A. John Shortt reported that he attended a recent meeting of Student Affairs Committee.
The committee encouraged diversity training for SSU faculty and staff.
B. Members of Committees discussed agenda items for full Staff Senate meeting.
The first meeting of the full Staff Senate will be held on Thursday, October 5th, from 9 - 10 a.m.
in Holloway Hall Auditorium. All Senators are expected to attend.
The next meeting Executive Committee meeting will be held on October 13 at 7:45 a.m.
in Fulton Hall #259.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.